US diplomats' brains were shrunk by sonic attacks at Cuban embassy, study finds

American diplomats’ brains shrunk following an alleged sonic attack on the US Embassy in Cuba, according to a new study.

State-of-the-art imaging of staff members who suffered headaches, nausea and memory loss after hearing mysterious noises reveals “significant” structural changes, scientists have revealed...

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania noticed the whole white matter volume - areas of the central nervous system that affects learning - of the diplomats was roughly five per cent smaller than usual.

Meanwhile the functional connectivity in the auditory network was down approximately 15 per cent.

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got a link to the paper itself?

The day China takes Taiwan, the U.S. should take Cuba.

Interesting technology. They could literally make us retarded at the push of a button.

>roughly five per cent smaller than usual

Than usual what? Human beings? Diplomats? Diplomats based in Cuba? US diplomats based in Cuba?


The problem is

This is fucking weird, if the Cubans had some sort of sonic weapon, why USA don't? And if USA do have same weapon, why aren't they telling the world they are very sure Cubans did it?

>US diplomat
They weren't that big to begin with

How to defend against such an attack?

Didn't these attacks happen in another country as well?

Not a sonic attack.
it's what happens when non-hispanics here salsa music.

In addition, why didn't schizo/conspiracy/paranoid/ people go full "they are brain controlling us" mode?

Might be internal CIA niggering that got out of hand.

This also happened to a us staffer at an american embassy in china.
The chinks are using a weapon that we don't know the deployment method.
Imagine if they start using it outside embassies and start attacking regular people in regular settings such as universities or train stations. Thats a whole lot of brain damaged people.

If they did that you can go all in on us obliterating China with absurd amounts of space based weaponry

>got a link to the paper itself?

Paste url into sci-hub for pdf

Is this the same phenomenon that is causing all of our politicians to be complete retards

Maybe they compared 56% Americans against European controls

Probably outside group testing in Cuba because it would be difficult to investigate there

It was really corn syrup

It's probably from cocaine abuse lmao.

I would propose that the US has had this type of technology for a very long time. Instead of aiming it at large groups of people, however, our technology probably permits the attack to pinpoint certain individuals. Maybe this explains what's wrong with AOC and others like her.

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