What languages do you consider to be the most beautiful, Jow Forums?
Other than my own, which I love, I find Italian, German and Icelandic to be particularly beautiful.
Most beautiful language
French and then Italian.
There is something about how the Austrians speak which is great too. The rest are pretty crap.
English. It’s the only one I know and need
>that image
Portuguese, modern Greeks, and Albanians have so much African/Turk admixture that I don't think you can call them white. I'm actually flabbergasted that Albanians are on there since they worked hand-in-hand with ZOG in the 90s to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of white people and turn it muslim.
Short-headed people are Mongoloids, Slavs, Finno-Ugrics and Turks are not White
Languages I like: Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian
Neutral: Spanish, English, Japanese
Ugly: German, Swedish, French, Polish, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, hebrew, Chinese, anything from Africa really
I also like Dutch, but I'm quite biased in that regard. I also like Swiss German because they speak like us a bit.
Italian is the best sounding one.
Nordic languages are amusing.
Italian sounds the best and Arabic sounds the worst.
God tier: English, latin, Japanese
Good tier: Germanic, Slavic
Meh tier: Italian
Shit tier: French
I'm happy that I'm not the only one that loves Italian. For me it basically sounds like Spanish made right. Very passionate and pleasant for the ears.
I really recommend learning other languages user. I never leave my country yet I speak fluent English, Spanish and Russian.
I personally find it fascinating how different languages allow you to express yourself differently. It gets even more interesting when you notice how cultural traits manifest themselves through linguistics.
Alright user, I think I've seen you a lot in anti-polish threads. Aren't you the same guy who spammed the board with posts about Swedish superiority using an image that showcased the deeds of a "swedish" king with a slavic name? Not all slavs have mongoloid admixture, the same way that not all Spaniards have arabic blood.
Anyway, I posted this picture because I didn't have one more fitting the topic. Let's talk about languages instead of calling each other snowniggers, subhuman slavs and arabic meds
I agree, from what I've heard Arabic is incredibly unpleasant to hear.
No he's a Forest Finn, I am a full blooded Swede
They’re all beautiful and unique. Quit pitting whites against each other.
I'm happy for you user, purity of blood is important.
Spanish made right... cmon dude jaja
Poles are Mongoloids and need to go straight back to Central Asia.
Russian, ukranian and polish are all pretty nice when spoken by fancy types.
I quite like Spanish (not Mexican)
Also gaelic/irish/welsh.
It's easier to point out the worst though - Chinese, Vietnamese, pinoy, Hindi.
Fuck those, and I wish all native speakers of those languages would turn to salt.
Also Yiddish sounds gross, but that might be cos of spending time here.
I'm not pitting anyone against each other, I'm asking for opinions and hoping for a nice discussion. If you read my posts in this thread, I'm encouraging discussion over infighting.
I'm not saying Spanish is "wrong", it's just that Italian sounds more "right" to me because of my background - Polish people have an easier time pronouncing Italian than Spanish. What gives me a lot of difficulty with Spanish is the "z"s, which makes me sound more like a Latin American or a Canarian when I speak it.
japanese sounds very nice desu
Where'd you learn those extra lingos my polish bro?
I want to learn polish, and ya nimnogo govarit po russki already (no ne ochen horosho!)
But I had to learn from vidya and movies since I have no idea where people go to learn languages besides Maori and Chinese here.
Nothing makes my dick harder than a Norwegian woman singing
>southron sissy tongues
And Slavs don't wear haircuts like that
I listen to a lot of Orthodox chants, so I'm a big fan of Greek and Aramaic.
Spanish sounds like Italian if it was spoken by a five-year old who has gone through several lobotomies.
Most beautiful: Italian
Most logical: Greek
Most intellectual: French
Most mongreloid: English
Most static: Latin/German/Finnish/Norwegian/Swedish/Danish/Icelandic
Most effective in terms of expressing emotions other than rage: Russian/the Slavic Languages
Most related to The first written tongues:
Most annoying nationality (White people) Danish people
Most annoying nationality (non Whites)
Nigerian and Ghanese
Most annoying Western Hemisphere dwellers (non burgers) Haitians, and Columbians
>the same way that not all Spaniards have arabic blood.
lmao. literally all southrons are subhuman half niggers including southern French. Unlike Slavs that have no mongol influence or paternal mongol haplogroups whatsoever
Brazilian portuguese
t. Speak 11 languages
Italian, definitely Italian. Also this
they have practically the same pronunciation.
z in spanish is like the "th" in THought, THink.
in south america the z sounds like a s.
exactly the same s in english
English god tier right, it is by far the easiest language on Earth I'm not even kidding.
I like sound of Russian a lot. Took few courses of it in university, but forgotten almost all of it.
I should have been more specific.
I agree completely on what you said about the slavic languages. When spoken by lowlifes they sound hideous, but educated, "fancy types" with a wide vocabulary make them beautiful.
I learned English from videogames and working in tourism (Cracow). My parents really love Spanish, so I've been studying it since the age of 10 and I've made several Spanish friends here in Cracow and abroad.
When it comes to Russian, I signed up for classes and studied passionately. There's loads of Ukrainians here who speak it, but you first need to deduce how they'll react to an attempt at speaking Russian with them.
I often travel so I have a lot of opportunities to speak the languages I know, but I could just remain where I am and still use them everyday (my district is FULL of Spanish tourists).
From what I know, at one point Spanish was much more arabized than it is now - when I was studying texts in the Institute of Cervantes I came across something that my teacher explained to me as "a mix of Spanish and Arabic" which is not used anymore.
That's exactly what I'm saying, it's difficult for me to pronounce "z" without making it sound like I'm trying too hard, so I pronounce it like "s". Hence my claim that I sound like a south american.
Saami or Eesti :3
Icelandic or (unironically) Japanese
Norwegian depends heavily on where and which accent, because Norwegians sometimes understand swedish and danish better than some of their own accents.
All anime-watching and hentai-watching Poles will be cleansed in the upcoming martial law, currently estimated to be late 2020. All weeaboo degeneracy will be removed and there’s literally nothing you can do about it. Encrypting ur shit won’t help u
Just use Kali Linux from an USB, there is no way to trace you without maximum effort.
I really wish there was more sources to learn Icelandic from. I don't care how irrelevant it is, it's still beautiful and I get goosebumps thinking how interesting it would be to explore it.
Norwegian sounds so beautiful.
Their dialects are also very diverse.
I really like German too though, sounds manly af yet cute.
Spanish however is fucking pig disgusting.
-Australian for accent
-Latin for ancient shit
-Italian for the current year®
I dislike Spanish as well. You'd be surprised by the amount of people that think Brazil is a Spanish speaking country.
>Spanish is fucking disgusting...
catalufo de mierda
Unironically based. My appreciation for Japanese comes from my interest in the classical Japanese cinema and not anime.
>the upcoming martial law, currently estimated to be late 2020
Nice, can't wait.
I dislike Spanish purely by virtue of how many people call it the most beautiful language in the world. I've never understood this odd fascination with Spanish, it can't hold a candle to Italian IMHO. It just sounds sort of clunky for lack of a better term.
Do nordic people have a larger inion?
It changes. I used to think French is beautiful when I was young, perhaps I was brainwashed by people who say it is. Then at some point I thought French is one of the ugliest sounding languages after Dutch and other Germanic tongues (especially Danish and Swedish). Now for some years I think French is neutral, not ugly but not beautiful either. I also thought Italian sounds OK but now it mostly sounds ugly to me (depends on the dialect or way of speaking I guess).
The worst is the Spanish spoken in the Americas. It is one of the most disgusting things I have heard. When I met people from Spain and heard them speak spanish that was the time I realized it can actually sound alright.
This hellhole seems to bring the worst people, and then you get to see the beauty that could have been. It can be rather impressive and sad at the same time.
Why not tailz?
Russian is the language of the philosopher.
Hungarian is really underrated. Could listen to those girls talk all day
that greek guy looks arab
I like Argentinian folklore music. Not the language specifically but the music. Language sounds OK in the music, never heard anyone speak Argentinian Spanish.
What about Brazilian portuguese? Ever heard a conversation between well versed persons in proper portuguese? I think it's very close to Latin, given its way closer to original Portuguese than Portugal's language, I don't know what that is, sounds horrible.
Italian is melodic and beautiful. French is ugly and harsh on the ears.
>We wuzz Avars
Arabic, High class English and Japanese is kino tier. The worst ear cancer imo is Spanish, Poo verbiage, Chinese and Dutch.
Good option too, between the two it's just a matter of preference.
Most autistic post.
Persian and literary Arabic, unironically
Thanks, you sound like a cool guy.
Basque, especially Gipuzkera and Lapurtera
>not mongolian apes
Heavily urbanized American English. The rest of your pathetic wh*te "languages" are going to be wiped out as more of your women get blacked.
Why does Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. sound so retarded compared to Japanese?
Never heard it, I'd be most grateful if you could link some vids with people speaking it, otherwise I can't honestly say. Regular Portuguese sounds simply odd to me though, I don't like or dislike it, it just sounds weird to me, possibly because I haven't been exposed to it too often.
>Checked, extra Hitler!
Too much poo influence, literally as a result ear aching. And Arabic altogether is criminally under rated. Linguistically and verbally, it's soothing in a refreshing way imo.
Catalan no doubt
Because they are peasant languages.
Great movie, btw
Hold my beer.
try harder shill
>ethnic Romanians
>not a mixed bunch of Vlachic manlets, southrons, kipchak shitbloods with distant gypsy roots
If you mean based Sanskrit influence through Avestan, then perhaps you’re right. Otherwise, it’s the other way around; Persian loanwords make up a large percentage of Urdu vocabulary, with even the Sikh sacred books having Persian loanwords in them
In no particular order
Proto Norse
Old High German
Old High German
German is one of the most beautiful languages. Listening to anyone speak German is awesome.
Louisiana Cajun, followed by south Georgia.
Portuguese spoken above Sao Paulo geographically is not true Portuguese, it's a distorted mess of slangs and unnecessary sounds:
Rio de janeiro
>Nigger Portuguese(mostly)
Central Brazil
>Hillbilly Portuguese
>Drunk hillbilly Portuguese
Most southern capitals or medium sized cities will speak true Portuguese with well sounded words and neatly organised phrasing by the book.
That's like saying you only need an asshole because that's the only place you have sex with.
One can notice the Sanskrit and Persian influences in Urdu when qawwali is sung:
میرے رشکِ قمر تو نے پہلی نظر، جب نظر سے ملائی مزہ آ گیا
mere rashk-e-qamar tu ne pehli nazar, jab nazar se milaaii maza aa gaya
O my envy of the moon, when your eyes first met mine, I was overjoyed
برق سی گر گئی، کام ہی کر گئی، آگ ایسی لگائی مزہ آ گیا
barq si gir gaii kaam hi kar gaii, aag aisi lagaaii maza aa gaya
Lightning struck and destroyed me; you ignited such a fire that it made me ecstatic
جام میں گھول کر حسن کی مستیاں، چاندنی مسکرائی مزہ آ گیا
jaam mein ghol kar husn ki mastiyaan, chaandni muskuraaii maza aa gaya
Mixing beauty’s mischief into my drink, the moonlight smiled – how enjoyable!
چاند کے سائے میں اے میرے ساقیا، تو نے ایسی پلائی مزہ آ گیا
chaand ke saaey mein ae mere saaqiya, tu ne aisi pilaaii maza aa gaya
In the moon’s shadow, O my cup-bearer, you made me drink such a wine that I was ecstatic
نشہ شیشے میں انگڑائی لینے لگا، بزمِ رنداں میں ساغر کھنکنے لگے
nasha sheeshe mein angraaii lene laga, bazm-e-rindaan mein saaghar khanakne lage
Intoxication spread through the bottle, and goblets clinked in the party of debauchees
میکدے پہ برسنے لگیں مستیاں، جب گھٹا گھر کے چھائی مزہ آ گیا
maikade pe barasne lagiin mastiyaan, jab ghata ghir ke chaaii maza aa gaya
Mischief descended upon the tavern, and when storm clouds poured down, I was overjoyed
aankh un ki lari yuun meri aankh se, dekh kar yeh laraaii maza aa gaya
Her eyes clashed with mine in such a way that seeing this fight made me joyful
French for women,Italian for men with Spanish being a close second
For non-native English speakers, is English easy to learn? I imagine it would be a hard language given how bastardized it is and mix match words are (their there they're) and bow vs bow.
From what I hear other languages are much more standardized than English and easier to learn
Yeah pretty much for most people that speak Latin based languages.
This is also interesting, if anyones interested in Brazil at all.
Finno-ugric with brown eyes, wtf. I haven't seen one actual Finn with brown eyes