How long until this faggot starts waxing kid’s balls?
the bare minimum context you need
This based, beautiful, stunning and brave woman who Twitter is banning criticism of and helping them maintain a platform to sexually harass children, has
>forced 15 immigrant women to either touch his testicles or be forced out of business
>submitted an application for an LGBT even for children 12+ to run topless with NO parents allowed to keep the event inclusive
>is obsessed with helping 13 year old girls insert tampons, running into girls in the bathroom and having to help each other with tampons and pads and bonding over it
That fucking thing needs gas. Rex Murphy was right, this abomination is making a mockery of the concept of human rights.
Holy fucking shit. When this ball wax sicko came forward with his naked children swimming shit I knew he would either rape a kid in a playground toilet or he'd already done it.
Kill everyone that has enabled this beast, then euthanize him. Everyone who has made an excuse for his bullshit when clearly to every rational person it was all about him gratifying his perversions.
I had no idea this comic existed. Now I must read them all.
How, how can anyone want to defend this thing, how have lefties trained themselves to resist the natural reflexive disgust that i feel when i see this thing? The natural urge to defend my communities children. The natural desire to cull a sick member of the herd?
Checked and a bump. This paedo kike needs to get burned
You retards care about this fag talking to kids when the government encourages the castration and rape of kids. Grow up
probably a jealous terf lying through her teeth
How about the Canadian kids that get forced by their parents to get circumcised?! Maybe that's what made this person into the mess that he's today.
catch the fuck up retard
There are plenty of right wing pedos too you know
That whole part about parents not being allowed to make the event safe and inclusive just rings all the alarms. No sane parent would allow a child as young as twelve to attend that.
Anyone else getting 404 on all images in the last 10-15 mins?
I don't think Sam Hyde is a beacon of Right Wing activism
>how can anyone want to defend this thing
Have people being defending it? (I mean beyond the Canadian bureaucracies who have caved to him)
Yeah me too. I've seen others mention it as well.
You should see the way some people defend him here
This is one of those things where lefties just get quiet, hide, and hope it would go away without them needing to comment it in any way. Kinda like tranny athletes pushing real women away from sports, most leftists don't want to talk about it in any way it either.
Gook moot failed to renew the HTTPS certificate for the image server.
Yeah, he's alright.
and the pedos start coming out of the woodwork to defend their buddy
there’s literally nothing wrong with transgenderism. in fact, heterosexuality is a mental sickness according to the psychiatric experts.
Makes u wonder where all that Hyde Wars money is going...
I can't believe you let yourself get so worked up over the guy. I just liked his little show.
Wellll Welll Wellll
Whoever could have forseen this one coming.
Fucking 16 yo is not considered a pedo. Girls are perfectly fine to fuck since 11-12 when their vagina starts bleeding and itching for some cock. I don't think you should though, but if some young nympho craves your cock then give it to her.
>heterosexuality, the absolute sexual default for all XX XY species on the face of the earth, is IN FACT a mental illness.
The mental gymnastics required for voluntary retardation of this level is astounding.
Get the fucking gas
what's to be done about this droop eyed sandnigger?
Based tbqh
No one on earth is jealous of that fat, filthy, freak. Go dialate faggot
>i just like the normalization of pedophilia, child abuse, and backstabbing charls
Jealous of a soft pile of turd lipped child molesting transgender Jewish Crisco LARPing in a pink yard of tulle and a party city fairy crown.
MDE was funny. I never took the time to get swept up in the internet drama surrounding him.
Do you keep a folder of Sam Hyde material? That's fucking sad.
How long before this turbo faggot freak is arrested for charging into beauty salons with his pants around his ankles
When it's done with it's next supreme court case,
Good read. Nice find
You're right and the hypocrisy about Sam Hyde here has always pissed me off. Jow Forums would burn this guy alive if he was a liberal. It's disgusting and shameful desu
Hope Putin kills you
This abomination is still digging a hole for himself.
More girls are coming forward saying he preyed on them when they were minors.
This is going to be the thing that finally ends the tranny bullshit.
my god they are not even trying
They're all like this, this one is just one of the stupider ones who's more direct about his want for child molestation.
What is Jow Forums's preferred punishment for pedos?
Firing Squad?
Harpoon up gaping asshole?
Vid examples of pedowood being pedos:
Fuck these fucking people.
>Just to bond with her a bit
Yeah let's be honest
Mounties should shove him in two tubs filled with milk and maple syrup
Leave him there for a few weeks in the sun.
See if canada was civilized he would be dead
People like this are so important
...for turning the public against trannies and leftists.
almost looks likes david mitchell
>One idiot only good for edgy teenagers fucks a 16 yo
>Someone backed by state and media to do topless runs of 12 yo and wants to help girls use tampons, then forces people to wax his balls because that's a vagina, not balls.
You're totally not doing any measure of shitty damage control, no sir.
>get the gas
Fuck that this pos needs to have his legs crushed with a baseball bat and then be tossed into the ocean.
>What is Jow Forums's preferred punishment for pedos?
>Force pvc tubing into their asshole
>feed razorwire through tubing
>remove pvc
>tie their wrists to the razorwire with braided steel cable
>tickle them
How is this thing still alive
Leaf media is barely covering this event, I think they don’t want people to know how bad it really is.
9000 IQ pedo to be honest. He gets cunny and has people falling over themselves to defend him for it.
this isn't real, right?
Pol should promote this guy, its a great way of discrediting the who faggot pride movement.
I'm actually surprised how out of control this tranny shit has gotten in such a short period of time. Seems like overnight it become bigoted to not want to wax some fat middle aged mans balls or suck a 'females' dick.
haha Russia.
No wonder your women are all crazy. They've probably been ran through by the entire neighborhood by the time they're 13.
Five years ago I would have thought this was a parody account.
This kike needs to be burned alive.
Check this out faggots!
Oh, it's much worse.
I want off this ride.
Didn’t realize this was a “you rage you lose” thread
I raged, I lost
I'm almost positive the "Hyde is a saint and dindu nuffin" shit is just a meme. Nobody is this blinded by partisanship. If you actually thing Jow Forums has more than one or two people dumb enough to defend a grown jewish man beating and sexually abusing a child because he happens to also make le edgy right-wing may-may videos, I don't know what to tell you.
Yaniv, a Hebrew male name: (Hebrew: יָניב), meaning "he will prosper"
Because the age of real men is over.
>This based, beautiful, stunning and brave woman
cringe. you make me almost want to side with the tranny
too late, there are no brakes
Not sure about opening this...
That reads like some parody sketch where they are trying to sound as ridiculous as possible. But it's real and these mentally Ill people are running the show
Thread theme
thats too humanely
burn this disgusting cunt
it sounds like an energy drink aimed at niggers
Said it before, I'll say it again.
Leafland is a shit country, full of shit people.
It would be a benefit to all humanity if leafland was burned down to the lithosphere.
Nuclear fire is the only way to purge the planet of this marxist rot.
Twist the fucking keys.
google turns up this. interdesting
>No sane parent would allow a child as young as twelve to attend that.
there are a lot of parents that think its just a casual pool party
this is true
So is anything happening with this new information? Why are leafs not contacting local news outlets or that Human rights tribunal council? Why is a twitter campaign not being coordinated her or on the sister site?
Now it is.
Then don't open it... It's a video of some recordings he sent to a kid, imitating Elmo's voice and saying fucked-up shit like Elmo wanna fuck.
About the fakest and gayest thing I've seen ever
>Why are leafs not contacting local news outlets or that Human rights tribunal council?
Because they don't want to go to prison for hate speech? You think that's just a Jow Forums meme? Calling this pedo out is unironically a crime, what he's doing is encouraged. We let it get this bad, not just the leafs, the civilized world at large. We let it get this bad and we've converted the mechanisms for fixing it into mechanisms for destroying anybody with the sanity to oppose it, all in just a few years time.
Make him the face of the transgender shit, make them own him
Thanks for the summary. This guy must be a nightmare for trans-rights activists. Unstable and mentally ill beyond mots of their kind.
>dude shows up in a loincloth
He's not a transgender. He's an obese piece of Jew shit that dressed as a woman and claimed to be a lesbian trans-woman so he can get close to his underage victims and be a peeping tom in the ladies bathroom.
He's a fucking vile pedophile.
Those men are every bit your equal, user. I can't even right now, you need to let them all date your daughter immediately okay sweaty?
At the very least and most likely true - this mentally ill predator is thinking Xes invulnerable due to the laws and they're going to have to take a close look at how to enforce gender laws going foward.
On the other hand this lunatic is doing this to bring attention to the dangers of trans people who can infiltrate and take advantage of the good will of people or the laws. You would need years of deep, heavy foresight to pull that off so I doubt it. Either way it's scary how many of the "right wing evil -phobic" beliefs are warranted on the simple basis of safety alone.
Also organized a topless "pool party" for kids where PARENTS and CAREGIVERS were NOT ALLOWED to participate.
Also, I think they are using this bullshit to slide the Epstein story.