Pol is pro russia now wtf

WHat the hell happened

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Trumpists are traitors to their own nation

Damn right

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You have no nation, just cultureless mutts

Do someone have that depressive pic with russian homeless and anime girl comforting him?

Gå vekk Svenske satan

pro Russia =/= pro P*tin

No i don't gypse

>believes Russians are still communists or socialists

JAG hugger ned dig pojk

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krona korna mister snela


T. Manlet

Större än dig pojk

Why do swedish qts do this?

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It isn't. It's just dudes with Russian girlfriends or faggots who read their first Dostoevsky novel or literal communists shilling for that shit nation.

Russia is in the process of restricting their Internet btw. The fucking irony.

Tviler med tanke på at jeg er 2.40 m

JAG är större än dig pojk

Punkt slut

Jag dräper dig

Sagt som en ekte Muslim! Hvorfor ikke syre angrep?

Tystnad eller dö kryp

Hva er planen din? Fly til Spania og myrde meg? Og ikke lat som om du ikke liker å få (you)’s , vi er alle like ensom

JAG mördar dig i Norge pojk

Lykke til.. vi kan sitte opp motepunkt på halv veien om du ikke har nok busspenger


Adress nu

Ja, jeg gir adressen min til en gal muslim


Din adresse?

Lyd MIG eller dö

Jews control Russia and the US and are using them to destroy Europe.


Death threats from a Swedish cuck really doesn’t bother me.. im gonna go drink some vodka and sun bathe.. good luck with all the mudslimes

Then flee kid

Remember to not respond with anger towards the Svens.. they are hurting and thus projecting the pain on a keyboard.. again good luck with all the hairy mudslimes

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Based nordnigger autism

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Thats it im not autisic enough to keep this going. Again go kys nigger lover

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I am your king faggot

Hello newfag

the last time i saw a Russian hate thread was like 2 years ago. FUCK THE NEWFAGS

Whats your problem man.. now im happy we let you starve when the financial crisis hit

nvm theirs a Russian hate thread above me

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You come crawling back like a coward

Why dont you go outside and accidentally explode

Russia has masses of degenerates, yet I don't know anywhere where fags get beaten up and hated that much. Look up the statistics, it's Muslim-tier hate.

Females have to submit, migrants get beaten up by hooligans, hundreds of thousands and millions of farmers and workers who do have White Christian families and they do not trade oil with the US and somewhat resist the financial Jew.
Of course olligarchs rule everything, at least they don't submit and actually discuss their history and denounce kikery sometimes.

Russia's certainly not perfect, or always lovely, but Siberia surely is better than B*rlin.

Jow Forums despises Untermenchen. Jow Forums supports ANYBODY who will confront the Jewish Question, the Zionist Atrocity, or the inhabitants or members thereof, and Jow Forums will not stand for Semitic rule over the US. It is as Patton said, "I cannot believe that Americans have sunk this low. It is Semitic, and I won't stand for it."

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>they don't submit
Refering to the Russian people and partially government.


Hahaha, goddamn gypos

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If you are fascist then you should support fascist regimes like russian and chinese one. So in a sense Jow Forums should be pro russian.

One of main features of fascism is a so called dirigism, where state held not only regulative role in economic exchanges but a strong directive role also. So China is our main fascist society today. Russa is trailing behind, but following closly.

We are All Russian hackers and Russian bots. Since we were labeled as so in the 2016 american election.


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Based Spaniard. How’s your the weather there

Reddit is the other way, mate. You're in the wrong place.

Im Norwegian. Hot as fuck and the vodka tasty.. pretty much paradise

Nice, enjoy the sun. It’s 38 here

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38 degrees celcious? Wtf. Is that normal in Russia?

Yes, we had 48 at the beach a few weeks ago. Summer in the south is very hot.

Which part? Murmansk?

Might go there on vacation some time in my life then.. When i think of Russia its not beaches and hot weather so sounds intriguing. Its about 35 here

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I’m near astrakhan right now. You should come to anapa or Sochi. Those are very nice towns in summer. Same weather too

Okay, gonna remember that . Thanks

Astrakhan is near the Kazach border. Are there many darkies there? I really don't care for darkies.

It’s an unknown gem. I love it. No niggers either.

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Not really, Kazakhs are basically russian hapas lmao.

Looks comfy

It is.

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Ive been force fed propaganda about how ugly russia is for years but this proves it wrong. Beautiful country man

Spain reeks of piss

Stfu homo

Some cherry picked coastline with fugly residency.

Yeah it is very beautiful, of course not all places, but I love it here. Wouldn’t change it for the world.

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Implying you can afford a ticket
Nice projecting

U can think what u want I guess

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I believe you looks nice. Fresh alternative to the typical vacation

Show flag fag

God why Swedes love getting blacked

Antifa Greek/Turk fags doing divide & conquer(I think they are being paid to do it.), they are trying to make us all turn on each other. The've been the ones creating the north vs south european threads & the Brown eye vs blue threads, the fucking cunts!

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What a bunch of losers