Is there anyone still thinking this guy is not a COINTELPRO asset?

After WW2, American secret services started infiltrating right wing groups, and they sure as hell never stopped. How can people still listen to someone that glows this hard?

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Other urls found in this thread:

We knew he was controlled op from the beginning. Nobody ever thought he was grassroots. He was supposed to become our thought leader but we mostly made fun of his forehead.

He invented the altright, hes your leader. Worship him.

yep, they coined the term alt right the day Trump was elected and just around the same time this guy emerged and was even given time on television.

Spencer is an absolute embarrassment to the American right

I think he means the equivalent of a Zionist for white people rather than a white person who is a Zionist

>invented the alt right

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No one with a brain follows Dickie Spencer anymore. He has a couple of orbitas dogging around him and the only thing he does is making movie podcasts with retarded basement-dwellers.
This Nietzschean crappy guy is a leftist and has been ravaged mentally by a leftist vagina as well.

He basically died in Charlottesville.

Spencer says he is a Zionist

Are you saying Jow Forums isn't lmfao??

>equivalent of a Zionist for white people
sounds like a massive larp, kid

He almost went silent/irrelevant this year. The definitive proof of his glowfaggotry would be witnessing his return right before Trump's reelection, as he tries to make is followers vote anyone but Trump

Dont trust the fuck, never trusted the fuck, will never trust the fuck.

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Npcs really think this is our leader. What they don’t understand is their is no leader no structure and the group doesn’t even exist at least not they way they think it does. I know people who are so brainwashed by the media they think the (((alt right))) is on the same level as Antifa. It’s all about manipulating the masses (((Richard Spencer))) is a kike shrill

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you sound like the liberals kid

he is your leader, faggot lol

What's objectively wrong with thinking that Jews should get out and love in their own self sufficient country? By this definition Hitler was a Zionist too.

>I'm just like the jewest of jews, except actual jews don't recognize my jewness!
Well then

>white people start fighting Jews on their own terms
>hurrdurr lol controlled opposition
>better keep doing what didn't work for 50 fucking years

We have large networks of jews
pushing agendas on a global level
and the stupid ShabbosGoyim assist them
for a little money and a pinch of what they
think is power.

Nope. It was when he and Peinovich did Nazi salutes in front of the assembled press in Washington.

It's what he says to mess with the zionist media, he's critical of any kind of support for Israel although he's doesn't care enough about the Paliistinians to criticise Israels conquest and he's say he doesn't think every people deserve a nation
It's pretty clear he doesn't oppose conquest and a more might makes right persepctive.

You mean which is nowadays dead. He didn't create shit.

I’d love to have a chat but first Remove your meme flag please

Show us who you really are

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>No one with a brain follows Dickie Spencer anymore.
Millennial Woes does :^)

>an illegal crime state built on terrorism
If they weren't using it as a hideout to perpetuate their wrongdoings while also infestating the rest of the world with their corruption and endless subversion attempts, it surely wouldn't be an issue

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Jews want a world of their own. Tikkun Olam. Your place as a goy is to be cattle.

sounds like a zionist tb h kid

Jean Francois gariepy talks to him regularly which is disappointing. He's either also controlled op or too autistic to pick up on the glow

He's not a controlled asset. He just says exactly what he thinks without really caring if people truly understand what he meant and he have some out there ideas.

The only people who propagate him as some kind of voice for the "alt-right" are useful idiots looking for a monster and motivated globalists. He always appears when it's convenient for MSM, pushing a narrative.

I have been following him from about 2010 onwards. He obviously didn't invent the term, Sam Francis or Paul Gottfried did iirc, but Spencer popularized it. He is genuine I think, but becoming less relevant. True chads turn to pic related for their inspiration.

This is aexactly what he has used the phrase to mean. He is not a Christian Zionist or whatever, he means that "everything Zionists want for Jews, I want for white people."

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I knew JF even before he approached politics, he entirely disappeared for a while because he felt humiliated as everybody kept laughing at him
...after he admitted he thinks it's normal to lick a woman's leg for 40 minutes straight before sex

Nasty frog

white zionist means zionist for white people retard

>complicating the matter
basically you want whites converting to judaism.

what did he mean by this?

you any everyone who isn't room temperature IQ knows that Spencer means "I want for Whites what Jews wnat for themselves". You are either sub dog in intelligence or a schemeing Jew. Hate or love spencer, but do so on a factual basis and give him his due.

Richard Spencer had a great moment when he btfo of a Rabbi during one of his college speeches.

no you fucking disingenuous faggot he means the white equivalent of a zionist

>he means the white equivalent of a zionist
which is???

being jewish??

Okay, get married to a goy then. Then they can be cattle, and make offspring that are cattle.

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a white nationalist

Oh you mean that guy that was an Obama staffer then magically became "alt right" just in time to discredit the entire movement? I have no idea how those fags with torches looked to you guys but having a former criminal background I can spot a fed fuck from a mile away.
>perfect teeth
>expensive clothes
>no tattoos
>no facial hair
>perfect hair cuts
Fucking fed fucks glowed so hard. Meanwhile you go to a Trump rally and well they may be weird looking but at least they're humans all the boomers and fatties and other ridiculous but real Americans.

A proud white european who wants their own homeland for themselves and their people.

tl;dr the 14 words.

>everyone who isn't room temperature IQ knows that Spencer means "I want for Whites what Jews wnat for themselves".
that he loves israel. mif im misunderstanding could you define precisely what you are trying to say?

In fact, lets do this en masse to Israel and you will get as much cattle as you like!

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Richard Spencer on Israeli TV where his "white Zionist" comment came from.

uhm he's obviously controlled opposition.
his purpose is to make bibi netanyahu look bad.
left wingers would rather israel be destroyed than have a right wing government in power there.

oh look the the anti-spencer shills are at it again , give up you morons you are the only retards who are still obsessed with spencer

not great, not awful - he just is.
he's a hell of a lot less subversive than Tommy Robinson

>a nationalist based on race
>like zionists
>like israel

based goy man

Spencer said that he was against Trumps RAISE act and that we should welcome brown immigration so that whites will "naturally be the upper class" like in Brazil. Also he's against free speech so both of you lefty fucks can get the fuck out of here or I will beat you to death in minecraft.

tl;dr zionism

Sure, if you ignore the trap he laid out in charlottesville and tried to repeat in Washington.
Tommy did what again? write a book on islam? yea.. that's terrible.

>de facto leader
He is a Mutt that is constantly larping and yells out phrases that are based around WW2 Germany a Country that did not like the US nor respected.

The only thing he is the Leader about are the typical American larping wannabes.

Just in case you are seriously misunderstanding I will explain. Also, remove that memeflag, will you kindly?

Spencer believes this:
>I have some sympathy with you Zionists
>Not because I think the Jews deserve Jerusalem
>I have sympathy because they are a group that wants their own land and place
>I am white
>I want my own place
>I want my own people to have their own land
>I want white countries to be exclusive to whites
>Israel wants a Star of David flag, I want a Black Sun flag
>Israel wants Palestinians out, I want blacks out
>Israel has a strong military, I want a strong military
>Israel has bloodtests for Jews, I want bloodtests in America for whites
>We agree on a lot of issues
>BUT I want these things for me, and you can have them for you if you really want

Does this help you understand?

>so he's against free speech so both of you lefty fucks can get the fuck out of here or I will beat you to death in minecraft.
stfu shill go back to your discord

>not a controlled asset

>still thriving on social media despite everyone else getting banned as soon as they gain a bit of relevance
>openly against free speech
>self proclaimed "leader of the alt-right", which the media perceives as "every young guy that doesn't identify as leftist/democrat"
>nearly immune to Internet censorship
>perfect boogeyman to condemn anyone on the right of Stalin
>he fully embraces it, giving MSM an easy way to demonize everyone on the right (except neocons) whenever it's more convenient
>appeared multiple times on TV, unlike almost every other major right wing eceleb
>recently interviewed by CNN
>loses his mind whenever someone calls him out on his glowness
>based Poland knows something's up with him, won't let him enter the country

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Daily reminder that nationalism on its own is zionist.
If you're not catholic you'll have no argument against Israel if not for meddling with other countries, which in itself debunks your "a nation for each race argument".

Really Vee because I see your step father in this very thread defending him because step daddy needs a boogieman he thinks he can beat and he can't beat anyone else in a debate.

>Tommy did what again?
he is literally a zionist faggot who is trying to subvert real nationalist movements in britain

See here you are defending him for the same fucking reason. Do you think Spencer is for or against free speech? Because I've heard the words come out of his god damned mouth you stupid low iq gypsy cum rag.

>Tommy likes jews so you need to let muslims rape your daughters
You're so god damned dumb I actually hate this board now it's full of fucking dipshit scumbags like you and there's no way to get rid of you.

Sauce on Brazil claim? I did watchhis freedom of speech podcast episode and that is not the whole story. He said he was against it because in a homogenous society (like most European countries in the past) if you defaced the currency or slandered the king, or claimed Christ was not god or do literally anything that harmed the society, and you would be hanged. I don't think he was calling for mass censorship.

watch more rabbi media
Ezra and Ari are BASED!

Richard Spencer is 100% Genuine and only Antifa and Jews would lie and say he isn't.

i guess? what's wrong with that?
no he argued that it would mean more high skilled indians and chinese who would displace the white middle class

free speech for degenerates and subversives shouldn't be allowed no

>Do you think Spencer is for or against free speech?
he said he against subversive speach

>based poland
Poland might be much better off than the rest of the world, but if you think they have a true NatSoc government that scans visitors and BTFOs Spencer cos he is CIA, you are delusional. They are just as anti-racist in the Polish government as anywhere else.

>Really Vee because
the fact that you are bringing up e-celebs is clearly proof that you are a shill faggot

Hans. Spencer helped turn the alt-right into stormfront 2.0. He set it back years with that LARP torchlight sperg rally.

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Richard Spencer is actually decently insightful on podcasts and such, why is he such a public embarassment.

Britney Venti does

I was actually shocked I never liked the guy but I thought he was at least kind of on our side
>Richard Spencer discusses what’s good about Trump’s immigration reform proposal . . . and why high-skilled, high-IQ immigration is ultimately devastating for the American middle- and professional classes.
Then it links to his youtube video.
They won't even show how few followers he has on youtube anymore but last I checked it was barely 10,000. Think of how many youtubers have bigger channels then that and then remember CNN never runs to them to ask them shit.

Spencer was a nobody until suicide by two shots in the back of the head coined the term. He gave a face to the made up term for the retards like you to demonize rational thoughts. His face is used as the bogeyman the left uses to justify going more radical. He wants kikes to live in a home land not be extinct. He has no problem with faggots. CNN, controlled kike media had him on, the same broadcast that promoted the belief that allowing right whinged voices is endorsement.

nice effort, and i totally agree, memeflaggot bro wont respond tho

>>based Poland knows something's up with hi
Poland banned Jared Taylor is he also conntroled opposition?
>>still thriving on social media despite everyone else getting banned as soon as they gain a bit of relevance
he was banned once but he is not relevant enough to be banned
>>self proclaimed "leader of the alt-right", which the media perceives as "every young guy that doesn't identify as leftist/democrat"
he literally created the alt-right and maybe
And the rest of your points are just dumb boomer arguments

I wish I was the son of Richard Spencer and a Chinese woman.

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Being a nationalist has very little to do with ethnonationalism.
Opposing globalism doesn't necessarily mean you're a nationalist.
Israel's legitimacy as a state has nothing to do with religion.

"white genocide" sounds hyperbolic to many people
90% of whites marry within their own race
because it's the same impulse that drives the white nationalist movement
protecting your own even if it isn't the best, this isn't about superiority
taylor is too soft on the jq, i'll grant you that

these quotes are taken out of context or deliberately misunderstood to misinform, the sort of bad faith criticism done by antifa shills to create discord and confusion among the right

i know

intersting I will look intothat, thanks user

He was a nobody which is why I think he is genuine. He was genuinely talking about identity politics long before Trump was a thing or any of the happenings in the past few years. I am willing to believe CNN duped him and he took the bait cos of his ego. If he is damamging, it is not because he is CIA or whatever, it is because he is being palyed by CNN and others who are making him into a boogeyman. He isn't getting FBI paychecks.

>what's wrong with that?
stay mad, faggot

Of course he won't but he has responded to other people in the htread since though. Fucking blackpills on this board, man.

>We knew he was controlled op from the beginning.
These retards didn’t.

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>Israel's legitimacy as a state has nothing to do with religion.

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There is litrally nothing wrong with what anyone of them said

>he loves israel.
>if im misunderstanding
cant read, user???

>Think of how many youtubers have bigger channels then that and then remember CNN never runs to them to ask them shit.
richard spencer is frankly a more widely known name than someone like james allsup, even if his youtube channel isn't as big
wow you sure got me there, i'm not even sure what your criticism is? we're bad because israel is nationalist and we are nationalists too?

how can you not understand?

Are you genuinely under the impression that a white person praising something soemone else did, means they want to be this person?

Ya know what else Spencer said in one of his college talks? He said he respects black people, because they call one another "brother and sister" and he wishes Whites would do the same.

Does this mean he wants immigration from Africa into America???

>Being a nationalist has very little to do with ethnonationalism.
Explain the difference? Outside from the fact that trump boomers now use the word nationalist when they don't mean a nation for majority white americans, what would be the differences?
>Opposing globalism doesn't necessarily mean you're a nationalist.
When did I ever say that or talked about opposing anything?
>Israel's legitimacy as a state has nothing to do with religion.
It has. If you're just a "patriotic person" and simply care about your country you shouldn't be concerned with Israel's existance.
If you're an ethnonationalist, you would want jewish people to survive just as much as your people.
It is only when you understand reality through the catholic religious perspective that the role of the jews and the purpouse of Israel starts to make sense and you would want to oppose it.
The world fell apart because of jewish interference, but only because we allowed it because we left the institution that gave us the tools to understand kikery, the catholic church.

Nice try retarde but spencer point is that high skilled imigration hurts the white middle and upper class and that it is much more dangerous than low skilled imigration
But you are to low iq to even understand spencer arguments ...

nation = ethnic group

ethnonationalism is the only actual form of nationalism. 'civic nationalism' is multiculturalism draped in rightist rhetoric

I don't love Japan, they kill wildlife and are emotionless bugmen with high suicide, they disgust me.


I want the same kind of ethnostate that Japan has. I want Britain to be 99.8% British too.

>hurr durr this user wants to be a slant eyed insect, he must love sushi and karate

Is this seriously what you are thinking, memeflaggot?

>praising something soemone else did, means they want to be this person?

stated thought pattern requires intelligence
you may be asking for too much here

>is he also conntroled opposition?
>banned the discussion of the JQ on American Renaissance
He might as well start taking money from them, very little would change
>he was banned once but he is not relevant enough to be banned
Yeah but Laura Loomer is? Fuck off
>he literally created the alt-right
These days it's truly hard to tell shills from reddit

you'll find similar posters defending trump on here by hurling insults and drawing false equivalencies while never addressing your arguments

i wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some kind of koch brothers funded shilling operation trying to keep whites civic nationalist and on the republican plantation

no, youre thick
if you want an ethno state, convert brother. dont be shy

Yes he literally says at about 14 minutes in that video that we shouldn't let any high iq people in. He pretends to want some utopist model but it's either RAISE act or status quo so we get status quo and he knows that. I can't tell if you're a shill or just stupid. Is Spencer your Daddy Vee?