I am from Romania, I am the superior daco roman master race.
We are the primordial desdendents of planet Earth. All other nations of this planet have the daco-gets as ancestors. One thousand years ago,the name of Sweden and Denmark in their history was Dacia.The name of Germany today,is Deutschland which is the Land of the Dacians.The getae-dacians were extraordinary advanced in all domains.They had flying machines too,they have made maps of the Earth that nowadays even NASA looks at them and say that they cannot make them at the level the daco-gets madethem.Us,the romanians,we dont know that in Romania we have a lot of pyramids,and after the model of pyramids in Romania, our ancestors the getae-dacs have build the pyramids of Egypt.
Daily Romanian (Daco-Roman) pride thread!
Other urls found in this thread:
>a bunch of mixed race vlachic manlets, southron sandniggers, kipchaks and gypsies
>master race
>I wonder who could be behind this post
True-true. One grandfather was half or quarter Tatar, another grandfather was Hungarian. Turanic pride world wide
Fuck romania
et tu, Moldova?
Abia astept sa va ia rusii inapoi. Mare greseala ca va dam cetatenie. :))
You're not superior Getae-Dac, you're just a white hungarian that stole the Dacian lands.Getae-Dacs were originally black explorers which found this land and settled on it and conquered other tribes making that land even bigger, the Getae-Dac empire was weakened by the jews and then the Roman Empire found the opportunity to occupy it, after the fall of Roman Empire there was a lot of anarchy and instability because the Whites were chimping out, the blacks had to go back to Africa but ended up in Turkey.After we left we also left behind Roman women with black babies, the Romans were forcing the Dacians to breed with their women to create better warriors.The half black remained there and breeded with the Hungarian so much that they bleached themselves and creating the Romanian race.
But Romania is a Hungarian colony
This leaf knows the truth
>another grandfather was Hungarian
lol, did you read about the 1945 russian rapes that occured in Budapest?
This is quality bait. GG user.
>All of history up until the modern era
A few battles doesn't change the fact that Romania (AKA Wallachia, Romania is a fake country made up by the wallachian prince to attack land he never had any claims on) was a land without any actual non-nomadic settlers and was first colonized by Magyars and ruled by Magyar nobles.
checking em dvbs
LOL fuck off vlachnigger
Please report all Vee threads he is trying to get attention for his stupid channel.
>Radu III the Fair, Radu III the Handsome or Radu III the Beautiful (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos), also known by his Turkish name Radu Bey (1437/1439—1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and voivode (war-lord or a prince) of the principality of Wallachia. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad Călugărul, both of whom would also briefly rule Wallachia.[1]
>While his older brother chafed under his Ottoman hosts, Radu flourished and became intimately close with the future Sultan Mehmet II
Who's the noble ruling now?
>By intimately close, I of course mean to say that his Romanian asshole belonged to the Sultan. But so did his heart, for Romanian men belong to the TVRKISH BVLL
why is romania so big? could be 2 or 3 countries, how did nobody take their territory so far?
Romania is the size of: Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Ablania, Macedonia and Bulgaria.
It's half the size of Ukraine.
It's the size of Austria, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary.
It's the size of Germany.
Wtf is going on here? Why does nobody talk about the Bogdans? is Romania secretly ruling the world?
>Some historians speculate that Vlad’s atrocities against the TVRKISH BVLLS stemmed from his envy of Radu’s new life. Whatever the case may be, Radu would pleasure the Sultan sexually both on the Sultan’s demand but even more frequently through his own initiative; the initiative of the Romanian man.
A hero Romania needed but did not deserve
>One thing is for sure. Romanian men crave the Turkish seed. This concludes my presentation.
Your thoughts on this?
Stop coming to the UK just to steel Wi-Fi.
false. dacians/romans/romanians/slav lives there long before hungarians came from Asia in 1200s there.
how fucking retarded must you be to claim that a place in central Europe was unpopulated at 1200 CE?
learn how to right your own language first, you dumb fuck
I am romanian (born in romania with 2 romanian parents) and im taller than most italians i have seen.
f-fuck that's hot
no homo, but I'm genuinely craving the BVLL's seed deep inside my lesser """""man"""" hole right now
God Bless Australia.
You can fucking keep him, Ivan.
Zimbabwe pamant romanesc
Tell me that's not real. Tell me that didn't happen.
It's fucking tumblr fanfic you moron, god I fucking hate what this site has become.
Why would we care? He wasn't Romanian he was cuman
Vlad was a fag too, only heroes were the wallachian army, they did all the job
Are romanians slavic, wallachians , Balkans , dacians wtf are they?
>Decebal, Burebista and even Zalmoxis himself were kangz
Fuck off back to your country, Radu and give me back my copper
Literally a nomadic tribe that ceased yo exist after dispersing and integrating with other groups
Just an outpost on the frontier that fell apart when mongols came in
As stated before, not a real race, just Hungarian settlers who learnt to speak the language of the disparate and cultureless nomadic shepherds in the area
Slavs were also a nomadic tribe
Hungarians arrived in 800-900 AD bro and there were no significant cities or civizations at the time. It was just pastures that were lightly populated after just about every barbarian horde in history raped and pillaged their way through the region.
Why do Romanians have absolutely no sense of historical timeline at all in their own fucking country?
With shitty neighbours, you get your house broken constantly, like romanians did historically.
All plebs came to the area, most of them interested in fighting for the resources and the objectively dope geographic and strategic position.
Dacians stormed the fuck out after romans went full in, dudes hid in the mountains and in some neat valleys, some of them becoming wallachians.
After that, bulganons decided to go full retard mode and conquer and shit.
Then you had the hunganons, a bunch'o mongoloids originary from the modern day Russia's Ural mountains.
Then you had ottomans which were turknigger roaches.
That's why there's a large mix of people and despite that shithole keeping its territory and language , against the odds, the dudes are everything .
Bucharest fag here, tracked some of the ancestry from Creta, Greece.
Ya, it did.
Ottomans were conquering by forcing the loyal kingdom families to send their kids to convert to Islam.
Radu was a poofter. When Vlad saw what the fuck was Sunni Islam all about and how the guys were hypocrites because the sultan was fagging around with Radu is probably why Vlad lost his shit and decided to wreck the assholes of turks in one of the most famous historical ways possible.
please stop making these threads. Even I want this shit deported to Jow Forums.
Also, the Hungarians didn't conquer the Carpatian basin from "Dacians" or "Romans" or any such nonsense. The people living there at the time were mostly Avars (a Uralic tribe similar to the Hungarians) and Bulgarians.
Kek'd but wouldn't be surprised if they taught this shit in schools in 30 years.
That would be the next movie, starring Sergiu Niggerlaescu.
They're actually the last of the romans (modern italians are nothing like romans)
Hungarians are monglians in the exact same way that Bulgarians are mongolian, or Slavs are mongolian, or Germans are mongolian, that is to say, not at all. Almost all European cultures were originally Uralic horsemen.
True, but some of the mongols that were nomadic faggots around siberia eventually met and formed some settlements in the urals before raiding europe .
Imagine you're an European and you speak the language of some Asian niggers you don't have a DNA tie with
>not brainwashed slavs-vlach-germanics
Changing narratives?
>we wuz first in Transylvania
>umm no actually there were some people, but not vlachs or Slavs
Top kek
Romanians were the first lady boys lmao
Im 6'3 ft
>when everyone calls you a subhuman so you rape all the schoolgirls in Berlin to prove them wrong
Read the sings
Anyway rusfag, with all those resources you're poorer than us
You fight windmills and your shadow. Well, imagine that you are fighting with the Russian on the forum hentai.
I didn't say that Hungarians were in the Carpathians first, you illiterate, I said there were no major towns or significant civilized presence aside from the remnants of other nomadic hordes that passed through the region.
I am Chechen and thanks to my income I can come to your shithole and fuck every Romanian slut.
Based and Moldova-pilled. One day a great revolution will be organised there to BTFO your leeching neighbours, I feel it...
>Just an outpost on the frontier that fell apart when mongols came in
>Chechens are now rich
this thread is pure gold
>you illiterate
I said you said that?
Holy shit, this is prety based
you better stick to rooting around dumpsters you gypoid nigger chimp.
Fuck your gypsiland. Go back to India.
>we wuz romans
>we wuz dacians
pic related- typical Romanian 22 year old girl.
It's a shame Romanian culture has been bastardised so much, I remember all of the girls in one of the schools I went to that identified as "Romanian" (they were actually gypsies) looked and behaved nothing like one. They were uneducated and only cared for materialism. However, in the school I had been to before that one, I had met a genuine Romanian girl with educated parents, unaffected by the disgusting culture imposed on most of Romanians today, so maybe there is some hope. It is affecting the youth of Moldova too which is why they are letting themselves be cultural slaves to Romania and its gypsies, and are in favour of "reuniting" with Romania now. I hate that no one cares for Moldova, and I hate that I have to watch it rot even more than it initially did while not being able to do anything about it. This is Europe, for fucks sake. There needs to be action before it goes too far.
>When you realize your entire history is make-belief and in fact you are a literal shit stain that invaded Europe from the east.
You guys surrendered in ww1. You accomplished literally nothing in any world war besides failing then turncoating. You idiots were a member of the central powers.
The only war in which Romania ends in the same side it started is the war which goes on long enough for them to turncoat twice.
>You guys surrendered in ww1.
Because we got invaded from every direction by the all the major powers. What else what there to do? Just die like idiots? No, we played the game and we didn't played that bad in the end(see Trianon).
1 on 1 though, we fucked up hungary really bad. Btw, you're welcome hungary for saving you from communism.
>Because we got invaded from every direction by the all the major powers. What else what there to do? Just die like idiots?
Indeed you should, that is what you are.
You were allies with Hungary, but when war broke out, you chickened out and didn't join your allies but declared neutrality instead. Then when you saw that Hungary had its troops deployed to fight Russia, you tried to stab them in the back and failed hillariously. You surrendered. Then, when the tide of the war changed, you broke the surrender and attacked Hungary again because of your autistic obsession with stealing Hungarian clay.
You basically suckled at France's tit and France gave you land that you never earned just out of Versailles' bloodthirst to dismantle Germany and all German allies. When the shoe was on the other foot we were far too lenient. The Germans should have just genocided you all and settled the lands with humans.
>You guys surrendered in ww1
The king didn't approved it, so only the Germans thought we surrendered
Its not like they could do more, once the front line became shorter we were able to hold them back
This. They won a war against us when we were fighting on three fronts at the same time and were exhausted and this was the absolute last time something happend to Romania that Romanians feel proud about.
>The king didn't approved it, so only the Germans thought we surrendered
Nobody cares about your king. Your parliament signed the treaty which is enough for international law to deem it binding.
Your army literally fled to Russia and wasn't even in Romania at this point.
> its troops deployed to fight Russia, you tried to stab them in the back and failed hillariously. You surrendered
What delusions you believe in?
The problems appeared once the Germans arrived, don't fool yourself, we lost to Germany not to Bulgaria or you fags
>you wuz alliz
That's because the king wanted so, but the people and the rest people in power weren't pro that
There were actual debates of what we should do in those 2 years of neutrality
How stupid do Hungarians have to be to not consider that, when the king was almost the only one that didn't wanted to retake Transylvania?
>Vlad saw
Vlad was imprisoned there and rumors are he was raped in the ass that's why he was so nasty after.
>spikes in the ass
Get it?
I literally do not care about how chaotic your country is but it sounds like you need to get your shit together and figure out whose side you're on before the next war starts or you'll just be nuked to death by both sides.
>Indeed you should, that is what you are.
But we didn't, which means we aren't? hehe
>You were allies with Hungary, but when war broke out, you chickened out and didn't join your allies but declared neutrality instead
If you read about this, you know that although Romania was initially allied, it never agreed to the war to come and was vehemently opposed to it actually; the romanian population also hated this alliance. It was a very smart move on the part of Romania's leadership since it knew you bitches couldn't win - fucking starting a world war because your archshit was killed by a serbian. Another reason was that Austria-Hungary was occupying Romanian territory.
>muh turncoats
Cry some more, every country in this world did it when it suited it, Hungary is no exception, except Hungary wasn't that smart and got caught:
just one pertinent example:
Hungary is one epic fail after another and only thing it does is to blame others.
Conquered not only by Huns but very significantly.
>right your own language first, you dumb fuck
the culture
Oh poor fags
>fought on 3 fronts
2 actually, you fought primarily with Russia and Serbia
>our soldiers
Since when are romanians, chez, Germans your soldiers?
Can't find a good statistic on this tho
The ethnic make-up of the enlisted ranks reflected the diversity of the empire the army served; in 1906, out of every 1000 enlisted men, there were 267 Germans, 223 Hungarians, 135 Czechs, 85 Poles, 81 Ukrainians, 67 Croats and Serbs, 64 Romanians, 38 Slovaks, 26 Slovenes, and 14 Italians.[12]
>But we didn't, which means we aren't? hehe
You attacked your allies, that makes you idiots.
>Operation Margarethe
Hungary never turncoated. Hungary offered an armistice. There is a difference you dumbass. Romania literally turncoated in ww2.
>Romania was initially allied, it never agreed to the war to come and was vehemently opposed to it actually blah blah blah
Once again, I literally don't care about your internal affairs, get your shit in order. If you try to pull that shit in the future, you're going to get the hell nuked out of you by both sides. And this is a good thing.
Why wont you go back to your roots?
You, leafs, are such imbeciles that you wont even realize the huge shit you are already in. You live in a cucked country, being yourself completely european, but with tons of chinese fucks. So shut the fuck, and stop talking shit about brother Romania. Sick fucks, clean your country, than shitpost others
>blah blah blah
Details are important and you should care, if you do not learn from history, Hungary, you are doomed to repeat it.
>Hungary offered an armistice. There is a difference you dumbass.
Oh, big difference
Guess that if I'll say our king was the one that changed sides in ww2 (and this after Hungary tried and things became clear we will lose) you'll say this again:
>>Once again, I literally don't care about your internal affairs, get your shit in order
>If you try to pull that shit in the future, you're going to get the hell nuked out of you by both sides
Let's say we did that
It worked fine for us
Except last time when we only managed only to not get as fucked as we believed we would get