dead country
dead general
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The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
but you can't convince one mum on mumsnet of this 'fact'?
Why do these guys send shitpol into such a seethe?
>wake up early
>do some chores which involved going outside early, in the blazing hot and sunny summer morning, feeling demoralised at seeing all the Chads and Staceys
>weigh myself and I'm lighter than I've been for weeks
>go to gym and lift a lot in terms of volume
>go in to central London to walk around
>walk around Regents Park in the hot and sunny day
>get on the underground train to another part of London to walk through some rich parts
>gym caused me to feel tired
>sit in library for a while
>now drinking coffee and wondering whether to eat at home or McDonalds
I have really exhausted the zone 1 walking routes. I was walking through my favourite route today and it felt so meaningless because I had done it twice in the previous three days.
I was struck by the feeling of having no productive aims when browsing the internet in my flat while waiting for my clothes to be washed.
It's extremely hot and sunny and it's demoralising seeing so many Staceys and qts everywhere.
I'm so stupid and lazy. Working in a minimum wage job when I was living with my parents let me save much more money than my current job. Why didn't I do it more?
I hate having a BS office job and living in a world where I interact with things through consumercuck optimised devices (and it's getting worse: compare windows 95 with a smartphone interface). I am unironically considering applying to be an accountant, just to put up some real and solid "skills" between me and other people. But then I am imagining that these workplaces aren't filled with the same old office politics bs as my current industry.
I hate how my minimum wagecuck retail jobs paid like shit while my current one pays ok, yet it is just a salary, i.e., prison sentence. I have to stay for 8 hours, whether I'm doing stuff or not. The retail jobs paid me in proportion to the time (life) I spent.
Fuck off with your blogposting shit in here.
Why does Welsh etymology make brit/pol/ sizzle with envy?
>all these resignations because a pro-brexit MP is now leader of party
Conclusive proof it was all a con in May's cabinet
JRM didn't have a Twitter account until 2017. That might well be a real quote from him, but if so then why don't they just show it as a quote, rather than pretend it was a tweet? And why don't they give the source for this quote? Like I say it might well be a real quote but they've presented it in such a stupid and incorrect fucking way because JRM did not tweet this six years before he had a Twitter account. Misleading and fucking stupid.
>He's just like Trump, just look at his hair!
how long until this happens?
Years ago.
facebook is filled with it since yesterday
hasn't that already been happening
Nothing to do with Boris being a cunt that nobody decent wants to serve under then
>doesn't have any arguments whatsoever because he's thick
Enjoy being thick.
Why does Jow Forums peddle all these weird and wacky conspiracy theories with no evidence whatsoever? Who with a brain would believe this shit?
Apparently the US used to provide more than half of food aid to North Korea between 1995 and 2008:
That has declined in recent years partly because NK has threatened to build a nuclear problem to kill us all. Maybe if NK wants to receive help then they shouldn't threaten to kill us all?
wow a politician is a cunt, you say?
never would have guessed
Duncan, Gauke and Hammond are utter slimebags.
What time does Бopиc meet the Queen?
bored today lads, should i go back to bed and phonepost or sit here
These aren't arguments
If that's so compelling to you that you'd rather live in North Korea then why haven't you moved yet?
don't know lel, I don't interact with normies much
>posts in brit/pol/
>has no social life
checks out
>retards screaming on skynews
Bojo has made the nation absolutely fucking seethe lmao
what should I reply to an email saying do I have previous office work experience? Given that I don't, assume i shouldn't just say no I don't ? ideas?!
That's not an argument.
And who are we going to sell the products of our "industry" to if we don't have free trade, YOU FUCKING IDIOT?
Where is Saj going if paki patel is becoming home sec?
how is your BMI?
BMI 19.5
Your result suggests you are
a healthy weight
>that's not an argument
prove it braincel
More Oxford-educated Old Etonian drivel about our "dying society" and "growing minority".
They have taken our freedom for granted for the last twenty years because of Labour's policies. We have been ruled by Labour since 1997. From the days of Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair to the last Labour leader of which I am aware, all of Labour's policies have been designed to limit our freedoms.
It is in Labour's nature to rule with us: they are ruled by us. The party's slogan should always be "We rule with you". We should give up our freedom without ever losing our vote.
just say yeah, as long as can you use microsoft office and load a printer you will be fine
is anyone else unable to open images on Jow Forums?
based armenoid worm. Many "Anglos" are subhuman mongrels with nigger, romashit and iberoid admixture
based subhuman shitalians
Britain was genetically damaged because of the Roman cuckpire. There was a “”””””””””white British”””””””” man who took a Y chromosome DNA test, turned out he had a sub saharan negroid male ancestor form Roman times. The Romans brought jews, niggers, North Africans and other Middle Easterner trash to Britain.
>When Syrians, Algerians and Iraqis patrolled Hadrian's Wall
You can't erase your sub-saharan black Y chromosomes. subhuman negroid genes are there forever
The Roman Emperors Septimius Severus, Severus Alexander, Philip the Arab, Elagabalus, all had Middle Eastern ancestry some of them born in the Middle East. Septimius Severus had both Middle Eastern and North African ancestry and was born in Africa. The entire Severan dynasty was descended from him.
Roman armies in Britain included North Africans and Syrians and Mesopotamians. And full blooded niggers too.
Finance minister
epic, simply epic
>secures new brexit deal
>gives NHS 350m/week
and the jobless labour twats will still seethe
just lie and say yes
Write that you have many transferable skills - you may not have worked in a an office before but you have done X which relates to office work Z
Employers eat stuff like that up.
ever stepped in an office? thats experience
as long as you know youre way around standard software and are polite, youre fine
JRM is a cucked cunt. he shilled for 1984 tier shit for ages now
>ever trusting pro-amnesty turko-jewish tory mongrel
This: And also this, if you have actually stepped in an office: But not these: You should be honest, obviously. Talk about whatever experience you DO have and argue how it is extremely relevant to the job you're applying for. Do not lie and invent experience which didn't happen because you will just be found out and fired. Nobody wants that.
Tell them this
lol obsessed memeflag
You're overcomplicating things.
too hot for bed right now desu
>skynews: will Boris be able to get a majority government? DOUBTS!!!
ah yes, the DUP have zero common ground with Boris
>Do not lie and invent experience which didn't happen because you will just be found out and fired. Nobody wants that.
bollocks, my current employer didnt even ring my previous ones to check and i work in an office of around 30 people
Jesus fucking Christ stop trying to derail the discussion you fucking idiot. Like I said, if you're so triggered by abortion that you honestly think North Korea is a better place to live then you would have moved there by now, you fucking idiot.
>Free trade is just trade without tariffs. I would argue in favour of tariffs to protect national industries.
The world has realised this doesn't work. Trump's tariffs have hurt American businesses and consumers. There's a reason China supports free trade - it enables them to sell their shit to the world, which makes them more powerful. Sure, it means Apple can sell their iPhones into China - but China has done a pretty good job of fostering national pride, such that a lot of Chinese consumers now would rather buy a Huawei than an iPhone.
Tariffs to "protect" national industries doesn't really work in the 21st century mate.
i could go lie on the couch i guess, ill end up just sleeping until 5pm tho.
not that ive anything else to do.
what do other people do during the day besides this?
Reports of some Tory lefties potentially defecting to the Lib Dems would lose his majority
>If that's so compelling to you that you'd rather live in North Korea
I wasn't making that argument, merely that there's little difference between NK and the UK in terms of authoritarianism, lack of freedom and low life expectancy. You're operating under the delusion that the UK is a real country and not just an economic whorehouse.
>he's still going
Turning Point Brit/pol/
No, no I'm not. You should big up your skills and experience as much as possible and tie them to the job you're applying to, stress how your experience is relevant. This is what everybody does, this is how to do it. If you want to get a job then that's what you have to do.
he'll just pay off a few independents like May did
That's incredibly rare, they usually do, and you could be fired and have your career and reputation pretty severely destroyed if you're found out.
They will do now
No, no... this is all wrong. All he needs to do is condemn modern industrial society. They won't be prepared for it.
>That moment when the first exit polls came in
Quite the mood change on Shit/pol/ when that happened
>this post
Based retard or just retard? I’m thinking just retard
I have a day off work, just done a three mile walk..its tired me in the heat so I may have a nap in a bit. :)
just state you have experience in the office at your local mosque which does not keep records. bound to get the job
You're a massive fucking jobsworth hebrew
>mfw Boris is basically the UK variant of Trump with fake nationalism shit and a bunch of Hollywood/Twitter bread-and-circus to make his staged opposition look retarded to make him look tolerable.
>There's going to be bot threads (paid ad space) with the UK equivalent of /ptg/ shilling the fuck out of Boris
Screencap this
What the fuck is this shite
Jesus wept get a bloody diary or something you sadarse
/pmb/ when?
>Boris is basically the UK variant of Trump
This is the most brainlet observation ever made
>The world has realised this doesn't work. Trump's tariffs have hurt American businesses and consumers. There's a reason China supports free trade - it enables them to sell their shit to the world, which makes them more powerful. Sure, it means Apple can sell their iPhones into China - but China has done a pretty good job of fostering national pride, such that a lot of Chinese consumers now would rather buy a Huawei than an iPhone.
I'm not surprised you equivocate on national industry and making iPhones. What I'm concerned with is strategically important national industries like steel and nuclear power, which under your model of free trade has been exported to foreign nations like China. We've lost the skills to build our own nuclear power stations because of your incoherent ideology.
This. Unironically hope that Corbyn wins so the sissification of police continues. We would need them disarmed and limited in their "rights", when Brythonic races start striking back
was the garden bridge cancelled by Boris or is this a sick and twisted Khan rumour that has spread?
this this this
>there's little difference between NK and the UK in terms of authoritarianism, lack of freedom and low life expectancy
There's no point in talking to you if you're going to post complete falsehoods and absolute nonsense.
May's speaking, lads.
May LIVE @10th
That's not an argument.
Yeah that'll get him a job you fucking idiot.
That's not an argument you fucking moron.
The country i LOVE
may looks cute today
You're seething.
>stop brexit man interrupting the speech from afar
Inb4 more waterworks
So does Boris have to marry Phillip May now?
cringe moment
>interact with chavs
>realise that you hate most of your own race as well as others
What happened to us lads?
Friendly reminder that everyone with a brain backed Leadsom three years ago and the corrupt Tory establishment forced May on there to sabotage Brexit.
>That wasn't me!
kek, Phil should have been PM
>stop brexit man
why isn't he at wo--
>Boris is basically the UK variant of Trump
other than the hair i see no similarities
have sex
I fucking hate Steve Bray. In 100 years every video resource about this will have his stupid fucking voice in the distance
chavs aren't our own, britain is a caste system of germanic anglo-saxon upper classes and swarthy celtoid lower classes
>liberal x was put in to deliberately sabotage everything
>the more libertarian liberal y would have done a better job
Can you even name 3 differences on policy May and Leadsom would have had?