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Zero surprise

did he catch alzheimers or something? he came off so retarded

All major media outlets saying this looks bad for Trump

theyve been saying that for 3 years

and water is wet

That is not in his purview, but staying out of prison is in his purview.

and they say simultaneously it with the exact same script, it's miraculous!

I don’t have cable but i do get the locals. I’m watching nora and major shit bricks. This is terrible for the dems

and Hannity, Carlson, Levin, Jones and Ingraham will be reading from their script. They love to troll you dipshits. Cuz it works!

Attached: stoopid.png (1200x630, 75K)

t. believes CNN


>that non-argument
>that retarded picture
lol, poetic

Did anyone ask him about the 3 innocent men he let rot in prison when he was head of the Boston FBI office

He is retarded when he doesn’t have a script in front of him. The man had his name plastered in a report for credibility. He’s fucking clueless.

Nobody likes any mainstream news here. This isn't the fucking late 1990s political game anymore grandpa

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the only news on this planet is Jow Forums

anything that is not Jow Forums is KIKES

Did he ever fly on Epstein's plane? Democrats have major dirt on him and blackmailed him into conducting this phony investigation. There is no other plausible explanation for it

It does because it highlights how misleading Barr was and also how incorrect Trump's "completely exonerated" statements were.

Mueller has just proven that he didn't write any of this shit, and has no idea what most of it even says.

meanwhile all your other news networks read from the same exact script and you say nothing lolololo but oh my 3 reporters have a different opinion that align with eachother (and the truth) and its the end of the world.

you people are STUPID!

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>if i believe in it strongly enough it must be true
The post

Love how Jow Forums has become a troll infested tranny troll farm. This is extremely low quality shit posting.

"fucking owned bitch lelXD"

Jannies do your fucking job and start banning these low t, low effort retards adding fuck all to the board 24/7.

There wasn't even a crime for trump to be exonerated from

if only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: ROBERT MUELLER if only you know how bad things really are.png (741x797, 558K)

I'm at work can I get a qrd?

Yeah, he was pretty damn pathetic. Just remember, they steal money from you paycheck to make this man rich.

Whatever shill. Everyone who cares already knows. Mueller was a dud, deal with it.

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And of course Hitler was also known to drink water. How much more alike can the two be?

Cope. Bitch

The man
His office
And his work
His freshman book report gets an F for content and F because the very talented Weismman wrote it.

All major media outlets ran by jews. Trump sucks jew cumcum everyday.

Look at unhinged you are. You don't even know whether or not I agree with you.

For the record, I absolutely agree Mueller got fucking obliterated this morning. That doesn't change the fact that your OP is pure bullshit, garbage that should be removed asap for a shit, low quality shit post on a serious politics board.

Mueller was pathetic, anyone who claims otherwise is shilling.

Imagine still believing that FoxNews is the only compromised p.o.s. news source.
How is life in 2003?

So why would they talk shit about him?

Holy shit. My ex-wife is posting.
Per usual 3x rule applies
Repeat The Lie Three times and it magically becomes TRUE.
OR all retards think the same way

I'm uh uh uh n n not going to uh uh going to speak to that

Lol, libturds have no hope. Pic related. Your party is over.

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Bobs drunk. What an embarrassment.

> "I...uhhhh...I can't get into that. I'm not gonna get into that. Uhhh...can't get into.....that"

russian operatives doing work

They play both sides, always.

Are you delusional or simply a shill? Trump will leave the Republican party in rubbles and ash heaps for the next decade.Trump will be responsible for the socialist-marxist takeover. You stupid cunt.

Imagine thinking people who frequent Jow Forums watch Fox news besides some Tucker Carlson clips.

No kidding, where do these retards come from? I can't be in the same room if any talking heads are on the talmudvision. Doesn't matter the channel.

"Within your purview? Where do you think you are, in some fucking regency costume drama?! This is a government department! Not a fucking Jane fucking Austen novel!"
"Allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up your shitter with a lubricated horse cock!!!"

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wasted get boomer. but probably so boomer he thinks im telling him to get. no please stay and play.

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>a single conservative slanted news network


>every other network having a liberal bias, even the publicly funded ones

And yet you think Fox is the rotten party here?

Wtf! I'm voting for Hillary now!

He sounded like a weak old man. I was surprised by that

anyone else notice his shifty faggots blatant body language tells when he was lying and asked direct questions which made him uncomfortable?

I am an independent who generally votes third party but I voted for Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020. I will never vote for a democrat again. I have grown to hate the left. I don't know why you assholes think you can piss on people and then tell them it's raining, and when they say something about it you fucks scream racist or bigot or misogynist, or some other bullshit...

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You're losing.

quality leafposting

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>and Hannity, Carlson, Levin, Jones and Ingraham will be reading from their script. They love to troll you dipshits. Cuz it works!
You could, you know, maybe provide examples of Fox outright lying. That's how a non retard would approach a discussion.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-24 CNN, Credibly Accused of Lying to its Audience About a Key Claim in its Blockb (1270x615, 63K)


this also

Oh honey, what you uneducated rural and suburban retards call "liberal bias" is just straight down the middle reporting. Try visiting a real city and reading a real book for once.

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Show me.

central unbiased if you live in a left leaning European or Canadian dystopia.
Oh honey, didn't you learn that in gender queer studies?

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>five replies and no one offering evidence to the contrary