Why does Jow Forums completely ignore all the dirty shit surrounding the Vatican and the Pope?
Why is it when another scandal breaks out there are basically no threads?
Why does Jow Forums completely ignore all the dirty shit surrounding the Vatican and the Pope?
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what's wrong with the vatican? catholics are based
Because this is a Christian board.
Hypocrites then
all the glory is to God and no expense is too much to honour Him. Even in the OT, the Ark of the Covenant was adorned with gold and precious things. protestant fuck off
Imagine feigning this much fucking ignorance
I hate memefaggots more than religion
I Like it when Jow Forums ignores all the hard questions
Says it all
>dirty shit surrounding the Vatican and the Pope
it's the dirtiest
>I Like it when Jow Forums ignores all the hard questions
I've answered them.
>the Covenant
is between the Vatican and Lucifer and his reptilians
I don't, I know the Vatican has been covering up for pedos in the clergy and hushed a gay orgy incident that happened there, I hope the anti-Pope Francis gets lynched.
That an homosexual problem, if they keep burning down faggot their would be no pedophilia problem.
I would say that it probably has more to do with the fact that scandals revolving around Catholicism and the Church almost feel like an everyday reality to many people. The whole "Catholic Priest Touches Little Boys" meme is one of the most well known and persistent jokes in the Western world. People are desensitized to it.
Because what happens in the Vatican doesn't do absolutely nothing to the faith, the Bible or God. That's like saying because some doctors rape their patients that the whole healthcare industry or concept is evil and should stop. God bless you and may He show you the way.
Ignore? We have religion threads practically around the clock; the Catholic Church does get its share of criticism. What is however true is that the threads themselves are rarely about Catholics in particular and instead lump them in with Christians in general.
>Why is it when another scandal breaks out there are basically no threads?
The real scandal is how organized religion has people go into libraries to steal the books with negative histories about what the Church has done in the past. That way, people cannot learn about all the past problems. Certainly, schools won't teach such past histories since school boards are lobbied for the curricula.
Over time, that censorship of past history has proven effective for the church.
Vatican is the throne of Satan's representative on Earth.
Many faithful prayer warriors see the pope Francis in dreams and visions as the false prophet that will lead the merging of Islam with Christianity & all other religions. They will create their NWO with the Antichrist for a short while.
Catholics are so lost, impotent and faithless
A German
>be me, living in a south-italian small town
>new priest in town, very loved by the community because he funded the scouts and did some random traveling with some of the citizens, all paid by him
>the priest decides to do weekly meet-ups with the christian community (both young people and parents)
>the meet-ups gather lots of people, prevalently parents who literally push their "atheists" children to participate, to discuss christianity and help them "find god again"
>most of them are underage
>suddendly, the priest decides to turn these meet-ups to teens and little children only
>fast forward a couple of months, children absolutely avoid going in church and parents are literally obliging some of them to attend the meet-ups, fearing their childre are turning satanist or something, blaming on the media as usual
>get admitted to an "educative post-school program" for little children, where basically their parents dump them to have more time for themselves
>we casually end up talking about religion
>some children are scared shitless, some other disappointed
>they begin nervously talk about the priest touching them to remove sins or something
I got really concerned and did some questions: they basically told me he made the children go in a room with him one child at a time, made them strip and touched them while spurting some shit about "sin leaves marks on your body and by touching them and praying I make them disappear".
>fast forward again a couple of months
>children scared of going out of their homes after school
>the story eventually breaks and parents act like this was a new thing to them
>priest gets moved
>children telling us that their parents knew from the start
>one old lady, after mass, complaining that the new priest is shit and the children were lucky, since Jesus used to impose hands on sinful people to remove the demon from them
>christian community generally sad about the priest leaving, since no more free travels for them
I'm a Protestant if anything. Protestant Christian's don't agree that the pope is the one true vassal of god. His word is not the world of god. The pope is a corruptible entity. Catholics are retarded
Christian =\= Catholic. The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. Catholics believe the pope can speak for god, on behalf of god.
Christians of other denominations aren't this retarded
It's the same Abrahamic scam in a different wrapping.
since vatican 2 it cannot be taken seriously anymore
>Catholics believe the pope can speak for god, on behalf of god.
the absolute state of pr*testant retardation.
Because Jow Forums is redpilled about Vatican 2 and we know the jews and freemasons took over the Vatican and they are using it to undermine the True Christian faith.
Any links to news source about this?
that chair is just gold plated, its worth more because the pope's ass has been on it
>If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it.
Exodus 20:25
>And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:18-19
What do you intend on proving with this passage? Was the Ark of the Covenant not adorned with gold? Did it not have engraved cherubs and flowers?
Old news. And mainstream media pretty much covers it correctly.
Because everyone knows that papists are shitty people
I get it you are a victim, let me give you a napkin. btw I imagine you look likt pic rel
There's no use talking about something everyone knows about. Discussion over something agreed by the majority will never lead anywhere.
Imagine using the term "papist" in the year of our Lord 2019 unironically.
Vatican Hall. Pope sits in between the fangs.
Jesus established the first pope and gave him the keys to bind a loose, he was referencing the book of Daniel and the prime minister who had the keys when the king (Jesus) was gone. The prime minister would act as sitting king.
The Resurrection inside Vatican Hall. This is supposedly a depiction of Jesus on the wave of a nuclear explosion.
because there are a bunch of 14 year olds trying to push "muh based trad SSPX/FFPQGXIA catholicism" on here.
So of course the Vatican being fucking Satan will be downplayed.
Cope, jew. The true Christian faith shall never die.
case in fucking point. Please do tell me more about how the Vatican being a center of evil doesn't matter because its "muh troo church"
Imagine being butthurt by it.
Isn't it amzing how few people are willing or capable of facing this simple fact?
Almost every other catholic I know cannot give a straight answer as to why there are so many pedos in the church, they stand there thinking about the organization, the structure, the teachings, what is it that causes this? FAGS you dumbass, the church was too lenient to fags, other christians don't have nearly as much of an issue with this!
Because we've had 1900 years of true Church doctrine and teachings. The Vatican has been in the hands of the enemy only for 60-70 years.
>The Vatican has been in the hands of the enemy only for 60-70 years.
This is either willful ignorance or fucking cope, lol.
The Vatican is known for both it's good and it's bad. It became too corrupt and it's sad to see people defend it as the Vatican makes a mockery of Christianity
yeah Christ is Lord and the Pope is the false prophet.
independent churches grow around the world. In the end the Vatican will burn. The whore of Babylon will be thrown into the lake of fire.
Because if Papists weren't retarded they'd be Fundamentalist Evangelicals aka the most based group of White people.
And before you say it, yes fundies support Israel, that's their one flaw. But they also hate niggers, hate fags and hate the government. Which makes them a million times better than most groups of whites, especially atheists and neo-pagans.