Politically identifying black peoples worst problem

How did this get pruned? in 2 seconds? Jannies wtf. This is important stuff if you want to help blacks in the long term!

US politicians said that thing over hundred years ago.
That it was clear niggers should be free, but that something about how they are as a people and how they are developed. Has draw lines of distinction between them and european ancestry people. To the point where them living in same society in large groups. Is just going to be a disaster. They are not up to the standard of a european society, and so you´ll always be annoyed with them dragging it down to a level which they are more comfortable with being in. Which unfortunately is from a european standpoint, a dysfunctional society.
Few things about niggers in the US has been a greater disaster, than allowing american niggers to create their own subculture, it´s africa in a can. And africa isn´t the place these people want to live in either. Or they´d have immigrated back there long ago. 154 years now they have had the opportunity to immigrate to africa and have that situation. Few did.
The people in the past are seen as villains who said that. But really they were just being honest. And are fully vindicated with todays USA in many ways.
I can find berber muslim quotes going back 1000 years that describe the exact problems you are having with niggers today! And berbers weren´t exactly high civilized for that time either. They were in absolute shock about african people.
Go to where it says muslim scholars on black people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Here is one of my favourites. Let me know if you spot something going on today. This is over 1000 years ago this was said.
>Al-Muqaddasi (945/946-1000) was a medieval Muslim geographer

>"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that "there is no marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people -- but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."[4]
Al-Muqaddasi (fl. 966), Kitab al-Bad' wah-tarikh, vol.4

Child doesn´t know his father. I fucking got shocked watching this. They are remarkably consistent. You can leave them alone for hundreds of years they´ll be the fucking same when you come back. Don´t tell me that´s not massively genetic! It´s not like it´s their idea.

And you can tell they are honest and in disbelief, because they say 'they eat people, but god knows best'. They can´t fucking understand why those people are like that? What does god mean by this?
>Hudud al-`Alam is a book dedicated to Abu l-Ḥārith Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, a ruler of the local Farighunid dynasty.

>"Their [Zanj] nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." "Among themselves [the Sudan] there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."[4]
Hudud al-`Alam, 982 AD
They steal eachothers children, sell them to merchants. This is over 1000 years ago.

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>Al Jahiz (781–869), was a famous Muslim scholar

"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj [African Blacks] for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament."[4]
Jahiz, Kitab al-Hayawan, vol. 2
Evilminded and violent! Look up nigger crime statistics.

"We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions."[4]
Jahiz, Kitab al-Bukhala (The Book of Misers)

>"They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times - even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches."[4]
Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin, vol. 3
They don´t understand consequences. They like speaking a lot, but nothing what they say makes a lot of sense. And they don´t even understand what they are saying. Just like to speak a lot.

>Ibn Abi Zayd (922–996), was a Maliki scholar from Al-Qayrawan in Tunisia.

>It is disliked to trade in the land of the enemy or the land of the blacks. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Travel is a portion of punishment."[7]
They didn´t even like travelling in africa, because africans were so fucking strange. They considered them below standard of humanity. Acting like wild animals.
And to round it off a 14th century reference aswell.
"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."[4]
Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah
So what´s the point. When niggers got their own african culture in USA, and they say fuck whitey fuck american culture. It could only go DOWN HILL from there.. Because what are they going to create.. AFRICA.

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You can see niggers are anything íf not EXTREMELY CONSISTANT IN BEHAVIOUR.. across a thousand years. They act the same then, they act the same now!
Culture as you call it. Is GENETIC. pic related. It´s a direct expression of the sum of the parts of whatever group you have. It´s not some random thing that is completely independent of them! This is why it replicates so easily. It´s not their choice so much. As they are ruled by heredity. It´s in their dna! How they bred for thousands of years. So if you don´t understand that and you go.
>well why can´t niggers into a decent culture.
You miss the point of this is probably 20% nurture 80% genetic. Not the other way around.. And the niggers have an extremely dysgenic way of keeping eachother in line of some smart ones of them who want to formulate a better culture for them.
>uncle tom nigger, reading like a white boy.. fucking sellout motherfucker..
That´s their culture. A culture of keeping eachother down. Whilst pretending others are keeping them down.

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I made a thread about how this site is becoming reddit tier, I was reading your thread and it got straight out nuked before I could read all of your posts

I have logically analyzed ethnic groups like this in a very honest fashion. This is where it comes from, it´s not what i want it to be, it´s what it is.
It´s what i am i am like a computer, i always look at things not for what you want them to be, but for what they are. And when you look at things from that way. You understand everything so very easily. And i understand why they don´t want to see it. But you are not going to be able to help them either, unless you understand that. Because it´s like back to that E.R example i gave earlier but also with niggers. You come in with wound on your leg. It´s bleeding, you need stitches. They give you bandaid on pinky and pretend you leg wound doesn´t exist. That´s how people deal with niggers. And then wonder why nothing helps.
They don´t understand what the problem is. So they can´t go about solving it either, if they think it´s anything else than the core problem. Which is not 'muh racism' or 'muh discrimination'. No it infact has NOTHING to do with that. These are excuses for you to not identify that niggers have hereditary problems!
Back in africa for thousand of years, They kill the smart ones who could improve them, and bred the dumb violent ones. So the genetic cards niggers have. Are not great to put it mildly.
No wonder they want to so desperately to 'talk to the lord'. HELP US PLEASE. There´s something wrong with the nigger, mind, there´s something wrong! a nigger doesn´t think correctly! There´s something wrong with the nigger mind! Now we gotta pray to the lord.. Totally understandable reaction. A very honest one actually. Aside from regimenting eugenically niggers that breed, the lord is the second path to take. Trust in him that he will fix it. I get it.

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Also if you notice from those quotes. Lack of family structure in africa. This is why they never created a civilization there of any relevant standard. Family is THE FOUNDATION of a society, it expands to small villages, to larger tribes and regions, and ultimately to nations. But each are trying to do good for eachother families. It should not be a mystery to figure out what happens if you don´t have that!
Hudud al-`Alam is a book dedicated to Abu l-Ḥārith Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, a ruler of the local Farighunid dynasty.
"Their [Zanj] nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." "Among themselves [the Sudan] there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."[4]
Hudud al-`Alam, 982 AD
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals..."[4]
Hudud al-`alam, 982 AD
"As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate... Most of them go naked... In all their lands and provinces, gold is found.... They are people distant from the standards of humanity."[4]
Hudud al-`Alam, 982 AD
They are not loyal to eachother they screw eachother over in their own countries. They are not loyal to their countrymen, to their own tribe to their own society. So it never got off the ground.
Stage 1 of developing any decent society. Loyal to your family, loyal to eachothers families. Supportive, helpful etc. Niggers are none of that. The niggers that were bred in africa, killed the ones who had those traits! And then raped their fucking women.

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>I was reading your thread and it got straight out nuked before I could read all of your posts
It got pruned in 10 seconds after i posted the last bit. Jannie misfire. It´s worthwhile reading.

SOmetimes I come to www.Jow Forums.com /Pol to read the news because you guys are always right (lol) but honestly it really does bother me deep down to my bones when I see genuine racism and hatred on this web sight. I like funny memes and ironic frogs too but seriously guys you make it really hard to red pill normies like me when all you do is call eachother niggers all day.

I really, really, like this place but sometimes it's just a little bit uncomfortable having to wade through all the vitriolic bullshit. Does any body whose an old fag know how these filters work?

Racism is a bogus term that declares a chinese person and an african are identical. People are different ethnic groups with entirely different behaviour and wiring. We should all try to be nice to eachother inspite of our differences. But you are one where this is all too new for you that you get angry, and i don´t even think you know why you get angry about it. It´s conditioning on your part. If you want to actually help africans and blacks improve themselves. It´s very important to identify what the real problems are!

This thread is straight truth.
Unpleasant, maybe. But truth nonetheless.
Have you ever travelled in Africa?

Test. Seems to be an image problem with Jow Forums.

Ok thread is still up but all images are 404, see this in other threads too. Thread is still up lads, read and participate.

I'll just bump it for the sake of the Streisand effect, fuck them for deleting this thread, hope it gets the attraction you intended x2

They deleted the first one about 30 seconds after i made the last post.
This one is still up to jannies credit. Also there seems to be technical fuckery with Jow Forums atm.
I made this post here.
Asking them wtf. is going on?
And i checked other posts in catalogue, many of them are 404.. all the pictures, but the threads are still up.

>hope it gets the attraction you intended x2
I think it´s worth reading. Thank you sir.

>Don´t tell me that´s not massively genetic!
Of course it's genetic.
IQ is genetic.
Which is why bleaching is the only way to solve the problem.

>Which is why bleaching is the only way to solve the problem.
No it´s not. How do you think europeans and others well intelligent ethnic groups improved on themselves? Do you pretend all is default and niggers are just stupid. We are a product of heredity! cultivating good lines, or cultivating bad lines. Every man on the planet you see today walking this earth, even you. Are a product of those before you. I believe in the epigenetics thing. There´s an unlocking of potential. Niggers clearly destroyed all the ones they should have bred with of niggers, to achieve similar situation as we do. They destroyed their innovators their creative minds.. and instead cultivated dumb violent morons. Who didn´t care about improving things for themselves just a little bit, did not interest them. 'Devolution' lowering the base common denominator. Because what is very true about all ethnic groups is. Dumb people have more children than smart people. However. It´s actually much better that it´s other way around! But it´s not like that. Because smart people are spending their time doing all the important things to create things and make things better. And dumb people sit on their ass or do less meaningless thing and pump out babies.
Infact part of why europeans got so strong was that and you can research this. The upper class replaced the commoners, they interbred with them and also had tons of children. So you had superior european genetics replaced the european genetics.
As chronicled in videos like this about the industrial revolution.
Smart people are a very rare commodity on the planet, and you have to almost force them to mass breed, because they are too busy and too responsible. Look at india aswell for example. It´s a shadow of the higher castes of india at a time. They have been totally overrun. And they develope this caste system to cope.
With europeans the opposite happens. 'The higher castes' mass bred.

>Which is why bleaching is the only way to solve the problem.
Bleaching is not solving the problem. The africans need to eugenically improve their stock by PROMOTING good africans to have tons of babies. It´s a very DAUNTING and hard effort. Because smart people don´t want to have kids. From a bio preservationist perspective. Which i am coming from this from. Wanting to preserve all ethnic groups. It´s almost INSULTING if you are so fucking good, and you don´t want to have kids. I almost want to beat you in the face. What do you think these not so good people will do. Have 10 fucking kids that you pay for. So whilst you are building civilization. They take you over, and then they destroy whatever it is you built, because they don´t even understand what the fuck you were doing!
Africans need to be with africans everybody needs to be with eachother, we need to preserve each of the beautiful cornucopia of the very different and distinct human ethnic groups! But we need to improve each of them aswell! Otherwise it´s useless.

You need to have people who do know how to do things. The more advanced we get in the global civilization. The higher the demand is of a higher population of smarter people. Not a higher population of stupid people relying on smart people to develope things for them! THAT`S NOT GOING TO WORK. We are nearing a stress level therefore, because the population is mass increasing, and so is demand. But the providers are SHRINKING! MASSIVELY. Because the population boom is too much too fast. And it´s not regimented in that they are good quality people. Bad quality people should only have 1-2 kids, good quality people should have 10+ decent ratio considering how few there are. Then you reach a better equlibirium

Really europeans got so strong because very high caliber men mass bred, whilst the population due to various things, had plagues and bullshit like that, and deteriorating peoples. This created a situation where there were now tons of people of actually noble birth compared to commoners. So in a way europeans are in a real sense depending on country, much descendent on very high level bloodlines. I myself have swiss nobility in my blood for example. It went on all throughout europe. So the others ones are shitters breeding with shitters, and europeans breeding with essentially the higher castes. You got a really fucking exceptional average group that then created industrial revolution. When populations were tiny, which then scaled into average decent populations. Whereas the others they just scaled in their average shittery. So it´s not really a mystery why pic related happened. It´s like a fluke of positive eugenics due to circumstance that landed europeans in front, lots of commoners died, whilst very decent stock mass bred.

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that knees looking awfully exposed

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And so after industrial revolution. Life as you know it. The trajectory for each group has just EXPLODED.. due to innovation and curing diseases etc. from 250 million niggers in africa to 1.2 BILLION in 2019. It´s insane. And it´s just a direct scale because no eugenics meassures, it´s just dysgenics. Ever shitter with a fucking pulse bred 10 children. Where in the past you had to provide for your own children, now you don´t have to. State or other organizations pays for it. This tilted the scale completely to now in every ethnic group high quality is being outbred at a viscious downward spiral! 7 billion people on the planet today. Look how few people on planet just in the 17th century. It´s absolutely insane, and really a disaster that people did not understand genetics better to prevent this situation we are now faced with.

>How did this get pruned? in 2 seconds?
I misclicked, the UI is horrible

Sorry 1950 africa 250m 2019 africa 1.2 billion just so you understand how FAST this is happening thanks to technological and scientific revolution of the golden nugget group (the west european ethnic group).
It´s like the golden goose that lays golden eggs for mankind. And is shat on for it and told to hate itself.. And some even want to try and destroy it. Absolutely insane. It is objectively superior. We should make equally superior in similar way the other ethnic groups so they maintain their region with similar quality. But nobody cares how that superior group was constructed. It´s so sad.

>I misclicked, the UI is horrible
Haha, well thank you for responding. It´s alright. If indeed you are in earnest.

Thank you all for reading and participating in the thread. These are important things to understand.

thanks for being consistent.

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>you are but one man
>they are no longer your people to save.

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The #1 problem of Black people are other Black people. They're their own worst enemy. No matter what Whites give them in gibs, programs, housing, preferential treatment or whatever else, they still manage to fuck it up for themselves.

In short, fuck niggers. Send them back to Africa. Let them starve in the World's breadbasket.

Nice bait, Leaf.

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>The #1 problem of Black people are other Black people. They're their own worst enemy. No matter what Whites give them in gibs, programs, housing, preferential treatment or whatever else, they still manage to fuck it up for themselves.
Exactly. What a good way to round off this thread. If blacks want things to change for them. It is up to them, not anyone else. They are being used as pawns by you know who. And whilst they are destructive and whilst this is not good for us that they are there. If they are to be more tolerable, and to improve themselves. It starts with themselves. Others have done desperately for many decades everything they can, and have gone above and beyond in the 'call of duty' to placate them. And they have not been themselves asked to lift a finger in return. So it´s up to them. We've done everything we could possibly do. But you can only pretend someone else is the problem. For a certain amount of time. Eventually the truth catches up with everyone.

Toastin in epic bread

>genuine racism

So friggin based

Nice thread, first time I actually heard about the eugenics effect of plagues in europe but certainly makes a lot of sense

the issue isn't niggers, its whites, they stole Jewish inventions, blamed Jews for slavery, enslaved niggers for 400+ years, and expect them to change lol, you change them, nigger

excellent thread OP, this reminds me of the kinds of threads when I first came to pol years ago

Their women and welfare are the worst problems they face. The too many, even though it's a minority of their women, have no loyalty. This in turn effects the males, because they need to prepare themselves for the betrayal. Also, the media always emasculates them in media entertainment that's for them.
Welfare is made to increase the statistical odds of the women (of all people) to be more combative and less compromising towards the man in the relationship. Because then they know they have a fall back plan. Social engineering has been ruining the family unit for a long time because now women don't need to rely on a man, and so they don't think they need to compromise.

If I was nigger in the US.
I would wonder what happened to all the niggers like me in Bolvia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay.
All those countries had important black populations, now they have token niggers here and there, mainly Peru.

If whites disappear, the La Raza and MS13s of the world will exterminate and eat you. And not even joking,

I thought the thread was asking what hinder them in society.

>Their women and welfare are the worst problems they face. The too many, even though it's a minority of their women, have no loyalty.
>I thought the thread was asking what hinder them in society.
If you read the thread you answer your own question. Why do black women have little loyalty. Because 1000 years ago i can read you berber quotes of that an african kid doesn´t know who their father is. Do you think that´s a quality dad? Nah he left her with her fucking kid.. HE LEFT HER..
Do you think these black women give a fuck about family then. It´s embedded in their dna at this point.
>man will fuck you over and run away from you.
And the US dems exploited that with single motherhood gibs. Nobody took to that as african women. And as most don´t understand that deep background going back 1000 years in them.. If they did, ah, makes perfect sense. Also the worst thing you can do to black women at the same time.

>culture as you call it is GENETIC
I have to agree with this statement. Because a culture comes from a mass population engaging in similar behavior, so it would make sense that their genes give a certain group of people a predisposition for behavior (being polite and quite in public—Japan for example). Of course there are some exceptions and outliers to this, but that's why a culture is really an averaging of behavior and accepted customs across a society. Modern social justice researchers would reject that definition, or anything loosely like it, because it would imply that almost all concentrations of black populations have a culture of crime, poverty, and infidelity (already sounds like a rap song).
By the way, rap is probably one of the worst things for the black community by and large. It appeals to genetic predispositions and chemical triggers. For the improvement of black people's quality of life, they should educate their children to not take it seriously nor emulate it.

>I have to agree with this statement. Because a culture comes from a mass population engaging in similar behavior
Can you click on the image related to the post you are replying to. If you can, you will see under the surface is all the genetic stuff... Lot of these things are very ethnically distinct and almost subconcious. Since we are 80% or so inherited. and only 20% of either curbing that inheritence or improving or deciding upon it. That turns out to be a massive indicator of how people of certain types are going to construct their society.
This is also what is important to understand, you are not simply your own, i am not simply my own. I represent a vast lineage going back thousands of years. Everything about each union of them, is partially represented in me. I am their crowning achievement. You are their crowning achievement. You are not alone in that sense, a product of that you just show up one day, and if you dissapear it doesn´t matter. No, we are each VERY important!

I looked at the image. Very true and inspirational message, saying that we are the pinical of all our ancestors. I like that.
I hope your country isn't going to import more African migrants. It should be apparent to your government that they won't adapt. Just a lazy look at the US or U.K. Will give you all the insight your politicians need.

Do you want to hear something scary? I was on Instagram a few years ago, before I left it, and there was this ghetto guy I found. He posted about white devils, how native Americans were mistreated, how blacks were the original ______, always wore red gang colors, etc. but one post was very insightful. It was a picture of him squatting on the concrete and the caption read something like this:
>" 14 months is the longest amount of time that I've been out of jail since I was 18. This is something to celebrate."
And I'm not kidding when I say 14 months. Imagine the implications. This man looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties too. This man I found has a phone capable of taking high resolution photos, he has a car (not all that nice desu but still) and yet, the longest stretch of time he's been out of jail since he was legally an adult here is ~14 months? How could he find work at all when his arrest records show he's unstable? This is relatively common within the their population and they really don't see it as a problem.
I've heard it said that 1 out of 7 black males are incarcerated. That's so much money being spent by their proportionate population in terms of just correctional costs. Not to mention other costs.
People who cannot live 2 years without going to jail over and over again probably should never be left on the street. Because they're not normal.

>I looked at the image. Very true and inspirational message, saying that we are the pinical of all our ancestors. I like that.
That is exactly what you are, but most don´t put it into words and recognize it. You should value it. You are so important, so are everyone! Be proud of who you are, no matter who you are, even if you are some totally mixed person who is conflicted. BE PROUD of who you are. Doesn´t mean that you want others to be conflicted as you if you are conflicted. But i am big advocate in people being in love with themselves. And if they have a distinct people. To be in love with that people. Because that is really family in the real sense, an extended one, very much like you. And nobody can love you better than family. If you didn´t have them, you would be so lonely. Everyone else have their family but you. SO alone.. I don´t want that for anybody.

It'll be interesting to see if Automation changes they way we do immigration.

Very based in the real sense. I don't hate anyone. I am worried how society can be destabilized all over egalitarian views.
Cheers mate.

>Very based in the real sense. I don't hate anyone. I am worried how society can be destabilized all over egalitarian views.
When our family is threatened. We react. They call it xenophobia but it´s rational! Who hates their people and want foreigners to diminish them in their own country. No reset button in this 'game' of life.. It´s hard mode! So eering on the side of caution, and we are way beyond that at this point it´s more like trying to desperately to reduce the damage. But let´s pretend it was many years back and people were nervous. EVERY RIGHT TO BE SO MAN... are these people fucking with us. Yes they are!
It´s not irrational and it´s a very founded fear.. Of if foreigners come in, what motivations do they have, they sure don´t act like our family does..
>oh lay down your arms and be invaded you racist.
REALLY. No. Racist till i die. And truth will vindicate me. I do believe we need to treat eachother very nicely and respectfully. BUT AGAIN.. treating eachother nicely and respectfully. Is part of not trying to destroy eachother like that. So to me mass immigration is breach of contract of decency. Stage 1. Stage 2 is when you ask them, are you aware you demographically destroy us. If they don´t give the only proper response which would be.
>ah man sorry, i didn´t realize so many, and you all this stuff it´s your country really that we are part of and it´s turning out to be nothing about you anymore, and you have nowhere else to go, because it´s your house. We didn´t realize. Let me help you stop it and return it to fair fashion.
If they don´t do that. They might aswell punch you and your ancestors right in the face.
So if they call me something like i am a racist. RACIST TILL I DIE THEN. Because your term racism is morally and logically bankrupt. You want to destroy my people in my own country, and call me racist if i don´t want that to happen. OFCOURSE I AM GOING TO BE A RACIST THEN.

But at the same time, you will find almost nobody else who respect other ethnic groups more than i do and want to preserve each one. So how am i at fault for that. I don´t want my own to go away. Should i blow my own head off too, this is what they are asking. No i won´t do that.
>well you are a racist then.
FINE. You leave me no choice. I have but one option. And it´s not blowing my head off. As much as some of these might enjoy that. Sick sick people with wicked agendas.

This is heavily based sand nigger teachings. Thank you OP

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this is so true. without whites around to protect them, blacks will be enslaved/genocided by other races. their inferior monkey brains cannot comprehend this though

A little clip from a movie about cultural differences. Called 'in china they eat dogs'
Vuuk he is some immigrant from poland or whatever. He want to take care of his family. He make some complaints. And harald doesn´t want to hear any of it.
>if you are unhappy to be here, you can leave
And the other ask him.
>you are racist man
You say it it like it is a bad thing? and if you two bitches are so holy why don´t you give vuuk a pay raise out of your own salary? Yeah.. i thought so.
He is ofcourse villain in this particular movie. But he´s not. If people come from other place and they turn your place into their place. And it´s your house. Your people are FUCKING GONE MAN. Sometimes you need to be tough.. When all these other things are secure and no threat to them. You can be as kind as you possibly can imagine. But not whilst you are almost being destroyed by it!
It´s called in china they eat dogs. Because danes don´t understand why chinese eat dogs. It´s cultural differences.. And we can´t reconsile it. So if you don´t like it. LEAVE.

even when you truly try to warn them, they stupidly say that "no muffugin beaner gonna touch me nigga! Imma smoke them taco ass".

They may be strong and agile, but they suck balls at war.
Innumerable examples of it.

Also Also chinese is weird in eating dogs, because their emperors had pekinese around, claiming they with their gentle nature protected the emperor against evil spirits. And when they would walk them, sometimes the chinese had to bow. But chinese only eat 'some dogs'. It has to be rebellion against chinese emperors to do this. Because the chinese emperors loved doggies. The pekinese in particular was bred to be a royal dog of the chinese.
>They may be strong and agile, but they suck balls at war.
>Innumerable examples of it.
blacks did massive cannibalism and enslavement of other people. But warfare against others than africans, is not very good for them. Is why when colonialists came to africa in late 18th century. It was like dumb people and space aliens. Niggers are extremely viscious and brutal in killing and cannibalism and rape. So it´s a good thing they never got sophisticated enough for that. But one can argue that that level of sophistication necessary requires intelligence and understanding to not do such things.
But you are quite right. I mean central and south americans are going to fuck with the niggers. It´s white americans in particular that stops them from already doing so. If hypothetically white americans are gone. There goes the restriction. Everyone, including myself is scared to fight other europeans. I am scared of fighting other europeans more than anybody else in the world. Because whilst others might if they capture me do sick things. There´s nobody that i have lower odds against defeating than another european.
Everybody is really secretly scared of europeans when they go to war. It´s not a european thing to just go kill people as normal part in society. But you put europeans in an army and they are given no other choice but fight or die. Don´t be on the recieving end..

>How did this get pruned? in 2 seconds?
Jannies are fucking vile cunts lately. They delet and ban for legit threads, while nigger dick and bot spam hangs on the board constantly.

This place is a fucking Psyop run by CIA jews, just like Fedchan.

>even when you truly try to warn them, they stupidly say that "no muffugin beaner gonna touch me nigga! Imma smoke them taco ass".
If niggers are going to start some ethnic war against central and south americans. They are going to regret it. These people come from people who some of them sacrificed eachother as human sacrifice. MS13 gore videos.. i mean these people are viscious animals. Niggers can also kill you and chop you up and not give a fuck, part of what scares me about niggers, that they are capable of doing that and laughing. But niggers vs spics. Spics wins.. they are already driving them out of areas in USA. I mean in a certain way a nigger who is pro illegal immigration cause they think they are going to be bros. They have to understand the bromance ends when white majority ends. Then they will find out how not bro's they really are with them.

>this is so true. without whites around to protect them, blacks will be enslaved/genocided by other races.
This is also what is actually tragic. They want to extinct almost the only ethnic groups on the planet, who actually hold a hand over the niggers, and say. No don´t do bad to them. And the only reason people haven´t done bad to niggers already is because everyone is afraid of europeans when it comes to this. Literally the only reason niggers are protected and pampered is because of europeans. And what do niggers do. Brilliant plan. Let´s argue for destruction of europeans! I mean..

Isn't it funny that at the climax of European power over the world, we had a sacrificial brother war that also made those same empires lost their colonial possessions?
It really makes you think WHO benefited from it...

Niggers think they are experts at drive by shooting cuz they kill unarmed Lamar and Tyrone at the 7-11 corner?
They have no idea what is coming.

>Isn't it funny that at the climax of European power over the world, we had a sacrificial brother war that also made those same empires lost their colonial possessions?
>It really makes you think WHO benefited from it...
WWII was in a large part forged in the 'peace treaty' of wwI. The treaty of versailles and st. germaine. if you look at what was removed from germany. The german empire went from superpower to almost 3rd world country. All ore colonies confiscated for example. Causing directly 7 million people unemployed and shipyards standing empty. Now they had to rely on others for trade for the necessary ore. And they DICKED THEM.. in trade, in like ways that you can´t even wrap your head around how unfair it was. They wanted to squeeze germany into like it was nothing.. And had a plan at same time publically with things like kalergi. To say wouldn´t it be great if german people were miscegenated and mass immigrated out of existance.. And turned into neo egyptian with african oriental and middle eastern admixture. THAT`S FUNNY. Was that was the egyptians were. I mean it does fit. For sure egyptians weren´t africans. It´s right next to middle east. You cannot be in africa and be closer to middle east than if you are in egypt.
But you got all that. And then ndsap took office. They cured it. Whilst british and united states people suffering. And then, ah, tear germany down. Already the plan. Cause they needed regime change in germany... to fascilitate the EU..

nsdap pardon. here´s nsdap economic plan (worked).
primer to natsoc 25 points.
No i am not saying natsoc had everything right. But they had a LOT of it right. A LOT OF IT.
What happened due to wwII. EVERYTHING DISCARDED and stigmatized. So sad. One of the most ambitious overhauls attempted. And it worked quite a lot of it. Everything. discarded.
People think we are interested in natsoc principles because we are dumb. Oh sweetheart this is ANYTHING but dumb in a lot of it. It´s almost so pragmatic and reasonable that it even gets boring at one point. How correct it is, and few care to even look.
Anything jews demonize the shit out of for 70 years, take a look see. Worst case scenario you learn what you already know. What is the fear. You read it you turn into a natsoc? I read das kapital i turn into a marxist. Not the way it works. But jews give you free porn on internet. Eventhough jews NEVER give anything away for free they don´t stand to massively benefit from. Let´s ignore that.

what kind of armor is that? Honest question

They had germany, they stage marxist revolution similar style as in russia (which succeeded) it failed in germany. Now germany had an ultra nationalist party very identitarian because they knew why the jews wanted to bring down germany same as they had brought down russia.
Hitler even writes it in mein kampf.
>The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.
Does that look like he hates russia. No but he needs to confront russia somewhat, to safeguard eastern europe, since now russia is endangering eastern europe and also western europe (which he was proven true, they try to annex finland in 1939) the winter war. The red army roll in with EVERYTHING THEY FUCKING HAD, and other nations were like..
>we decry this unprovoked attack
Didn´t do SHIT.. they thought the finns were toast. And then that would open up to sweden, and to attack germany from there. So hitler knew what the game was.. youtube.com/watch?v=PMa3w8L92Xs
Miracle save from finns. Nobody saw that coming.

It´s a bomb defusal armor. Hence why it looks so uncomfortable. Or comfortable. you are very padded. Not for mobility.

It´s not pretty. Niggers don´t stand a chance against spics. But aside from that. Nobody even wants a civil war, I sure don´t. I don't want to get into a fight with someone who i wish for them to live a happy life and do their thing. But if it´s me or you and you are instructed to kill me. I´m sorry that it has to be that way. What i want is for peaceful repatriation of a lot of new comers to my nation and also wish same for other peoples nations that they go back home safely snugly and secure, under protest they will ofcourse go. But i have no wish to kill anyone. How hard and beautiful it is to keep something alive. Death is easy. Destruction. Is very easy. It´s not noble it´s not wanted, it´s something you do when you have no other choice. These people larping about how much they want to kill people, they will be hiding in the fucking corners. There is no honorable thing in killing people. So if that be the case, make it swift and mercifully swift therefore. Do it to have it done. And for no other reason.

>lots of commoners died
Castrate criminals.

spot on

> france no longer france.jpeg
pics took in britbongland
> really make you thinks how danes are actually retarded.

>this pic is not in france, no cars are burned in france.
You are so right pierre. Why settle for a burning car! But it´s not like you can´t find immigrants burning cars in france. So you really are stretching this critique out a bit aren´t you..

Attached: notre_dame.jpg (960x540, 41K)

>really make you thinks how danes are actually retarded.
This is what it takes for you to declare danes retarded. I have near eidetic memory. I had a few drinks during my time itt. After the initial launch finally took off. I can assure you that danes and stupid is not something i would put in the same sentence. Though i´m sure we have some of those! But it´s not something we are famous for.

What is the reason for your insecurity? I am trying to help you recover your country. And you get angry with me about the burning cars are not from your country. It is most probably that you are not ethnically french, and also that you are too stuck up to realize what is happening to your country. Pride before the fall.. You think it cannot happen to you. We all thought that. How could someone allow all this mass immigration.. It´s unheard of. Camp of the saints, it´s a warning not a manual.

btw. Did you check out the video. The guy NAILS IT. And the new comments are like
>you didn´t nail it, that's preposterous.
HE DID! HE NAILED IT! idk who he is but i have a feeling that we share ancestral bonds. Straight shooter, and the way he talks. There´s some mutual ground somewhere in our dna. HAHA
And he´s so diplomatic about it too. It´s like me. I always want to say more than i am saying, to make sure that you get every detail of it. it´s brilliant and i never even watched his videos before. Which makes me laugh.

Fire is the only way to solve this problem friend. There are too many nogs for bleaching to be effective at this point. All that will do os bring every other race down to their level. You know that this is true.

No it isnt and you fucking know it.

>Fire is the only way to solve this problem friend. There are too many nogs for bleaching to be effective at this point. All that will do os bring every other race down to their level. You know that this is true.
For those who don´t know what kalergi wrote in practical idealism. Shame on you. It is what inspired the nazi regime you always talk about. Same as similar writings. But i mention kalergi in particular since that is the total codex of the endeavour of the EU.
Hitler writes about kalergi in mein kampf.
>what is this timeline
Hold on to your belt buckles.
...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].
THIS IS WHAT NATSOC WERE FIGHTING AGAINST. This is now being implemented. They give themselves honorary awards for doing this.. to france to britain to usa (clintons). Hmm.. clinton.

clinton.. bill clinton. why would american clinton get kalergi award (charlemagne award). Betraying european americans. Because american MEANS EUROPAN. that´s what an american was, till very recently. Europeans and a few niggers. That jews denied europeans for repatriating. Even the europeans in USA was making due preparations. Gave the niggers in USA AN ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY with EVERYTHING.. liberia. Because if they send them back to niggers who enslaved them and sold their ancestors. Dick move. New west african country, liberia. JUST STRAIGHT UP 100% for african american nogs.
>whitey american aren´t moral.
90+% of them never even wanted the nogs there, fucking jews bought them for most part and sailed them over. On jewish owned ships. You are learning some stuff tonight, and i´m not a soft teacher.

Ok so kalergi is really why they wanted to destroy germany in wwII, you think you defeated the evil and all these things. WRONG.. patton look into him.. he realized what they were doing. He got pissed off.
they needed germany to create the EU. To then remove european soverignty and drown europe in immigrants, forcing penalty for failure to comply.

Now back to kalergi. THEY GIVE THEMSELVES awards.. kalergi was the first recipient. He wrote in 1925 what ticked natsoc and hitler off, aswell as other writings by others. Practical idealism. Mix and mass immigrate germans and other europeans OUT OF EXISTANCE to create a better tomorrow.
>ok that´s it. JUDEN RAUS! get the fuck out for the 100th + time.. You gone too far.

Attached: kalergi_traitor_award.png (1246x618, 217K)

Here´s also of interest to particularly americans, from mein kampf.
> With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale.

>It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.
They learned americans ah we got the niggers there. BRING THEM INTO GERMANY.
>they weren´t slaves of us

>For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.

>And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.


What is he talking about. Everything you see today buddy. You see if this was so incorrect. Why are they doing it. Because it´s what they wanted to do. So hitler and nsdap was like, you are going to do this and here is why it is wrong, cats out of the bag.. Because you have then two choices. You can stop doing it.. ruining your entire operation. Or you can keep doing it, villanizing the people who said you were going to do that and it´s wrong,.

Attached: 1563297704465.png (729x930, 204K)

Do you see that guy. This is why sweden altered stance on rape statistics. Do you think that jew guy doesn´t know what is happening. They change the reporting of and definition of what is considered rape in sweden. So now it´s different. TO MASK the TRAGEDY THAT IS OCCURRING. They know niggers and arabs rape like crazy! and western european males, we pretty much NEVER DO. I´m an old fuck put me in the new body when time ends and the new time begins. Ok not that old. But i know things that make it seem like i am very old. I know how life was. it was urban fucking legend someone was raped. Someone rape somebody. This is crazy stuff!

Somebody rape somebody. Molding you..
>ah well, rape it is happening, but white people do it too. It´s stupid to say this is only them doing it.
EVENTHOUGH YOU CAN SEE. THESE PEOPLE ARE MASS RAPISTS.. in their own countries. THey come to yours. Ignorant fools, like we are under some titan shield and if someone come rape you someone automatically cut their head off. They rape you, nothing happens. So unprepared for this. Because in the past we killed them all who did that. So those types are not here.

But in their countries, they are used to that fucking shit, doesn´t surprise them ONE BIT.. no fucking surprise, in some african countries they have to make a fucking plackard to say to the niggers, don´t rape woman, woman is your friend.. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

More on the jews. It´s my fucking show now.
And my show is now called. Find something that is not happening. A public service announcement to all humanity. Who i love and cherish all ethnicities of them.
Mein kampf;
>In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

>Culturally, he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

>Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

>Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic peoples Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slaves lot of permanent subjugation.

So he makes sure you can´t defend yourself against mass immigrants, and then he kicks open the front door!