Did you wonder why Deutschland bank (((investors))) are fleeing?

At the same time Epstein was arrested, Deutsche bank lost one billion in assets as investors fled. Jeffery Epstein had billions at Deutsche bank under different (((names))). The bank is currently (((investigating))).

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Other urls found in this thread:


It’s a cohencidence right?

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*thinking emoji*

Here’s one link. They are trying to play this down but the rabbit hole goes very, very deep. Epstein is powerful enough to disrupt one of largest banks in the world? The bank is pretending like they are unaware of what assets he had and who else they were linked to. They are working hard to scrub the money trail Under the guise of downsizing and restructuring

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What in the ever loving fuck is going on to the catalog rn



If this thread gets pruned make more. This needs msm attention. The shifty fucks are destroying all remaining paper trails of the international black mail op

More incoming. FBI agent Salvatore Cincinelli was suicided last week. He worked on high profile Wall Street investigations and was investigating Clinton foundation finances

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do you even archive?

Epstein also owned part of a bank that got a secret bailout in 2008 wallstreetonparade.com/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-chaired-a-6-7-billion-company-that-documents-suggest-may-have-received-a-secret-federal-reserve-bailout/

bamp for justice.

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Forbes pulled the article about his interest in AI, this has most of it



Oh hey thats where Trump banks

luzzatto thread up. keep it alive anons

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Pol is always righjt, the jewish problem need to be deported to israel.


DB launders Iranian money too. They are a very dirty bank.




DB is the last surviving solvent German bank. There are no others remaining except one private bank which serves the chemical industry, not commerce or individual depositors.

DB has been kept afloat by three main methods:

1. Shady money laundering like with Epstein and the Iranians and STASI holdouts

2. Skimming off the top of bailout monies delivered to European nations like Greece, and other EU payments which they take a cut of

3. UK payments of 10 million pounds per day into the ECB, which is basically a front for DB (both in Frankfurt)

Watch the news, you'll see I'm right. When DB collapses the whole Euro system will fall very shortly. I'm expecting this will lead to widespread social unrest in Europe, and the deployment of the EU military, all according to keikaku.

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Interesting, maybe Epstein got too greedy and started screwing the other tribals over and this is why he's quietly going down.

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There is a lot of panic here. Another thread talked about DB money trails leading back to blackmailing that facilitated 9-11

it's just a cohencidence.

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One piece of corroborating evidence for this idea comes from author and researcher Michael Ruppert, who reported in 2004 that immediately before the attacks began, computer systems in Deutsche Bank, one of SilverStream’s other e-link clients, had been taken over from an external location that no one in the office could identify.

MICHAEL RUPPERT: Within, I would guess — I’d have to go back and look at the book, but it was no more than a week of the attacks — I was being contacted by a lot of people, from inside official sources who were raising a lot of questions. This one particular person was extremely credible. They absolutely convinced me they had been an employee of Deutsche Bank in the Twin Towers, and they told me very clearly that in the moments right before the attacks and during the attack — there was a 40-minute window between the time the first plane struck the World Trade Center and the second plane — that Deutsche Bank’s computers in New York City had been “taken over.” Absolutely co-opted and run. There was a massive data purge, a massive data download, and all kinds of stuff was moving.

And what this person said very clearly was that no one in the Deutsche Bank offices in the towers at the time had the ability to prevent what was going on from any of their terminals.


https:// dubdubdub .corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/

MICHAEL C. RUPPERT: So right after the attacks of 9/11 the name Buzzy Krongard surfaced, it was instant research that revealed that Buzzy Krongard had been allegedly recruited by CIA Director George Tennant to become the Executive Director at (the) CIA, which is the number three position, right before the attacks.

And Alex Brown was one of the many subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank, (which was) one of the primary vehicles or instruments that handled all of these criminal trades by people who obviously knew that the attacks were going to take place where, how and involving specific airlines.

From Bernie Madoff to Steven Hoffenberg to Jeffrey Epstein to Donald Trump to Jared Kushner to post Soviet Jewish oligarchs and mobsters including Semion Mogilevich all had connections at one point of time with Deutsche Bank . It seems that the bank had some kind of immunity because their shady dealing with CIA, And the deep state decide to punish the bank for helping rouge elements of Chabadnik Zionist to rebel against the system


This. DB is the keystone of dirty European commie financing as much as Epstein is the keystone of dirty Jewish compromise operations.

Goldman Sachs is just as dirty though

Probably related to DASH remote management, a photo-Intel ME type system which has been in place since the Pentium II.

There’s a great thread on DASH on infinity /tech/, bad news incels, if you want a secure computer you have to get one made no later than 1995 or so.


Yes of course, they’re kikes.

Proto- not photo-

DASH is related to 911.

All the big banks are

There was proof that there was a large amount of deals made that indicated insider trading due to foreknowledge of 9/11.

Did those deals ever get traced back? They want us to believe jihadis would risk compromising the attacks to make a profit? Sounds very jewish to me to leave fingerprints just to pinch pennies.

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>Did those deals ever get traced back?
It'd be hard to do now because Hurricane Sandy destroyed the physical records of the stock market which were stored at the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, now the only records are electronic through the DTC's online system.

So there are no longer any records of any of those trades.

thanks. here's an archive link archive.is/sP5P0

Weird stuff.



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