/pol based & tool-pilled?

Although lead singer Maynard Keenan seems to have drank the Kool aid as of late with all his "Trump is racist" & other parroting of MSM buzz phrases, back in the day, this band was actually pretty based & redpilled.

Check out their original demo tape, listen all the way through, especially the last track, and you tell me these guys didn't get it.


They were signed after only 3 months of being together, & the (((mainstream record company bloodsuckers))) were rock-hard & foaming at the mouth, eager to exploit them like all the others.

Despite that, tool gained incredible fame & popularity without ever signing to any of the mainstream labels and as a result were able to maintain total creative control, with a big "FUCK YOU" to the hawk-nosed parasites that thought they were going to take these talented young men for all they got.

They really were "the one that got away"- only because they maintained their artistic vision & stood firm to their values of artistic integrity - not selling out like so many other hopeful artists, and to push the message of the (((elites))). They called out the idiocy & inhumanity of government bureaucracy. They channeled their rage wisely.

As an aside, without this band, the world would have not learned of the genius of comedian Bill Hicks. Another Dead Hero who saw beyond the Veil, emerged from the Cave & tried to warn us the reality we thought we knew was in fact nothing but Shadows & Illusion, that we had to resist the coming take over


Hicks was unique. He was very pro 2nd Amendment, anti-bureaucracy, also of the 90's liberal slant: he believed like the rest of us that the Left wanted a colorblind society - he wasn't aware they wanted us as second class citizens.
Tragically he died from pancreatic cancer before he could see their egalitarianism turned on us.
I would have loved to hear him speak today.

Attached: Tool-72826-1991.png (500x500, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


haha benis :D

>everything I like is objectively based and redpilled
>everything I don't like is jewish shills
this place is reddit now

>is Canadian so has no soul for musical passion to resonate with, but posts anyway cuz shills are gonna shill.
>doesn't have even a sophomoric idea about predatory record companies.
kys go blow an immigrant covered in syrup or something.

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Throw this Bob Marley wannabe motherfucker out of here

Tool albums are legit. I suggest you listen.



I think DK is like Portnoy in that he is responsible for their compositions being interesting.

As for political views: the Zionist Atrocity eats them as it does all in it's grasp. And there are few exceptions, and I disagree Tool is one.

Talented = $$$ is the wrong math....

here's a red pill: you have poor taste

more of a hard-to-swallow pill, really

>without this band, the world would have not learned of the genius of comedian Bill Hicks.
Hicks was semi-famous while he was alive, retard. About as famous as most comedians ever get without being on the major talk shows.

Lateralus, Prison Sex, Aenema, Eulogy, Jambi, Schism, Stinkfist...
Why the fuck are they so good ?

>although later revealed to be a total fraud with utterly corrupt motivations that completely betrayed the substance of what I thought they were, I still like them because there is no other suitable receptacle for my emotions that has been provided for me

>as a result were able to maintain total creative control
this is where some fat kike would roll out of his chair laughing

>Hicks was unique. He was very pro 2nd Amendment, anti-bureaucracy, also of the 90's liberal slant
>He wanted his cake and to eat it too, which absolutely no consideration for how to make that possible
>He was just like every other leftist NPC fucktard that cowers away from the solution

basically you are trying to justify your brainwashing here

this is all about you, this thread

this people cowered out, they failed, they submitted, they should never be considered artists or spiritually superior or have any of the status they do.
They're just dumbfuck animals making noise for other dumbfuck animals to fuck to while the jew burns the world down.

Fuck you
torturous deaths are coming

drank too much of his own wine

T00L will always be an anti racist band. Eat shit and die, naziboy!

because you were socially validated while listening to that music and you associate the source of your social life with this fiction

you think listening to tool gives you free friends and popularity and status
you're brainwashed

Danny Carey really upped the game for everyone.
Another great drummer at God level is Carter Beauford. Sure, Bron Dailor is great, but really they should have pitted Carey with Beauford. He is practically unheard of outside of DMB fanbois

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>this place is reddit now
this world is reddit now
you could stop it

just break a few windows and burn a few buildings down

low chance of getting caught and going to prison for a limited number of years, not even having to risk your life vs eternal slavery and the extinction of everything you knew and loved

>visualise a tubgirl scenario where maynard has wine flowing out of his butthole and he tries to catch it with his mouth
>this scene has been going on for 10 years

Ænema is pretty Jow Forums in it's attitude towards Los Angeles


What the fuck I literally never talk about Tool to anyone cause it makes me mad when people don't like it.
I legit never met anyone who liked Tool.


>literally has no other response than to be rude bcz shills who know nothing of 4chins believe the media meme that everyone here is a gutter mouthed shit head who presents his opinions & feelings as fact like himself.

The fuck you talking about. If you like rock in America you are obligated to like Tool.

I always assumed they are universally loved

This song is actually even more relevent today then when they made it.

>literally has no other response other than some green text rambling nonsense

>Muh social validation brainwashing bcz I know nothing of actual musical composition besides the top 40 playing in the air conditioned jidf office.

Go back to redit, faget.

yeah you are lying, they are a popular catch all for social-peripheral types

that's usually what they call spergs when they're trying to be nice :)

>listening to tool gives you free friends

It kind of does tho. I think Tool will be the last 'great' thing to come out of LA

see this is what I am talking about

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>claims to know about "actual musical composition"
>doesn't say anything about it at all
>has no argument
>is mad about a comment online rather than the sellout pseudo-cult-leader that rapes his fans minds with propaganda after lulling them into a false sense of security

yeah, you're a fucking retard, get over it, your baby blanket is infected with AIDs, throw it away and stop yelling at me

dumb fuck


mopey, pretentious, generic X-er nihilism

very baste

>mopey, pretentious
oh shit i just discovered the bill hicks connection

lol you mad, foreskin stuffer?

Attached: feed-me-more-foreskins.jpg (735x490, 80K)

I need to watch things die, from a good safe distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
Much better you than I
Why can't we just admit it?


"Used to be a bunch of assholes who lived in this part of the building here. But we systematically removed them like you would any kind of termite or roach"

haha you started it you cry baby little bitch. keep your faggotry confined to your part of the internet.

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>heh, look at me. I listen to TOOL. Yeah, you probably just dont GET IT. I am "in on" the joke..that's what makes it cool. I'm pointing the finger back at YOU. Does that make you uncomfortable? Heh, thought so. Good luck listening to any other music, sheep.

>stop liking what I don't like

>Yeah, TOOL fan here. Did you buy the limited edition bottle of Maynards wine for $150? I did...are you even a real TOOL fan? I would let Maynard fuck me up the ass, BUT only if it helped him artistically. Yeah, I wear Tool shirts 5 days a week...so? I am going to go take some LSD and try to suck my own cock while I blast a TOOL album. Edgy? Nah, you just don't get the irony and it's all about IRONY.

Lol I don't even listen to rock but keep being butthurt on the internet

read in the voice of henry rollins

Here is how to write every single Tool song.

>palm muted, off time guitar intro
>drums come in playing another time signature
>do that intro for about 4 minutes
>Ironic, "look at yourself in the mirror" lyrics
>back to the same "creepy intro"
>Big drum solo
>Follows into a huge drum riff ending

Formulaic, boring, played out garbage.

>>is mad about a comment online rather than the sellout pseudo-cult-leader that rapes his fans minds with propaganda after lulling them into a false sense of security

>heh, a Tool thread? I better get in there and let everyone know why they are WRONG for liking Tool and how intellectually superior I am.

Tool is for faggots

he's a faggit and was never redpilled
unless you suffer a traumatic brain injury, there is no way to become un-redpilled
anyone who claims to become un-redpilled was never redpilled

>Heh, Tool Fan here again. Oh so you DONT like TOOL? Just like I thought, still don't GET IT. I bet you didn't listen to all their albums backwards and decypher the lyrics while drinking Absynthe in a pentagram, did you? Of course that's all IRONY, it's just to get you sheep riled up, and you fell for it. Not a shocker there, sheep. Heh, gonna go blast Lateralus and try to get the bong water smell from my basement carpet. TTYL, sheep!

Maynard's shit died after Conditions of My Parole.
New Tool won't be any good. Everything, and I mean EVERY THING, sucks now.

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Tool sucks

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tl;dr, OP = faggot etc etc

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I, I dont have a whole lot of time. um, ok, Im a former employee of area 51
. i, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes] Ive kind of been running across
Country. damn, I dont know where to start, theyre, theyre gonna, um, theyll triangulate on this position really soon.

Ok, um, um, ok, what were thinking of as, as aliens, theyre extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with. they are not what they claim to be
Uh, theyve infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the area 51.

The disasters that are coming, they, the military, Im sorry, the government knows about them. and theres a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now. theRe not! they want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable.


Coast to Coast:


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Guess how I know you don't have any friends

Punk rock > faggot prog rock


Name a song with better drums, you can't.


I can only image what you listen to.

Skrewdriver - Back with a bang
You musicianship kikes have to go back

cringe. I could but you are lost, my boy.

Shitty boomer rock. Maynard is a pretentious faggot and asshole. Ashamed I once thought their music was edgy when I was dude weed

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Stop following the degenerate jew Maynard sponsored and promoted by the jew controlled industry.
You think it's helping you and it's actually hurting you.
The power of suggestion holds more relevance than you know. YET.


You went there?

Best drum solo maybe, but song? That's a whole other thing.

My Big Ol' CUNTRY BONER it won't go down



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if you can find a recording of the first show they played after 9/11 (a few days after) he says the government did it. first time I heard anyone say that and definitely took balls at the time as everyone was in shock and very pro america

Literally homosex


Also puscifer was never good. Just a cry baby his mommy died as a catalyst to him being anti Christianity


more like early-x late millennial. everyone loved this band when i was in high school. some haven't moved on

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Puscifer is like the cheap chick made tool as opposed to a Craftsman tool. Don't even get me started on 'A perfect circle'.

If there's one thing you can say about Maynayrd, ti's he doesn't appreciate the talents of his own band.

Tool will live for ages on the guitar and drum solos alone. The same cannot be said of that other shit.

The biggest mistake people make is listening to Tool while tripping. The proper way to listen to tool is after staying awake for 5 days strait on a-PVP or a-PHP and being fully stim-psychotic with the shadow people.

that's not sour grapes or legend of the mix though.

Attached: the shadow people are here.png (740x900, 927K)

In one of his recent concerts, Maynard said something to the effect of
>Trump is not your enemy. Ignorance and fear are your enemy.
sounds like he’s as based as ever

Non-Drummer here, but agreed on both points. Carey and Beauford are both truly exceptional drummers

Do people in Frogland like Gojira?

Czeched and redpilled.

Tool is and has been a big part of my upbringing and life. Maynard is one of the best vocalists I've ever heard and the musical makeup and talents of the band is untouchable. Truly mind expanding sounds when put all together. Nothing feels better than blasting Tool and feeling the vibrations of their music in your body. Great shit and will expose my son to when he's older. Puscifer and APC are also great. Mama Said from Puscifer is life lessons shit! Good thread.

based. meth made me fall in love with tool, even though maynard is a fucking nigger now.

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This 100%. OP is a faggot with limited perceptions of truth and beauty, a true slave to the kikes

They may have a formula, but at least it's THEIRS. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with something all your own artistically that works well and that people love for decades? This alone is a massive accomplishment, let alone the many layers of meaning and skillfulness that go into each Tool song.

>playing in odd times with feel is hard
>make sure to remember every single note in all those complex riffs
>utilizing and thinking in dynamics, which few modern rock bands do well
>Creating "meta" music, where the structure, the timing, the rhythms and the words are all aligned to communicate the same idea
>Switching tunings & instruments fluidly
>writing lyrics that capture deep, multifaceted ideas in just a few lines
>capture and express something new for your complaining and jaded fans over and over

Non-artists always get all critical about whether or not an artist is being innovative as if that's the sole metric through which to gauge the brilliance of the artist's work. These same idiots get hung up on the technical side of playing an instrument, as if a million notes equals "better", when in fact a few well placed, meaning filled notes can bring an arena of people to tears.

Innovation isn't the only aspect of being a great artist, so is clear articulation of your vision. If youve got enough original ideas that you can turn into viable, good sounding songs to last you more than 25 years, please get off the internet and go be a rockstar millionaire and regale us with your genius.

>boomer rock
Well, we found the zoomer cuck boys

I am a pretty successful musician, so yeah, I do know.

>viral marketing thread for baby's first prog-metal
How adorable.

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Playing for free domestic drafts isn't successful

Post your music

Burzum fucking sucks

Hicks would have truely hated anyone trying to keep America as a nation of and for it's European settler stock
No different than the band OP worships

maynard is a cuck. write some more songs about your mother fag

Yeah everybody in this thread gets it. They’re liberal faggots stop defending them, also Danny Carey is chill and a badass on the kit

This exact thread with the exact posts and post order occured about a month ago here. I just had the most anomalous experience of Deja Vu in my life. Yet I don't think it was deja vu? WTF?

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Please take my band on tour with you user

My two favorite drummers exactly and I stared playing in 93' when I was 5. DMB and Tool were all my parents had on haha. You take it a step further and realize both are sucking Stewart Copeland's dick anyways.

That's like your opinion man. Tool is funnily enough like patchouli - you love them or hate them. Makes sense.

I believe most of the band is part of whatever occult group that is so pervasive in Hollywood. Some user claimed the other day that the song 4 Degrees was written about the Gaping Maw of Iniquity or something like that.

>when in fact a few well placed, meaning filled notes can bring an arena of people to tears.

Albert King.

>everything I don't like is reddit

I wanna see Gojira live so goddamn bad. I know they’re currently touring with Slipknot but decent tix are like $150-200 for their show in Houston in September. Fucking LiveNation.

Speaking of Tool, when the fuck does their new album start pre-orders? Isn’t it supposed to drop in August?