Why do christfags deny evolution?

Why do christfags deny evolution?

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Why do leftists immediately 180 and begin denying evolution once they have neutralized the Christians?

we dont deny it, we say it wouldnt possibly work without a guiding hand deciding the direction as there simply isnt enough time to just all be shaped by random trial and error

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They worship a jew, trying to make the world "equal" is their ultimate goal. What was once accomplished through christianity is now being pushed even further by communism and its modern incarnations. Same jew, different mask.

Why don't leftists evolve spiritually?

Evolution depends on changing environment.
If the earth had stayed exactly the same throughout its whole existence, we’d probably only have pond scum for life on this planet. When radical changes happen the excitement, evolution gets kicked into overdrive.
You can actually test this at home with bugs.
You can take a colony of ants, and split them in half. 1 half will be placed in a dry well-lit environment, while the other half is in a very moist and dark environment. In just a few generations, the ants in the wet environment begin to lose their sight, and in just a few more generations, your 2 groups of ants will no longer be able to mate with each other.
You have created a new species of ant, in about a month.

we don't you stupid kike.

I’m not a Christian, but I’m also not a brainlet. Evolution is the most Jewish scam of all time.

Because they can count.

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>I’m not a Christian, but I’m also not a brainlet. Evolution is the most Jewish scam of all time.
Yet you sound like a christcuck and brainlet. If not evolution than what? Creationist bullshit that Yahweh created all people equal?
Evolution neatly explains why niggers have lower IQ, while creationist faggots insist that there are no human races. Your dumb religion is the biggest Jewish scam.

Because accepting god isn't real would make them SAD

Is that Rosie O'Donnell on the right?

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Right skeleton just looks like the average US negro.

Gorillas are my favorite animal. They're like us. Only maxed out for physical ability. And they're peaceful too.

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Here are some less impressive specimens

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Never met one that does.

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Contradicts their indoctrination

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Afrika has millions of those.

Aren't you familiar with Bible uh?
Cam was cursed too.
Blacker and blacker the skin of his kin and stronger than others.
His kin practicing magic, looking for mundane things.
Do you see a pattern?

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Why do evolutionists deny evolution when human race is brought up?

i dont deny it, i too think that atheists evolved from animals

I believe the better question is why do evolutionfags deny Christ?

Dinosaur skeletons are the remains of fallen angels. Evolution is just a myth. This is obvious, you ugly and stupid atheist.

Have you ever seen a black person? Jokes aside, there aren't millions of the first group, there are millions of chimpanzees that look similar to you, but are actually as distantly related to the first group as we are.
We didn't evolve from chimpanzees, both chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common ancestor, which no longer exists.
If you imagine it as a family history, the first group on the chart is your grandmother, your mother represents the middle group, and the person represents you. Chimpanzees aren't represented by your grandmother, rather they are represented by your cousin, you are both decendents from your grandmother, but you aren't the same as one another, nor are you the same as your grandmother.
Hopes this helps clear it up for you christ cuck.

That's pretty amazing. All based on random chance mutations? Why wouldn't they all just die after said generations?

Sharing a common ancestor isn't the same as evolving from chimps. You are the same kind of idiot that thinks chickens used to be tyrannosaurus rex

>Thinking that there are racial differences is a Jewish scam goy. We are all equal under god goy.

You're the fucktard Godless degenerate.

Why do leftists deny evolutionary differences in the races?

Because the ones that die don't have kids, but the ones that don't die do have kids, and so, since children are similar to there parents, over time the species gets better at not dying.

Why do you insist on using words that aren't true? Species evolve, individuals have some ability of adaptation provided by homeostasis. Evolution just means the baseline shifts in response to the environment over generations, or that species gets lesser in population.

I understand natural selection. I'm asking about the probability of those chance mutations being beneficial to their environment. Even if the pair that manages to reproduce has beneficial traits the the environment, it doesnt guarantee the survival of the offspring. Im not sure there is enough time, even in trillions and trillions of years, for organisms to change as much as they have since their common ancestor

Its genetic behaviour were they believe things that make them feel good/content, if something threatens these feelings chemicals get released in the brain that stop the front of the brain (the thinking part) from working.
Its easy to see how this adaptation would evolve. It probably makes you happier and happier people mate more easily than depressed people. Non religious people were also persecuted for thousands of years.

This implies genetic mutation just change or add 1 gene at a time/generation

>all based on random chance mutations
No. Literally the opposite.
Purposes mutations based on the environment.
Evolution is not always occurring, evolution occurs out of necessity.
Think sharks, they haven’t evolved much for a very long time, because they havnt needed to.
Or look at dogs, every single dog breed that we know of today was created less than 200 years ago.

>Yo nothing exploded for no reason and everything formed from nothing and then that mater that came from nothing became alive for no reason, pure luck+ time!!
>Haha you believe in a god? How childish!
And gaytheist wonder why nobody takes thier silly theory legitimately

Why do atheists selectively support sciences that are convenient to their personal beliefs but reject sciences that oppose their personal beliefs, such as the difference of intellect of the races

On October 27, 2014, Pope Francis issued a statement at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences that "Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation," warning against thinking of God's act of creation as "God [being] a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything.

Why do polfags deny reality? Do you even check first before you make such sweeping statements, or do you just seize upon the first enraging idea that pops into your head because you're an impotent virgin fuck who tries to make the world worse than it is, such that it could accept even the likes of you?

How does that make god any less silly

Let's recap what atheists believe:
-The universe exloded from nothing.
-Your 1st grandpa bugman arose from rocks, rain and lightning.
-After millions of years of bug incest, you were born.


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Illiterate people make anything sound dumb without the right vocabulary. Why do you think being anti-intellectual is a virtue? What made you wake up today and think "yeah, im gonna be a regard online. For my people. For my soul."

shit happens

doesnt make god any less silly

They should read "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen. Not jewish fairy tales.

t. tranny false flag

>but gender doesn't matter when we do it!

Because they're religious

>mutters absolute bullshit he's never tested

What is actually funny is how the "thinking atheist" uses evolution to remove God, and therefore morality, and then reinstalls a moral code based on the contrary of evolutionary survival, the median/mean value of behavior in Pysch-ology/iatry.
Buncha ninnies.

You are correct that evolution is not a very efficent method for improving a species, however life has existed for a loooooong time. If you are talking about mammals, we haven't changed all that much from our ancestors in terms of genetic content. You can tell because most mammals have huge similarities in terms of skeletal structure and bodily functions, in terms of pure genetics the differences are minimal. As for early life, ie single celled organisms where the gentic differences are huge, they had about 2 billion years to evolve, with new generations every 30 minutes or so, so that's a lot of generations to perfect cell function.

btw bananas and humans share about 50% of our DNA, so yeah, lots of genetic material is kept.

you're a banana nut-bread, that much is clear.

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That makes a lot of sense. Thank you

>If the earth had stayed exactly the same throughout its whole existence, we’d probably only have pond scum for life on this planet.
No we would have no life because this rock was originally a sulfuric hot hellhole like Venus.

Christfag ARE leftists

If you were actually intellectual, you would have a rational reponse rather than an emotion-based tirade, faggot.

Of course it does. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true, kikel.

>Of course it does
No it doesnt, god is a ridiculous concept.

I believe in my BBC evolving inside your bussy

>christians are leftists
I really wanna hear the mental gymnastics behind this one. Please do tell me how religious people are the same as ideologues

Refuting the leading alternative does a great job of equalizing credibility, brainlet.

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I had the saddest realization like 2 weeks ago. Humans all used to be the same. We were one race. Then we broke up the tribes. We migrated into Europe and Asia. And we were home so long that we evolved into different races. And technology wasn't good enough, we didn't have the ability to record history and pass it down the generations so only very recently did we realize this. And now we have different races. And like... When you look at Asians you're like wow yay diversity is cool. Their culture is different but interesting. I'm so glad we split up and reunited. And then you're oh hey what about Africa? And you see Africa just got fucked. And it's not that they are bad people. They're not sinners or something. It was the geographical landscape. The heat. The animals. The diseases. They were like us but they got mutated into what they are now. And it's like... Oh fuck. Theyre fucked. They used to be like us. But we changed for the better and they changed for the worse. It's like if you had a best friend in high school and you guys had the same education but you took different paths in life after graduation and when you see him at the reunion, he is now low iq, high crime, aggressive, ugly, etc. I mean, that's fucking tragic. What should we do to fix it? Ignoring the problem hasn't helped thus far.

Occams razor. Which is more likely. Pond scum evolved into monkeys evolved into you. Or god spoke all the species into existence. God is more simple

There are billions of steps in an evolutionary model. You stupid fuck your very ancestry is proof of that as somehow that lead to your retarded ass. You are made of DNA yet deny you are a construct of DNA mutations aka evolution, christians are so fucking braindead.

The pond scum as God doesnt fucking exist. We already have a idea of long term evolution by watching how humans begin from one single cell.

DNA science shows a common ancestor less than 5000 years ago, kike. Furthermore, you have 0 evidence of Abiogenesis. It is a faith-based ideology. Your entire timeline hinges on it.

>god is a ridiculous concept.
and the big bang isn't a ridiculous conecpt?
>their was nothing, then a big bang happened, then their was something.

>DNA science shows a common ancestor less than 5000 years ago
Which common ancestor? You fucking dumbass your very grandfather is one of your common ancestors.
The big bang is not that, it is a subquantum singularity expanding outwards eventually forming our universe from the stuff that was packed in it cooling down into the fundamental particles called quarks.

>doesn't understand what is meant by "common ancestor"
You're clearly an idiot.

>believes a class free society is either desirable or attainable despite literally all of evolutionary biology contradicting this notion
>"christians are braindead"
jfl at communists

Hate to break it to you, idiot, but humans don't come from apes. The current scientific theory says that both apes and humans come from the same common ancestor.

You have many common ancestors you fucking idiot, and the most recent common ancestor of all humans was hundreds of thousands of years ago.
How can an ape not come from an ape, the Pan-Homo comman ancestor would be classified as an ape you fucking retard. Anything that came from Proconsul 30 million years ago is an ape by definition.
>attacking my flag
Christians are such dumb pieces of shit.

cuz dying is sad =[

And you say this without a single shred of evidence or supporting data to back up that claim or to counter the ridiculously massive mountain of evidence contradicting it

>"and the most recent common ancestor of all humans was hundreds of thousands of years ago."
No, it wasn't, which is why I made a point to tell you that DNA science shows a common ancestor to all humans less that 5000 years ago, dipshit.

There are still no fossils of the middle 3. There should be trillions.

No, actually. The defining trait of being an Atheist is non-belief in god. Doesn't have anything to do with the big bang, the origin of life, or evolution.

>shows a common ancestor to all humans less that 5000 years ago, dipshit.
Yh sorry no the white race is older than 5000 years old so this is horseshit, and pure coincidence thats 1000 off from the 6000 year old theory you bible tards go on about.
>no fossils
Fossils are rare you fucking retard.

Show me this common ancestor you're speaking of. Don't just say "no".

>muh evolution
>cant even produce a real skeleton of the missing link
>according to the theory they should literally litter the earth
>no explanation for why apes still exist today and haven't "evolved".
Toppest of keks

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>There should be trillions.
Why should there be, what the fuck? Justify what you're saying.

>Why do christfags deny evolution?
>1 post by this ID
and again, Jow Forums falls for it every, single time.

Wait, do Christians say humans stopped evolving 50k years ago and that all differences are purely cosmetic?

>>according to the theory they should literally litter the earth
Which fucking theory says anything about fossil accumulation? You idiots have no idea what you're saying.

Neanderthals probably had the THICCest fucking legs and asses. Can you imagine?
Or more likely they were barrel shaped monstrosities and we raped them all into oblivion for the greater good.
Them niggas had lung capacity too.

Don't forget they believe the human brain doesn't evolve

>It's like if you had a best friend in high school and you guys had the same education but you took different paths in life after graduation and when you see him at the reunion, he is now low iq, high crime, aggressive, ugly, etc. I mean, that's fucking tragic. What should we do to fix it? Ignoring the problem hasn't helped thus far.

Obviously you need to wander in the desert and catch a brain parasite that convinces you to give your loser friend your job, property, home, and family and then feeding him an infinite supply of food and wombs so he creates 20 children just like him for every one you have.

Bonus points for deforesting your property and covering the neighborhood in plastic trash created by taking care of him.

Tell that to the nigga harambe

>missing link
There is no missing link between man and ape, man is already a fucking ape to begin with. Just a really smart ape.

I think the prevailing idea is that they raped the shit out of us. Makes you wish you were alive during the paleolithic doesn't it?

>ha how do you explain how this skull evolved into this one, christfags?
>the most complex organ we know of is the same and functions the same for the extremely wide variety of human peoples

>deliberately obfuscating the close correlation of vocal atheists and their zealous shilling of Big Bang and Abiogenesis

>Those precise mathematical results showed that in a world obeying the simplified assumptions, the most recent common ancestor would have lived less than 1,000 years ago. He also introduced the "identical ancestors point," the most recent time -- less than 2,000 years ago in the simplified model -- when each person was an ancestor to all or ancestor to none of the people alive today.

Those 3 in the middle are supposed to have inhabited the planet for millions of years. There are no fossils of them. That's why it's called "missing link".

>DNA science shows a common ancestor to all humans less that 5000 years ago
It very much does not. You just made that up.

The very most conservative estimates for a mitocondrial eve put it at 150,000 years ago, with the upper range being more like 350,000 years ago.

There's zero credible evidence of a common ancestor 5000 years ago, and I swear to your jewish god, if you link some retarded fucking 90s looking christfag "science" page to try to refute that, I will knock your fucking teeth out.

Nice blog post faggot

sage all skelton and skull posters
they are glowing shills, leftists, faggots
they embrace the image of death they profess like fools

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>How can an ape not come from an ape
Depends on how far you go, you rat. The last common ancestor of humans and the other great apes was an ape as well, but before that we also have an ancestor that's a lesser ape and if you go even further back we were fish swimming in the fucking sea.

>t. Seething fedora

I didn't point out the close correlation between christians and child molesters, so I thought we were just being fair and discussion the actual core tenents of our belief systems rather than other... activities that tend to correlate strongly with them.

>we dont deny it,
Yea actually we do deny it.
You're just not that bright.
Research the term " Missing Link ".
You're welcome.
Evolution is a theory. And a lie.

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