Are you in fear of losing your job to Automation?

Are you in fear of losing your job to Automation?

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I'm a blacksmith. Survived the assembly line and 1st Industrial Revolution.

A bit.
But it's the only way to achieve utopia.

not at all

I'm a research scientist.

No, because all the jobs that can be replaced by robots suck ass and should've been automated a lot sooner.

This honestly, a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Ya it’s such a high demand job.. fuck off metal melter

But how many blacksmiths are needed these days? I think now it's more like a niche industry isn't it?

>Are you in fear of losing your job to Automation?
idk, is this the next step from farmers to mechanics? nothing is perfect, human intervention will always be required!

I don't have a job

Fuck you're old

No, it will make everything stupidly cheap so I have to work less in something else

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I'm on welfare, so no.

hi iqbal

Robots will do everything eventually and we will be given a universal income. People who have anything about them will persue hobbies, learn laguages and instrucments, become spiritual and contemplate life. Then the stupid people will become bored without their work direction and they will die off.

I don't have a job, so no.

You think they are even close to full automation? I give it 300 years.

How long until a machine can replicate that human intervention. How long until human intervention makes things less efficent.

I'm a painter and drywall finisher, so not yet.

Not looking good for the Mexicans however

Go ahead and try to match my sales numbers you shitty robot.

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>1 post by this nigger

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>Are you in fear of losing your job to Automation?

No. Just to give you some perspective, lawn mowing robots STILL haven't been able to replace landscape Mexicans.

>more like a niche industry isn't it?
You'd be amazed how many Hipsters will pay good money for an artisinal hand forged iPhone.

laying down pavement isn't a full time job

But when all people have become useless, self-prop systems will find no advantage in taking care of anyone. The techies themselves insist that machines will soon surpass humans in intelligence. When that happens, people will be superfluous and natural selection will favor systems that eliminate them-if not abruptly, then in a series of stages so that the risk of rebellion will be minimized.

Even though the technological world-system still needs large numbers of people for the present, there are now more superfluous humans than there have been in the past because technology has replaced people in many jobs and is making inroads even into occupations formerly thought to require human intelligence. Consequently, under the pressure of economic competition, the world's dominant self-prop systems are already allowing a certain degree of callousness to creep into their treatment of superfluous individuals. In the United States and Europe, pensions and other benefits for retired, disabled, unemployed, and other unproductive persons are being substantially reduced; at least in the U. S., poverty is increasing; and these facts may well indicate the general trend of the future, though there will doubtless be ups and downs.

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>1 post by this subhumam

It's important to understand that in order to make people superfluous, machines will not have to surpass them in general intelligence but only in certain specialized kinds of intelligence. For example, the machines will not have to create or understand art, music, or literature, they will not need the ability to carry on an intelligent, non-technical conversation (the "Turing test"), they will not have to exercise tact or understand human nature, because these skills will have no application if humans are to be eliminated anyway. To make humans superfluous, the machines will only need to outperform them in making the technical decisions that have to be made for the purpose of promoting the short-term survival and propagation of the dominant self-prop systems. So, even without going as far as the techies themselves do in assuming intelligence on the part of future machines, we still have to conclude that humans will become obsolete. Immortality in the form (i)-the indefinite preservation of the human body as it exits today-is highly improbable.

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That's block paving and it takes a couple of people days, if not weeks to do large areas of it.

>tower crane operator

You show me a machine that can perform every repair on an automobile and then I'll be worried.

no im a crypto trader. automation stands no chance against me.

How long until your industry loses all value to society because no one can consume your services or products?

The more we automate, the more industry will move away from consumer goods. They will not be profitable.

Field scientist so by the time sample collection drones are reliable, adaptable, and reasonably priced I will have moved on to project management and design roles as a predominant portion of my work. Until then I will enjoy my days of hiking/ATVing and sampling innawoods.

Maritime cluster?

I lost my job to immigrants

finally , we need more of this , about time
i dont want to do this type of work , nobody does

only drunk Ukranians to buy more booze

I write the automation

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That's not an automated machine, you have to place the bricks by hand within it.


If I were a bricklayer, I'd rather run that thing than be on my knees doing a whole fucking street or sidewalk

Engines won't be combustion engines forever, they will be much easier. And if you had robots making those engines somewhere 24/7 at high speeds, then it might even be worth just scrapping a broken engine, get the robots to strip it down and recycle, send it back to the factory and fit a new engine in the broken down car.

what is your secret of living beyond 200 years old?

I don't think you guys understand how economics works. As long as labor is cheap, automation doesn't happen, which is why capitalists want a borderless world, so cheap labor can just move anywhere it's needed.

shut up stop the torture

Who cares, just change the job if possible. If that does not work then...


The sooner automation kills my job the sooner I can become a UBI NEET.

Only government can build roads and walkways so my job is safe

You won't survive the day of the pillow, though

We've had automated assembly lines forever, it hasn't hurt the overall job market, it just changes it and you adapt.
One big thing- robots will never be able to do trades work. You can't get a robot to go to some old couple's old house on an icy weekend in January, descend the rickety wooden steps to their dirt floor basement, work under a dim 60 watt lightbulb and tinker with their decrepit oil furnace till it works again for another year

Implying there will be an economy above 3rd world status after Boomers have plundered the wealth of the West.

You mean a guy with a skidsteer

That's pretty damn impressive

The rich aren't going to let the 99% have a utopia.

Like physicians?

>thinking you can compete with artificial intelligence

This point is always missing... people will be stealing copper from robots to get some cash for opiates.

>railroad engineer (I drive the train)
I saw an article about using AI to auto pilot the trains.
There would be derailments and deaths stemming from such an act.
Plus, laid off workers would be sabotaging the lines.

exact but not all humans are cleaver smart like you

they work hard not smart , people who perform this tasks are usually lower class , divorced, poor family , low iq , and all time drinking, even during work shift , terrible smell of dead cigarretes around them

Someone has to tell the robot what to do, it's a robot. It's not gonna fix itself or give itself directions.

Avionics Technician. It's possible that certain aspects of the job could be more automated, but ultimately it pretty much requires a human touch to take apart aircraft, run and terminate wiring, and put it all together again.

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I'm pretty much an automater, so no.

>AI closes the doors on black people because it doesn't recognize them as human

Patreon artist here, I'm more scared of AI. I thought we creatives would be safe from automation.

What job?

fucking star trek dweeb idiot
the people that run the world quite literally sacrifice children to satan and rape them
as if they'll let wealth become practically obsolete

if you are, you are retarded
one out of 1,000 is not 100%, not even 10%, not even 1%

Okay, I'd let the AI have a trial run just to see that happen.

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No I'm just going to become the guy that makes the robots

That’s kinda badass

Hiring additional workers is also an ongoing budget item that can be adjusted up or down as the employer requires (thus the appeal of zero-hours insecure contracts), whereas automation requires substantial up-front capital investment, not only in the equipment but also in things like planning, training, and space. Much easier to take on another few immigrants at minimum wage, and if it doesn't work out or demand slackens you can just fire them.

>star trek dweeb idiot
>the people that run the world quite literally sacrifice children to satan and rape them

Who's more insane here? I'm not saying pedophilia isn't reaching the points of society but the idea that satan is hanging around and raping children.
And who do you think will own the machines and robots you dumb ass? The people? I don't think so.

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Automated NEETs? Oh no!

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well it was invented by a BLACK MAN!


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This look like an accident waiting to happen. Where is the safety check for this machine?

people are so stupid that they are afraid of intelligence they fear getting cured from the human neurosis , niggers will be niggers forever

Exactly. Automation has to be created, cheap brown people already exist.

Obviously not, but most wagie jobs like warehouses and retail require almost no human presence. It just happens to be cheaper to hire a bunch of dumbasses who didn't go to college than it is to finally liberate human beings from paid slave work.

No, I have a MS in artificial intelligence.
Plus I'm self employed.

anyone who is not is either a clueless brainlet or someone extremely successful / gifted / skilled.

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dumbass logic, dumbass ideology

enjoy the decline, i don't have kids so i am not worried.

Okay angry stranger. Have fun in the dark.

No, I use bots to level my runescape account while I jerk off on pornhub.

I fully welcome automation. All I need is a robot to jerk me off and spoon feed me and my life is complete.

they tried making machines to make pipes, the result is that i have double the income if there weren't, bc i'm not retarded and i'm my own marketer

who cares you humans are retards anyway most of you surely are

This is true.
Boring jobs are the easiest to automate and also tend to deliver the highest savings.

The media likes to meme, but there is little point is automating skilled jobs and there aren't enough developers top automate everything.

Tradesmen and maintenance cannot be automated

Nope. Fuel truck driver. No way some fucking robot can do the shit I have to do without fucking the whole thing up and losing our customers. Ain’t glamorous but I’m not worried. Christ anons some of the places I get my truck into and some of he places ppls tanks are.......

Cuz ur a fucking neckbeard dicklet Manley brainlet ignoramous

I am a hunter. My wife is a gatherer. We will be ok. We play the long tail.
Thanks for asking.

I have a blanket for you.

What is it like being a dwarf? Were goblins really as bad the old stories tell?

I actually studied with the Elves in Kauhava for a year.

English teacher at a secondary school. So... Probably


dont be silly, we will recede back into cavemen once the whites who actually care about this country have been replaced. the future is not civilised.

Credit contraction.

Public accountant getting into Big Data and Enology (wine and sake production).
If I kept being only an accountant maybe, but as of now I'm not sure if I will be affected, probably not.

>On site welder
>Self employed [can't be fired]
What automated machines I buy, are only to make the job easier for the guys, not replace them

I live in the light of existence by the hand of the time engineer's , the creators of the experiment , you know who they are ? NO so shut the fuck up nigger human

you the ones who create shit word with your emotions and dogmas , fucking neurotic freaks, think they iq so high they need to think by others, i dont need you to think for me, cause you are nothing

that is why you are in the labirinth