Wait I can become a Jew too?

If I convert to Judaism tomorrow, do I become evil right away or does it take a couple days to grow? Second question, what benefits do I get by joining the club?

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how much of my wiener would i have to cut off tho

based wiener preservationist

You would be able to fast once a year and spend all your time online being blamed for all sides of every problem

First you need to pass their test.

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So basically, what you're saying is, it's not worth it? Also how do they get into their secret little club meetings?
Is there like a password or do you show your dick or how does this work?

Try to marry a Cohen as a convert and see how much of a Jew they think you are.

This, you need to let a rabbi give you fellatio before you can officially become a Jew.

You have to approach a rabbit three different times and state that you want to convert to Judaism. He will turn you away each time, until the third.

But if you think you will benefit from being part of the Tribe, you're mistaken. You'll always be goyim to any blood-born Jew.

Wait, so if I convert to Judaism they have to suck my dick? Are there any female rabbis or are they haram?

>Wait, so if I convert to Judaism they have to suck my dick?
Yep, to completion too.
>Are there any female rabbis or are they haram?
There are female rabbis, but according to Jewish law, it has to be a man over the age of 70.

you must pass the ancient hebraic trial
they take a room filled with boxes and place a penny in one of them and you must sniff it out on the first try

Well you have to be underage, so I don't know if it's possible. And they are really stingy about it too, like you cant be more than a week old or so.

Turns out there ARE female rabbis. What kind of fellatio do I get then? Can I ram it down her throat or is it just a little kiss?
Can I then resign and convert again?

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Give yourself enough brain damage that you develop schizophrenia, bpd, narcissism, sociopathy, or psychopathy. If you have atleast two of those disorders then congrats, you're a jew now.

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Benefit is that if the extremists among them end up succeeding with their genocidal nonsense you might just get spared if you have contributed spawn at some point. I also don't see it altering your behavior much unless you have previously not observed any particular code of conduct and intend to become completely religious after conversion; in which case I must wonder why you would want Judaism in particular.

You can be treated like shit even when you are Jewish.

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See Jewish law requires it to be an experienced rabbi, a man over the age of 70, so that he may successfully extract your life essence during the ritual. This is seen as a rebirth of the spirit and an offering to Yahweh.

>>The convert MUST spend 70 years in the matrix obedient to all laws, and can never hold priesthood, nor legal properties until that 70 years is finished. Then, after 70 generations, he can be with My people....

See you in 70 generations.

Unlimited access to G0Y1M child blood & foreskins. Rabbis get to do Metzitzah p'Beh! They LITERALLY suck the blood out of baby weiners!! 19 infants contracted Herpes from this in 2019 so far! That we know of! check the internet.

You formally reject Christ and yourself by bending over to Judaism. You become evil by that inexcusable act and hence are recognized by others Jews as a fellow Jew.

The low tier Jew vs the high tier Jew