How is the situation in Brazil?
How is the situation in Brazil?
still a shithole
Same as it ever was.
70 things Bolsonaro did so far in the 6 first months:
The economic is still sluggish but market experts are positive about the near future with the ongoing reforms and demonopolizations.
Leftards are still screaming.
When is the military dictatorship coming
Brazil is what happens when the white man’s burden becomes too great to bear.
It's not coming, leftards really think the current military thinks like the old military
Green = Bosonaro had 50%+ of the votes (including wrong number votes and "blank votes" votes [this means I wont give a vote to anyone]) at first AND also at second turn.
Yellow = The previous didnt happened.
Crime down 40%
Murders down 30%
Economy prospects are good
Pension Reform has passed
Tax reform incoming
Infrastructure booming
Monarchists and the Church gaining ground
SocialDems and Leftists seething everywhere
Brazilian babes are hot
It seems that Bolsonaro is going great.
I sense we are heading in the right direction but still have a lot of work to do.
So he's not like Trump and is just a complete lie and failure?
forget what I said:
Previous pick is:
Green = Bosonaro had 50%+ of the votes (where the voter voted for someone), at first AND also at second turn.
Yellow = The previous didnt happened.
But there is this pic
Green = Bosonaro had 50%+ of the votes (including wrong number votes and "blank votes" votes [this means I wont give a vote to anyone]) at first AND also at second turn.
Gray = The previous didnt happened, but bolsonaro won at least one of the rounds.
Red= Green didnt happened and bolsonaro lost the two rounds.
PS: Our election is like this
1-You are forced to vote.
2-Give a vote to one candidate, or vote a wrong number or give a blank vote (vote goes for no one. If an candidate has more than 50% of the non blank or invalid votes he win. If not the top 2 candidates goes to second round.
3-You need to vote at second round.
4-Weeks later there is second round and people vote between the top 2 (blank votes are allowed, invalid votes too).
You forgot to mention out supreme court essentially forbade all investigation on corruption and money laundering. Killing ongoing investigations and making impossible to start new ones.
After 2014 we faced the worst economic recession (almost depression) since Great Drepression - although I believe it was worst since Encilhamento Crisis at the end of XIX century. Due to that, pension issue, which was already serious, became the core issue.
With Dilma's impeachment and Temer's working rights reform we had a little boost, but their effects run out in 2018.
Bolsonaro is doing a good job, but he shitted on the fan when, during pension reform, opened his legs to federal police lobby and let they retire at fucking 53 years with FULL WAGE - which begins at almost US$ 4k. He lost the streets with that.
More brown and black, more violent and more poor, otherwise its pretty much the same, stay away please
The Emperor will simply take them out
>He lost the streets with that.
Then how was he capable of having a political rally in the Northeast like yesterday?
>The emperor
My god if I hate brazilians, who will it be, zognaro or the zog princes, fuck off retards you are not getting Dom Pedro II back, that kind of leader is 1 in a trillion, you getting a retard who will fuck even more things
>mfw I live in a reality where Nazis desperate want the left to have power again so they actually have a political reason to exist
I love this timeline
>off retards you are not getting Dom Pedro II back, that kind of leader is 1 in a trillion, you getting a retard who will fuck even more things
He din't lose the streets but he lost a lot of respect. I understand why he did but he essentially bowed down to congress and partially fucked the pension reform.
Do you think he is a failure? If so, how is he a failure?
You are mixing the answers here
You are delusional mate. The president has no power do do so and Bolsonaro has show no intention of actually getting the military involved in this shit.
Not good. Check back in 20 years.
That's when it will be even worse haha
Political rally isn't the same thing as demonstrations.
We had an unique situation in the WHOLE WORLD, EVER, doing demonstrations FOR a pension reform. Why did we do that? Because we were said that it would be equal to everybody...
...Until federal police unions called Bolso as "betrayed" and he softened his heart to them and fucking "Legislative Police" - which are essentially mall cops.
Also, maybe it was the moon eclipse last week, but he is running amok insisting in making his son ambassador in US. Everybody is crying "nepotism", which is debatable, but nobody is thinking in what if Trump loses in 2020.
Well I am so delusional that Eduardo Bolsonaro literally made several trips to TFP and Dom Bertrand, while most of high rank minister are Monarchists and to the point that MBL sees them as a threat to their power hungry semiparliamentarism corrupt regime they want to impose.
seriously when will this retards give our guns back, I'm not doing an hero with anything less than a shotgun and this retards keep delaying my departure
What is the quick rundown for a career in IT in Brazil?
Can I do something that isn't web development?
I can move to any state.
I had a hot girlfriend from Curitiba.
I love Brazil, they have the hottest girls on the planet. But sadly it's a crime ridden 3rd world shithole, so I will never go there.
I'm white nigga, I'm not saying otherwise wtf
>Then how was he capable of having a political rally in the Northeast like yesterday?
I am pro bolsonaro and I will explain why.
When you see all those guys saying he love bolsonaro, you are only taking into account positive feedback. When you only take into account positive feedback, things gets biased towards famous people.
It makes impossible to know if those who not gave a like or upvote didnt saw the thing or hate it.
This happens everywhere, its a problem with sites that only have likes and no dislike, a problem with billboard charts that only count an positive feedback (album sold), (only count the songs you listen to....)....
Imagine there is a QualityScore, that is how likely someone is to like this thing. An score of 80% means 80% of people that know this thing exist will like it.
Now imagine some famous artist with a QualityScore of 20% that 1 million people know it, this artist will have 200000 likes or people praising him, now imagine an underground artist with an QualityScore of 80% and where only 10000 people know he exist. This artist will have 800 likes.
The famous artist will have 250 times more likes while having an 4 times smaller quality score
>Political rally isn't the same thing as demonstrations
For Bolsonaro it actually is, as their party hasn't got an organized political militance like MBL or PT/PSOL/PCdoB
Also you are forgetting the point that even the last Sunday demostration was really big compared to what Maia and others thought it was going to be. Just accept that your God Rodrigo Maia is dead
Trump promised millions of deportations, and we got 35 deportations. Lowest amount of any president since Clinton. Highest amount of border crossings. Gun control. RAMPANT zionism that puts some Jews to shame. War with Iran, and most importantly, NO WALL. He had two years of Republican controlled congress, and he didn't even TRY the wall. That's what I can think of off the top of my head. This is all in contradiction to what he campaigned on. I think of Brazil when I think of America 20 or so years from now.
nice 666
We are not in line with western thought and tradition. Most of Portugal is mixed since the 6th century. We are not white, just take a random walk in any city in the *south*. There is white people born and raised in Brazil, but Brazil is far from a white country.
Let's see the numbers when Nando Moura and Bernardo Küster summit the next demonstration.
>he literally is a MBL bot
Lmao, don't you have any shame in being a huge opportunist?
>How is the situation in Brazil?
Slowly improving, but we are in a state of eternal struggle against the communists, marxists, leftists and retards. The political and economical reformations are happening and will greatly improve life in our country, but the leftist scum are trying to stall it as much as possible to try and prevent a reelection of Bolsonaro that is bound to happen if all his reforms are passed and the situation in the country is fixed.
>your God Rodrigo Maia
>he literally is a MBL bot
Seriously, kys
Fuck the wall, the wall was never important.
Old Jow Forums agreed with was a mere ruse to own the libs.
If you build a wall the cartels are going to allow people in their tunnels and the people are going to pay good money for it.
You want something of substance?
Start using the ICE.
People from here talk openly on facebook about circuventing your immigration system.
You can claim asylum at the border and disappear, is that easy.
I still don't get what is it with the illegal immigrants
is cheap labor? Compete with Chyna?
Why they pretend to be retarded and not know how to solve this?
Max Payne 3 was right about everything.
That's kind of gay. I wanted to see him become supreme military general guy of Brazil then come help america
nah, too many whites and too little violence
Yeah, I voted for Trump to do all of that. Instead, we got a corporate tax cut and $38 billion to Israel. hooray libs btfo
how would we help you lol our hardware is pretty much composed of your old donations
Wrong. The military regime was responsible for the hegemony of the left, in the first place
>how would we help you lol our hardware is pretty much composed of your old donations
Fool, he meant helping by sending our soldiers to man their equipment for them.
I understand that. And I agree that he fucked up in the pension and putting his son as an ambassador.
But even so I don't think it affected most of his supporters, and the people who voted for him because he was the best choices will still do so next election.
And we have bigger problems than his popularity to deal wt right now.
>Most of Portugal is mixed since the 6th century.
knowing our people that's pretty realistic, may even shit in their face that they will love it
Bolso is even thinking in undoing his best decision, about finishing the fucking daylight saving time. We were the only tropical country in the world who had this bullshit.
Só tem retardado nessa porra vão se foder seus playboys
Wait, yall had control of the military and didn't even use it on the leftists? wtf brazil
I've seen Portuguese students in college. If they didn't wear their flag and Port merch all over them, I'd think they were Hispanic, just like the rest of the US
Well, sending our soldiers to fight their wars has always been the primary source of military hardware of Brazil. We fight their wars using their equipment and vehicules and we get to keep them afterwards since they will soon become obsolete tech for them. This is literally how FAB got started during WW2.
I still support him. I loved his decision to move Ancine (a PCdoB fief, like Fiocruz) to Brasília. Don't people said that culture in Brazil is too concentrated in São Paulo-Rio axis? So...
>market experts are positive about the near future
yeah just like in the past 4 years
>Wait, yall had control of the military and didn't even use it on the leftists? wtf brazil
We did use it, but our military did not outright exterminate people, as a result when your country turned commie friendly you forced us to give them amnesty and pay them reparations for what you called "facism, exile and savage torture". Fuck your big stick policy!
No they weren't, please don't try to do epic zingers if you are ignorant.
its infuriating how openly people talk about immigrating illegally in American platforms.
Not only that, but they use their personal tracking devices 24/7 while illegally in the US. lmao drop the burger and do something retard. You have the whole NSA apparatus waiting to be used. Can illegals expect constitutional rights if they are not American?
Authorities do know where they are, the term sanctuary city was not coined for nothing.
I suspect there is a much darker reason for not deporting illegals.
Economical or ideological I don't know. BUt what I do know is that decision makers go to the best schools, they would solve this if they wanted.
also read this. Its a good article. But don't get angry. Thats gay.
I have read plenty about Americans complaining about their student debt.
Imagine having these jobs taken away from you.
Brazilian monarchy when?
Pretty sure every with the bare minimum understanding of economics was in the brink of suicide in the entirety of Dilma's second mandate
You are plain wrong. Any serious economist back in 2013 was forseeing a huge crash. Don't you remember that Santander analyst who was fired for Santander owner after Lula complained about her?
literally everyone who believed or had ties to any elected government in the past 4 years shilled the same shit
you're all retarded
The Army had its own view of how Brazil should be. The main rightist leaders were persecuted by the regime or neutralized. They also suppressed the guerrillas, but allowed the communists to take over the academia. It's a notion that general Couto e Silva called "pressure pot strategy". By leaving an open spot for the leftists to express themselves, armed struggle would be avoided. This was, of course, an extreme stupidity.
look at the bright side user, 90% of the brazilian population finish school but only knows how to write their name and do adiction and subtraction, that's why having the academy didn't help them so much, and know the right realized the need to recover it
The military regime killed only 400 people in 21 years (the average population in this period was 100 million). The Communist Party had around 200 thousand members in the early 50s. The Brazilian military regime might as well have been the softest dictatorship of the 20th century. The Argentines killed 8000 in 7 years and Pinochet killed 3000 in 17.
Brazilian Army has Positivist roots - i.e. they hate conservatism. Bolsonaro is different because he's a cryptoprotestant.
Look at how military regime treated leftists. Yes, they fought against them in guerrillas, but let they do whatever they want in unis and book publishing companies.
The NSA is totally compromised. It was built to be compromised. It exists to spy on Americans, not stop illegal immigrants. And I, as one person, can do nothing. The guy who wrote the Patriot Act admitted it has gotten out of control. It's over for America lad. I do want to buy land and become self-reliant as possible. Other than that, I'm basically powerless, and that's how it was designed to be at this point. Hard truth to swallow is that once the union won the civil war, all federal overreach became a way of life for everyone, and has only grown and grown.
They keep exporting their hot middle class here.. So I don't know. nice but they are mostly leftist
What is box 2? I need a quick rundown.
you are leftist already, its not like we are doing any change, also most of them are ethnic portuguese, you should be glad you are getting some of your people back in this age of african immigration
Look out Pato Branco, PR, they have high demand for IT related shit - google this shit asap user
It's the illegal funding of political campaigns and parties. Box 1 would be the legal funding. "Box" means "fund" or "treasury" in this context. Although illegal it has always been extremely common
no such a thing
Florianópolis IT industry is giving more revenue to the city than tourism. But don't go there, it's full.
South Brazil is majority white and low crime. The big cities are all shitholes filled with crime and gets even worse as you move further north. That's how my Brazilian friend explained it anyhow.
he must have leaved here in the 80's, the south ain't white since them, and is getting even less every year, be people getting old and not having children or migration, africans and caribeans coming in and our youth leaving
>you are leftist already
Hot Brazilians over African emigration everyday. Preach.
Bolsonaro is trying to fix the economy while expelling all communists from the government.
I wish I was American so I could write to congressman and senators.
Still have to get my degree. I was having second thoughts because even though the scenario is changing and there is more than web development jobs, it seems web dev is still the majority of work.
I just want something that isn't web development. I don't even care if the pay is low. Just not webdev
Fag. If you want to fuck you have to be ready to kill for it.
Where are they going besides Portugal?
"Whites" he should've said. I live in the far south and this is as mixed as anywhere (with the exception of a few German colonies). The difference is that there's more European ancestry here. "Low crime" between quotation marks too. Santa Catarina is still more violent than Mississipi.
US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and NZ are the hot spots usually, most go to Italy to get citizenship and be able to leave for the US easily
Im making good money moving some dope, getting connected in Europe, fucking 10/10 whores everyday. Cant fucking complain
Brazilian diaspora
>that nose
If you really want white people again you’ll need to create a eugenics program
they don't want it, this is an accident at best, here you have mixing as early as possible, very rare to see white couples this days, most couples here in the south are BMWF
Kek I bet those leaving are all Whites. If you are White I would recommend mainland Europe more than US and UK though. You are basically migrating into the same problems that are already far more developed.
pretty much, there's some non-whites going to now as it would be expected, people rather the US cause their propaganda of being an utopia here is too strong and people hardly see the truth till they get there, but funny thing is most brazilians even form families in your countries but still most return here after 1-2 decades with money of course out of their own choice
Cool thing is I am already a Italian citizen thaks to my grandfather
Ignore flag, I was trolling in another thread and forgot to change
That's white, mutt. Whiter than you at least.
>Kek I bet those leaving are all Whites.
the people going back to japan have japanese ancestry, and i heard they get discriminated when they return lol
and people going to anglo countries are most likely economic refugees, some prefer australia because of the climate
Are you for real? Even in our worst area like Mahrzahn that is barely happening. Likely because the IQ difference is enormous. Our niggers in Europe are often so dumb that they can't even speak properly.