46 C
46 C
46 C
46 C
46 C
Global warming isn't re-
Yea, use your reading comprehension, retard. This simply confirms previously recorded temperatures in June. It's not the current heat wave, which isn't really that big of a deal (despite what the media will try to say).
I live it well desu, it's pretty god, no worries for us
Holy sheeeit
Macron is going to be raped by niggers, actually he might enjoy it.
Arabs and blacks like high temperature.
It is fine I guess.
barely t-shirt weather
part and parcel of living in an Islamic country
Weather isn't bad at all here in the North West of France. South is full of niggers and arabs anyway, they should burn.
How? Not even in the equator we get those temp here in the summer.
Why is everyone so butthurt about the heat? I like it that way. At least it's not cold
We had 50 in like 2006
>tfw 14 degrees here right now
Thanks for the weather, nerds.
Will macron be raped?
Let the digits decide.
23°C here in the U.P.
Send help and ice.
theyre trying to spook normies.
Hot as fuck here too!
Got my weapons frozen
The media keep saying here HOTTEST EVER .. do they not remember 2003?
Lmao that's what u get u globalist over population cuckers
Would anyone like an iced treat?
You can survive heat as long as you have shade and a fan but you can't escape the cold.
I saw pictures of a guy who slept overnight in his car and had his feet amputated because he wanted to save the cost of a hotel
Comfy 7 degrees here
Get dabbed on eu I only switch my Ac on when it's 30-50 outside like maybe 3 weeks or so in summer
>Import the desert
>Become the desert
I think it's just France turning into its final form
I think that would legit kill me off. I was dying yesterday in 30 C heat.
I would like to know why the fuck are you eating those candys, you are only feeding the junk food jew
Average summer day.
>absolute record tomorrow in London
Should I buy an air cooler just for one day /pol? They’re £120 on amazon .
>it's hot in summer
Make a swamp cooler
Where the fuck do you live that 46 C is normal?
redpill me on Jubbly
Weather authorities are compromised. I recommend my white brethren to get their own (white designed and made) weather thermometers and fact check this shit
what was the temp in 2009?
this is what happens when you allow niggers into your country./
what? you can 'escape' the cold with a bloody jumper you retard
I have 40°C over here, it's pretty comfy. No idea why people are getting mad over some heat.
pour us a glass of that ribena slush would ya pal
guys don't fall for this he lures you in and then rapes you
are you all serious bitching about 30? I work in a 41 C steamy kitchen with work clothes, on moving around, and I dont even complain
france? lol
My sides = gone
Glad its not just me enjoying the crisp chill lads
This is God's punishment for all the churches.
>Implying this is bad
by niggers? impossible. He's never said no
Allah is making France hotter so muzzies feel more at home
aren't these heat waves just people using haarp to increase taxes?
Macron will be raped by nigger?
00 Civil war erupt
11 nothing happen
22 nigger revolt and mass rape in Paris
33 yellow vests revolt and kill 80% of niggers, the remaining are women used as sex slaves
44 Macron will get the D by an African
55 yellow vest behead Macron and kill mudslims and niggers
66 Jew take over and open all french's borders
69 Macron gangraped by nigger and then by yellow vest who kill the niggers.
77 Ebola arrives in France and start to kill niggers in paris
88 Situation become more and more tense, next terrorist attack on the 4th of august by islamic niggers.
99 Deutche bank collapse and the Euro is destroyed.
only one double allowed and no multiple situation possibile.
Home bargains is like £20...
defrost that thing, you lazy nigger.
Not sure you understand how seasons work
I live in the warmest region the country, south west, more specifically Marseille.
Yeah it's hot, just like it was last summer, and the summer before, and so on. News flash : summer is hot.
No, it hasn't been getting any warmer. Fuck off you retards.
Taken in the shade?
comfy 20c here
get dapped on mmedniggers
Al Gore promised me an ice age
I want my fucking ice age
that nose
i dont care it is a lie.
Naked all day and doing fine too
Arabs seem to like cold temperatures too. You can often see them outside in the winter wearing sandals, shorts and a t-shirt. Not in my town because there aren't that many but I've seen videos.
Good weather for hooning aye kunt
Yeah only got to minus 1 or so not much wind chill either and wasn't even that hot
what a waste of digits
weather is a lie, created by the jews to control the masses
Wow! It's called summer, get used to it
It's called climate change now you drumpf supporting conspiracy theorist
>Deutche bank collapse and the Euro is destroyed.
we have a winner
>You can often see them outside in the winter wearing sandals, shorts and a t-shirt.
Lies. They wear full winter jackets if it's even 0 C.
All these bastards sandniggers and turdskins are invoking the God Of Sun to burn the last french whites!!!
Meanwhile here in DFW in Texas we haven't had a single 100 degree day all year, if it keeps it up in August then it will be the first time since the 1970s that we had 0 100 degree days.
>28 today
I have not felt a single difference in my apartment, the secret is that it's always 30C in this hellhole that I am living in.
Only boomers have AC at home here, houses are well insulated so even with 45 outside it's 20 in my living room
That sucks OP, I'd turn on the air conditioner is what I would do if it was 46C. Oh wait, Europeans don't have any, guess you'll have to be obliterated under the searing fury of the sun while the rest of us sit comfy.
>houses are well insulated so even with 45 outside it's 20 in my living room
Cope harder fag, enjoy your insulated oven house that never cools down. Do you think the insulation just magically makes the heat go away? It's purpose is to slow heat transfer down.
Fkin retorted leaf