Why arent whites creating paramilitary organizations?

These mudslimes have them all over the globe, isn't it times white people start doing the same?

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Every ethnicity has its rebel side.

Black men = gangs

Arab men = terrorists organizations

These two conquered pop culture through their group.

So many movies portraying blacks in gangs and arabs as terrorists, and that's seen as a good thing indeed.

The white man doesn't have it because he likes to be normal, he hates being exotic.

That's why the white race is suffering, being normal is not funny.

Check out the game "Cyberpunk 2077", a fat black man that the boss who runs everything there. It's good to be rebellious.

What’s wrong with Arabs?

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Wow user, that new diet must be going great, you're glowing!

We have the mafia I guess. But we aren't white so it's fine.

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Ruby Ridge, Waco, Every single group gets infiltrated. Nice try DHS.

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>We have the mafia I guess. But we aren't white so it's fine.

In a white and western essence is Christianity, but what defines it is the Crusaders warriors.

The western white man has a unifying warrior identity.

Too many FBI niggers working to promote the European genocide (most of them unknowingly).

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We prefer independent single person cells. Notice how you glowniggers can never get more than one or two of us at a time when we sperg out. We all observe, plan and act in our own ways; because we are free independent humans with natural rights far more developed than the cluster fuck ideologies of the plains and dune coons. Though most of us just prep bug out kits for when the system you cucks have built eventually comes down on your heads.

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I'm too handsome. Don't wanna be prison raped

Something that you don't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist. They are just better at hiding

I agree, but are we western whites? Crusades are badass but the mafia is very much too.

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>So many movies portaying
>The white man dosen't have it because he likes
The white man has no control over how he is portayed. Movies are made by Jews to condition people to see the world in a manner that benefits Jews, and nothing will change until their hegemonic control over the means of dissemination is challanged. This could be through violence of course, but it need not necessarily be, and it would be the challange to this hegemony, rather than the violence, that would drive change even in that case.

I don't like jail. I prefer to push the law to its absolute limit without ever actually doing anything to go in the box.
Any of you ever been to jail or prison? For something victimless at that? I'll tell you right now, it murders the soul, and plants a dandilion of disrespect anti-patriotism that need not be described. Personally, I'm going to just skip out on having kids and smile as the whole world burns in chaos. I've become the Jew we all hate, not only because it's profititable, but because I can think of no greater destiny than watching all I hate burn from a guarded tower until dying by the hands of people I always hoped would arise.

Tldr; who cares about white people or Muslims. White people are arrogant selfish disloyal whoresons and Muslims are subhuman. Invest in war technology and encourage people to kill each other.

i got my concealed carry through church. Every deacon and church lady is packing

They are.

the FBI and ATF do everything in their power to infiltrate white groups, all of the groups in America are compromised

Waco, young man.

Even Militias get infiltrated.

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>Why arent whites creating paramilitary organizations?
What are special forces operating outside of their borders?
>INB4 they're not paramilitary organisations.
Doctrine changed since Talibans have been labelled terrorists. Since they, as the acknowledge rulers of an independant country were labelled a terrorist org, any officila group acting outside of their national borders became one.
If you think of operating within your country, you're more of an idiot than I thought you were.

Whites are too smart for this shit. Whites have friends and family who they discuss this with in person. When shit hits the fan, factions filled with hundreds of whites will pop up seemingly out of nowhere armed and ready to defend themselves and families.

What the fuck do you think competitive shooting groups are?
>3gun, idpa, uspsa, PRS, NRL, IPSC, etc.
Many of the folks who shoot those matches are very aware that when things cascade downward, they will coalesce their talents.

You mean, they're going to shoot those other white groups so that they can steal their guns and rule over the remaining whites.

>CTRL+F "funding"
>No results

Well, now you have your answer.

>What are special forces operating outside of their borders?

ZOG special forces.