Canada considers Insects healthier than meat

>Beyond Meat says its burgers are healthier than beef.

>Canadians can't get enough of Beyond Meat's plant-based burger that's designed to taste just like beef.

>It has attracted not only vegetarians but also meat eaters such as Jim Allen, who recently dined on a Beyond Burger at A&W, believing it was the healthier choice.

>"I was quite eager to try it," said Allen, who lives in Toronto. "Everybody's saying get away from red meat and eat more plants and bugs."

>"Where is their research saying that — that this is better than eating a small, portion-controlled, lean piece of meat?" said Toronto-based dietitian and nutritionist Rosie Schwartz.

>The Beyond Burger contains close to 20 ingredients, including refined coconut oil, crickets, caterpillar, pea protein isolate and meat-based flavouring. Schwartz says that qualifies it as a highly processed food — something that Canadians are advised to limit in their diet, along with processed and fatty meat.

>Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown argues such comparisons are too simplistic because they don't factor in the reported health risks — such as cancer and heart disease — that are associated with eating red and processed meat.

>As for customer Allen, he's decided that unless new research tells him otherwise, he'll continue to presume that Beyond's plant and insect-based burger is healthier. However, he doesn't plan to purchase it again at a fast-food restaurant. That's because he discovered that once the bun and toppings are added, A&W's version has 3,110 milligrams of sodium.

>Health Canada recommends that adults aim for about 1,500 mg of sodium daily and not exceed 2,300 mg.

>A&W told CBC News that customers can modify their burger to suit their dietary needs, such as swapping the bun for a lettuce wrap.

Day of the Grill is here burgers. Open up for your onions, high-glycemic carbs and bugs.

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=

this is going to last about a year before someone says fuck this, i'm eating a dog. your dog. and your cat.




>beyond meat is the company name
shut up i like reddit spacing and i've never used reddit. one day you shills just showed up being grammar nazi's as usual

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Eat your crickets goyim

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>having things separated into well organized blocks of information is reddit!!!!
Do you like reading huge walls of text you fucking retarded faggot?

redditors will never recover

That is not reddit spacing, summer.

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Quite simply put, you have to go back.

It's not my fault you can't identify it. I tried to warn you yesterday, and you used the excuse that it's just the way the BBC did it. And now you do it again, just like a redditor would.

so yeah, forgetting about grammar and punctuation.


i'll eat your pets before i eat bugs

and who the hell wants to breed more bugs for food? the world is already 99% insects - and we're not going to be eating wild insects - they want to breed more!!!

You are not the internet boss

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I never claimed otherwise. You're just showing how new you are. That's all.

>bugs eating bugs

>insects are healthier than meat
I correct. Less protein since your basically eating just skin and skeleton, and no vitamins. A vegan diet would be healthier than an insect diet.

>Jews trying to get us to eat bugs.
Eat foods so that your calories come from 60% fat, 20% protein and 20% low GI carbs.
Feed the bugs to chickens. Eat the eggs and chicken

>this faggot shill wanting us eating bugs
>complaining about reddit when the topic at hand is farming bugs

That is not reddit spacing. That is how the article was fucking formatted. You are probably a redditor-in-denial who wall posts to cope with that fact.

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That's plebeddit spacing, Rabbi.
Go back to plebeddit and spew your jew shit there.

celery is a luxury in canada

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My wife brought home a plant based meat substitute patties once. I could tell right away. Beef isnt stringy like this shit is.

Here is a handy bug nutrition chart for Leafs

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"Man that A&W Beyond Meat burger was totally rad last thursday. I am so glad I helped fight climate change and ate insects to show I am not a bigot."

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canadians will soon be onto the RECTAL FEEDING FAD where you put blended maggots and kale juice up your ass

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They're not made from bugs, beef shill.

Beyond Meat is gross there is always a new meat alternative pushed on the market.

It used to be Garden Burgers. Hype came and went.

Bugs are famine food. Only widely consumed ones are silk moths. Mexicans stopped eating chapulin grasshoppers when the Spanish introduced beef, pork, and chicken... more reliable animal protein sources.

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Based AF

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isn't that the guy who died by polonium?

>plant based
>vegan burger

low tier shitpost.

Beyond Meat is not insects, not really relevant. Beyond Meat is way overpriced pea protein "burgers" that taste kinda like beef but not really.
Insects actually are healthier than meat, but obviously not very palatable. Canada is cucked for food, mostly due to regulation, partly due to geography.

you dont have to worrying about tasting bug shit when you EAT SHITSHAKES WITH YOUR ASS



I thought that was onions. Either way, I don't eat that shit.

>company wanting to sell their product is saying their product is healthier than the alternative
imagine my shock

I fast. I eat organic vegetables and fruits. I eat organic grass finished greek yogurt. I eat macadamia, pecan, brazil nuts, walnuts, and pili nuts. I eat avocadoes, cheese, olives, olive and coconut oil and Ghee butter.

I drink goat milk. I consume gotu kola, ashwaghanda, turmeric, gingko biloba, fo ti, reishi mushroom, black rice and wild rice.

>I fast.

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Good goy, I will give you many lives to eat

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Bad shoop skills

who gives a shit what canada thinks, it's the most pathetic anglo country that elected a homosexual communist as their leader.


Once again, you deflect to the Talmudic satanic Jews instead of taking personal responsibility and repenting from your redditspacing ways.

what's wrong with the meaa?

>he'll continue to presume that Beyond's plant and insect-based burger is healthier
Not vegan

Also there are no bugs in the beyond burger so idk why youre lying kike

Grocery jew thread #4,366,709 .

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Im just waiting for them to slip up with a stunt like false advertising meat and giving people plant paste.
ez lawsuit.

>celery is a luxury in canada
here we go again .....

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>Grocery jew thread #4,366,709 .
Ooops !!! It should be Grocery jew thread #6Gorillion!!!

not even 40% voted for him.



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>not even 40% voted for him.


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>make water your drink of choice

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does that even matter?
walmarts in alaska have to pump the price because of how far the goods need to go through.
I dont see how a website giving a static price says anything.

Simply post the in store prices (no coupons, Internet prices or lost leaders) and there will be an end to the horror

>it's the most pathetic anglo country that elected a homosexual communist as their leader.

Attached: lib-dumb-obama-D8X3LDCWsAAyX8S.jpg (710x497, 28K)

succ for celery

Attached: $8 celery.jpg (1210x1613, 444K)

hence why I said 40% and not 41%.
can you math?


succ for chicken

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no frills

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The fuck.

In the US i can get a pound for .49

Fake shit.

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>Simply post the in store prices (no coupons, Internet prices or lost leaders) and there will be an end to the horror

O.K. I'll use the sources the grocery jew and his accomplices use all of the time .







Oh ... by the way , grocery jew has used internet prices many times before .

>Be Albertan grass raised cattle farmer
>market is booming as everyone is awakening to our shilling government
>urbanite fags continue to suckle the onions and GMO shit food, paying for overpriced shit meats
>blames everyone but themselves

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lets face it, canadians MUST eat bugs to feed the growing african population which will increase by 5 billion over the next 80 years. Of course trudeau will eat steak dipped in gold but that's different, he's important and you are trash

>hence why I said 40% and not 41%.
39.4% is below 40% . I can do math . Are you sure about yourself ?

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KYS CIA psy-ops nigger.

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this pic is altered, the real canadian food plate has beef, chicken, and fish among other items in the protein section and it does not have any insects

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nobody will be able to afford cats and dogs because they eat meat. Maybe you can feed them insect food to but they will still be too expensive.

also, what with all the retards who think that insects are a vegan food?

>his pic is altered, the real canadian food plate has beef, chicken, and fish among other items in the protein section and it does not have any insects


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-24 Everything you need to know about the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide – NutriVie (871x1352, 831K)


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>lets face it, canadians MUST eat bugs to feed the growing african population which will increase by 5 billion over the next 80 years. Of course trudeau will eat steak dipped in gold but that's different, he's important and you are trash

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Show us the statistics grocery jew .

what you need some high fructose corn syrup to feel like you have a real drink? water is the healthiest choice of drinks


Grocery jew , why did you alter the original pic ?

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I'm more triggered by the fact they buy pre-sliced cheese.
That's worse than buying beer in plastic bags.

This explains why I found a bug in a bottle of mapple syrup I bought. Thank you CETA.

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just feed the africans insects and carry on

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>just feed the africans insects and carry on

Excellent idea .

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Show your source grocery jew .

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No shitshake with your ass? Or is that the next step?

Meh, they're ok. Grasshoppers and other insects are traditional food of my country and we eat them occasionally. However, a lot of people in my country has been jewing foreigners into buying way overprized insects ($100 USD for a kg of ant larvae, for example) and the jews are now trying to take advantage of it. Quite honestly, it took them long enough, taking into account how freaking gullible you are with your organic markets and shit like that lmao

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aussie or bong detected

You feeling O.K. there grocery jew ??

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>aussie or bong detected

The first grocery jew isn't on anymore . His morning shift is done .
This new grocery jew is doing the afternoon shift .

Think about this for a second. They try to tell us that we should stop eating our natural diet which includes 100% natural, unprocessed animal foods, because that is somehow unhealthy for us. And then we should replace it with heavily processed foods made largely from man made plants (like SOI and grains). How much sense does that make to you?

I said not even 40% voted for him
you showed me 39.4%
rounding that, it is 39%
again i'll ask, can you math?

wtf is a serving
2 pieces?

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Beyond meat does not contain bugs. This makes me think you're a meat industry shill trying to plant the idea that a completely animal-free product contains animals/insects.