Watching him get charged for obstruction when he leaves office will be hilarious.

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Seeing his fat wrinkly orange ass get violated in prison by Tyrone would be hilarious.

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Why wait til when he's out? Why not do it now, if you have such undeniable and incriminating evidence? The sooner you get rid of Trump the better, right?

>Trump won't run.
>Trump won't win the primary.
>98% chance Trump will lose the general.
>The EC will not seat Trump
>Congress will not make Trump President.
>Any day now, Impeach!!
>It's over!
>Just wait, Mueller report!
>Just wait, Mueller testimony.
>just wait, in 2025, when Trump leaves office, INDICT!
You can't make a meme about this because these fucking retards are worse in real life anything that you could meme.

who cares what happens to him after he leaves office, i hope the jews sacrifice him to moloch

>we'll get him in 5 years

user, I.....

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If Democrats every win back power and we have a spic or nigger AG... maybe.

This is what spics do in third world countries like Peru. They cook up charges on the right wing ex-president.

But this is the sort of thing that would start a Civil War. Some right wingers might start assassinating liberal billionaires and politicians if they arrested him.

>when he leaves office
bad news user

Let's be serious, he's a tool of Israel not the fucking Russians.

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What did he do to obstruct? I keep hearing that word but literally nothing else except reeeeing about tweets

A NYT article said he tried to fire Mueller.

>when he leaves

he's not leaving office.

Nobody cares. The fact is as dumb as you imagine Trump looks, you retards still look dumber, and might even have Kuru.

Good, if President Trump committed a crime, good.

If not, fuck the Deep State and Hillary Clinton et al. for fucking wasting everyone's time and money.

Actually, just fuck Deep State and Hillary et al. in general. They started this stupid shit.

Hopefully, the Epstein thing will take down a few of those useless eaters.

Unless he's a crypto jew they won't do that. It has to be one of their valued own. Like all of Israel

Repeal the Twenty-Second.

Yeah, it's starting to become sad

>A (((NYT))) article said he tried to fire Mueller.

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Stop using common sense.

no exoneration needed in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty


How does charging someone with obstruction of justice work when the charges were phoney and fake?

So something between fanfiction & anonymous sources?
> Thought about watching porn & didn't
Is "didn't" the key word for "firing Mueller"?

I also don't understand this

report could not provide enough evidence to prosecute a crime, so he is innocent until proven guilty. Investigations and prosecutors do not exonerate, that is the job of the defense attorney. Mueller stepped over his role by offering his comments on exoneration, as that is not up to him, kinda like his predecessor offering up his commentary on the Hillary investigation.

Rep. Debbie Lesko, a Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, cut through through the mess when she pointed out that Mueller said exactly the opposite in his 448-page report.

“That is not what you said in the report, and it’s not what you told Attorney General Barr,” Lesko said. “And in fact, in a joint statement that you released with DOJ on May 29 after your press conference, your office issued a joint statement with the Department of Justice that said: ‘The Attorney General has previously stated that the special counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying, that but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice,’ ” she said.

Lesko asked Mueller if he stood by that statement.

“I would have to look at it more closely before I said I agree,” Mueller said.

I have my mug ready. Let the tears flow.

>when he leaves office

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If they had anything on him theyd have already prosecuted. They havent, thus they dont. Being president is irrelevant. Nixon is prime example. Whom, might I add, is a saint by todays standards.

Watch the people who were supposed to charge him be in jail when he leaves office.
Seriously. Do you think the establishment is trying to move heaven AND earth just to get him out of office so they can raise taxes and fund planned parenthood?

So instead of dropping a collusion or obstruction bomb, Mueller simply just refuses to answer simple questions. Which suggests theres obviously a lot to hide about the inner workings of his special council. This has been a joke of an "investigation", and these people should be publicly tarred and feathered for trying to undermine our republic.

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Billions in arms to the Saudis
Assad still in power
No war with Iran
Find another excuse



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>”obstruction” with no underlying criminal offense
>”obstruction” of an investigation that only began due to partisan misinformation and illegal spying
>”obstruction” despite the fact that no key player in Mueller’s investigation was terminated or obstructed in any way
>plus the defense could argue that the allegations of obstruction have been made so publicly that any potential juror’s mind has been tainted by media coverage, including coverage of things probably not admissible in court, and therefore it would be impossible for Trump to have a fair trial

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In America it is genuinely possible to be shot by the police for resisting arrest with no other charges with no laws being broken

Go figure


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2015: We're gonna get Drumpf now! He's done.
2016: We're gonna get Drumpf now! He's done.
2017: We're gonna get Drumpf now! He's done.
2018: We're gonna get Drumpf now! He's done.
2019: We'll get him in 2025 I'm sure of it!

The absolute fucking state of these faggots.

Let's see if the Dems really want to throwaway centuries of custom in their drive to punish Trump. General practice has been to let sleeping dogs lie during the transition of power so as to not encourage an ever-repeating exchange of blows between parties while also simultaneously ratcheting up the stakes of each election. There is an argument that this is one of the reasons we have been able to preserve the peaceful transition of power as well as we have. If the Dems want to throw the baby out with the bathwater then so be it, but they better hope they never lose power again.

I remember the day he was formally accused

Hahahahaha, the west has been secured.

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I actually like the cops

>when he leaves office
He needs to be impeached. If he’s guilty later he’s guilty now. Even beyond Mueller he committed two felonies.

Watching retards from The Squad further ruin the democratic party for arrest after he's out is going to be even more hillarious.

Why should Trump be immune from prosecution for the felonies he comitted?


A prosecutor can write up an indictment on anything. Literally anything. It does not eschew legitimacy on the indictment nor is it in any sense evidence of guilt of the defendant. Presidents cannot be indicted. They have to be impeached first.

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Sorry to break it to you but mueller stated himself he was allowed to finish his work, there was no obstruction. This hearing was a huge fail for democrats

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Why is Hillary not in prison for three consecutive life sentences? Because they aren't interested in prosecution. Stop fagging up the board.

You misspelled "Watch nothing happen".
Because nothing ever happens.

Try harder, ShareBlue.

>two felonies


>Watching him get charged for obstruction when he leaves office will be hilarious.
>he doesn't know the statement was retracted and he admitted he lied
oh no...

In 5 years when he leaves office everyone will have forgotten about it already
People will probably forget about it next week

He wont be

>lock him up!

Which felonies. Also provide evidence

Dear Fag

What part of “no new indictments” do you NOT understand?

Cohen pled guilty to campaign finance felonies that he committed at the direction of Trump.
Media reports uncovered evidence of Trump’s deep involvement in the plan to conceal the ppayments, which is a crime.

>relying on Cohen, a proven liar and a stooge

Good luck on that friendo.

You know obstruction of justice is a misdemeanor offense, and in most states is just a $200 fine.
If you lie to a police officer in any way, they can give you obstruction of justice.
Or, ironically, cops will give people this ticket when they can’t find anything else to charge a person with.
Sound familiar?

He’s a stooge for Trump, which is why he helped make the secret payments at Trump’s direction.