Would a 2nd emendament be theoretically possible in a European country?

Would a 2nd emendament be theoretically possible in a European country?

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Euros were told to fear guns long ago, it'll take a few generations to unfuck that.

I mean probably not considering if they are a part of the EU they would be pressured not to, as those nations don't want guns flowing into them unchecked. Then again the same could be said for mass migration and look how that turn out.

I sure hope so. It would be beneficial for both of us. What do Italians think of guns? Berettas are made there, afterall. Pic not related.

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>Would a 2nd emendament be theoretically possible in a European country?
No, but maybe the UN Declaration might be possible.
Article 29 Section
"(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

>Would a 2nd emendament be theoretically possible in a European country?

No, because the fundamental premise of our "rights" is that they are given by God and that all free men are born with them. In Europe unless you are of royal birth or given a title by some monarch you are a serf and rights are given or taken at the whim of that monarch.

The concept of individual sovereignty is unique in the USA, all other peoples of the world are born slaves and serfs.


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I meant, if such a concept were to be codified into law, could it likely survive?
It's complicated, especially by a legislative standpoint. Keep in mind that laws in Italy are freaking vague so that you can have different outcomes depending on the judge. As a matter of facts you can be accused of manslaughter, or murder, depending on the case, even if you defended yourself (there's a thing called "excess of defence" in Italy, so the stand your ground doctrine doesn't apply). Anyway, lots of people favour it for self defense, particularly outside bigger cities. And lot of people from where I came sometimes have more than one rifles (registered for hunting purposes).

You would also have to have something like the 10th amendment.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
Getting local power closer to the people would go a long way in at least making enclaves of freedom in regards to guns, among other things.

We don't have a monarchy in Italy. The royal family was exiled after the war ended.

He's talking about 'positive' vs 'negative' rights. Which is why we say it's not likely possible in Europe, and you need more than just the 2nd amendment. Just compare what I quoted from the UN Declaration, Article 29, Section 3 vs the US 10th.

Article 29 Section
"(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

US 10th
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
Both are last (or nearly last) for a reason. Two different conceptions of rights.

I see. I think vagueness of the laws and EU would make it very hard for Italy. But Slovenia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Finland, and even Germany already have somewhat good gun laws. They might have the best chance.

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>He's talking about 'positive' vs 'negative' rights.

There's a long path to walk in Italy. Last government did a ridiculous law that permitted self-defense ONLY during NIGHt hours. Kek. The current one passed another law that removed the indemnity for the trespasser if self-defense was legitimate. Previously if you shot an intruder you could have been sued by him for damages. But the indemnity still apply if you use firepower when not needed, even if they trespass your property.

Nazi Germany and Czech republic.

Freedom is only possible if you're willing to take it for yourself.

I am coming to the USA then.

I want a gun

In Italy probably we can create already militias with crossbows.

Crossbowmen are the evolutionary peak of Militias

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A supreme right to personal armaments that could only be abolished by a two-thirds vote in every house of the legislature and ratified by three-quarters of the nation's provinces?
Theoretically, it's possible, but not practically.

more guns means more problem with mafia and crime, that s why u wont never see lots of weapons in italy, you can already own a gun or a rifle with some certificate, since this year you can use gun if someone enter in your house

Properly trained archers will outperform crossbows.

It would be even easier to implement over there than over here. Even the worst European countries are still 80%+ white, while we're barely 50%. When 4 out of 5 of your citizens are able to maintain a civilization, then the right to arms and self defense wouldn't cause any problems.

I think the Mafia in Sicily almost pulled off smuggling an anti-ship missile into port this year. Small arms are easier than shit to smuggle in when you have dozens of top-notch arms manufacturers all over land routes with relatively low border controls, and fucking Africa across the Med.

I also love Kaede! A lot!

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Please do and vote in our shared interests. Regardless, get guns and lots and lots of ammo

It takes 10 minutes to train someone with a crossbow.

In the beginning maybe. But it could be a deterrent used by ordinary people against Mafia extortions. Guns in the hands of commoners increase the cost of doing business for Mafia. Imagine brave merchants pulling the guns and shooting dead mafiosi asking for pizzo...

Then tell me why cumbrained conscripts with crossbows overtook archers and made knights in plate armor obsolete?

I'm going to end gun control!

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yes, the czech did it recently

Give a crossbow to a farmer and he will kill men until he finish the dards
Give a bow to a farmer and probably he will kill himself
It's weapon evolutionary theory: we research always more lethal and easier weapons.
The problem is that a crossbow can be done at home, for the guns is pretty harder.

>EU Gun Ban


How about starting with First Amendment?
EU's 'hate speech' laws are basically censor tool. You DO NOT have free speech in Europe. Not a single country.


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yes, you have to slaughter every politicians and kikes first.

How should we impose that? By the way, lots of European are pussies, if not faggots. Take your typical liberal as a reference.

No. Any attempt to guarantee universal human rights in Europe is an attempt to roll back the March of Progress and revive untermensch nationalism. Know your place, citizen of nowhere.

I have always wondered: if the US wasn't such a diverse nation, but a more homogeneous one like lots of European countries, would yours Supreme Court rulings regarding free speech have been the same in outcome? Think about Brandenburg vs Ohio.