Are shamans redpilled?

Are shamans redpilled?

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Jews fear the Shaman.

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Dat nigga BASED!!!!!

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No really. Sure, they're in tune with other, better things of this world and beyond. But they're just as ignorant as the rest of us. And a good shaman will tell you that.

Shamans are peak chad.

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What's this? A reasonable post from an American that I completely agree with? Colour me surprised!

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They sit around and do drugs. Not red pilled.

So much they made sure to kill a lot of them using their european golems.

I unironically believe this. There's a reason why so many shamans and shamanistic cultures were ruthlessly wiped out by kikes using European pawns and it's because shamans and shamanistic cultures were aware of the true nature of what we call 'reality', that 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!"). Today, there are very few shamans and shamanistic cultures left in the world. Imagine if shamanistic knowledge became mainstream? Imagine if normies around the world knew about shamanistic knowledge? It would cause a global paradigm shift the likes of which we have never seen before. Shamans are based. They know what's up.

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It depends on what spec they are and if they know how to press bloodlust

Shamans impart knowledge onto others yet never require payment via monetary compensation.
A shaman aided me with my severe depression via ayahuasca, never needed the pharma jew thanks to him.

it isnt like u think it is. shamans have historically been DMT cooks. thats literally it. they are just drug dealers who supply you with DMT, and since DMT experiences are so profoundly amazing, you just think the guy "shaman" who gave u the DMT must be magical or mystical. they rejust fucking drug dealers dude. lol they always have been, always will be.

I completely agree with you, Based Brazilbro. Amazonian tribes say that their ancestors were taught how to make ayahuasca by celestial beings. I believe that. Also, I was reading Graham Hancock's book Supernatural recently and in it, he mentions reports of people tripping on DMT who claimed to see beings that resembled clowns fucking around with them. He then wonders if the concept of a 'clown' here in our world originated from visions of these clown-like beings. It seems as though the Clown World meme might be true in a LITERAL sense. Tripping on DMT might be how we can access Clown World (well, the Clown World that ISN'T our own crazy world).

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Are you fucking retarded? Shamans have existed outside of South America for tens of thousands of years, you know.

I have interesting insight on that concept of clowns or trolls.
I have a friend who lives in the northeast of brazil where mimosa hostilis grows is fucking everywhere.
I met up with a shaman who operates a small church of mimosa followers.
In the region, mimosa H is known as jurema preta. The plant itself is linked with a trickster, an entity called Saci (pic related). This entity will trick people if the DMT is not combined with Jurema branca (white mimosa).

As most extracted DMT is from mimosa hostilis alone,it would explain why people get trolled. I have experimented by mixing MH with the classica ayahusca plants; you dont get the troll effect.

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Exactly. Shamanism is a truly global phenomenon that exists on all six permanently inhabited continents. And not all shamans use psychoactive substances like DMT to experience altered states of consciousness. In fact, I'd say the best of them don't need psychoactive substances to experience altered states of consciousness.

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The eternal burger poster. World is a bit bigger than you containment continent. Even there not every culture had shamans using DMT you absolute brainlet

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isnt the entire Christmas theme some ancient scandanavian amanita ritual of old?

>pine tree...muscaria loves pine
>reindeer eat that shit when food is scarse
>shamans used to drink the reindeer piss
>effects of amanita include jovial laughing and flushing of cheeks, associated with the jovial fat man.
>perception of sizes is altered (fits through a chimney)
>perception of flight, mixed with flying reindeer
>red and white colors of the shroom

wonderful stuff

Fascinating stuff. Thanks for sharing that with me. DMT is basically an organic technology, if you think about it. We know more about outer space than inner space. The inner universe is just as vast as the outer universe. In fact, both the outer universe AND the outer universe are infinite and feed off each other. In the end, there's no boundary between 'inner' and 'outer', since they blend into each other.

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* In fact, both the outer universe AND the inner universe are infinite and feed off each other.

Fucking typos.

my pleasure
You should consider milking toads for their venom, I have a bunch of toads that I breed for venom extraction.
A fantastic source of natural DMT.
Does not hurt the toad at all

You have a species in australia that produces a venom that the chinese love when it comes to trad medicine. Just go easy on the stuff if you decide to smoke it over ashes in a pipe...shit is fucking potent
slightly less potent than scorpion venom but well worth the effort to milk them as it is a highly renewable resource for DMT

Good shit, brah. It's also possible that the Soma drink mentioned in the Ancient Indian scripture known as the Rig Veda might be Amanita Muscaria as well.

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Yeah man Torpor Shaman can solo just about anything. Absolute God tier.

There are two 'realities' going on side by side in this world, the one that the masses think is 'real' (what I call 'Movie Screen Earth') because (((certain people))) tell them it's 'real' and the one that is actually 'real'. The one that is actually 'real' is SO UNBELIEVABLY DIFFERENT to the one that the masses think is 'real' that it would make your head spin. The sky is not blue, nothing is solid because atoms are made of empty space, everything is always moving (including the ground that you walk on) and nothing ever touches anything because an atom can never touch any other atom due to electrical forces repelling them. Your feet never touch the ground. Also, the picture I've just posted is NOT yellow - it's red and green. If (((they))) can trick you into thinking that red and green is yellow, think of the other ways that (((they))) can trick you. Your brain and your senses deceive you. Nothing is EVER as it seems and appearances are ALWAYS deceptive! We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you!

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(((They))) are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible - one of the ways (((they))) accomplish this is by restricting our access to correct information. (((They))) are hoarding knowledge of TRUE history, TRUE geology, TRUE astronomy, TRUE health, TRUE physics, etc. and, most importantly of all, knowledge of the TRUE nature of 'reality' itself while teaching a false, incomplete and distorted version of those subjects to the general public, who usually unquestioningly accept all of it. To anyone who dismisses anything that I post as being 'crazy', just remember that all it takes to suppress a person's sense of the possible is to restrict his or her access to correct information. Simple as that. Don't let others dictate to you what can and 'cannot' be done, what is 'real' and 'unreal' and what is possible and 'impossible'. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. There are two things that (((they))) do not want you to know above all else:

1. That who and what we ALL really are is Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form (you can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't, because the word 'God' has limiting religious connotations that I would rather avoid).

2. That what we call 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").

The righteous will inherit the Earth and beyond, other mes. Have faith in that. And sharpen your swords until that day comes. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power!

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I dont doubt
Go look up the Iranian mosque designs, that shit is a DMT trip in itself. Might explain why tripping on DMT is allowed by some muslims.

Surely they came to discover more than just spices in their marketplaces LOL

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"In Finland Santa Claus is called Joulupukki (direct translation 'Christmas Goat').The flying reindeer could symbolize the use of fly agaric by Sámi shamans."

I think that is quite possible . Almost everything associated with Christmas (not including the disgusting consumerism) has a Nordic origin. Christians just changed our traditions so in time people forgot their pagan origin.

Thanks for the suggestion. But I'm not sure I want to milk a venomous animal just to smoke DMT because I don't want to..... well, die? kek

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This thread made me want to read Castaneda again

I know, a Norwegian dude told me all about the ancient Scandinavian practices associated with Christmas

It was mind blowing considering that every aspect is closely related with muscaria

what level is this guy?

Although the red and white colors have not been associated with Santa here for that long. He used to wear grey. Coca-Cola actually used their huge marketing machine to make people do the mental connection between red and white and Santa. In some old symbolism red and white can be seen but it became way more popular after Coke started doing this

nah, it is simple and not dangerous at all.
Just find a toad, pick it up by the back legs, it will probably piss on you...let it inflate, flip it over, place a glass plate under it and massage the glands right behind its eyes, it looks like a sponge. It will squirt out two or three shots...let the milky substance dry for an hour...use a razor blade to scrape it up. Start with a match head sized hit and move your way up.

best DMT trip you can have when smoked (ayahuasca is outside the realm of smoked DMT)
Mike Tyson said it calmed his demons

I highly recommend ayahuasca if you like DMT, it is the most horrifying yet glorious experience one can have outside of iboga.
Iboga is pure hell for 72hrs

Indeed, I'm a clan element creature is turtle, my wisdom comes from snakes for I was born during a time of the worship of death.
My spirit element is copper, my birth is malichite the two are formed the same way. When you study your stars, animals and birth you realize how connected you once were to earth and the universe.
Being a shaman is as close to being a star that was pulled from the skies beyond and mended into your soul.
I have never fealt such bliss knowing that I'm a born shaman that sheds his skin of change constantly. Rebirth in the living and sight of the dead when changing. There is a lot to learn that we still have the possibility too as we're alive now.
Good day and the blessing of a snake is upon you this day.

imagine thinking that shamanism is strictly an asian culture.
I will take a guess and say you're a fucking christcuck that thinks Europe was always, and should be, christian.
>symbolism is debil wurshup
>nature is 4 da hipees
>we are all disconeckted servunts to lawd gawd

I saw a picture of a sami wearing red clothes with white spots.
pic related
dude on left looks like santa LOL

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>Are shamans redpilled?
No religious practitioner is redpilled because the definition of a redpill is seeing the world as it is instead of using convenient fairy tales. Every religion is a bluepill.

For those that don't know: Nordic shamans used to feed their reindeers with fly agaric mushrooms. Reindeer liver would clean any toxins and only the psychedelic chemicals would stay in their pee.
Very disgusting I think and that is why I prefer just eating these maybe once a year for my psychedelic experiences

I don't know anyone who has tried these fly agarics. Might have something to do with the fact that if eaten they are very poisonous and not many people have reindeers. Even fewer are willing to drink their fucking piss

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a very sad interpretation

>imagine thinking that shamanism is strictly an asian culture.

Except I don't think that at all. I even said in this post that shamanism is a global phenomenon: Learn how to read before you insult other people, you fucking idiot. I'm ignoring all American posts in this thread from here on out.

Once again, thanks for the suggestion. I might give that a shot.

I know what you mean. Just check out this mosque design, it was obviously made by someone who was trippin' MAD BALLS. kek

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buddy of mine feeds it to bunnies which are very tolerant of toxins. He then lets their piss evaporate until he has enough to obtain a white crystal like substance which he consumes.
It is very potent

I don't think those are sami. They look way too asian. That has to be some northern Russian tribe. That actually makes this more interesting. The roots are thousands of year old

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none of what you said is true and you are a massive shill.
Shamanistic culture were never wiped out, but Christians disliked their polytheism and burned many of their temples but shamans in and by themselves were not destroyed as an institute, they could still transmit their knowledge
they were not wiped out.
also shamans grasp the truth that Jesus has made so clear for us
believe and you can move mountains

I once did ayahuasca with an Iranian Imam in Amazonas, he was convinced that the dudes that created the mosques were tripping balls.

Take it slow with the toad venom, is potent, especially the Australian varieties...the chinese seek it out more than any other toad venom for a reason.

If you really want to lose your shit...get a black light and hunt for scorpions at night, they glow in the dark like the CIA, easy to find. Cut off their tails with the stinger and dry it in the sun until you can powder it.....REALLY go gentle on that stuff, it is demonic.

>this or that one extreme or the other "thinking" that is really just feeling
You. Read this. Apply it to your life. Quit being a drag on the entire human race and pawn of the kikes.

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yes, pic is from a Siberian tribe
Nordic regions only have this hallucinogenic mushroom if I am not mistaken.

Although I think you have cubensis as well more to the south

We are the void shamans.


You all REALLY need to stop generalizing like this. The majority of the so-called "Christians" that did that were Catholics who went after anyone who had a copy of the bible or preached the Word of Jesus Christ to others instead of the Catholic approved "bible" that replaces Christ with the pope as the Speaker(Vicar) for God. Catholics are not Christians.

>none of what you said is true

Except it is.

>and you are a massive shill.

Except I'm not. All religions, ESPECIALLY the (((Abrahamic religions))), exist ONLY to suppress our sense of the possible and shamans see through that bullshit. Jesus was a zombie kike and Mary was only a virgin if you don't count anal. Seethe harder, Christcuck. lmao

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>I once did ayahuasca with an Iranian Imam in Amazonas, he was convinced that the dudes that created the mosques were tripping balls.

That wouldn't surprise me at all if that was true, some of those mosque designs are intricate as fuck.

>Take it slow with the toad venom, is potent, especially the Australian varieties...the chinese seek it out more than any other toad venom for a reason. If you really want to lose your shit...get a black light and hunt for scorpions at night, they glow in the dark like the CIA, easy to find. Cut off their tails with the stinger and dry it in the sun until you can powder it.....REALLY go gentle on that stuff, it is demonic.

Thanks for the guidance, my Brazilian friend. You really know your psychedelics. kek

You retarded ass kikes are going to pay dearly for all which you have done. Reap what you sow. And what have you sown? Lies. Deceit. Dishonesty. Discord. You lie to try and place conflict between others so that you stand free to do your kikery even further. It shall all come down crashing upon your heads like a torrential storm. In the name of Iesous Christos, I rebuke you pit viper. You will burn.

t. gaslighting kike

Seethe harder. lmao

t. projecting kike

I am here to torment and punish all those who do not have their name written in the Book of Life, such as you.

>know my psychedelics
I have done pretty much everything under the sun that is not lab created from iboga to scopolamine

both of which I do not recommend LOL
Ayahuasca is fucking roller coaster nature has to offer ...from severe introspection to incredible visions and being a jungle panther or a bird in flight for 3 or 4 hours.
exhilarating once you have barfed everything evil from your soul

Aaaah, yes, iboga. Mixed the roots into powder and ingested. It showed me all I put my focus on. I even vibrated with mother earth. Great 6-8hr experience.
Not easy tho, could have been smoother

>6 to 8 hrs
what the fuck are you talking about...try 48-72hrs
shit was pure fucking hell

t. gaslighting kike

Seethe harder. lmao

The biggest loss was kikes and their golems destroying shamanic-like cultures from Middle East and Europe to pave way to retarded crap like cuckstianity and pisslam.
They destroyed most evidence it existed so their stupid cults could reign freely.

I had a buddy in Peru whose uncle was a curandero. It was interesting and gave me some insight but it wasn't anything more than tripping balls in the jungle. Used sparingly and appropriately, Mushrooms are the white man's ally.

woke and shamanpilled brazbro

Let's see. I'm actually being logical and honest and you aren't. I'm being specific in my posts and you are generalizing. So then, logically, which one of us is being deceitful? YOU are. And you can double down as much as you want with these low quality posts, because in the end, you cannot escape the 2nd death, Schlomo.

>posting a beta cuck

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That’s more of an indictment on the practitioners than the religion itself, but I have to agree on suppressing the sense of the possible. Solid evidence gets written off as a test of faith. There’s no attempt to even reconcile or explain the people’s and civilizations that existed outside of the desert during the Old Testament. It’s immeasurably frustrating when a conversation veers into the unprovable, but every single thing is responded to with God this and God that. It’s not the faith that bothers me, it’s the deliberate refusal to think themselves.


all psychedelics are allies to the white man as the experience for blacks is mostly like going to take a swim.
The only people I have even been able to partake in my ayahuasca rituals are Scandanavian (we get lots of them as tourists here)

I completely agree with you. I have no doubt that there was a global civilisation on this planet that was wiped out 11,600 years ago. This global civilisation had a shamanistic foundation and spread shamanism to every inhabited continent in the world.

>t. bitter brainlet making mean faces at the screen
holy fucking cringe

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You really can't see how he's pushing conflict itt can you? Fine. Figure out on your own. Cringe all you want. Play into their hands then while being steered through your ego and calling others golems while being an unwitting golem to a strayan kike manipulating you, you hypocrites.

What a waste of trips

That's lake baikal. I've smoked opium with a buryat shaman at that exact spot by khoboi. They're chill peeps

Lol, thx, but after a few hours of wondering the thought of getting „normal“ back gets the paranoia more intense.
Maybe doing it gradually. Gotta take it with respect man, never go full retard.

There's always time later in life for these things.
Anyway, I ordered it from Africa for like 20$ and it came thru tegular post „as sample“. Would reccomend to other explorers.

You dont get more redpilled.

some people need to get the bad trip to show that not everybody is entitled to experience such wonders

I couldn't agree more. What a kike-nigger shillshitter that guy is. kek

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Extremely common here, called (puna)kärpässieni which literally means "(red) fly mushroom" because it was used to kill flies.

Speaking of trips. Where would a guy need to go to get the ayahuasca experience?

pagan is the christcuck version of goyim

I agree with you completely but I just hope your vitriol carries on into daily life, I can only laugh at this kind of misdirected anger. Also his pic made me laugh but I have nothing against religious people. Stay pragmatic and realistic based burger bro.

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I honestly do not recommend it to anybody unless they need that shit because they have a severe addiction to pain meds or other shit like that.
I have iboga trees (legal in brazil) and I dont think people should touch that stuff unless it is absolutely required for life saving reasons such as potentially fatal addiction.

Aytahuasca, yes, 4-6 hours with a smooth comedown...Iboga is no less than 48hrs of weird shit

what is the difference between druids and shamans?

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Indeed. Retarded chicks from the netherlands with italian blood who think they are a shaman, is not.

Using man made medicine is a sin against God. Shamans is as redpilled as they come. I thought everybody knew this.

I completely agree with you. Also, checked and kekked!

Based Buryats!

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I think mexico or guatemala or was it venezuela and columbia

Amazon - especially areas around Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian border. That's it's Homeland. It's big business today so you can find it in plenty of other places too - but expect to be surrounded by braided millennial hipsters with less tradition and plenty of talk about 'ego' and 'karma' thrown around.

in the US you can do it with the santo daime churches...they mix jesus with ayahuasca.
If the is not your trip you can always mix mimosa hostilis and syrian rue seeds to get the same experience.

brew two of root bark and one of syrian rue seeds (crushed).

Take the rue seed first than the mimosa bark brew 20 minutes later..prepare to fly and vomit

you need a sitter cause you will be tripping for 4 to 6 hours and you are in no conditions to wander around.


Shaman, my leg is blistered with infection, should I wash it?
>no, and I can cure it, but that will be 2 chickens, no credit accepted.... now, spread this dirt and mushroom on it, and run around in a circle chanting to the gods until you collapse.

I know what you mean. Fuck the hipster crowd going to the Amazon rainforest to drink ayahuasca only to be trendy, their watered-down conception of shamanism is bullshit.


I’m a good shaman and I will tell you this. Maybe we can ‘see’ more but yes we are fucked up just like everyone else.

Some local faggot Santo Daime 'church' that only exists to offer those shitty drug ceremonies.