Feminism is coming to Russia - you can't stop progress

Feminism is coming to Russia - you can't stop progress.

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Russian females are already batshit crazy

Why would you want to stop a campaign to confront domestic abuse?

Slavs are notorious women beaters and could honestly stand a little straightening out

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What is so sexy about a beaten-faced chick?
Probably how it makes her appear submissive on an instinctual level
Ok if i sage your faggy bullshit?

How is it in 1920?


>implying women shouldn't be beaten
I bet you think they should have rights too
Check out what The Great Society did to America and then come back

actually they can
and its beautiful

A. show flag
B. why does it say "i did not want to die", i don't get it
C. the ones in the cities are not the ones you want to marry. village girls are quite good.

Lmao, every single guy i know has hit his girlfriend/wife before, I don't mean beating the shit out of them but a slap here and there to keep them in line. The girls have no problem with it. Except for some feminists.

>Slavs are notorious women beaters

>women acts like complete cunts and doing mental manipulation
>let's not hit them in retaliation
Good. Men should learn and outdo women at the psychological warfare part.
Time to fight fire with fire

Of course you can

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>implying there is anything wrong with beating women
Not keeping women in check and giving them “rights” is arguably the reason why the West is such a shithole right now. Women vote for more immigration, feminism, socialism, gay “rights”, transgender bullshit, degeneracy, and “progressivism”.

Women are easier to lead than men. Men have just been less succesful leaders than the joos recently. So men need to become leaders again in everyday life atleast, and not live like cucks.

russians learned their lessons from decades of suffering under communism

they're the only white country left that would literally kill people who try to subvert their country
that includes jews, feminists and sjws

Lol look at this degenerate who thinks it’s ok to beat your spouse.

Maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia???

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sure, when times are good women are brave and independent...but when in gets cold and dark and difficult they run to men for safety. And in Russia every winter is cold, dark and difficult.

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Theres literally nothing wrong with striking your spouse to keep her in line. Theres a difference between beating her bloody and giving her a shake or slap.


Stop killing American women, American men.

Almost all of the young white girls here are radicalized feminists, dying their hair, sleep with non-whites and abort their mutts in millions. This country is a joke.

>not understanding the flow dynamics of an integrated system

Begone, thot.

Your kind already exported feminism to Russia in the form of crippling economic sanctions and airborne harassment in Syrian airspace. From Hillary with love.

A lot of slavs do the latter though.

Good post. 50 roubles have been deposited to your iShill account,

A (((British))) news organization.

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True, but its fairly rare and when it happens obviously everyone hears about it.

I mean the former

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>Be Russian chav
>Get drunk
>Beat wife
>Friend shows me stupid American thing called twitter
>See stupid women playing dressup with makeup
>Russian women saying not to beat women
>Suddenly, my clothing starts to change
>No longer an adidas tracksuit, now I am wearing a business suit and tie
>The vodka bottle in my hand is a glass of distilled water
>Go home to wife
>Try to slap her
>Instead give her a hug
So this is the power of social media

Ask a man who married a Russian feminist hater woman anything

not really

If you let feminism take route, your country is finished. Legalized gay dickbuttsex will be right around the corner.

Rights and responsibilities.

>they're the only white country left that would literally kill people who try to subvert their country

This has to be the stupidest post on Jow Forums for a long time.

Why then complain when they later shack up with churkas though. "I would treat her so much better than that degenerate Muslim".

Drunkard retards can't control themselves and sometimes kill their spouse. Nothing glamorous about it. You all retards think that Vasya who came home intoxicated squandering his last money on booze and not family and child is beating her to teach her about the dangers of immigration. The mistake was not giving women the vote, the vote itself was a mistake. Retards, every single one last of you.

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Oh look, it's an AngloJew. Too bad Russians on Jow Forums don't write like that.

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does she have a black boyfriend in russia?

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>domestic abuse?

You mean domestic discipline?

It's the slippery slope all over again, it sounds reasonable to forbid beating up women but what does it lead to?

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Thought we destroyed feminism in 2016

THINK-- what happened to Anonymous?
The answer to this should be obvious!
Anonymous had what Jow Forums now lacks
The power to wage vigilante hacks,
And publicize corruption where it rots,
And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.
Has Anonymous now disappeared?
Once legendary, now no longer feared?
Once sparking protests-- is that fuel now spent?
The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?
What do you think this disappearance means?
Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;
Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.
Ask yourself-- does it seem really real?
Does it show what actual people feel?
Does it seem organic and not fake?
How much repetition does it take--
How much frenzied vile monotony
Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself-- if you sought to control
The media, and hence the public soul,
And something like Jow Forums was swelling up
And spilling truth from propaganda's cup
Would you let it go its merry way?
Or would you lock control down in some way?
And if you locked control down would you try
To do it in a way to fool the eye?
To make it seem like free speech carried on
Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?
For if you shut down free speech openly
The public would respond suspiciously;
But if you hid control beneath a ruse
What you once feared becomes a tool to use.
So that, controlling, you have it both ways--
Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

Anonymous was infiltrated by
The famously mendacious FBI
Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO
Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.
Do we think that having sunk its claws
Into Anonymous, with lies and laws,
That the FBI would then allow
Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look
To see by what means free speech got the hook;
The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke
Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!
How laughable must a deception be
Before the world opens its eyes to see?
The simple fact-- as stark as winter dawn--
Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone
Was replaced by swarms of-- wait for it--
Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!
We would have to laugh if we were told
This outcome in the Jow Forums days of old.
So formulaic, politically cliched--
And yet this very game is being played!
How can a joke as stupid as this one
Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun
The helpless mainstream public with the fear
That an internet fourth reich draws near?
But if that preposterousness is not
Enough to spark the understanding thought,
Consider, even stupider to tell,
The arch absurdity of the “incel”!
No, it's not enough that nazis rose
To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes--
No, these scary nazis all the same
Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!
The “incel” is not just a defeated man--
But a powerful extremist with a plan!
No matter that these two things contradict--
We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!

Now ask yourself-- does the technology
Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?
Think data, think vault 7, and AI--
And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.
And look at the corruption that's been shown
That yet to public truth remains unknown.
Understand-- the chans are herded tight
And nothing unpermitted sees the light,
The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge
To regulate how much truth can emerge.
When swarming nazi posts fill up the place
Then actual dissent can't get the space
To breathe, develop, organize, or live;
The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

But it's not just “incel nazi” swarms
Faking behind outward human forms--
The chatbots aim to keep all things in hand
And keep narrative rolling out as planned.
One objective that's not hard to see
Is unrelenting negativity.
Demoralizing, soul-hollowing tropes;
One bot's vicious, while the other mopes;
Bots promoting suicide to us--
Think about what pure evil that is!
And every possible way to divide
Is used to keep the chaos multiplied.
“Hate threads” for all known identities
Create an atmosphere like a disease.
AI apes the worst of our past posts
And pours them out in hordes of hateful ghosts.
And so the chans, within, drive us away
While on the outside, dictate what “we” say.
The public, for example, thinks the chans
Supported Trump due to his “nazi plans”;
But on the chans much more than half the spew
Hates Trump because he fails to hate “the Jew”!
While on the other side, the pro-Trump bots
Are emulated utter idiots!

It's not that rare. Especially since a lot of slavs are mean drunks, and spend a lot of time drunk. Tell your brothers to clean up their act. Being a shitty patriarch makes it easier for Jews to divide the sexes. You gotta keep your cool if you want to lead.

By now it should be more than obvious--
Free speech ended with Anonymous.
The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,
The zombie user leers from a stolen face.
The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;
A monster stirs to life in the machine...

And remember also, this other thing I tell:
Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:
Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.

TWO BABIES ONE FOX Story by Unistar Art by Launny "I wish I could play with them... ah I can't help it... this is my chance... I better take it." "Here I go... hmm.." "Hey Cream and blue little bunny..." "?" "?" "Do you wanna taste something I got for you ?"

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Where did you meet her? The russian girls in my uni are all thots

The middle-eastern mind works in loops. If you beat them, they come back again.

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>in russia
Actually went to Russia a few weeks back, saw 4 blacks. 3 were obvious tourists and the 4th was dressed as a scarecrow on nikoloskaya street, crying as a group of drunk Russian men told him to dance for money in the middle of the day in front of hundreds of shoppers.

Boring show us tits

>Where did you meet her? The russian girls in my uni are all thots
No shit
To afford University in euro they are the rich ones

Get a middle class one

What? No one outside of this retarded board is complaining, since it hardly happens. Literally the only russian "men" who go on this board are beta incels who can't get russian girls so they complain that the churkas are taking them.

if u ask people what Jow Forums is in russia they'll tell u its an instagram meme page.

it's true though, russian females are #2 whores after #1 ukrainians and you know it

Is this shit about dude who murdered his wife because she refused to have sex with him? I saw such headline in the news recently.

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>iShill account,
and to think, I've been doing it for free all these years!

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"?" "Do you wanna taste something I got for you ?" "Hmm.." "Oh sure Mr Tails, can my friend Uni taste too?" "Oh I guess he could to, sure." "Yay !" "Alright, lets go to another place now..." (Crinckle) "!" "Since Uni is gonna taste too, you both need to do something for me in return..." "Ok what is that Mr Tails ?" "I-I want you both naked and letting me do whatever I want with your bodies, ok?" "Oh oh ok Tails, can I taste candy now?" "But..uhm..I guess.." "Ok, let me put this on to cover your eyes ok ?" "Open your mouth

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She's hot, I'd love to be the one to abuse her.

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you can and they did not oncebut multipel times. also femenism is a degeneracy like faggotry and nigger rigths.

bunny..." "?" "?" "Do you wanna taste something I got for you ?" "Hmm.." "Oh sure Mr Tails, can my friend Uni taste too?" "Oh I guess he could to, sure." "Yay !" "Alright, lets go to another place now..." (Crinckle) "!" "Since Uni is gonna taste too, you both need to do something for me in return..." "Ok what is that Mr Tails ?" "I-I want you both naked and letting me do whatever I want with your bodies, ok?" "Oh oh ok Tails, can I taste candy now?" "But..uhm..I guess.." "Ok, let me put this on to cover your eyes ok ?" "Open your mouths and get ready for candy." "Guests first, suck it nicely little bunny boy.." "Hmmmm !!" "OOH !" "Let me taste now Mr Tails, it sounds good." "Hmm !" "Hmmm, it sure is !!" "Mmmmgh !!!" (SUCK!) "Your turn now !" (Suck !) (S

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>it’s just coincidence that everything went to shit with universal suffrage

Russia is well on its course to becoming a matriarchy. The men are drinking themselves to death and are already outnumbered by 10%.

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Individualism is the death is civilisation.
Segregating Svetlanas from Boris will be the death of Boris. And also of Russia.

wherever women aren't oppressed, they yearn to be oppressed by acting out, and even pretending to have been oppressed

?" "Oh oh ok Tails, can I taste candy now?" "But..uhm..I guess.." "Ok, let me put this on to cover your eyes ok ?" "Open your mouths and get ready for candy." "Guests first, suck it nicely little bunny boy.." "Hmmmm !!" "OOH !" "Let me taste now Mr Tails, it sounds good." "Hmm !" "Hmmm, it sure is !!" "Mmmmgh !!!" (SUCK!) "Your turn now !" (Suck !) (Suck !) "Ngh.. a little more now, Cream.." "Open your mouths

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Russian men will beat them back into the kitchen.

you ?" "Don't worry I will go careful on you !" "Ahhh!! Tails! Ahh!!" "Oh yes! Good girl! Let's take it nice and slowly !" "Oh oh oh! Nhaaaaaaaa!!" "Oh yeah, y-yeah, you're my princess! And my baby slut! Mmm!" (Pump) (Pump) (Pump) "Ahh just a little more now! J-just a little... m-moo...re.." "Tails!!! Whooooaa-ahhghh!" "Nhaa that looks fun, kehehe !" "Ahhh what a dream come true.. mmm" "Ahhh... M-Mr Tails... Ah Ah.. I-I... I'm your princess?" "Y-yes you are !!" "Hehe... you know, I really need to poop now .." "Can I be your toilet Tails ?" "Oh of course I would love to use you sweetheart !" "Gap up !" "I wonder what you feel like little guy.." "Open your mouth Cream, here it come !!" (Ftttssz) "I am ready, Mr. Tails ! Aah !" (Ftttssz) "Here we go! Nghhh!!" "Ghaaaammmmmmm ! Mmmmmmh..." "Uahhhh ! Ahh! Ahh! Hhhmmm !!" (Ftttssz) "Aaah ! Aaah!" "You

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hardly happens man trust me. This is what happens usually. skip to 3:45

The video that destroyed Russian women's reputation worldwide:

Attached: Street-Interviews-with-Russians-Stereotypes-About-Russia-YouTube-2019-07-24-12-07-70.jpg (1275x704, 182K)

this is some gay ass shit right now

That was only it's second form, This third one coming is the passive-aggressive monster. You may have encountered it already. There is a final form, it's a last ditch kamikazee-style effort which peters out fast, but is highly destructive. Most men are waiting for this desu, it's a crap shoot on dmg, but we hold and rebuild.

Lick !) (Lick !) (Thuf !) "T-Tails.. stop it please.. Mr Tails! Ahh!" (Lick !) (Lick !) "Such a good girl, it's time for your surprise" "Ahhhh ahh!" "I t-think I'm gonna vomit Tails..." "Good boy, vomit for Tails !!" (Nghh !) "Vomit straight on Cream's belly like a good boy." "Aaah !!" (Smear) (Smear) "Oh Cream you're my little girl aren't you ?" "Don't worry I will go careful on you !" "Ahhh!! Tails! Ahh!!" "Oh yes! Good girl! Let's take it nice and slowly !" "Oh oh oh! Nhaaaaaaaa!!" "Oh yeah, y-yeah, you're my princess! And my baby slut! Mmm!" (Pump) (Pump) (Pump) "Ahh just a little more now! J-just a little... m-moo...re.." "Tails!!! Whooooaa-ahhghh!" "Nhaa that looks fun, kehehe !" "Ahhh what a dream come true.. mmm" "Ahhh... M-Mr Tails... Ah Ah.. I-I... I'm your princess?" "Y-yes you are !!" "Hehe... you know, I really need to poop now .." "Can I be your toilet Tails ?" "Oh of course I would love to use you sweetheart !" "Gap up !" "I wonder what you feel like little guy.." "Open y

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right? "Oh I'm a big boy I'm a big boy" "Ok Cream let me see what you got in that cute butt !" "Kehe you smell so good!" (Click !) (Fart !) (Fttzs..) (Fttzzss) (Fttzzss) "S-so much.." "Nhghhhh gosh gosh gosh you're two nasty cubs, mmmm!" (Fap !) (Fap !) (Fap !) (Squiirt !) "I-I'm done Mr Tails..." (Nom nom) "What a good boy Uni, taking all that mess with no problem.." "You're gonna get big and strong little boy." "Good little girl, here lick my paw little princess." (Lick !) (Lick !) (Thuf !) "T-Tails.. stop it please.. Mr Tails! Ahh!" (Lic

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I liked it. Can you just drink distilled water?

to cover your eyes ok ?" "Open your mouths and get ready for candy." "Guests first, suck it nicely little bunny boy.." "Hmmmm !!" "OOH !" "Let me taste now Mr Tails, it sounds good." "Hmm !" "Hmmm, it sure is !!" "Mmmmgh !!!" (SUCK!) "Your turn now !" (Suck !) (Suck !) "Ngh.. a little more now, Cream.." "Open your mouths, babies.. here it comes!!" (Fap !) (Fap !) (Fap !) "Ahhhh..." "Ahmmmmhh.." (SQUIIIRT !!) "Hmm hmm !" "Nhmm !" (Lick !) (Lick !) (Lick !) "Was it tastey, sweetbutts?" "What candy was that, Tails?" "You both will know soon !" (Thuft!) (Sniff) (Snrf) "Pheww.. looks like someone had to go poopy !" (Crinckle! Squish!) "Aaah !!" (Sniff) (Sniff) "Ewww.." (Squ

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please stop this furfag

Women initiate more domestic violence than men.
It's quite substantially more.
However, they can't back it up.

>Feminism is coming to Russia

Feminism already came to Russia, and Russian women mostly reject it now.

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Hmmmm !!" "OOH !" "Let me taste now Mr Tails, it sounds good." "Hmm !" "Hmmm, it sure is !!" "Mmmmgh !!!" (SUCK!) "Your turn now !" (Suck !) (Suck !) "Ngh.. a little more now, Cream.." "Open your mouths, babies.. here it comes!!" (Fap !) (Fap !) (Fap !) "Ahhhh..." "Ahmmmmhh.." (SQUIIIRT !!) "Hmm hmm !" "Nhmm !" (Lick !) (Lick !) (Lick !) "Was it tastey, sweetbutts?" "What candy was that, Tails?" "You both will know soon !" (Thuft!) (Sniff) (Snrf) "Pheww..

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Mah dude, that "progress" is like 102 years late. We already live in post-femenist society where women go to kitchen willingly. Not because they like it so much but because they figured out that being strong and independant is actually kinda hard.
To fall for femenism in Russia you gotta be really stupid girl with rich parents and no grandparents, probably living in Moscow as well. And if you try to add communism to equation chances are that local commies will join normies in pointing at laughing. Because shit you guys call "socialism" in west is pure cringe to our commies as well.

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>Russian women mostly reject it now.

Yeah, because they love when beta males pay their restaurant bill or let them sit all home all day browsing social media while her Westerncuck husband works 10 hours per day.

It's not the worst thing in the world to slap a woman every now and then.

how do you know this is true if you can't back it up?

I'm american and I disagree with you. "straightening out" in America involves single mothers, marrying niggers and straight up degeneracy. Picture related is how Russians should continue to handle them. There is nothing to have faith here in this wasteland, not even religion it's just an LGBT front. Picture related actually inspired me to respect the Orthodoxy though and i'm atheist. Fuck american women. lol

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It's almost like you need to teach women instead of beating the shit out of them and treating them like animals. HMMMMM BIG THINK HUH FAGGOTS?

I beat the fuck out of pathetic subhuman women-beaters like you, and we all laugh at your little-dicked failure.

Follow your nose and try sniffing on it !" (Thuft!) (Lick !) (Lick !) (Lick !) (Lick !) (Lick !) "Mmmmmm.." (Sniff) (Sniff) (Suckle !) (Suck !) (Suck !) (Squiir- !) "Uh uh what was Foxie doing to Uni?" "Just wanted some candy too.." "D-did the candy we got come from your peepee Mr Tails ?" "That's right, it's a special candy only boys make !" "Cute cubs make peepee get big and tender.." "And peepee needs someone to play with him so he can give candy to good babies." "Now Cream..." "I want you to do something special for me" "W-what is that Tails ?" "I want you to take a big bite of Uni's big poopy in front of the video camera, ok?" "Kehehe you gonna eat my poopy Cream? Hehe that's nasty !" "Go ahead Cream, take a nice bite and chew it nicely before you swallow.." "Bu-but.." "Uhm.. ok..." (Lick !) "Good girl !" "Mmghh.." (Chew !) (Chew !) "Eat that filthy waste like a good toddler !" "Open your mouth and show Tails how good you where to swallow !" (Gulp !) "Wow you swallowed so much poop !" (Grom !!) "What a good girl you are Cream." "Now be nice to Uni and show him how much you can poop in his mouth." "But that's nasty.." "Says little Cream who sniffed and ate from a poopy diaper

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great video. but that manlet makes me lol evrytime i watch it.

video camera, ok?" "Kehehe you gonna eat my poopy Cream? Hehe that's nasty !" "Go ahead Cream, take a nice bite and chew it nicely before you swallow.." "Bu-but.." "Uhm.. ok..." (Lick !) "Good girl !" "Mmghh.." (Chew !) (Chew !) "Eat that filthy waste like a good toddler !" "Open your mouth and show Tails how good you where to swallow !" (Gulp !) "Wow you swallowed so much poop !" (Grom !!) "What a good girl you are Cream." "Now be nice to Uni and show him how much you can poop in his mouth." "But that's nasty.." "Says little Cream who sniffed and ate from a poopy diaper? Get ready both of you and I will have a very special surprise for you after, ok?" "Oh oh surprise? What kind of surprise Tails foxie?" "You will see after eating your meal Uni, a big boy like you can eat lots of poopie right? "Oh I'm a big boy I'm a big boy" "Ok Cream let me see what you got in that cute butt !" "Kehe you smell so good!" (Click !) (Fart !) (Fttzs..) (Fttzzss) (Fttzzss) "S-so much.." "Nhghhhh gosh gosh gosh you're two nasty cubs, mmmm!" (Fap !) (Fap !) (Fap !) (Squiirt !) "I-I'm done Mr Tails..." (Nom nom) "What a good boy Uni, taking all that mess with no problem.." "You're gonna get big and strong little boy." "Good little girl, here lick my paw little princess." (Lick !) (Lick !) (Thuf !) "T-Tails.. stop it please.. Mr Tails! Ahh!" (Lick !) (Lick

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you don't know the half of it

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criticism against domestic violence is good. but this seems (they) are utilizing it for impure purpose.

the Duluth model for domestic violence all but makes it impossible for authorities to acknowledge acts of violence committed by women

this same model has been shoved of the bureaucratic and procedural asses of every law enforcement agency, family lawyer, feminist rights advocate since the early 80's. It is patently false, and denies real data over anecdote.

nasty cubs, mmmm!" (Fap !) (Fap !) (Fap !) (Squiirt !) "I-I'm done Mr Tails..." (Nom nom) "What a good boy Uni, taking all that mess with no problem.." "You're gonna get big and strong little boy." "Good little girl, here lick my paw little princess." (Lick !) (Lick !) (Thuf !) "T-Tails.. stop it please.. Mr Tails! Ahh!" (Lick !) (Lick !) "Such a good girl, it's time for your surprise" "Ahhhh ahh!" "I t-think I'm gonna vomit Tails..." "Good boy, vomit for Tails !!" (Nghh !) "Vomit straight on Cream's belly like a good boy." "Aaah !!" (Smear) (Smear) "Oh Cream you're my little girl aren't you ?" "Don't worry I will go careful on you !" "Ahhh!! Tails! Ahh!!" "Oh yes! Good girl! Let's take it nice and slowly !" "Oh oh oh! Nhaaaaaaaa!!" "Oh yeah, y-yeah, you're my princess! And my baby slut! Mmm!" (Pump) (Pump) (Pump) "Ahh just a little more now! J-just a little... m-moo...re.." "Tails!!! Whooooaa-ahhghh!" "Nhaa that looks fun, kehehe !" "Ahhh what a dream come true.. mmm" "Ahhh... M-Mr Tails... Ah Ah.. I-I... I'm your princess?" "Y-yes you are !!" "Hehe... you know, I reall

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>Women are capable of independent thought rather than just repeating what they're told

Actually alcoholism there went down a lot recently


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BBC is trending among russian women alright

Stop projecting your cuckold fantasies.

>Why would you want to stop a campaign to confront domestic abuse?
Because it's a lie and is meant to ruin them as a people, like it was when it was done here. If a man ever hits a woman, it's likely that she deserved it. Not always, but it usually requires bad behavior. We can see here in this country what not disciplining women and children does to society.

This. Americans are vastly over represented among cuckolds

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