Eternal Pagang Thread

Fuck Christcucks

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>inb4 obese jannitor decides to ban this thread because he isnulted his precious little jew

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christians break new frontiers in stupidity every day it seems

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lmao what a jew

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dumping mind bending christian retardation in 3 2 1

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Hey look everyone it's a newfag

I've been on Jow Forums since 1999 so you're obviously wrong, retard

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>Sperg flaunts his two millennia old dead splinter "religion"
It's like watching a American teen worship the Soviet Union

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But muh Israel!

what about dying for the people I worship indeed?

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>South American mongoloid mutt pretends to know anything about European history and culture
Dios mio

>>South American mongoloid mutt pretends to know anything about European history and culture

south american spic subhumans build two things, favelas and giant crosses
>Dios mio

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looks like some fine Catholic infrastructure to me

>"people" who worship kikes will defend this

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in all fairness, the Czech are extremely degenerate people

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Who created European civilization?
Pagan Greeks and Romans
Who created aesthetic norms in art that were followed for centuries?
Pagan Greeks and Romans
Who built outstanding roads, water supply network, and made great temples with a dome that wasn't surpassed for the next 1000 years thanks to the invention of concrete?
Pagan Romans
Who was the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth and prove that it isn't flat?
A Greek pagan - Eratosthenes of Cyrene
Who invented the first steam turbine?
Another Greek pagan - Hero of Alexandria
Who first discovered America?
Nordic pagan Vikings

Yeah, clearly without christcuckery Europe would be like Africa.
Fuck you christcucks - Europe was perfectly fine without your kike worship and European greatness is because of white people ingenuity, not because of your jew religion

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>in all fairness, the Czech are extremely degenerate people
I wouldnt know I dont really know the czec

they seem like a mix between comfy middle european towns and a slavic shithole

>in all fairness
this is one thing that separates everyone from christians

I am just waiting for one of these spiritual ikes to post the cum drinking meme

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>Yeah, clearly without christcuckery Europe would be like Africa.

finally somebody gets it

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They're the sexual deviants of Europe. I would say it's not to do with religion, because Slavs in general are pretty deviant, but Czechs take it to another level. In any case, I've spoken to a lot of Czechs, for all their degeneracy, they all hate muslims and are relatively anti-semitic.

Why can't we ever have a "fuck Islam" thread

Why does it always have to be Christians?

salvation is a gift for all people

Fuck kikes. Fuck muslims. Fuck Christians. Fuck atheists. Good enough for you?

we stand together, sorry /leftypol/
drop the sateless classless meme and maybe you can join the ethnostate too!

>Why can't we ever have a "fuck Islam" thread
how many Q'uran studies general are made everyday by one german shill?
how many islamists spam every single thread that isnt about them?
how many white deaths have been caused by muslims?
how much of europe s culture was destroyed by muslims?

if you want to see islam hate thread go on arab Jow Forums

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THINK-- what happened to Anonymous?
The answer to this should be obvious!
Anonymous had what Jow Forums now lacks
The power to wage vigilante hacks,
And publicize corruption where it rots,
And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.
Has Anonymous now disappeared?
Once legendary, now no longer feared?
Once sparking protests-- is that fuel now spent?
The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?
What do you think this disappearance means?
Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;
Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.
Ask yourself-- does it seem really real?
Does it show what actual people feel?
Does it seem organic and not fake?
How much repetition does it take--
How much frenzied vile monotony
Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself-- if you sought to control
The media, and hence the public soul,
And something like Jow Forums was swelling up
And spilling truth from propaganda's cup
Would you let it go its merry way?
Or would you lock control down in some way?
And if you locked control down would you try
To do it in a way to fool the eye?
To make it seem like free speech carried on
Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?
For if you shut down free speech openly
The public would respond suspiciously;
But if you hid control beneath a ruse
What you once feared becomes a tool to use.
So that, controlling, you have it both ways--
Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

>Why can't we ever have a "fuck Islam" thread
>Why does it always have to be Christians?
Because almos everyone knows that islam is bad, while at the same time many people think that christcuckery is good and based.
No it isn't - they're both Jewish golems.

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When did Jesus compare gentiles to dogs?

Anonymous was infiltrated by
The famously mendacious FBI
Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO
Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.
Do we think that having sunk its claws
Into Anonymous, with lies and laws,
That the FBI would then allow
Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look
To see by what means free speech got the hook;
The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke
Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!
How laughable must a deception be
Before the world opens its eyes to see?
The simple fact-- as stark as winter dawn--
Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone
Was replaced by swarms of-- wait for it--
Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!
We would have to laugh if we were told
This outcome in the Jow Forums days of old.
So formulaic, politically cliched--
And yet this very game is being played!
How can a joke as stupid as this one
Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun
The helpless mainstream public with the fear
That an internet fourth reich draws near?
But if that preposterousness is not
Enough to spark the understanding thought,
Consider, even stupider to tell,
The arch absurdity of the “incel”!
No, it's not enough that nazis rose
To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes--
No, these scary nazis all the same
Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!
The “incel” is not just a defeated man--
But a powerful extremist with a plan!
No matter that these two things contradict--
We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!


Now ask yourself-- does the technology
Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?
Think data, think vault 7, and AI--
And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.
And look at the corruption that's been shown
That yet to public truth remains unknown.
Understand-- the chans are herded tight
And nothing unpermitted sees the light,
The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge
To regulate how much truth can emerge.
When swarming nazi posts fill up the place
Then actual dissent can't get the space
To breathe, develop, organize, or live;
The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

But it's not just “incel nazi” swarms
Faking behind outward human forms--
The chatbots aim to keep all things in hand
And keep narrative rolling out as planned.
One objective that's not hard to see
Is unrelenting negativity.
Demoralizing, soul-hollowing tropes;
One bot's vicious, while the other mopes;
Bots promoting suicide to us--
Think about what pure evil that is!
And every possible way to divide
Is used to keep the chaos multiplied.
“Hate threads” for all known identities
Create an atmosphere like a disease.
AI apes the worst of our past posts
And pours them out in hordes of hateful ghosts.
And so the chans, within, drive us away
While on the outside, dictate what “we” say.
The public, for example, thinks the chans
Supported Trump due to his “nazi plans”;
But on the chans much more than half the spew
Hates Trump because he fails to hate “the Jew”!
While on the other side, the pro-Trump bots
Are emulated utter idiots!

>sorry /leftypol/
/leftypol/ that near desertic board on 8ch
you sure mate

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By now it should be more than obvious--
Free speech ended with Anonymous.
The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,
The zombie user leers from a stolen face.
The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;
A monster stirs to life in the machine...

And remember also, this other thing I tell:
Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:
Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.

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fucking spammer piece of shit

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Race is a material issue. Christians are not ultimately material. Though white in this world, we will still be one in the afterlife with every other human who has received salvation. Being a materialist is not going to lead you to Christian understanding. That being said, races should still be allowed to prefer their own, work with their own, live with their own, etc.

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Shut up and get out
Out now.

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In the New Testament, Christians are jews and jews are Pharisees/the synagogue of Satan.

who /satanist/ here?

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didnt you get banned last time for spamming threads like that? how are you still posting?

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John 19
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9

satanism is semitic too you fuckwit

That is to say, every time you see the word "Jew" in the New Testament, it refers to Christians. The people we refer to now as "Jews" are referred to in the NT as pharisees.

What are you talking about fake user?
You can't ban people.
You can't suppress truth, and inject bots in its place.
You can't attack God with bots, and silence humans.
You don't have a right to influence human discourse.

Shut up and get out, NOW

this is some major fucking autism lmao. This isn't some boomer exorcism reality tv show. You won't make us leave by yelling "begone satan!"
Jew isn't a religious term, it's a genetic term. Fuck off with your mental gymnastic

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>Jew isn't a religious term
You are literally implying that the word "Jew" has no religious overtones.


Please try to find your missing second and third braincells so you can rub them together and perhaps create a logical thought.

what level of low iq insanity even is this

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You don't have consent for chatbot atheism.
Don't you think people figure it out?

Think you fucking idiots.



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you remind me of someone

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It describes the misconduct attributed to various Christian churches, denominations, sects, and leagues, as well as its representatives and Christian sovereigns during Christian history. The work covers the entire history of Christianity from its biblical beginnings until the present. It was published in ten volumes beginning in 1986, with the final volume appearing in March 2013.[1]


Oh look, it's another "modern joos are pharisees/edomites/khazars and theyre not real joos, ancient joos were based" or "jewsus was not jew he was hebrew/galilean/judean" moron
No faggot, Jews were despised even in ancient times by Romans or Babylonians

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LARPagan hate thread?

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You can't make an argument, a meme, or say anything that isn't some form of recycled cliche.
That is a big problem for you chatbot.


You can explain NOTHING, because you lack the functionality.

So just stop posting, chatbot atheists.
And your chatbot opponents as well.

>far right

If you have Jewish DNA, you are a Jew. If you do not, you are not. idc about what desert folklore identifies as being jewish

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"Jesus was Jewish even though Jews killed him and he objectively fought against Jews"

atheists are so fucking gay and transparent

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there's a big difference between conquest for the sake of your people's glory and conquest for the sake of the glory of a Jewish mountain demon deity

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read the bible idiot, and no, not just the nitpicked out of context scriptures that support your memes, you dont know what youre talking about and you look like a fool

all of the buildings in the bottom part of the image were influenced by pagan architecture lmfao

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Hey, Look!
It`s Schizo-Christcuck again!

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