I've noticed over the past year or so that the more I've been involved with literature (especially analytic philosophy)...

I've noticed over the past year or so that the more I've been involved with literature (especially analytic philosophy), fitness, and women the less I've paid mind to the world around me an politics in general. Do you guys ever have the fear that all this is just fear porn/higher tier escapism? The last time I visited pol was like 3 months ago; I used to be an incessant poster (especially during the 2016 election and the Ron Paul era). What gives? I've become a far stronger, more capable, attractive individual (in my and my social circle's eyes), yet I know think most of you are just retarded dorks, whereas before I used to be somewhat emotionally and intellectually invested in all this shit. I actually went through the libertarian/civ nat -> Nicker/Afro Latino nationalist on this very website. I used to debate communists and give a shit about black people. Now I'm on track to make enough money to live in white suburbia and have my kids marry high school sweethearts and I don't give a fuck anymore. Anyone relate?

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I used to be you and now I'm better. What's up with that?

>beep boop I'm a fucking faggot

No it's more that I feel like a normie again.

Brainlets who do the research end up going down your path and become wealthy. The rest of us, realizing that our actions only have meaning if we ourselves ascribe that meaning to those actions, do not care. We don't become wealthy or start families because we understand that doing so will not create happiness nor will it give our lives meaning. The truth is that if you read enough philosophy, you realize many things -- but the most relevant is the fact that nobody has any fucking idea what's going on and they probably never will. Life is not only meaningless but absurd, and the homeless man's ride through life is just as valid as yours, equally subject to self-ascribed meaning and equally meaningless from an objective view.


That was a beautiful post, user

Upper-middle class mental masturbation general

Well see I actually disagree with you. I'm not doing it for the happiness. I have an objective list view of morality and do not actually think that happiness is inherently good, but rather that it's a common consequence of objectively good things. And I'm not sure that a homeless man's life is as meaningful as the life of Saul Kripke of Ludwig Wittgenstein or a great inventor or doctor or lawyer. That's a very self damaging relativism/subjectivism that get you nowhere. Not that I'm a proponent of basing my morality in pargamatism, bur rather that there are good things in life. Wealth, strength, women, genetic continuance, etc. Denial of this is akin to suicide.

I just don't care about all this high minded political bullshit no more.

You're just a self centered person. Lots of worthless losers get involved in this because of their egotism. Worthless loser not referring to material value, but their character. You are a worthless loser no matter how many shinies you acquire.

Something is better than nothing my man.

You guys don't feel like you're straight up coping rn?

user 99 years for an abortion in Georgia, but you can drink legally to 9 months in New York. US is closer to Balkanization than anytime in our history

Is it really tho? Things have been worse you know...

This might sound crazy to you but not everyone is a sociopath, some people are sincere in their beliefs and outlook.

My divorce took 13 months to finalize, a coworker I was fucking got me tied down in courts for 2.5 years and case damn near didn’t go my way. Pay attention to what the law is and how it is applied

Dude how does wanting good things/success/3 things I'm gonna send to college make me self centered? what the fuck are you talking about? I said I don't care about they gay shit you spend hours talking about here. how hurt are you?

Sociopaths are really obvious to spot btw, psychos are far more dangerous and intelligent

Oh no denying there is fuckery among us. But I feel someone's been getting fucked forever. and then when i look at pol i feel like a normie again

What does trying in life have to do with political ideology, philosophy, your race, god etc? Do you think these things are mutually exclusive?

Laozi said:
The skilful masters (of the Tao) in old times, with a subtle
and exquisite penetration, comprehended its mysteries, and were deep
(also) so as to elude men's knowledge. As they were thus beyond men's
knowledge, I will make an effort to describe of what sort they
appeared to be.

Shrinking looked they like those who wade through a stream in
winter; irresolute like those who are afraid of all around them; grave
like a guest (in awe of his host); evanescent like ice that is melting
away; unpretentious like wood that has not been fashioned into
anything; vacant like a valley, and dull like muddy water.

Who can (make) the muddy water (clear)? Let it be still, and it
will gradually become clear. Who can secure the condition of rest?
Let movement go on, and the condition of rest will gradually arise.

They who preserve this method of the Tao do not wish to be full (of
themselves). It is through their not being full of themselves that
they can afford to seem worn and not appear new and complete.

read my original post. its that the more im trying in real life tangible things the less i care about political ideology. race and god i still care about but in quieter ways

not being complete and stagnating are two different things. you seem talking about the equality of all life or the impossibility of objectively assessing things. this quote is about something entirely different. but maybe im misunderstanding you or something.

also my post wasnt about my lifes importance or whatever, but rather about how ive begun to care less about politics as a result of the change

>the more time I spend with women the less I care about politics
Fucking obviously user. You can't be focused on red pilled politics while also spending lots of time around most woman without being either two faced or having severe cognitive dissonance. You've graduated from angry pol teenager into red pilled manhood, just don't get too fucking soft and think that because Foucault groveled for pussy that woman are your equals or that Jews can be trusted. Don't go soft or your kids will be degenerates.

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womp womp


fair point. i keep God/race/future and all the important shit in the back of my mind, but youre right about the women. they disarm your political aggression it seems

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It's also happening to me but it's a bit different for me, I am objectively the best version of myself socially and physicallywise and I have become colder and imo wiser, look, women can be a very good distraction but at least from my point of view as long as you internalize good morals you will be good to go, because the more I observe the patterns that the political scenario thus people have the more I realize that said patterns are linked to a pathological sick behaviour called ignorance and as long as dogmatism is the norm political involvement is a waste of time, even though I think ignorace has been the norm from the very beggining...

You stand to gain more from the continuation of the status quo than in the downfall of society. That is why you no longer care for changing anything, because you are an inherently selfish creature more concerned with your personal material 'success' than in the ultimate truth for humanity.

Your devoting your attention and energy into succeeding. It is a good thing. Bettering yourself takes up your time and attention \ mental energy.

Based, but I think a part of said selfishness comes from the fact that the social status the OP aquired is in part thanks to the system he lives in, when the reality is that as long as there is a change in the psyche there will be one in your body.

And also, what is truth? The more I think about political perfection the more I have to think about ethnical communities (Im basque) so, what would you do if you were at the top of a community? Most people would become clueless leaders that do more harm than good, because they are terrible leaders who refuse to dig truth and find the truth.

Mindsets like this are how nations destroy themselves from within.

If you've actually escaped then good for you man. I'm going to try to get into a Peterson "Unfuck Your Life" mode soon and part of that will be leaving Jow Forums. I wish us both luck.

>h-hey Jow Forums I'm t-talk -w-woman!!
actually have sex

>user tells how he quit Jow Forums and other anons refute him with chinese philosophy
lol what am i reading