Is white genocide a myth?

The first Europeans were black cavemen (not Sub-Saharan black, but darker than today). As people moved further and further away from Africa their skin got lighter and lighter over time.
Logically speaking the same will happen again, blacks who live in the northern hemisphere will eventually lose the melanin in their skin because they don't need it anymore. Their noses will shrink because colder climate means less need for good ventilation. Their IQ will rise because of better nutrition and education. (Western IQ has risen 30 points in the last 100 years, there is no reason to assume Somalis can't reach an average IQ of 100 over time as well)

So in summary: stressing about a white genocide is idiotic nonsense, as long as humans live in the northern hemisphere whites will continue to exist

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That's not really how evolution works. The reason why certain feature evolve/develop is because back in 'nature', people with certain features were more likely to mate, and so things slowly progressed into a certain direction over time. Right now. Our society is structured in such a way that 'natural selection' is completely messed up. People don't get selected on favorable qualities anymore, and so evolution runs an entirely different course.

Your dumb.. It will take tens of thousands of years for something like that to happen and by then we will all die in a nuclear war anyways

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>People don't get selected on favorable qualities anymore
It's actually the opposite, feminism has shifted the choice of who mates with whom from men to women. Because women are naturally hypergamous they only go for the best genes. From the looks of it evolution is speeding up my friend

>hur dur u dumb
See this

agriculture/society has completely eliminated natural selection, skin tone and facial features of none whites wont magically change into white ones now, it just doesn't work like that anymore friend,however the IQ part i agree with.

What about skull shapes though? Not well versed on evolution but it seems that would be unaffected. Also, what you are saying is going to take tens of thousands of years

You spend too much time on the internet my friend. IRL the majority of women still eventually settle for completely average men, and have children with them.

The iq part is correct. Not sure about the other stuff

>agriculture/society has completely eliminated natural selection
MONOGAMOUS society have eliminated natural selection, but we are currently in the midst of a culture change towards polygamous Societies where one alpha gets many women. This will reintroduce natural selection into society because inferior genes don't get spread anymore

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>blacks who live in the northern hemisphere will eventually lose the melanin in their skin because they don't need it anymore.
Hi Lamarck!

Not only is he right, but shitskins and poor people have way more kids. There is no natural eugenics going on.

Good, more black kids now means more future white children

Do you actually feel that socially rejected by women that you genuinely believe that our society will soon evolve into one where women only date alpha chads, where average men stand no chance anymore? Don't you think that's at least a slightly pessimistic way of thinking?

Seriously, the MGTOW guys are the male equivalent of 'i dont need a man' women.

Jesus, get off the Internet and go outside. You’ll see how bullshit this is

Why do you assume that I'm a mgtow faggot? I'm not being pessimistic, quite the opposite actually: I work hard every day to climb the dominance hierarchy, I will belong to the alpha males.

so what your saying is be Mormon or Muslim to save society. do these guys look like alphas?

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Lurk more faggot and swallow the redpill

>I work hard every day to climb the dominance hierarchy, I will belong to the alpha males.
Ye well, no offense, but from the sheer fact that you create a thread like this and post the reactions that you just did.., i'd guess you still have a long way to go. But good luck though.

>their skin got lighter and lighter over time.
Because all the dark skinned ones died.
That's how this works.
> stressing about a white genocide is idiotic nonsense
in 10,000 years after our civilisation collapses and another ice age comes round, everyone with the wrong genes will be wiped out.

Ah yes, and how long will that take, thousands of years? Western civilisation will long be dead by then, once the African population boom hits, we simply would not have enough resources to educate all the migrants.

nigga picking some random photos out of 1 billion Muslims on this planet is quite dishonest. Most Muslims I see on the street here are alpha as fuck, well groomed and muscular body, white girls thirst for them

They don't know the exact skin color. It's just that they didn't have the couple of modern alleles we have today.

Sounds like you should stop lurking and get the fuck into the real world

>hur dur no u

>Logically speaking the same will happen again
Where the logic in that? Thousands of years of evolution in harsh condition will somehow be reenacted in a modern welfare state?

Plus negroids look even uglier with white skin so it's better for them they stay dark.

>As people moved further and further away from Africa their skin got lighter and lighter over time.
aliens tampering with genetics created the races

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As I said it's not only the skin that changes, they'll look like today's whites eventually


You still haven't disproven my argument, facts or GTFO

What argument? You made a sweeping claim with nothing to back it up. Go outside

There's nothing magical in the air that's going to change them. Europeans got their looks from different admixture sources and then sexual selection/random chance.

Blacks don't have anything in the genepool that would enable to select for European phenotypes. First they would need extreme conditions and small bottlenecks to drive evolution, then mixing between these inbred groups, but how are you going to reduce the soon largest continent by population to mere thousands for that to happen?

You see, the mistake you are making is this:

You know these 'red pill' facts. And yes, your red pill facts are true. Women are naturally hypergamous, etc. But knowing a fact like this should not automatically be a reason to assume that it will unfold to a worst fucking case scenario where it will completely destroy the way our societies dating structure works.

I found the paki

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>implying that would be the worst case
Cringe and bluepilled, lurk more

This isnt true at all at least not here in the U.S, some of the lowest quality men I know have kids. You've been listening to Jow Forums excuses too much user.

I'm serious though 90% of young Muslims put a lot of effort into looking good and being alpha where as maybe only like 20-30% whites do the same. It's this immigrant mentality of trying to prove something that drives them to rise above the mediocre establishment. Older Muslims look just as ugly as old white men tho, seems like they lose this drive eventually

>stressing about a white genocide is idiotic nonsense, as long as humans live in the northern hemisphere whites will continue to exist
Yeah, in the mean time, I don't want to live with fucking niggers though.

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America is big enough for everyone, grow the fuck up

>big enough for everyone, grow the fuck up
Oh my god, you come here claiming to be redpilled and tell others to lurk more, but this is how genuinely naive and ignorant you are?
Fuck off.

Looking like a ZOG clown full of consumerist crap isn't alpha. It's more alpha to have your own way of doing things.

>they'll look like today's whites eventually
You have no idea what you're talking about. It took whites 40,000-60,000 years of evolution outside of Africa to become what we are today.

First of all, the current theory is that the gene for white skin was brought on by a mutation which favoured natural selection, not by the natural loss of melanin over time (as in, the humans with the gene survived, the rest didn't.)

I don't think you realise the amount of pain and death involved for evolution to occur. The reason whites became smarter was because the harsh winters and Ice-Ages eliminated the weak and un-intuitive, thus only the smartest survived. That can't be replicated today just by blacks existing in the Northern Hemisphere without exposure to the elements and natural selection. Even if it could it would take again 40,000-60,000 years for blacks to change to the degree whites have. I don't know about you Kraut, but the rest of us don't want to be trapped on an all black planet waiting for that to happen.

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beta cope

>Africa their skin got lighter and lighter over time.
And their bone structure changed????
Unknown Western Hunter DNA is from Mars.
*Silbury Hill Wiltshire England matches Mars' Cydonia I.O mound prescisely angles symmetry etc.
Black people are the real sapiens.
White people cardiac rhythms match that of Mars not earth.

*public are banned from the site
**excavations have been prohibited.
***Nuclear radiation detected on Martian surface conclusively shows we nuked Mars.

Not Chorizo, look it all up.
Watch how quick you hit a brick wall on your research.


If you look into it...

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This is why ethnic Germans aren't winning. You take Jewish marketing standards as gospel.

Is every German this autistic?

>have sex with only one woman goy
Fuck your jewish desert religion

Imagine if all Germans wore Iron Age clothes like in that fashion thread we talked about earlier. Yes, it might be cringe, but imagine you wore them anyway and gave no shits about it, the Arabs around you would immediately start to have more respect for you, because clearly you are somebody with character.

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Here you go dudes.
This site in England is pre historic, it's older than the pyramids and Gobekli tepe, MAN MADE and matches MARS' Cydonia IO perfectly.


t. Brit (ignore flag).


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>larping as a pagan faggot is cool guys

>older than gobekli tepe
Holy shit this is huge news, how did I not hear about that earlier?

Are you a British soldier? Or are you family?

Look, r/K selection theory is valid up to a point, but the fact is that the differences between hominid species is so great that some cannot be considered similar enough to live among one another.

Blacks are descended from some unknown species that mated with homo erectus. They are a totally different species. Some of them are really smart, like high IQ Nigerians, but it doesn't change the fact that deep down, they are not homo sapiens and they have a completely different perspective of things than homo sapiens.

Eddie Bravo.
I don't agree with half the stuff I've heard come out his mouth, but kudos to him for bucking the trends and trying to think outside of the paradigm. There's a need for people like that.
Newton was the same, in fact, he wrote more books on magic than he did on maths and spent most of his life trying to transmute led into Gold.

Jack Parsons, founder of JPL, was also another who thought outside of the established paradigms, and was heavily into the occult.

Point being, don't mock because it sounds crazy, look into it first.

It's cool if you just say so. What can Arab shitskins do about it since it's your country in the first place. They can go cry somewhere else if they don't like being around ethnic Germans dressing like Germans.

>Are you a British soldier? Or are you family?
no, i'm a sub contractor.

Sorry, it's allege construction was 2,500BC.
I can't remember where I got the idea it was 12,000BC years old. I'll have to double check.
Even so, spooopy? Why does it match Mars' Cydonia?

This is assuming that natural selection would prompt such a change. This isn't the case anymore. Humanity has transcended the natural world in many ways, most of us just don't even realize it. For this to occur, the lighter skin color would need to still provide some sort of advantage that darker skin color couldn't (vit D absorption). This advantage is essentially minute at this point, as are most genetic regional adaptions. White skin color does not facilitate increased health/survivability so it does not have an advantage at passing on genetics to the next generation.

For natural selection to work, one group with a particular trait needs to have an advantage over another that allows for their progeny to survive and multiply more effectively than the competition. Europe is still colder than Africa, but not to the degree that it was when white skin came about. Add the modern way of life to the equation and there isn't any reason that a shift in skin color would occur. The amount of sun does not change a peoples skin color, the differences in color wouldn't impart some kind of advantage that allows for more successful offspring anymore.

Quite right, I'm not knowledgable on the genetics; sure I've read a few books (Dawkins mostly) but I know. it's a well worn lie that a group of humans developed lighter skin from moving to a colder climate. It doesn't account for the changes in bone structure and density.

So much to learn, so little time to be alive and understand the world.

Early Europeans were darker but still had “Caucasian” features. So they looked like Somalis.

We wuz captains huh?

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Kek. No. Evolution is not set in stone.

>Blacks are descended from some unknown species that mated with homo erectus.

You're a retard. Africans have a closer relationship with archaic Homo Sapiens than anyone outside of Africa does.

>MONOGAMOUS society have eliminated natural selection

Monogamy is not a recent invention.

>I will belong to the alpha males

There's always a bigger fish.

Unless Spontaneous Generation, and the
>africa origin bullshit
is nothing but
>reason to conquer africa
in a bullshit narrative.
Africans, it turns out, are literally just a genetic mistake of a bored persian traveler who didn't have any female company and mated with apes.

Cope harder, Muhammed.

That's almost always been the case. Even in Europe in the past.

The dating structure is already destroyed.

Are they actually their kids?

It cannot be genocide when they cause their own deaths

Based and gay. Get laid.

>As people moved further and further away from Africa
>muh out of Africa bullshit
Fuck off with your nigger cope thread faggot

>Let's just wait a couple of thousand years until niggers are at the level of slavs
>it'll surely work out, because women choose the best men

This is a great example of why this nation is beyond help

>Is white genocide a myth?
1919: 100 % white
2019: 75 % white
2119: 0 % white

Doesn't matter what you call it or how idiotic you consider it. If there first were whites and then there are no longer, some catastrophe clearly took place. I call it white genocide, because that's what it is.

also op
>Does it really matter if all humans go extinct? One day another species of Ape will probably become intelligent enough to become white people again

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Whites disappearing would require whites dating and breeding outside of their race. Most people date within their own race.

No 6 million three times