What the FUCK happened to men?

Attached: ohnonono.png (1576x880, 2.29M)

It's so strange. I remember some odd twenty years ago being a student at a university and teaching conversational English. All of the male students from France and Germany especially were in skinny jeans, odd canvas shoes, and looked rather effeminate. It was very frustrating to try to have a conversation with them, because they always wanted to discuss politics, and they'd get ANGRY and talk about how horrible America is, then say things that just didn't make any sense to me at all. None of the students from Japan or Korea would behave this way at all. At the time I wrote it off to some really strange language barrier. Turns out I was simply seeing the future of American men. So incredibly depressing.

>mouth ajar like he is waiting for a cock
>severely vitamin D deficient, contributing to lack of test
>extremely overweight, also contributing to lack of test
>unkept and shitty appearance
>not intimidating in the slightest

this is why the DOTR hasn't happened, is this the power of the modern European? The absolute state

Attached: ohnonono.png (600x580, 360K)

The tough men died in WWI. The next toughest in WWII.

i too remember this. must have been the cultural marxism infecting their minds

Probably has something to do with how secularism is becoming increasingly popular

I am pretty sure he is American.

literally onions/BPA's and other estrogen promoting foods and a lack of hard labor and fitness

Comfort happened, Nietzsche talked about the dangers of comfort.

The average European man is Friedrich Nietzsche.

Reminder that modern cuckservatives would be considered far left 70 years ago and the modern political motion of our societies discourage masculinity

Removal of the wisdom teeth is a major factor in producing this facial structure. This retarded, mostly-unnecessary practice is now very common in the US, and absolutely wrecks a man's natural jawline and lower face.

If you have wondered why American men in old pictures all look like Chads compared to modern men, you now have part of your answer.

you sent all the brave ones to re-education camps for "Islamophobia," to remove all their bravery and ambition

Attached: Millwall imprisoned for Islamophobia.jpg (707x769, 269K)

>tfw never had any removed and have a strong jaw
never thought about this, but I believe it.

Phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, and an excess of dopamine. These flipped the epigenetic switch of our genome to believe we are in a resource plentiful environment.

strong men are created out of necessity. there is no (immediate) necessity for strong men, so we are raising boys to be pussies.
when the time again comes we need men to be men, they will be

rent free, memefag. Also:


Attached: 1526479983568.png (500x487, 70K)

stop making shit up, you burgerlard scootershart
german guy in canvas shoes fucked your gf and now his shoes live in your head

This is one of the numerous things stupid people around here repeat ad nauseum to sound smart and fit in.

you have to be at least 18 to post here

Hardly. Oddly, the Japanese students were the ones pulling all the pussy. None of the American girls would put up with the incessant whining from the German fags. They really were sour and awful to be around.


This is Jessie Cox . An American youtuber. Literaly a mutt . OP sucks dick

did you mistake my shitting on you, for a request to continue your cuckfic?

Modern eating habits are mostly to blame. Google skulls from historical people, Richard III for example. Their upper and lower teeth perfectly align with each-other while modern skulls on average have a mandible that's a bit displaced to the back and the teeth are often at an angle.

Pic related shows it very well.

Attached: skull-Skethcer-2skulls-1024x543.jpg (1024x543, 61K)

>using fucking Nietzsche as an example of masculine prowess
You do realize Nietzsche was a complete incel that got publicly goofed on for being a chronic masturbator right?

Also he was in love with his friend's wife, which is one of the most beta things imaginable.

If they were so tough, why did they all die?

Industrial warfare.
It doesn't matter how tough you are, the machines are always tougher.

Industrialised societies without war run the chance of having "surplus" men, who fill no clear capacity within their society and as such come up disabused of the competition that normally would have been shaping them. War advanced to industrial capacity loses its former eugenic element ("Even a woman may kill soldiers if she has a gun"), meaning the physical health and prowess usually involved with succeeding in the societal surplus vent that is a standing military are of secondary significance to a larger group of individuals. Continue to let this play out and you're stuck with degenerating infantiles.

Onions in almost every food source.

Lack of development from parents

Faggy culture that destroys traditional values and promotes sin/degeneracy.

Daily reminder that eugenicists are absolute fucking retards and that people die for many, many reasons, most of them random and accidental, especially in a shitty environment like war and there's no real rhyme or reason to any of it.


What the nigger why can't I type S O Y

Looks like the difference between the teeth of northern europeans and southern europeans. I've noticed a lot of northerners have very small teeth with the left alignment. Southerners have larger teeth and more of an overbite.

Some of their genetics survived. But we're out numbered by faggots and wimps. Oh, and the woman telling them what to do. Gotta build a society for strong men and the wives of those men only. Birth many children and conquer the world again.

All four of mine came in straight. The dentist wanted me to remove them. I said no, I'm just going to be paying to mutilate myself and be in pain. They've never caused me any trouble so I don't see the need to remove them

Fuck off! And by the way wars kill the strongest ones. Handicapped beta males are exonerated from conscription and remain home impregnating females reversing eugenics to disgenics.

Can someone link me to a journal article about the detrimental effects of onions they are referring to? Are they just filled with phytoestrogens? I love onions.

both look so nerdy lol :DD

Jews are not european.

>Can someone link me
The fact that you can't even make your own homework is a clear sign of what are you asking for.


OP, I get what you mean, but the guy on the right isn't the best example. He's also balding and overweight, like the left. If the guy on the left stopped with that weird smile, grew out his mustache and shaved his beard, changed glasses, dressed conservatively, they'd look both the same. Maybe show a picture of a Greek bust or something next time.

The one's who rebelled are in prison.

The rest got socialized to be faggots...

Lucky. Mine are gone and I can see the difference looking at pictures of my old self, even my girlfriend says I looked much better before. My grandfather and uncle both have strong jaws and never had their wisdom teeth removed. Myself, my dad, and my brother all had ours removed and we all have weak jaws as a result.

Agreed, this is part of it too. We should be chewing tough meat from different parts of the animal, including cuts that aren't eaten today. But the wisdom teeth aspect is significant too; hell I've seen the difference before and after on several occasions.

Smart. Avoid dentists whenever possible, honestly. Eat a proper diet and you should never have to go see one. Be vary wary when they recommend any invasive procedure.

If this creature is a mutt, I fear for what euro "men" look like

Left: had sex
Right: didn't

Well, duh, obviously people also die randomly or in accidents. Real breakthrough observation there, although I fail to see what any of that has to do with eugenics outside of making them rather more important for the remaining specimens.

The beard’s fine. Wipe the stupid onions-gape off his face and dress him in a period suit, and he could be a Civil War officer.

Too much nerd "culture", not enough sunlight. Should have had a eugenics policy initiated at least 70 years ago.

Hormonal birth control in the water. Yes, it is intentional. Look at how many men in your dads generation have full beards vs how many millennials cant.


A brave new world happened.
Hedonism happened.
Jews happened.

shit in the water. chemicals passed as 'food" 24/7 television 'programming' lack of fathers and jews

kike mods made a word filter because a meme hit too close to home

Every single male coworker I currently have is like this. Speak in this slow, nasally voice and sound like they’re never 100% confident about what they’re saying. Super skinny, short jeans and loafers without socks. The girls are all butch and tougher than the guys. One girl right now has a bag that says “DONT TAX MY VAGINA” and the guy she’s talking to has “Protect Trans Kids” across his laptop.

I swear they can smell the nationalism on me because no one here likes me.

>Daily reminder that eugenicists are absolute fucking retards

Eugenics is provably effective.

Left one is American one, ugly Irish/anglo ancestry, this can be find in 19th one's times, right one is autistic with neurosyphilis