Dear Jow Forums it is not often I turn to you for counsel,not because your wrong but usually because you've reached a level of awareness that has driven you a trifle mad. I need your help though. Please tell me the warning signs to look for to keep what is known as SJW's out of my life for good. There has got to be a way to avoid them. I am primarily afflicted online as I live in Galveston Texas and there are none here to be seen. Please share your wisdom you madmen.
Avoiding SJW's
imagine the smell
the girl on the far left has a self portrait on her leg
25 year old pic related
Find a legal loli and you'll be far from SJWs
I asked in the other thread but I’ll ask again hre since why not. I’m bored. Is the stuff on Jow Forums real? Are white guys disliked by white girls for real in the US? I live in Britbongistan and I can’t imagine it here. We need to find out exactly what the hell is going on over there.
Stay off conventional social media forever
>watches marvel movies
It really is that easy. The world has made it SO easy for you.
the problem is that if you act very conservative then they may argue with you. But if you act super liberal then they might try to talk to you. I guess try to be really centrist when in public
Stay away from art & design colleges/universities
oo oo that smell. Can't cha smell that smell.
no that is bobby hill
I don't want to get "Metoo" raped so I try not to talk to any of them anymore.
I'm assuming this is all some jew shit.
Nose posted as proof I'm no jew or negro.
>There has got to be a way to avoid them.
wear a maga hat.
I said avoid them not draw them to me like a herd of waddling psychotic walruses.
fuck off, we're full.
Learn all the counters to there positions from the hard left, they'll get confused scared and leave you alone mate
>leftists are confrontational
They will only approach you if they have 20+ people and cops are across the street.
You ever drive through a black neighborhood in the summer? Even with the windows up the distinct smell of shit,burned hair,dollar store perfume,bad cooking and cheap pot. That's the smell.
My gf is sometimes too shy to say her emotions and it really annoys me. BUT every time I see a thread like this, I'm grateful she's not a pink haired land whale.
It's exaggerated I think for sure. I'm a handsome tall white guy and all girls of all races are generally polite to me because I'm polite to them.
AND I live in LA.
Also, how did Brie Larson hit the wall at like 30?
Women typically hit the wall as young as 29 to 35. Genes play a factor but women typically age like milk.
>I am primarily afflicted online
Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I meant in a political context not just race mixing
It's so real it smacks you in the face on a semi regular basis if you live in a major city. In Vancouver I was often told my opinions were invalid or unwelcome because I was a Male, especially white.
I'm sure you would see the same shit in your major cities if you will see some of the same shit.
It's not significant in the rural places. But this shit manifests itself in the real world, and the police are on their side so there is nothing to stop them other than the speed their opinions spread, which are promoted and shoved down the throats of university students.
Almost every fucked up thing you hear about from Canada is in Toronto or Vancouver or sometimes Edmonton.
Even here in the rural north we have fucked up kids walking around clearly SJW just not great in number and bold enough yet, and our public places have warning signs from the RCMP in the form of rainbow badges declaring that these are safe spaces.
You must not live in a capital. I have had many Asian chicks clamoring for my dick, turn off instantly when I express any sign that I am not a fucked up social justice faggot. They often claim they "dont like political labels" but preach to me how every problem is because of white men, and when i tell them they sound like the nazis did before they rounded up Jews, they literally say that they dont care and white men deserve it and get REALLY butt hurt.
Of course they still want to fuck white men like crazy, we are the best and they know it deep down
It's like pottery
>Take me off this ride Lord kek...
Her smile and optimism: gone
Look at the sides of her face, it's already starting to fill out. She'll be an unrecognizable hairy blob within 5 years.
all women are SJWs you stupid nigger
Please go do a grammar course.
Go take*
literally just a ridiculous manifestation of collective insecurity
Instead of "go do a", "go take a" would be the appropriate way to construct the sentence. For example, "Please go take a grammar course".
>2 different sets of King of the Hill tattoos.
why are thots such group think sheep?
why do two of them have king of the hill tattoos?
it seems to me that that is a cartoon sjw would hate
say nigger and if they try to hit you or get angry you are dealing with one
Why girl has one shoe? Why other girl is pooping?
Learning is bad
If you can't read the satire in the script, IDK what to tell you. Watch something less subtle.