Do people hate Jews because of the old testament?

I've often wondered if he reason people hate the Jews so intensely might have something to do with hating the old testament God for being such a petty egotistical mass murderer.

Attached: not-murder.jpg (550x550, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: We jews are destroyers.jpg (444x296, 44K)

Maybe if you listened instead of playing a fucking retard, rabbi

Attached: Hitler Jew mocks religion.jpg (800x449, 156K)

Attached: honest jew harold wallace rosenthal.png (952x960, 1.12M)

Why would anyone not like the jews?
I mean, snipers picking off children is just sport, right?

Attached: killing palestinian children jew israeli.jpg (560x371, 130K)

Attached: why the palestinians are protesting jew israel.jpg (741x960, 162K)

It's not like jews were trying to destroy America! Oh wait, they are

Attached: Jews goal for destroying white america.jpg (720x722, 303K)

THINK-- what happened to Anonymous?
The answer to this should be obvious!
Anonymous had what Jow Forums now lacks
The power to wage vigilante hacks,
And publicize corruption where it rots,
And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.
Has Anonymous now disappeared?
Once legendary, now no longer feared?
Once sparking protests-- is that fuel now spent?
The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?
What do you think this disappearance means?
Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;
Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.
Ask yourself-- does it seem really real?
Does it show what actual people feel?
Does it seem organic and not fake?
How much repetition does it take--
How much frenzied vile monotony
Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself-- if you sought to control
The media, and hence the public soul,
And something like Jow Forums was swelling up
And spilling truth from propaganda's cup
Would you let it go its merry way?
Or would you lock control down in some way?
And if you locked control down would you try
To do it in a way to fool the eye?
To make it seem like free speech carried on
Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?
For if you shut down free speech openly
The public would respond suspiciously;
But if you hid control beneath a ruse
What you once feared becomes a tool to use.
So that, controlling, you have it both ways--
Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

Anonymous was infiltrated by
The famously mendacious FBI
Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO
Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.
Do we think that having sunk its claws
Into Anonymous, with lies and laws,
That the FBI would then allow
Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look
To see by what means free speech got the hook;
The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke
Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!
How laughable must a deception be
Before the world opens its eyes to see?
The simple fact-- as stark as winter dawn--
Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone
Was replaced by swarms of-- wait for it--
Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!
We would have to laugh if we were told
This outcome in the Jow Forums days of old.
So formulaic, politically cliched--
And yet this very game is being played!
How can a joke as stupid as this one
Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun
The helpless mainstream public with the fear
That an internet fourth reich draws near?
But if that preposterousness is not
Enough to spark the understanding thought,
Consider, even stupider to tell,
The arch absurdity of the “incel”!
No, it's not enough that nazis rose
To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes--
No, these scary nazis all the same
Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!
The “incel” is not just a defeated man--
But a powerful extremist with a plan!
No matter that these two things contradict--
We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!

Now ask yourself-- does the technology
Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?
Think data, think vault 7, and AI--
And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.
And look at the corruption that's been shown
That yet to public truth remains unknown.
Understand-- the chans are herded tight
And nothing unpermitted sees the light,
The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge
To regulate how much truth can emerge.
When swarming nazi posts fill up the place
Then actual dissent can't get the space
To breathe, develop, organize, or live;
The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

But it's not just “incel nazi” swarms
Faking behind outward human forms--
The chatbots aim to keep all things in hand
And keep narrative rolling out as planned.
One objective that's not hard to see
Is unrelenting negativity.
Demoralizing, soul-hollowing tropes;
One bot's vicious, while the other mopes;
Bots promoting suicide to us--
Think about what pure evil that is!
And every possible way to divide
Is used to keep the chaos multiplied.
“Hate threads” for all known identities
Create an atmosphere like a disease.
AI apes the worst of our past posts
And pours them out in hordes of hateful ghosts.
And so the chans, within, drive us away
While on the outside, dictate what “we” say.
The public, for example, thinks the chans
Supported Trump due to his “nazi plans”;
But on the chans much more than half the spew
Hates Trump because he fails to hate “the Jew”!
While on the other side, the pro-Trump bots
Are emulated utter idiots!

Tldr of the Bible.
Book One (Old Testament)
>Jews tell story after story of the atrocities they perpetrated against anyone that even looked at them funny
>From killing the first born of entire city's to out right complete genocide of dozens of peoples.
Book Two(New Testament)
>The goyim "how to" manual
>live like this and you can go to heaven, which we invented(basicly a world without jews)
>if you even think of getting upitty we will nail you to a cross for all to see, or worse! (See book 1)
The End.

By now it should be more than obvious--
Free speech ended with Anonymous.
The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,
The zombie user leers from a stolen face.
The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;
A monster stirs to life in the machine...

And remember also, this other thing I tell:
Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:
Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.

no its because of current activities of jews, but people look to the old testament to try to figure out why, most people reach the wrong conclusion though since its very clear that GOD REJECTED THE JEWS FOREVER WHEN THEY REFUSED TO BELIEVE ON HIS SON

You have it entirely backwards.

Attached: 1557799994105.png (1000x955, 441K)

>If Yahweh had remained a tribal god from the desert, he would simply be recognized as particularly primitive and cruel, perhaps a demon escaped from hell though an Arabian volcano. But his successful claim to be honored as the true and only God is the biggest sham in human history, and a civilizational disaster of incomparable magnitude.

>It is ultimately responsible for the spread of atheism in the West. As long as Christians were discouraged from reading the Old Testament, they were not much disturbed by it. As soon as it became widely available, it started corroding Christianity. Philosophers like Voltaire had an easy job denigrating Christianity by quoting the Old Testament: “Never was common sense attacked with so much indecency and fury” (Sermon of the Fifty). Rather without God than with such a God, became the logical and morally decent thinking.

>“The finest trick of the devil, Charles Baudelaire wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist” (Paris Spleen). Perhaps he was mistaken. His finest trick, I believe, is to convince the world that he is God.

Same with you:

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I get accused of heresy all the time, but the god of the Old Testament is likely a demon.
Jews probably worshipped God at the start (Abraham) and then somehow moved into worshipping a petty rule-based demon that liked to fuck with people around Moses.
After that it's all just blood sacrifices to some demon that they call "god."
To this day they're still petty rule followers that make regular sacrifices.
Hell, Purim is literally a celebration of mass murder.
Read the book of Esther to see how fucked up these people are.
They love this shit.
The god worshipped by Jews is a fucking demon.
They reject Jesus Christ because Jesus basicaly said, "You people are worshipping the opposite of God and you need to stop."
The Jews denied Christ, killed him and are, to this day, trying to kill him.
If you want to BTFO a Jew just use vampire lore.
Tell them that Christ compels them and show a cross.
They actually do freak out.
Call them the Synagogue of Satan and cal out their lies and trickery.
They lose their minds.
I've experienced this myself.

Here is one sniper...

Attached: moyle.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Yes, it's some book most people haven't read, and not that they're hideous, evil curses on every country they go to

Attached: Just Jews Jewing - kids.jpg (1394x3738, 1.29M)

No, they are just shit even currently:

Eradicating fag cities is not petty.

But stoning people to death for working on Sabbath is.