

Attached: warning.png (500x502, 20K)

>only (((official))) sources of information are acceptable
Okay Shlomo.

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Nice nice. But what about Epstein?

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>facts that hurt my feelings are bad

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The PROPAGANDA and shillbots are doing just that.

Don't learn too much goy. C'mon, play some GTA online instead. Go watch Netflix. Just stop reading this website.

Eat a dick faggot. Back to discord with you trannies.

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Yes, goy if you want honest and factful news watch one of our News channels.

Well said. This is why I never listen to mossad/fbi/memeflag shills.

I’m gonna leave now
Byyyyyyyeeee sweatieeeee

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You are right. This place is good just for the occasional laughs and rare wisdom. Most people are cowardly idiots.

>ITT: Our #INPEACH schemes failed miserably
>Probably better go ahead and avoid this place

Oh, you silly trannies!

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Meme flag
1 post by this ID
Short writeup
Controversial topic
Slide thread, saged

Absolute truth. Much love OP.

This needs to be said more and more

The poison is working I'm a self-hating sandnigger.

>do not let mentally ill people twist your perception of reality
Why do you think I’m here? Also, this sounds like it was written by a retard. There is no “perception” of reality. There is only objective reality, and any misperceptions of that reality are nothing more than denial.

we're planning a video game based on recolonization
chill the fuck out
we're going to make enslaving the natives of places like
the Philippines
South Africa
a meme

I actually formed my opinions on my own and they just happened to align with NatSoc. Fuck off, commie faggot.

the grind in GTA online makes me angrier than any shill thread on Jow Forums tho

This place is obvious psyop


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I think you're a shill.
However I did realize yesterday that I don't actually enjoy anything on the internet anymore. I'm just wandering around everywhere I go, looking for a fight.

Jews have sucked the life from everything I formerly enjoyed, and by extension from me myself.

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reddit is uh... overthere

Want to know the secret?
Everything in sufficient quantities is poison. Even the air you breath eventually will kill you. Death by a thousand, hundred thousand, million, billion cuts.

pretty soon you won’t have to come to Jow Forums to hear about alien-molestimg, baby-eating pedos in government and entertainment cause we’ll be able to see it on the news

>My fellow white people

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> 1 post by OP

yeah guys, watch contrapoints and young turks instead