Homosexual loner here

I reached a point in my life back in 2015 where I realized the kind of love I was looking for does not exist in gay men. The degeneracy,pedo grooming and literal shit eating was becoming the norm. This was a group of "people" I no longer wanted to be associated with. They want to fuck kids and animals openly now. I don't wanna be there when the straights pull a 1933 Berlin. I'll be honest if there was a pill to make it go away I'd take. I stay alone now. I'm in a bad place. Politically I'm so closely aligned with you and its made me an outcast yet I have no place among you. I'm aware of the dark hand of the jew and his subhuman apes and brown people. I'm too aware of it all. Its a barren wasteland to wander alone. I never even wanted that nasty anal bullshit. I just wanted a chad to rebuild vintage motorcycles and travel the coast with,grow old and die with but no. 99% of gay dudes are literal animals. Life just fucking sucks.

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Buddy, just make some straight friends.

Based and conflictedpilled

Why not just be straight and have manly friends, then you can be a normal person.

Same boat as you, except found my man 13 years ago before the insanity began. We keep it on the downlow now and try to have nothing to do with faggots.

Be patient

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I do have normal male friends. I never bring my private shit up or push it on them. They don't know. That's why I feel no sympathy for these ditzy faggots who get beat to death for tricking straight dudes into getting a bj or whatever. You don't do that shit to people. They get what they deserve.

Because hanging out with your straight friends causes uncomfortable feelings, lusts, and impulses to be spawned within you when youre gay - and that can fuck the friendship up or drive you insane.

When I say loner I mean I stay away from the "gay community" or as its known know the LGBTQ+123WXYZ. I stay alone. My sexual preference is my business,I don't push it or talk about it with my straight bros. Again fags that force themselves on people are negro tier rapists.

You will always be a faggot enjoy hell sodomite.

Go get a beard, marry her, and have kids just like gay men have done for thousands of years.

Pretty much this. I fucked up and got married, but some of my best bros didn't. If I didnt get married I know for a fact I would be living life as a hetero-faggot. I would love my bros like no other, just not fug

just stop being a faggot

Just fake it til you make it.
The family unit is important vexause it keeps this multigenerational engine running. Its extremely selfish to not have kids and do your job.

>find a woman you like
>fuck with her
>live a normal life
>have kids
>(dont fuck the kids)
Hang with guys
Fix motorcycles etc

Cant wait

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Dude,their my friends. A couple of them are like brothers at this point. You don't lust for your brothers. Unless your a jew.

I see you only make friends with ugly men.

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Even among misfits you're a misfit.

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I have a wife that makes 6 figures and a guy on the side she thinks is my "gym buddy"

You'd be an incel anyway retard. Don't blame yourself for others' degeneracy.

Have you ever thought that maybe you aren’t gay and should date a woman?

Not gonna lie this sounds like a good idea. Isn't this basically what the Samurai did?

Also fags aren't a hivemind just like Jow Forums isn't one person. You reek of brainlet.

Here's the thing. I can get pussy if I want it and its not that hard. Women are fine to sleep with and have your kids and all that but I can't get an emotional connection like real love from them. It feels cheap and false like the love they give is born from what they can get out of you. I don't trust female love. Its very fickle and fleeting.

>see well dressed and well manered faggots on tv
>assume (((tv))) is telling the truth and faggots are like that irl
op is a retard AND a faggot

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Do something with your life
The desire to find love is strong, but very, very dangerous. In years past, men would find productive outlets to help improve themselves. They wouldn't have time to worry about all those social ongoings. They'd reach a point where love was a happy accident, not a goal.
And that's a great place to be

I was like you, OP. I'm married now. There is hope.


also op just curious
were you ever raped, molested or expierienced severe trauma as a child?

>I don't trust female love. Its very fickle and fleeting.
Sounds like you have serious trust issues. It won't be limited to women.
I suspect you also don't understand love either.
Needing an emotional connection to feel fulfilled sexually is natural. Odds are you gravitate towards men because that affection is familiar. You understand it.
But not understanding women's affection doesn't mean it's bad. That's your own lack of empathy.

Give up the faggotry and get yourself an ebony queen

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Not gonna lie you are gay

Or you could stop being an absolute screaming bender.

You are a totally reprehensible freak of nature with no more right to live on God's clean earth than a weasel.

source or I will track your IP and murder your whole family

Also for the record the night of the long knives happened in 1934

that sucks user, i feel bad for you and would be your friend.

if it makes you feel better i'm strait and feel the same way. i dont get it, i'm an 8/10 at least and cannot find a single old school woman to date in my area.

commit yourself to christ and spiritual growth.

that's evolution at play.
It is not that women are wrong, it's just that society is wrong and you present quite a big emotional problem.
Were you raised by a single mother, by chance?

kys faggots

no fuck this. a good girl wasted and propagating gay jeans

you first

While it's shit that you're a fagfag, just don't broadcast it. Don't make it part of your identity. When that is the case, nobody will give a fuck.

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> nofap will make you calm and clear-headed

I don't know about samurais, but thats what smart gay men have done until the 1960s

Go find a right-wing lesbian, get married, and secretly have MONOGAMOUS homosexual affairs.

Found it in here

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>literal shit eating

Mmmm nummers!

Even if ur gay you're white. Make your child a beautiful building, a charitable fund, a park, a shipping container full of a dead niggers, just do your best for this societies future.

God no. We didn't have any black or jewish friends.

Fists time I appreciated a black woman. Those movements are... fluid


Women and jews are comically transparent to detect online.

It’s in the, “slim black girls” thread on /gif/

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youve already done things you dont want to do. so just force yourself to do more things you dont want to do, but in the right direction.

you absolute faggot larper where is the source

Your self hatred only furthers my point.

how did you become a fag then?

girls have buttholes too user.

Well someones dying of jungle fever.

I don't do beastiality.

That looks like an arab and will most likely give birth to shit-tier children.
GG evolution, might as well shoot your balls off.

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There isn't a pill to cure your particular ailment but we do have rope. The remedy can be quite effective when properly carried out but for best results consult your local lynch mob.

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I strongly believe you can be gay and fashy

now you just have to stop being a faggot

Can't stress the don't fuck the kids part enough

You already wanna fuck men so fucking black girls isn’t that much worse

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Sometimes people get molested.
Sometimes bad wiring in the brain.
Either way sure as hell no fun.


Questions: theres plenty of male-looking women around in the west (aka tomboys). Do you feel sexual arousal when you see girl that looks like a boy? Maybe thats the solution...

Youre not just cheating, youre gay cheating

I got molested as a kid and basically got into tranny porn, gay sex, trans life and I hated it too. It was empty, soulless, degenerate, I hated myself and wanted to kill myself if I couldnt stop porn and wanting penis.

I prayed hard, fasted, fought against this, gym, run, threw out the hormones and female clothes and started getting better and reassociating lust and orgasm with straight porn or just outright cuming with very little thought or videos just to get it out of my system.

Now most of it is undr control and i've even dated a girl for 6 months which was pretty cool. I started having love for her, but eventually went my own way because she was jewish and I started becoming redpilled about them

Oh mate... thats the same for heteros. Its just how it is.

>person who dont want to fuck negresses is gay
nothing surprising

AGAIN I'm not jewish. Big shock 9 out of 10 pedos are almost always jews.

Homosexuality is a learned behavior and it can be unlearned.

>I don't trust female love. Its very fickle and fleeting
A woman will (probably) stay with you to avoid the social shaming of a failed relationship, to raise children as a nuclear family, and to access your income. There are some absolutely predatory women who will abuse your trust, but they are not the majority.

The majority of gay men, however, are not monogamous. It's simply an element of gay culture that they will have sex with many men. Even if they are married. Hell, a married gay man hit on me once. I was more disgusted by the disrespect he showed his partner than his attempt to give me his herpes, but then I found out it's completely normal. Gay monogamy is a myth.

So I think you are aware of the pitfalls of gay relationships, but you are projecting that onto straight relationships. You say women are "fine to sleep with" so you're not homosexual, you're bi. You're just afraid that a woman will treat you as badly as a gay man would. Most of them are actually kind of okay.

OP for once is not a total faggot. Praying for you buddy. You can realign yourself to normalcy if you seek

Is any of that true?

Holy shit she has green eyes wtf is this? How do blacks get green eyes?

Where do you live OP? I managed to find a redpilled guy in NYC of all places and we've been together for years. It took some time and a lot of really bad dates but i snagged one.

Just about to fly back home with my bf from Italy, truly a beautiful country, we really enjoyed it.
You can find a regular dude to share your life with if you are lucky enough, I believe in you!

How about you stop sucking dicks, literally?

you’re alright for a gay dude OP, wish more of them had the same line of thinking as you, desu i was perfectly fine with gay people in our society being more open and comfortable but witnessing the yearly pride events getting more and more degenerate and just plain fucking ridiculous is making it hard to be accepting of gay people.

100%, I still have a-cups from the hormones I took, but told the girl I dated its because I used to be fat, she was cool with it.

I've always hated being trans/preferring men. Its like a fucking curse. All my friends were straight and yea I had girlfriends as a teen, smoking hot ones, but secretly dressed up and wanted to be with men. I fucking abhored it because its like being enslaved by these feelings you hate and dont want to do, but you do them because its a needed release. Its a fucking curse, but the good thing about it is that it forced me to read, to study, to understand myself, consciousness, associations, trauma and so on

Unironically lithium and shock therapy. Worked for me :). Having 2nd kid with wifey now and haven't physically seen a dick in 2.5 years. It's all in the mind bro brainwashing.

Absolutely this. Based leaf. My thoughts exactly user. I was ok with gays existing, but every year I believe further and further that they oughta be dealt with.

More or less, I'm the do period it was seen as more honourable to lay with a man. At least that's what the narrator said in samurai champloo. Would Watanabe lie?