Mueller Not Familiar with Fusion GPS

>I am not familiar with Fusion GPS

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>mueller works for trump, trust the plan

What a retard Magoo. Leftists should be rioting.

friendly reminder

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What a lying piece of shit.
>Pic related-another liar.

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i dont get it explain ?

At this point I don't think Mueller even knows where he is.

he's on golden pond

I wish they wouldn’t lump me in with those faggots.

Everything the Republicans asked that he declined to answer means that Barr is investigating those questions. He answered all the Dem questions meaning that the investigations regarding those questions are over.

haha, oh wow

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what this means?

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But it’s literally in his report? Did he not read his own report?

In the context of the OP, Mueller was saying he wasn't familiar with Fusion GPS at all despite it being in the report.

some zog drama to entertain the goyim

maybe you arent familiar with how medals and awards are bestowed on officers.

goshdangit what channel is matlock on!

Hey I have a Meritorious Service Medal too! But mine was from the Marines and I was enlisted.. also I got mine for something other than blowing the CO.

Mueller the blubbering fool fueled a multi year US corporate media propaganda push like never before seen and ultimately ended up with nothing. Pure cancer

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mueller sounded like he has dementia

Mueller probably has the onset of Kuru..

>I got mine for something other than blowing the CO.

yeah... sure you did.

Muller was acting. He starts out acting just a little bit senile, like today. That way by the time treason trials begin he can act fully senile and hope the courts believe him when he doesn't remember anything at all.
Mueller is a senile old man.

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People in this thread are taking the response out of context: Mueller is compelled to remain quiet on that subject, the origin of the DNC emails and the dossier because those are currently being investigated by the DOJ. Mueller absolutely knows who Fusion GPS is.

Chuck Todd is not happy how this went for Democrats.

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That's what my mom said. She said "he sounded like early stage Ronald Reagan".

Kek, the two years messiah left them a dried up turd and it doesn’t even sparkle.

right how the fuck

So what's the fucking point of this theater if the parasite can't talk about anything? Also, he didn't say he couldn't talk about it, he said he wasn't familiar with the organization, which is a lie. A falsehood. Fiction. Communicated under oath, which is a crime. A felony, in fact.

ok. now this is laughably fucking retarded.

If webm related were white, then she would be perfect waifu material.

Lotta gay tension in this painting

Really makes you think

I honestly don't know what to make of this. Is he playing dumb? Doesnt look like it.

What does it mean when you're unfamiliar with the contents your own report? What does it mean when you're unfamiliar with THE claim by the opposition to your report?

Maybe he IS just fucking stupid and surrounded by snakes

no this is not true. he literally fucking said he wasn't familiar with Fusion GPS or Glenn Simpson. watch the testimony or read the transcript again.

Nunes asked a question about fusion GPS and Mueller responded "I can't talk about other proceedings." What that means I'm not sure but I was watching the fox 10 stream.

Dude he looked like he didnt even know what fusion gps was

only literal faggots see sexual tension in anything not pertaining to anything remotely about sex.


I got one from auditing conservative groups for the IRS in 2010.

Also I’m at work right now.

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>trump war room

Fucking boomer-tier cringe

>Mueller LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY doesnt even understand the basis for the investigation
What kind of fucking clown world are we living in, i mean what the fuck

Depends on Barr.

>bar prosecuting his own friend
Nobody will suffer any consequences for anything ever

I cant speak on that

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>Nunes asked a question about fusion GPS and Mueller responded "I can't talk about other proceedings."


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I thought she was about to give a blowjob to a rat

my thoughts exactly, except i'd rather call them demons