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Yep, this image just about sums it up in the current year

the absolute state of liberal men

She probably has bigger balls than he does.

Hold the fuck up...this allows women to 'womanspread' and let out their fishy vagina odor? This is so problematic. Wait until my sociology professor hears about this.

How far we have fallen.

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you can still sit like this on that chair and the fact he doesn't proves he has small penis

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What a cuck

She is hot

So what's the big deal with this picture?

And she's looking for an actual man to put her in her place. She's daring a Chad to put her on her knees. She won't get it, though. She's average and pussy is free everywhere.

>I can't take it any more. All she does is work, work, work. Never pays any attention to the ol' minge

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Women wouldn't marry a man who squeezes his legs together

I asked in the other thread but I’ll ask again hre since why not. I’m bored. Is the stuff on Jow Forums real? Are white guys disliked by white girls for real in the US? I live in Britbongistan and I can’t imagine it here. We need to find out exactly what the hell is going on over there.

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Haha! XD
Super BASED and REDpilled Southpark reference dude!
Southpark is so not PC. They dont care who they offend.
This is why I came here. You guys are HILARYous!

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Men that participate in stunts like this deserve to be publicly mocked.

OMG, it's a man ?


>not wearing a dress

The guy ripping off Southpark jokes is funnier than you.

>forced female spreading

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look at that absolute twink fagget