Why haven't you still taken the chadpill, Jow Forums?

Why haven't you still taken the chadpill, Jow Forums?

>get Jow Forums
>start leading a healthy and vigorous lifestyle
>find a 3.14qt stacy
>create a family with her and later raise a beautiful child together that will also be a chad
>live a happy life

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I like getting shitfaced and playing Xbox too much

The older I get, the harder it is to willingly invite a wrecking ball into the life I've built.

consoles are boring as fuck
you know nothing about addictive high-paced and stressful, draining gaming
Also i started turning yellow from alcohol so i'll stop that for a while.

How much were you drinking?

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Why is this man taking pictures of an intimate moment with his wife and child?
Also, she has a very nice bottom.

>brown eyes
>Fake blonde hair
What a beautiful mutt family

The wife, not the kid. Please don't put me on a list fbi thank you.

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Anyone who would take a pic of their family like that and post it on the web is a disgusting human bean


Hmm I see Brodi didn't make the cut. Poor Stacy she loved his Music, But Chad had to do what Chad had to do. No one fucks with Chad.

Im not even depressed just straight up blackpilled, nothings ever gonna change you just get older and learn to live alone or fill in the void with useless shit until you die

looks like a fun threeway

Whos going to pay all this?

Sometimes every day. When i was out of coke i'd blaze up and drink beers.
This has been going on for 4-5 years almost non-stop but recenlty i decided to quit so little by little im cutting these shit out.
Also smoking like 1/4 pack a day down from a whole one if at all which is surprising.
Im 25 and i look like im 30-35 but people constantly tell me i look younger which is almost all the time an outright lie.
The only thing that works for that is fasting, exercise you know the healthy lifestyle + rubbing olive oil on your skin, wherever.
It comes to life only then...

Chad is all about the face, roiding wont make you chad.
Chads are born not made, you cannot fool mother nature.

Since I'm 20, it's more like
>get fit
>get blackout drunk at the slightest opportunity
>wake up the next morning with a roaring headache and your local /frat rat/ next to you
>get fit again
>rinse and repeat

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Reproduction is a womans' game. Play your own.

Those guys are clearly homosexuals.

We’re all on a list senpai.
In fact, the feds probably prioritize right wingers over pedos.

digits confirm

Dude, who has a threesome with his wife and newborn baby?

best post

these young guys don't know ...

but they will learn the hard way.

>bringing a human into this disgusting world
Fuck off

better grab the Jow Forumspill
same outcome

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I did, but it depressed me, so I went back to my hovel

That's a lot of work to have your children living in a sea of nogs anyways.

more like

>get Jow Forums
>still insecure, but now with a little more muscle mass
>run the same game with chicks
>get a little play and find out that they're still dumb whores with no exceptions
>realize that marrying one of these bitches is like playing russian roulette with your life
>go back to the same daily routine of sleep-work-playstation/Jow Forums, but with an added gym session

manhood 2019

>tfw can never have this life because you skipped face day

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> Bunch of nonwhites

Good argument against.

Mike Thurston, the most tanned guy is English.

When you have a decent place, bit of change in your pocket. It’s easyyyyyyyy man.

Women hit the wall HARD around 30, it’s easy to get 20-25 year olds when your 30/40 etc..

Have a hot tub, maybe a boat/seadoo, alcohol.

Girls just wanna have fun after all!

>still doing that at 20
Never gonna make it. I had moved on to a business frat by that age and was actively pursuing internships and networking opportunities. How did you not get bored of the party lifestyle during your first two years?

I am mixed race. I am tall, confident and good looking so bitches what the D bad but I am part Mexican so fuck making more mongrels.

Also skipped the extra foot of leg lengthening.

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Good idea, only one mistake, what if I get a Stacy daughter? Should I force her to transition into a chad son?

Because to keep a body like that you have to lower your brain energy and i don't want to get dumber.

>spray tan lines on the ass
>taking "i maed dis" pictures for e-points
pretty sad tee bee aich when literally any idiot can wife up a roastie thot who needs the money

>>get Jow Forums
I would not know where to start

I’ve been an artificial chad via gym before at 6ft 200lbs. If you actually get bulked and lean like that and don’t have the genetics to easily maintain the size it’s a fuck ton of ongoing work and unhealthy as your body carries more mass than your organs are used to supporting. Not to mention you’ll have less flexibility, stamina, and speed. Also a lot male model physiques passes off as the typical chad are actually running a cycle.

shut up faggot

It's a lot of work.


>tfw skipped being-born-right day

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If raised properly daughters can pass on white genes.

>but I am part Mexican
I'm sorry bro. Maybe you could go live with the Romneys in Mexico and start a littler of mutt pups

>min 20 yr commitment with a western woman
being this retarded

Getting fit is actually hard

I'm telling video game companies to make a game about recolonizing places like
South Africa
The Philippines
and you're going
>blah blah white women blah blah family
Take up the White Man's burden —
Send forth the best ye breed —
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild —
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

OP is a fucking dirty roastie, just don't forget to kys when you are desperate and miserable, which you already are, roastie

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Someday men will learn that trying to do things to impress women is a waste of a human life. Make yourself happy, and the women will follow you and if not, at least you are happy and without an extra problem.

I have known since the beginning brothers, I was raised around women thus being born into the redpill. Womens exteriors are works of art but their insides fester with demons from hell.


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found you

>get Jow Forums meme
Getting Jow Forums isn't going to magically solve all of your problems you dumb cunt.
The absolute state of memeflaggers

I'm destined to worry about trivial matters due to my insecurity problems, i can't pursue that way of life.

>become an obnoxious faggot

literally not one of those male physiques is possible without steroids or damaging drugs

>Get a load of this faggot

post some nudes of your conquests i miss college let an old man relive his glory days

don't go after pretty stacys.
they had their life on easy mode. It spoiled them and made them junkies for dopamine pleasure.
People who had dopamine handed to them all the time have destroyed planning circuits.
Pretty girls are parasites. They are afraid to work, they will suck your finances dry. Through manipulation and later in divorce court.
They have no other choice once they hit the wall.
You should only associate with men and women who get life satisfaction from honest work.

Gaming is fucking boring now.

spoiler alert. He fucked both of them. Also his wife looks like she enjoys the company of black men

we don't do that anymore fren
>screenshot notifications
>when a girl sends you one
>she says "want to see more"
>"yeah, in person"
and they'll be at your door in minutes

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>Shaved chest
>flexing abs

This. Just look at Scooby the fitness youtuber. He's completely jacked yet he's still ugly because of his face.

that's disgusting

>No thanks ladies, I'm gay

You forgot the part where your woman forces you to make a ton of money for her shopping habbits.
That figure chest you got attracted her, but it wont keep her.

imagine being so insecure as a man that you feel the need to take a picture of your naked sleeping wife and show it off to the internet. this Chad man does not enjoy his life

and hes a literal faggot hillary supporter.

Because being Chad is something you're born as. You can't just become one

is this yo?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-24 22-02-38.png (112x250, 51K)

>Thanks for showing my mom's ass to everyone, dad.
>The kids on the playground totally won't call her a slut

1000% true

literally me though i am clean shaven, do not roid and have 2 kids.

>not being a Chad
big yikes

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That's true, I was just goofing because OP was only talking about raising a chad

Fuck chads. They spread nigger culture and impregnate every woman they see.

It is better to stay with a white traditional woman like a real aryan.

i made a lot of progress but reason i find it virtually impossible to disconnect from the world and just go to bed a decent time and when i do i cant sleep anyway, and that causes all sorts of other problems including an inability to work as well as late night binge eating, so i lost all my progress

Oh look, his lil tattoo matches her panties!



>vodka tonic

the gay is strong in you, istvan

>not having to fill the void with useless shit because your marriage is a financial partnership
user, I..

You mispelled insecure and numbbrain.
Come on user, you know they feel the need to act that way because they have a constant need to prove themselves and others of their "alpha" ness. Thats called an inferiority complex.
If one was that big and actually secure about themselves, they wouldnt feel the need to lift a finger and act like a douchelord. These displays of manlihood show the opposite of what they want to be seen as, if you think about it.
These people are shit tier chads and they know it, you can see it in their eyes.

>literally a steroid version of milo

Based and l33tpilled

That's it, bucko. You're going back to learn.

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I don't have that skin and that bone structure.

That's pretty based ngl. But too much tan.

And why did the smaller guy that has been assaulted not shoot the attacker?

I don't want to sound like an internet tough guy but if someone pulled that shit on me ...

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absolutely fucking based and redpilled

Hahaha I think it was a joke.

And the young guys who don't get a girl will just die alone, or better yet, surrounded by angry nigresses at the old folks home. Fucking pathetic.


>women who get life satisfaction from honest work