When you lose Michael Moore

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First for niggers.

Fuck that fat ass fatass.

Lol fuck that fat shit. Backtracking now? Kys yourself, Michael.

When I look at Michael Moore, I see a man torn between wanting to be a fat SJW propagandist, and someone accepted in mainstream Hollywood and Dem politics as a major player. It amuses me to have seen him failed in his efforts, first against Bush with F9-11, and against Trump. Hell, his speech I Trumpland is pure kino and probably the best explanation to shitlibs of why Trump won. Then his socialist presidential dream failed, followed immediately by the candidate he had to back to be part of the Hollywood in-crowd.

Wow Mikey sure lost a lot of weight in that pic!!!

pence is horrible

Imagine the smell

michael moore is the toad-looking dude, right?

Their next play to last until 2020 will be to say that Mueller was too incompetent to do the investigation and they need to do it again

I saw Moore attempt to get out of a limousine at the Toronto film festival one year.
His attempts were in vain.

Irrelevant fatfuck stating the obvious.
Everyone with the intelligence of a coat of paint knew the whole "Russia collusion" thing was fake, gay Pedowood kike bullshit.
No one cares except blue checkmark faggots and Bolshevist cunts.

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It will be that Mueller was threatened by Trump with Gitmo imprisonment

>moderates ever had faith in Mueller

This is what happens when you drink the water in flint

Imagine the low effort shitposting.

What's Rosie O'Donnell on about now.
This bitch reminds me of my aunt.

He's not backtracking, in fact last year he predicted Trump 2020.

Pence would unironically be much better than the current president. Pence isn't a complete liar and crook and I think he actually loves America.

Lol, Moore was always a posturing grifter. He's basically Michael Tracey Sr.

> collusion
News for you bud - I listened live, and Mueller said "Not collusion, but conspiracy". (He didn't say that, he forgot the word 'conspiracy', but his interlocutor reminded him of it and Mueller agreed.)

Ie, it's not a curb-stomping victory.

There's a huge overlap between people who thought that impeachment was viable and people who think "democratic" socialism is viable: neither are great at logic puzzles or basic math skills.

>Mueller was constantly stumbling over his words. TRUMPTARDS BTFO

Fucker should be greatful they even had a scumfuck to run cover on the coup for them

He didn’t say conspiracy, but he said it according to your desire to be validated? What??

>Hell, his speech I Trumpland is pure kino and probably the best explanation to shitlibs of why Trump won.
He unintentionally created the best propaganda in 2016

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most of what he says is very true.
>a big fucking X

the reason moore doesn't support Trump (which he would absolutely have done absent his hollywood success) is that he's a racist, seething with hatred for the working stiffs he pretends to support.
michael moore is a bolshevik, and that will be roundly demonstrated in the very near.
fuck you, MM.

Michael Moore is so fat he can't be on the left or the right.

Hahahaha fucking kek today has been beautiful. What the fuck does the left have left?! It's over libtards. This is making me hard.

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One of them, yes