The myth of Native American environmentalism

Archaeological evidence shows Native Americans did not care about the environment. There is no evidence they ever claimed to care either. These myths come completely from TV shows and public service announcements made by Hollywood.

Supposedly Chief Seattle met with the Washington governor in 1854 and made a beautiful speech about caring for the land and earth. This never happened. His speech was written by a screenwriter named Ted Perry for the 1971 tv drama called "Home."

Ted Perry's speech was copied in a children's book that sold over a quarter of a million copies in the first six months. This helped spread the myth that Native Americans cared about the environment.

There is little known about what happened at the meeting between Chief Seattle and the governor of Washington, but one eyewitness account said it was simply a meeting where Chief Seattle thanked the governor for the president's (Franklin Pierce) generosity and was very eager to do business with the president - selling his land to the US government.

"Keep America Beautiful" was a series of public service announcements in 1971. A Native American man named Iron Eyes Cody cried on screen and wept about white people destroying and polluting the earth. He cried that white people have to protect the earth as Native Americans did.

This man played Native Americans in many Hollywood movies as well. The only problem is he wasn't Native American at all. He was the son of two Sicilian immigrants and his name was Espera Oscar DeCorti.

Hollywood fabricated a thoroughly believed myth about how evil white people are and how kind and pleasant Native Americans are all within the course of a year. 1971.

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looks british

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Only a Jew could marry those faces.
Oh yeah they all married jews haha

Indian reservations are quite messy, they discard items wherever it’s convenient

True I drove around one and it was dirty

our stories, songs, and legends from elders tell something different. although much has been erased. I'm half native and half German. My grandfather was stolen from his family in 1927 (probably because he couldn't pay his lunch debt), moved to a boarding school until the age of 12 by the government. Afterwards his parents had died and he was sold to a white family. I have a white name now. Because they've hidden and obstructed every chance for finding my true roots. if anyone deserves the land back its the Natives. Not a fucking religious freak.

Indeed. They truly were savages. Cannibalism rape torture and the survival of the fittest characterized their societies. The notion of the native peoples as peaceful hippies in touch with nature could not be further from the truth. Since the late 1960s and the publication of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee there has been a systematic and highly successful effort to brand the native peoples of North America as victims. The truth is that their culture was decimated by plague before white settlers even arrived. And among those who were still around, many of them died from disease brought by the white settlers such as smallpox, some were killed in warfare which is to say that Europeans work better at killing them and they weren't killing each other, and a handful who were left were assimilated. That douchebag who claims to be 1/8 Cherokee really is.


So? Even if thats true its not an argument against going to green renewables. Green renewables are geopolitically the best things to invest in, and the only people that hate that are the ones in the fossil fuel industries.
This shit is about capital and the gas an oil industries will do anything to protect theirs. They already have blood on their hands, so they dont give a shit.


get in the pot fuckboy.

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The Indians own a coal fired power plant in Arizona.

> in 1854 and made a beautiful speech about caring for the land and earth. This never happened. His speech was written by a screenwriter named Ted Perry for the 1971 tv drama called "Home"


Ive never encountered a culture that took better care of their forests than the Germans.

But theyre too white to serve as a role model in current year.

literally the only people fighting for the amazon are native americans you dumb fuck

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Why did you use a pic of Livia Soprano?

I'm extremely environmentalist I'm just saying the american indians weren't

Don't cut off part of the sentence next time

also memeflag

There no such thing as renewable energy dipshit.

um, there is no evidence that anyone cares about anything. You can't prove emotion or empathy.
>you only protect your family because they cook you food and clean stuff up
>prove me wrong
>haha you can't so therefore you don't care!

>what is wind, sun, and tides

Either you're confusing renewable with perpetual or you're just an idiot.

Did a Drone take the photo?


The Amazon is literally a massive man made garden.

The man in your picture is 100% french
No indian blood at all
Look it up

A bunch of hippie myths.


TFW the hippies were right though

It's all a sham, we simply can't do it. We are just doing more damage to environment by building these 'green' energy solutions that can't deliver enough energy out pace the amount of fossil fuels we need to build and maintain them. We are a very long way away from coming up with any kind of real solution. And yet, we can't keep going at this pace either. That means a very bumpy road ahead. Start learning how to live without civilization boyo.

No no no no hold up, everything since day one, 99% of environmentalism is from the white mans point of view, your ideology, and philosophy, of course we dont subscribe yo your ideas of environmentalism.

Indigenous philosophy, society, ideology, before and after colonialism inherently views everything as interconnected symbolically and metaphorically in terms of what you label the natural environment, theres entire belief systems based on what you see as nature, totems, sage, etc.

so yes, of course i dont believe in your version of environmentalism, we have our own

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>Hollywood fabricated a thoroughly believed myth about how evil white people are and how kind and pleasant Native Americans are all within the course of a year. 1971.

this. wigwamniggers seem like the most overhyped muh noble savages out there


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I have a version of environmentalism where we turn every remaining Indian reservation into a parking lot.

Seems like my time as a boy scout is gonna pay off after all

We're literally cheering for global warming to kill the cockroaches of the earth, aka whites, blacks, yellows, and hispanics. Abbos and Pac Islanders are cool though.

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>There is no evidence they ever claimed to care either.

except for their own words and actions.

Why do you like Abos? What about Eskimos?

indigenous philosophy is literally the anglo romantic noble savage myth. you don't even have a world view anymore, you just adopted a tragically heroic one from your very conquerors and think it's your own

Then australian must be a massive man made sand box.

It's a rebranding of "The Noble Savage" myth.

Ya ok bud

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Their concern for the environment is based on their animist shaman belief systems not any altruistic SAVE THE SPECIES horseshit that whites go on about.

My retarded teacher in macro economics quoted that shit. I wanted to call him out but didn't bc i couldn't bring myself over making a hippy boomer cry


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I don't really think that. I just wanted to hurt you because what you said was very stupid.

Inuits are Natives you dumb fuck - same languages and everything (e.g. algonquian athabaskan). Abbos don't steal shit like whites, blacks and mexicans do. Asians and semites are always trying to fuck you over. Abbos just try to live.

i know you dont, you just need to be informed about things you think are stupid, its very sad man

you're actually trying to be ignorant at this point

Mark Twain BTFO of "natives" better than anyone else:

>He is little, and scrawny, and black, and dirty; and, judged by even the most charitable of our canons of human excellence, is thoroughly pitiful and contemptible. There is nothing in his eye or his nose that is attractive, and if there is anything in his hair that--however, that is a feature which will not bear too close examination . . . He wears no bracelets on his arms or ankles; his hunting suit is gallantly fringed, but not intentionally; when he does not wear his disgusting rabbit-skin robe, his hunting suit consists wholly of the half of a horse blanket brought over in the Pinta or the Mayflower, and frayed out and fringed by inveterate use. He is not rich enough to possess a belt; he never owned a moccasin or wore a shoe in his life; and truly he is nothing but a poor, filthy, naked scurvy vagabond, whom to exterminate were a charity to the Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he oppresses. Still, when contact with the white man has given to the Noble Son of the Forest certain cloudy impressions of civilization, and aspirations after a nobler life, he presently appears in public with one boot on and one shoe--shirtless, and wearing ripped and patched and buttonless pants which he holds up with his left hand--his execrable rabbit-skin robe flowing from his shoulder--an old hoop-skirt on, outside of it--a necklace of battered sardine-boxes and oyster-cans reposing on his bare breast--a venerable flint-lock musket in his right hand--a weather-beaten stove-pipe hat on, canted "gallusly" to starboard, and the lid off and hanging by a thread or two; and when he thus appears, and waits patiently around a saloon till he gets a chance to strike a "swell" attitude before a looking-glass, he is a good, fair, desirable subject for extermination if ever there was one.

You're retarded.
>hurr natives are the ONLY ONES WHO CARE
>no they aren't

its all true by the way, but i dont really feel the need to go into detail about Indigenous philosophies and ideology because they vary, Native Americans or Indigenous people have diverse beliefs and are diverse in ethnicity. You can kick and scream for whatever reason you want, maybe you just dont like learning, thats fine.

I'm your biggest fan greek user

>planetd the amazon rainforest and has taken care of it since
>hurr durr natives hate nature

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It's not hard to take care of a fucking enormous rain forest. How can you even try to prop that up as some kind of achievement?

This is obvious. The reason Native Americans didn't do mass damage to the environment is because they were technological incapable of it, yet absolute retards take that to mean that they were the ultimate environmental stewards. It's easy to preach a mantra of great respect for nature when you're physically incapable of bending it to your will and your entire existence depends on how the seasons turn out for you. There's no doubt in my mind that had they not been so primitive they would have behaved in the exact same fashion that every human society in history had, their immediate adoption of alcohol, firearms, manufactured goods, etc. upon contact with Europeans makes this obvious.

TL;DR Indians weren't advanced enough to influence nature and whites mistake that for environmentalism.

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thats not it either, this is your illustration from your point of view, not ours, please get an education

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Go woowoo over some corn and smokem piece pipe

even if true doesnt mean you can destroy environment for profit cuz some orange retard said so

You see youre already learning the lessons you need to learn - people overwriting your history, that in fact, already exists, and its just you trying to say it doesnt exist, when it really does

meanwhile your white racial identity is suffering the same issue from every race around the world, oh my goodness, i do say you deserve it , you filthy white rat

but fear not, we will always have our beliefs, our pre-colonial culture and way of being, its always been safegaurded, you just wanted to kill it, but you ended up being systemically and racially genocided by all other world races. Learn your lesson white man before you get genocided by the world.

I'd like to learn about that stuff. But not from a moron like you. All I'd get is biased nonsense.
>hurr durr I don't like white people environmentalism I only want environmentalism if brown people are in charge


indians and africans didn't exterminate their big fauna because they never developed the tech nor mass agriculture and earthworks. in fact the most hardcore poachers in Africa are of course niggers, and not some evil moustache twisting colonizers. It's just they hunt them with dynamite tied to an arrow which is not as efficient as our boomsticks. But there is another aspect. As blacks were always unsure who is the father of little niglets, they didn't bother protecting those children from wild beasts. Europeans, on the other hand, took it pretty seriously when they lost one child too many and eventually chimped out kiling every fucking animal more dangerous than a fox.

>he calls the moron the very person who displays a superior level of education

>Iron Eyes Cody
>italian-american actor

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>blood on their hands

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Sounds like someone had a bit too much firewater down at the trailer park this morning.

thats not it friend, but if you want to die at the hands of brown people and buy into the narraitve be my guest

ill let you believe what you want , look like i got you

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Why are you responding to me twice? Also you are clearly an idiot. You haven't displayed any level education.

let this be a lesson to all you shitstains

because everyone needs to see how much of an idiot you are


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Ive already better explained native american beliefs better then your non stop name calling, just fucking die

what have you contributed to this thread in better understanding native american beliefs ? nothing, you just fall back on callling people names, die in your grave

>Abbos don't steal shit

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You shouldn't post on Jow Forums in the middle of a peyote binge. Go to bed.

petty name calling, you know your worth you filthy rat

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They stampeded whole herds of buffalo over cliffs to kill them
FYI they had no freezers almost all the meat went to waste, they were nomadic because they kept killing everything in the area and moved on.

>their immediate adoption of alcohol [...] upon contact with Europeans
jews aren't white

Lol you drank the intersectional anthro 101 koolaid

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BTFO and stay the fuck out

Y'know why the dirty Natives didnt have horses or dogs? Because they're too fucking stupid to domesticate animals or farm. SO THEY HUNTED THE HORSES TO EXTINCTION FOR FOOD

Oh I guess you never read the news, ever?
Oil companies killing third world protesters has happened quite a few times already.
And those are deaths by bullet, I'm not yet counting stuff like the knowingly poisoning of drinkwater close to villages.

Yo Rogan memes are gay bro

I shall call you shillrustler.
Yids get real mad when you remind them that they can never finish a job because it's not in their spirit.

>green renewables
Is that how you say "nuclear power"? Because nuclear power is the only future

Lol, damn you doing to your hair cocked myth like Linus and his blanket. It's quite comical.

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>native american beliefs
pffft. it's just animism. extremely primitive animism. you hold nothing unique to other primitive animist tribes around the world. Also, "natives" genocided the whites who were here first.

what are you a nigger

speak english faggot

at least this guy gets it half right

Thats a different subject for me at the moment.
Still, the oil and gas industries hate that and thats where the whole denial thing is based off of.
Id rather see Thorium reactors by the way, but those are still not yet ready.

>Yo Rogan memes are gay bro
code-talker does code-switching too. talent.

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Jesus Christ, Richard Spencer really let himself go.

nigger faggot

>at least this guy gets it half right
why can't you gather all your thoughts and only respond once? in my day, responding twice to a single post meant you lost.

Would you like to really know my agenda, by the way ?