Uh-i-i-i-i-ummm-i-i-i-eh-ooh i cant answer that cause itll put me in jail!

uh-i-i-i-i-ummm-i-i-i-eh-ooh i cant answer that cause itll put me in jail!

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Potatus does their bidding so they are backing off. Hes a good goy.

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Second shift fag here. I just woke up. Anybody have a tl;dr? Sounds like it didn't go well for the Dems. Did the GOP have any "gotchas"?

Or perhaps there was no collusion?

The thing was doomed to fail because the country Trump really is subservient to is Israel.

Yeah, so much win, whoopdeedoo. Who cares.

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I’m talking Russian. They need to do a hearing on Israel though

get raped faggot

6 hours of testimony from Mueller:
>No, I can't answer that
>Currently ongoing, can't answer that
>Not in that context
>No, I cannot exonerate anyone
>Speculative words all the time
>Schiff having a melt down

The Left was looking for this massive revelation from Mueller, but all they got were Democrat senators attempting to pigeon hole Mueller into loaded questions which all fell short. The testimony was a huge nothing burger.

Have fentanyl

Gladly faggot

Yeah, lets get Putin on the stand.

>They need to do a hearing on Israel though
They won't because both sides are subservient to Israel even though the Republicans are more so. AIPAC should be forced to register as an agent of foreign influence but it will never happen. Russia is able to be scapegoated b/c Russians don't have nearly as much power as Jews do.

Once again the Democrats are vindicated as true freedom fighters for empowering diversity. Trump is now proven to be a criminal and must be impeached to restore America from his antisemetic actions.

Russia has destroyed the democracy that is America by their involvement in US elections showing that our Democracy and elected leaders has been compromised by a foreign country which is illegal!!!

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Muller said to read the fucking report and that he did t want to testify.

The CLOSEST to a sound bite was something like “it’s not my job to exonerate”


















Seems like I dont even have to say it and you know. Fucking refugees

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The Exonerate questions were great, because this was the nearly the entire argument from the left (and from some on the right too). That Senator was quick to discredit the need for Mueller to even mention that word in his report because he, nor Barr as the authority to exonerate anyone. Made Mueller look like a partisan retard, and likely made a bunch of media pundits commit bleach drinking.


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Color me surprised

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Why are you so mad, MIGApede

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Except Mueller testified today there was no obstruction or collusion.

Democrats got Mueller to say multiple times that Trump obstructed justice and that he’d be in prison if he weren’t the president. Republicans didn’t get much out of him. This made the whole government look bad and was a waste of time for everyone. Jim Jordan did reveal that Barr is investigating the origins of the investigation, which corresponds to Q’s posts today.

>he’d be in prison if he weren’t the president.
Looking at that from across the pond, isn't this normal for US presidents, former presidents, their family and other associates?

Go back to fuckin r*ddit


on a site full of degeneracy and a board full of idiocy, that is the most fabulous faggotry posted today
even your mother would cease to love you if she saw the depths her feminine loser son had sunk to
don't EVER post again


>republican asks a question
He didn't hear the question, didn't know anything, couldn't answer anything. Acted like a confused man with dementia.
>democrat asks a question
Suddenly he regained his clarity and could answer quickly.

Dude is an alcoholic dementia patient

Incel detected

Reminder that mueller literally and unironically doesnt know about the basis for his own investigation