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controlled opposition.
I think this is Blue eyes a swedish tv series
It's from a Swedish drama mini-series called "Blå Ögon" produced by scandi/pol/'s best friend (((Robert Aschberg))).
Probably edted dialogue
He's right you know.
More powerful than ever before. Frightening times we live in currently.
Honestly, if I was a Swede i'd probably be driven mad by current events
Based and redpilled
wow hes such a chad
That's probably how many Swedes feel. If you ever meet a Swede, you'll find out, there's only two types. Either, he is too proud and ignorant and will deny all of it's currently happening. Or, he's gone completely clownmode and become nihilistic as fuck and doesn't give a fuck about his country or really anything anymore. He might even laugh it off.
That's not to say us neighboring countries are in any better shape.
Being a Scandi is replacing being Balkan as European hardmode
Gl hf
I'm new to pol. can anyone explain why everyone on here hates jews? I'm so confused...
Ahaha I think its really becoming time
(and watch other parts)
Well.... they are more powerful than ever before.
start by watching this
Anyone have a song about how terrible the jews are? I like musicals.
that was a very nice plot twist. link to movie/tv show?
based aschberg tribe
Keep reading and paying attention.
It will be very evident to you after some time that jews overtly work against white interests.
looks bretty good to be honest
every now and then the hyper liberal asshats go so hard in to an analogy that they accidentally make someone great
Just look at Chernobyl. The producer/writer and contributors were literally tweeting that it was supposed to mirror Trump and his administration.
>The soviet fucking union is Trump
-that they actually make *something* great
idk why I spelled someone
Noecons are jews...
Redpill me on this dude and his television program please Sven.
due to the internet normal people are able to cross-reference and archive vast amounts of information for the first time in history.
pretty much the first thing we figured out is that the jews are evil and have been evil for like three thousand years
where can i watch this for free i cant find it online anywhere
its about some german nazi chick who helps some arab kid get to sweden.
Throw the Jew Down the Well
Some post the "Feel Bads for Jews" graph that shows them getting literally evicted from every country they ever stayed in .
Jews respond with "We overcame hardships"
The rest of the world responds , the Jews are absolute Evil and a plague on any/every society they've ever joined/ undermined.
Sound like the typical case of Jews trying to make something that make racist look bad (from their own twisted perception of reality), only to fail pathetically as they make them relatable and the Yid placeholder an inhuman piece of shit that exist solely to save the day, which is a thing no Jew ever did.
There so many movies like that, its a trope at this point.
That woman looks completely batshit insane. Of course she would blanda upp with a nigger.
so my country can be free
They're basically the penultimate hypocrites
Literally every single thing they criticize others for, they themselves do. Racism? Eugenism? Double standard when it comes to women? Oppression of homosexual? Apartheid? human trafficking? drug trade? Porno production? Pedophilia? Medical Malpractice being pushed under the rug under the guise of religious act?(that last one, google ''new york rabbi herpes baby'') Escape justice by outright running out the country and renouncing citizenship? (Lev Tahor)
The list is endless, and there is proof to boots, because they don't even hide it. No, rather, they gloat about it, claiming it is progressive behavior, to which end you may wonder? That, the Jew definitely don't want you to ponder about, since it would make you a vile xenophobic nationalist anti-semite that unironically want to do another Shoah.
You only have to live near Jews to understand that everything said about them is true to a shocking extant. When you learn of what Jews are, you understand that they have literally no one to blame but themselves for their current predicament, if it can even be called that given their influence.
Nazi chick how?
its called Blå Ögon
For the sole purpose of making her seem more humane than the ''nazi'' for being oh so progressive and open minded, intentionally too stupid to realize she probably doomed a few swedes at the same time.
Swedes will probably be the first to go all NSDAP. Either them or the French. The Germans still have some work to do but it seems the culling of the weak will do some good for the west.
you must grab him by his horns
and ill tell you what to do
Turks and Jews bad news
>not understand why they want mixed race people
>durrrrr dey dont wont us to b fiding dem
reincarnation is through the bloodline. Only mongrel bloodlines = only dumb servant mongrels return.
white bloodlines = a threat to the position they have stolen from them.
lol a white would never be able to be that confident and talk about niggers in front of a woman like that in real life
They are posturing tacitly with these shows, but ourguys already have the firepower to take out their militaries and police forces even now. In a few decades we will easily overwhelm them.
>every now and then the hyper liberal asshats go so hard in to an analogy that they accidentally make someone great
>Look at Chernobyl
Look at season 2 of Man in the High Castle compared with season 3. They made the Greater German Reich look a bit too good so they had to rapidly push in the other direction
season 2 was wonderful they depict a borderline utopia
Was getting caught part of his plan? What is next?
Am I going to end up on the list if I watch it? It does have an anti-nazi message right?
You're Russian, you're already on somebody's list.
I do lmao
There is nothing wrong with jews. Jow Forums is jealous because they are richer and have more options in life then they do
In Spain they opened the doors of Toledo, the capital of the cristian kindom of the visigods, to the moors, under the moor ocupation they had what they call the jewish golden century. after defeating the moors we expelled like a 10% of them jews and they are still crying about it
Get out while you still can, i am not kidding. Leave and never come back. If you stay you will ruin your life.
Neo was the chosen one. An average man can't hold the redpill.
hello fellow whites
he's a big guy
The Zohar, meaning “brightness” or “light,” is the five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic speculation. It explains, “… ‘living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy, living souls from above, and ‘cattle’ and ‘creeping thing’ and ‘beast of the earth’ to the other peoples who are not ‘living soul.’…” 3
According to the Zohar, the great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance. As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well.
In this concept we find a rationale for the Kabbalists’ hatred of Gentiles. Christ said, “The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2) The Kabbalist (epitomized today by the Ultra-Orthodox 'Haredim' settlers in Israel) sees the extermination of the Gentile as a necessary process toward restoring order in the universe. He teaches that the Gentile (Palestinian) is a form of demon who should be treated with no more genuine benevolence than one would treat Satan himself.
Gentiles, whom the Zohar describes as “Amalekites,” have an intrinsic tendency to disorder the world, causing it to revert to its primordial state of chaos (tohu) and emptiness (bohu).
“All of these [Gentiles] tend to bring the world back to the state of tohu and bohu, and they caused the destruction of the temple. But as “tohu” and “bohu” gave place to the light, so, when God reveals Himself, they will be wiped off the earth. But, withal, redemption will not be complete until Amalek will be exterminated.” 4
“The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.
Where can I stream it, I like watching enemy propaganda.
I hate to even give you a (You) but do you guys just post this kind of shit ironically? I don't think even you believe that's true.
>Gentiles, whom the Zohar describes as “Amalekites,”
the zohar does not list the gentiles as amalekites.
the fake jews are the fucking amalekites.
jacob was not born israel, he was given that name.
once jacob got the name israel, that made him and
his offspring, jewish. before the name israel was
given to jacob he was just a shemite like his twin
brother esau. God grafted in the gentiles by giving
the name israel to the non jew. whom are the semites
or shemites.
Saving Ryan's Privates.
pretty much this. everywhere you find something monstrous part of human history or exploitation, there they are
>talking to a woman as if she is human
Where can I watch this with English subs. Don’t have (Swedish) HBO. It’s called Blå Ögon but google doesn’t help me.
Kek. The old man is just aged Matt Damon telling his now grand daughter how is only regret is fighting on the wrong side
What a terrific sequel!!!
I’m looking for it too. It doesn’t have working links on the platform I usually use. Bla Ogon is translated to Blue Eyes so might have better luck searching for that
Seems pretty based and redpilled so far.
Honestly I could see Canadians doing it first and they have better access to firearms.
That is literally my Opa to me. He was in a camp and hates jews.
My other opa was SS.
Mostly because all their useful idiot normie Jews absolutely hate white gentiles and attempt to destroy them at every turn. It's ingrained in them to hate white gentiles, I understand why, but it doesn't mean you should lower your guard or roll over and die.
Uncle Adi was the greatest man who ever lived
I miss him so much bros
Hail Victory, brother.
Only Scandis I've met have been more leftist than anyone else I've spoken to. This isn't a dig at Scandis in general but let's not pretend that there are absolute cucks out there that are enthused by the idea of whites becoming minorities in their own country.