40,000 followers on Snapchat

“Ali’s questioning: Why didn’t the girl escape down the fire escape if she didn’t want to be raped by us?” translated from “Alis ifrågasättande: Varför flydde inte flickan via brandstegen om hon inte ville bli gruppvåldtagen av oss?,”


Kungsholmen in Stockholm, a girl who was born in 2001 was exposed to rape and gross rape. Two so-called unaccompanied refugee children, Abdalrahman and Ali, who claim to have been born in 1999 and 1998, were arrested just over three days later.

Both men have a residence permit and the Swedish Migration Board considered that there were obstacles to deportation, Aftonbladet wrote earlier.

The girl had met a girlfriend during the evening and they went to Stadshagen to buy alcohol. They met Ali, who sold a liquor bottle to them. Abdalrahman came up and asked for a lighter.

The duo got the girls to come up to Ali’s apartment where they started drinking from the alcohol bottle.

When Ali or Abdalrahman wanted to play truth or dare, the girl chose dare, causing Abdalrahman to ask her to drink more. After playing for a while, she told everyone that she couldn’t cope with more alcohol because she felt so bad. Then Abdalrahman got annoyed and shouted that she would drink more.

When the girl was really drunk, the Arab duo violently raped her several times amid laughter and happy calls, among other things while she was vomiting.

– Threesome! Triangle! shouted a laughing Abdalrahman at one point while he watched as Ali raped the girl.

At one point when the girl screamed, “Stop! Stop!” Abdalrahman began grinning and photographing her abdomen with the mobile camera. The girl could see that he was logged in to Snapchat, but did not see if he sent the picture to anyone. In the interrogation, Abdalrahman has said that he has 40,000 followers on Snapchat.

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link to the snapchat vids?

sad kek

They make a valid point. All women fantasize about being raped.

>Why didn’t the girl escape down the fire escape if she didn’t want to be raped by us?

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it's a fair question, why didn't she?

Sand niggers need to be fucking killed.

>be me
>go home for vacancy
>hear some swedish e people speaking at the appartmant near
>tfw a cute swedish blonde for a tanned mediterrean chad.jpeg
>next day see a nigger speaking sweniggerish with his white whale and his brown children

go home you degenerate shits

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this is a shitty mischaracterization, there's elements of so called rape that females desire....but its not a nice subject....

Two girls, two guys, alcohol, truth or dare....
Clearly these girls were there for the cock.

The problem is that our cuck Boomer fathers never taught us this, so as boys many of us were showing up to a gun fight with knives regarding women. Let the girl lead, do whatever she wants, don’t argue with her, be boring and nice.

That’s why they vote for replacing white men with niggers. White women and girls desire and deserve to get raped by niggers.

Better question is why do they support immigration if they don't want to be raped?

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>Girl goes to buy alcohol with friend
>You just ask her to come to your apt. and they do

Is it really that easy to get some blonde puss over there while I'm decaying everyday in this shithole wondering how can I not be incel without settling for rotten pussy?

To be fair, look at his chin. Even as a mud he has a huge physical advantage.

I am baffled too.

>The duo got the girls to come up to Ali’s apartment where they started drinking from the alcohol bottle.
Deserved it, no fucking sympathy. Let their beaten faces and defiled cunts be a reminder

note there is no pic of the girl, they were likely not that hot, probably rejected by chad swedish men, and looking to play out their fantasies on easier meat

Does this happen everyday now? In every part of the country? It's horrific.

Yea Sweden!
Have a Swedish meatball!

Attached: swedish meatball.jpg (970x545, 73K)


>note there is no pic of the girl
that's because (((journalists))) almost never publish pics of rape victims, you brainlet

>Party with shitskins
>Get raped
Oh nooooooo

unironically deserved it