Any anons here with kids that were home schooled? I have a 5 month old and my wife and I are considering homeschooling because we want to limit his exposure to degeneracy. How did it turn out for you? How did you do it?
Homeschooling vs Public School
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If you live in a shit tier school district and can’t afford private school, yes
>prevent degeneracy
Won’t do anything
Homeschooling is in my opinion a pretty bad idea since home schooled kids usually have way worse social skills, and it'll be harder to find similar aged kids to play with
I have no kods but if I later have some I would even move to homeschool them. I don't want them to insult me when they have grown up because I'm "literally a Nazi" and the epitome of evil, I also even less want them to become degenerates. I guess it is important to get in touch with other redpilled families if possible so the kids learn to be social. You also can send them on vacation camps from people you trust.
>Homeschooling is in my opinion a pretty bad idea since home schooled kids usually have way worse social skills
How did you find a wife against degeneracy?
If they only interact with their family, it will cause some social quirks
98% of people who go through public education system are brainwashed (basically almost everyone who isn't an INTP or INTJ) don't take that risk.
In your country? Church.
Proof that it's harder to find kids to play with? Gee user, how many kids do you know off the top of your head. If you must homeschool you need to triple up on extracurricular activities like karate or cub scouts or wind sailing so he can interact with people
I've seen studies that show different.
I've also met people who have been home schooled and they're usually no different.
If you have them interacting with other kids, might as well send them to school
>actually believing this myth
Hey user, i got tickets to the holocoaster, you in?
Based Asian wife. inb4 muh racemixing
Yes, social quirks like "not being knufed to death over a pair of sneakers by Jamal" or "brainwashed into being an LGBTBBQ+" by his social studies teacher.
You'd have to be insane to put your kid in public school in 2019. Imagine the absolute worst experience you ever had in school, magnify it by about 20 and drag it out over the course of an entire year - that's the modern school experience.
>t. was in a long term relationship with a modern schoolteacher and saw all the absolutely subversive nightmare clown world shit
Home schooling ensures you pass on traditional values like saying the pledge and morning prayer.
>Muh degeneracy
They are just going to go crazy once they grow up.
Kids don’t play in school anymore. They do worksheets or stand quietly in line waiting.
Scouting, church groups, sports, homeschool coops offer homeschool kids to socialize.
To answer the OPs question, homeschool until about 4th grade and then investigate your local schools and private schools. Take it one year at a time and if something isn’t working you can always try something else.
Isn't homeschooling illegal in your country?
Enjoy your incel sons.
Maybe consider the fact that youre a literal nigger?
Nyet, home madrasa is fine!
Projection is stronk with you. If your kids are so impressionable that they can’t go to school with others, you can’t do anything to stop this clown world once they get older
Are you actually autistic?
You won me lver
>If your kids are so impressionable
All kids are impressionable you fucking retard.
Maybe reread this? And then talk to me about impressionable and projection. Dont have kids, you obviously jave zero faith in your or anyone elses parenting abilities.
Better than being a brainwashed ZOG creature.
That chart, among other charts proves that it's better to home-school. The real factors here are less degeneracy, no physical altercations at public school (Like fighting or cussing the teachers or students out) No liberal educators to pollute their minds to degeneracy. Their IQ drastically increases at home.
Public education is the Jew's ploy to expose your kids to the rotten, degenerate, stagnant plague of their ideologies.
What I will teach my kids more than anything is to hate the Jews and to point them out. I hate Jews with every ounce of my fiber being.
homeschooling gave me autism :D
A solid 30% of kids are the mental patients of tomorrow - Could you in clear conscience sentence your kids to 14 years of their life in a mental hospital filled with sociopaths, psychopaths, depressed molested aberrant freaks?
Unless you have a farm or something for your kids to work on homeschooling will stunt them. Living in a suburb and staying home all day will make you a socially awkward cuck. Being exposed to the disgusting degeneracy and brain washing that is public schools is also bad. Some sort of private school that doesn’t allow rampant niggerdom would probably be ideal.
Homeschooling keeps kids safe but makes them an emotional basket case when dealing with confrontation.
public school will teach your kids to tough, but they can be affected by the degeneracy schools spawn.
And yet you cannot influence them without removing them from society. Sounds like you can’t parent and the kids will just rebel when they grow up.
>Muh propaganda
If you’re so paranoid, send them to private school.
Wrong as usual. Public education is a joke.
Check out the natural child project
Most confident self actualized kids you’ll ever see
Public school is for paupers as it was designed.
An American acquaintance was home schooled since she was 10 and now is a waggie that quitted college and now is trying to pay her debts while also being socially inept and a complete autist. I think she is just an exception and most people would come out okay out of homeschooling tho
>without removing them from society.
Nothing wrong with this.
When I lived in America I was homeschooled ever since the 6th grade until I was around 15 where I entered the local college
I think the problem is, if your kid is smart he won't bother to do any work and will just pretend
I know I never did any sort of classwork when I was homeschooled and basically coasted through on just the bare of what I need
It hit really hard when I was eventually challenged in Uni
I now that homeschooling for a fact gave me neet syndrome though
I think to homeschool a kid effectively you really gotta babysit them a lot
What about private schools?
And then the Jew speaks out against home-schooling your kid to be a better individual. Get fucked by a nuke you fucking kike shill!
Many times you’re paying for the same quality of education. At least here, private schools pay less and many have more lax requirements to be a teacher. Good if you live in a bad neighborhood or want your kids to learn theology.
>natural child project
>Attachment Parenting
>putting yourself in kids shoes
That's the estrogen fueled parent guide i have ever seen. Literally shit you should normally be doing as a parent, but this tries to replace actually education with it.
Depends on the private school. Generally private schools are better where public education is bad, and worse where public education is good.
>Living in a suburb and staying home all day
Do you think this is what homschooling is?
>socially awkward
Isn't a bad thing. Socialized "people" are barely conscious.
>feeling is for women
nupol was a mistake.
I was homeschooled. First for the social stuff, there's no harm for younger kids being homeschooled, socially. I have eight homeschooled siblings and they all turned out differently with varying social skills and they like. When they get to middle school that's when you need to think about more social activity. It doesn't need to be school, a sportsball team or some other activity they can get into with other kids can be useful at that time. But they do need some social contact outside the home.
As far as the mechanics of it goes, what's legal depends on the state. I know our state had us register as a private school and take standardized tests each year. Curriculum-wise I would recommend used Abeka school books for elementary school.
We have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and are going to homeschool. It's going to be tough because although I earn pretty good money, every other family has dual income and the prices of everything reflects that.
>can’t afford private school
Then get a job instead of staying home teaching your own kids for 8 hours a day?
Homeschooling is just hopelessly inefficient.
At the very least get a group of 10-20 parents together and start your own mini school.
We are talking about children education not feelings.
I seriously suspect you are nufag female (female).
Don't give up Bong!
But on the other hand public schools are evil little cesspits of retardation and feminization for any boys unlucky enough to be sent there.
Honestly, I think most of the issues with the system come from the refusal to let anybody fail anything. If any teacher in my school didn't teach at a crawling pace, nearly everyone, even the "smart" kids would complain incessantly and make them explain it 3 more times. Anyone who is decently intelligent and wants to learn is better off just taking the textbook to class and ignoring every word the teacher says (this doesn't work because you have to learn the subject in the precise way the teacher wants you to or the tests won't be possible)
Elementary teacher here, grade 5.
Taught kids who had been homeschooled by parents who couldn't handle it. Kids were awkward and didn't know how to get along with others. They were also substantially behind everyone else in most areas.
However, I believe that was the fault of the crappy parents over the homeschool system.
If you are willing to 100% commit to homeschooling to the point you could probably teach in an actual classroom, then go for it!
Here's what you need:
1. Curriculum to match grade level standard for your state.
2. Supplementary material for if your child is exceeding or struggling.
3. A dedicated learning space free from distractions such as TV/toys
4. 180 days each year where you can dedicate at least 6 hours to teaching/learning
5. State standardized tests to prove student achievement in meeting standards
6. Supplies for school including pencils, notebooks, computers, and other resources
7. Support for personal development in pedagogy (when your child just isn't "getting it" the way you're teaching)
8. Established socialization groups to ensure appropriate socio-emotional growth
9. At least 1 hour of physical activity each day
If you can't do the above, don't risk your child's future. Go with public or private school.
Yeah and all the thing you're citing is not drill your child to be vacant ZOG receptacles.
I agree
Don't do it or else your kid will turn into an autist with no social skills.
There is literally no argument for public school over homeschool unless you don't care about your kids enough to give them the best education possible (even compared to private schools that cost thousands).
kids are still in sports and other activities even when homeschooled
And your natural child project will turn your child feminazi or tranny with the end result being suicide.
So enjoy your childs endless emotional suffering and inevitable funeral i guess. On day you single moms will learn.
I'm good friends with a teacher who works in one of Las Vegas' poorest performing (nigger filled) districts. She said that every child she has ever met who was homeschooled has turned out to be more socially adjusted, empathetic, kind, intelligent and thoughtful than any student she has ever dealt with in the public school system and that she will absolutely homeschool her own when she has them.
Take from that what you will.
>no social skills.
This isn't a bad thing. Social "skills" just means you're close to 100iq and have bought into the ZOG mind virus.
If you’re public school are so bad, send them to private school.
Yet you can live off one income?
This is excellent advice. And pretty much exactly what my mom did. She was an elementary school teacher before quitting to teach me and my siblings. Only we actually schooled year-round with less hours per day instead. The cost isn't so bad either, if you get used books and computers.
is private school really better than public school?
You literally perused the front page of the site and saw the words "feelings" and "understand your child" and though "this isn't edgy enough for me." Kys underage faggot.
It's not. It's just a meme.
there are homeschool groups you can join and get your kid involved in sports and stuff, so you're wrong.
>Local youth sports
>Religious activities/youth groups
>Community service when they're older
Plenty of social outlets and you don't have to worry about leaving your kids in a glorified daycare under the supervision of 25 year old gender studies majors being taught a curriculum designed to ensure that anyone can pass because it's racist to fail an 18 year old who's still illiterate after however many years you're in the public school system.
my sister homeschools 3 of her kids, the oldest 2 girls chose to go to public school, but they live in a small town in the midwest so i doubt it is too crazy. her kids are all healthy and happy.
here is my 2 cents, if you live in the ghetto, or even a packed suburb, definitely homeschool, if you live in a rural community that is pretty based then let them go to public. here is the thing to remember, all the serious brainwashing will be in college
No. Social skills means you can succeed in life, get a good job and get laid.
If you want to raise a NEET incel autist, then be my guest lol.
Depends on the private and public school. Ritzy suburb full of professionals, probably not much better. Ghetto zoned to the same school, go private
The worst part about homeschooling is this. You will keep hearing this absolutely moronic opinion parrotted everywhere.
Church, sports, playgrounds and other social activities exist and have nothing at all to do with public school.
These drones have so thoroughly COPE'd with the fact their parents didn't love them and they wasted their childhood in prisons for children performing mindless tasks that they can't envision life without it.
>implying there are ''based'' private schools
Everywhere in the West private schools are either obliged by the state to have a certain curriculum or they have willfully adopted POZ teachings. Education is the primary mode of propaganda by the system. It's not a weapon they are going to give for free.
Most people that homeschool have plenty of children and there is enough work in 5 kids.
As a teacher, most parents are too retarded to teach their kids what they need to know according to their age and expected development.
Public education has failed to produce an educated public
Depends on the private school and the public school. Public schools in semi-rural areas with mostly white kids can be pretty good. And public schools in urban areas tend to be total trash.
Homeschooling is superior to both, both in quantitative academic results and in the child's wellbeing.
>Social skills means you can succeed in life, get a good job and get laid.
>If don't act like a good goy you won't get good goy treats.
Holy shit you're pathetic.
Finding a based school is easier. There’s plenty of them, even in Sweden. I went to one.
Social skills have nothing to do with worshipping the ZOG you >50 IQ nigger. Hitler had good social skills, that's why he became the leader of Germany.
Its purpose is not to do so.
I was homeschooled, I just spent all day jerking off to porn while my mom and dad were at work.
Better than wasting my time at some indoctrination center called highschool.
>Hitler had good social skills
Yes, for a society that was German and not as thoroughly ZOGed as this one. If you can get along with the average person in America, you should probably kys.
Here is the link to the site.
Tell me when you find the words math or science anywhere on the site.
>Any anons here with kids that were home schooled? I have a 5 month old and my wife and I are considering homeschooling because we want to limit his exposure to degeneracy. How did it turn out for you? How did you do it?
I was homeschooled. Turned out great for me. My family used A Beka Book resources and other Christian homeschooling resources. I strongly recommend.
They're all so thoroughly programmed with this meme, they say it with such confidence as if they have personally published a study on it - how many of them have ever even met a homeschooled child ffs?
Its a general pedagogical guide not a curriculum.
yeah dude go ahead you can be a way better teacher than someone who spent years on an university
oh wait, you're burgerclap so even your teachers get taught by retards
do it yourself then
>If you can get along with the average person in America, you should probably kys.
You should just learn to hide your power level like I do.
Have a neighbour like this who homeschools her 6 daughters. The older one is 15 or 16 and not a degenerate at all, so yeah it's a good way to prevent it. Even in private schools here you will find 10 year old kids who watch porno, so the choice is difficult.
Anyway, if you homeschool get in touch with like minded families so your children can play and learn with children of similar age often. The neighbour girls all learn one different instrument for example, and are scouts.
It doesn't matter how good the teacher is, he has to teach at a level that the slowest kid in the class can understand. If your kid isn't a retard its a waste of time.
as a teacher, how have you never heard of homeschool groups? Parents don't have to be the teacher to homeschool.
Homeschooling is a double edged sword and should be only done wisely either you get kids or you can focus your child to be one of the smartest and most powerful people to ever live then homeschooling is awesome. Or if you simply want your kids to do well by giving them the education the kids in the 1940s got complete with band practice and learning real skills such as auto repair and other shit deemed unnecessary now by the Testenjew
Erm, no...there are dozens of groups where kids can meet and interact outside of learning hours. It is a fallacy created by state school MK pushers. Every kids I've known that has been homeschooled, is years more advanced in maturity and social skills. It isn't even natural to force kids into confined areas with people they might not like. It is only a few hundred years old...and was really created in the British Empire because the rich didn't like gangs of kids ruining their weekdays, running about and thieving etc, whilst their parents were forced into factories.