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The world was built on genocide no reason to stop now

This must be the first ever genocide where no one was killed

>Its only genocide when its brown people or special ((whites)).

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It's not genocide if you can literally just not try and cross a border

This is the first genocide ever where the population of the genocided peoples continues to increase

I can't be the only one that read that as (((Really))) initially.

Thank you Umair, White genocide is indeed real and most Americans do not understand

Finally the blue checkmarks are agreeing with us.

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I couldn't imagine anyone named Umair is thinking about anything other than pointless garbage.

finally someone acknowledges white genocide, spics are legally white

I managed to make it 1/2 way through the first paragraph.

When I was born, whites were 83% of the country and there were roughly 50 million non-whites. Now there are at least 100 million non-whites and whites are roughly half of the country due to Jews/Arabs/Spics/whoever claiming to be white.
The impending boomer dieoff means whites will be a minority in my lifetime.

It only took 2 generations to destroy america...

Yeah. They've been doing it since 1965

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This is kike projection

Fucking clown world

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When their population wants to join you while hating also you. When their population increases and yours decreases. That’s genocide baby!

This is why I stopped arguing with libs. They don’t respect the meaning of words and will redefine anything in order to win.

The kike cries out "OI VEY MUH HOLOCAUST REMEMBER THE 6 BRILLION GOY" while he carries out methodical, organized and premeditated genocide against all white, western nations. We know about the Kalergi Plan and Zion Don licking Israeli ass so ardently has revealed the USA is nothing but a slave nation the likes of which the Plan's architects beat their mutilated zionist dicks to imagining.

what a fucking paki name too
replacement is one of the legal definitions for a genocide and that's exactly what's happening in North America and Europe.
Good news is once all the leftards are hanging the other legal definitions of genocide will be in play

White Americans are the victims to the only real and intentional genocide here. Disease doesn't count, feather niggers.

Not including native americans genociding each other

Do you?

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Why aren’t you creampie’ing your wife?

>This is why I stopped arguing with libs. They don’t respect the meaning of words and will redefine anything in order to win.
They're literally willing to give up everything they believe in just to win. The world they leave behind will be a dark one.

They've been carrying out genocide for decades

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This must be the first ever "genocide" where the number of people being genocided inside the country increased after the genocide took place.

so white genocide is real?

>defending your borders is genocide but the elites systematically replacing the natives of their nation isn't

I really wish half the things they think are happening actually happened.


these people should be tracked down and gutted

Somebody should make a web extension that plays march of the gladiators while visiting sites like this

>not archiving
good job making this month's faggot salary OP

In a conversation with my brother about a year ago, I jokingly said that the US/Mexico border situation is going to lead to a new holocaust myth. Welp, last month we got "concentration camps", and now we've got "genocide". These fucking people are shameless, boys.

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Against whites.

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The section hes highlighting means for example taking children from slavic families and putting them in German ones, I doubt any children separated at the border is put to an american family as long as the family of the children can be found

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We don’t even have to round them up, they just come on over.

It's true. The U.S. is committing white genocide. Glad the media is finally telling the truth.

wow, so more and more people keep showing up just to be genocided

the soilent green IS PEOOOPPLEEE

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There are only 53 million white boomers, there is no "great die off", their impact can be negated entirely by a slight increase of white births back to where they were before the recession of 2008 as life expectancy for boomers is projected to continue to increase

Instead the millennial/zoomer die off, resulting from abuse of drugs/obesity/other chronic preventable illnesses the youth aren't meant to have, will end up gutting the country's minority growth rates as young shitskins die before they turn 50.

>at least 100 million
>half of the country are whites

198-200 million "European/Non-Hispanic whites". Note that I use the 2000 Census definition of "non-Hispanic", which didn't consider Spanish Americans (a European people) to be Hispanic.

The issue of Hispanic whites from Latin America is much less clear cut than the issue of Spanish people from Spain. There are over 30 million Hispanic whites, but people will frequently question the degree to which they are white- which varies heavily depending on their family background and country/region they come from within latin america. A Cuban "white" usually tends to be 85-100% European genetically while a Mexican "white" tends to be 70-100% European genetically. The genetic average for Hispanic whites is somewhere between 73-85% European depending on the exact genetic study and whether Jewish/Arab/Non-Euro Caucasoid DNA is taken into account for a person's "whiteness", keeping in mind 25% of Hispanics have Jewish/Arab DNA.

There were only about 60 million minorities in the year 1990 out of a population of some 248 million and 188 million whites.

There are now 130 million minorities in the United States and 198 million whites. The MAJORITY of minorities have come to or been born in this country after 1990. They are invaders.

>Show up for help
>Put into a concentration camp instead
>Left to die because no food or water
>”Wtf we aren’t killing anybody! THEY come HERE!”

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Ethnic Replacement via mass migration already meets the definition of genocide as outlined by UN Resolution 260, Section A, Article 2

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By preventing the extinction of the smallest minority on the planet (white europeans)?
By preventing, potentially, the extinction of the entire human race by preventing IQ decline?
Really makes you think.

>women will argue dishonestly to win
>liberals will argue dishonestly to win
>most women are liberals

Correlation sometimes equals causation

What's even funnier is that the further Trump goes, the more his base supports him and the higher his approval ratings go.

>colonizing and spreading yourselves to nigger shitskin lands
>complains of minority status
>muh white genocide

As Israel commits an actual genocide.

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A smart person would take the hint.

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Would the physical ethnic attacks by migrants on white Europeans, brought on by forced open borders though the encouragement of foreign lobbies, render such a situation as a genocidal act?
We arguably lacked this factor 5 or so years ago.

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Shut up kike shill how dare you insult our greatest ally the jews.

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nobody is entitled to help.

Do the Jews?

It's C retard.

>give niggers tech
>make them prosper and breed
Yeah woe on them. How dare they.

Implying population replacement isn't also considered genocide.

That's the only thing that can be proven really though. The others are on sketchy causal connections.



Also this

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I wish we would. Spics don't belong in America.

These fags who bitch about border enforcement are just retarded.

>kids in camp
> muh diaper changes

If the fucking assholes who brought those little fuckers here in the first place hadn't done it the kids would not be separate, it is just simple logic.

The solution is also simple, kick the "parents" and the little kids out. They can be reunited as we are marching them back into mexico

holy shit im done with these shilled suicide threads, its obvious you guys are the same criminals and glowies, just get arrested and raped and die already buddy, get your plane ticket and leave the country

>This must be the first ever genocide where no one was killed
Genocide doesn't require you to kill a single person, preventing births and dismantling societal structures counts as the crime

From the ancient greek Genos "Race" and the latin suffix -cida "Kill".
Triaging illegal migrants is nowhere near close.

Dont expect empathy from subhumans like some poojeet reporter
But also stop extending empathy to these subhumans. None of them give a shit if white people are being actively genocided, if anything they are happy because people that are objectively superior to them are disappearing and they dont need to be reminded of their inferiority.
Final redpill is that they arent actually "people"

but see You don't even have that argument now.

sure, white genocide

Is he referring to the Iraq war?

Why yes, ethnic replacement does count as genocide, so Democrats are indeed genociding the native American population (the poorest portion of it in particular) with their open borders and universal welfare policies. Good to finally see someone on the Left describing reality for what it is.

"white genocide" comes under the same heading

And the diseases were unintentional for the most part. How often the smallpox blanket incident would happen idk, but initial infections were always unintentional.

But I thought slippery slopes weren’t real.

Whoa they’re admitting white demographic replacement is a literal definition of genocide? based

>sending people back to the countries they are legally permitted to reside in is genocide
>"no but it really is because they face war famine and disease in those countries"
>calling those countries shitholes is both offensive and wrong

>"No, You Don't Know What Genocide (Really) Is. But you should."

Actually, I do know exactly what it is. What part of "stay the fuck out of my country?" don't you understand?

She is deliberately misreading the legal definition for political gain, what a fucking miserable nigger.

More died on the journey before we had these concentration camps. They’ve actually saved lives

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This. The detention centers are literally armed protection from cartels

Hush, words no longer mean anything. Now stop raping me

I mean if people are already being accused of genocide why not take the next logical step and actually commit the legal definition of genocide?

In for a penny in for a pound, no?

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They aren't entitled to break the law because their country is shit, sorry.

America is committing genocide against Europeans and Whites, for the profit of Israel, we already know. Thank you, user

But the cartels ship them over here via human trafficking.

Big think

into the trash it goes

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What faggot ruined this by adding the fucking caption?

Strange isn’t it? They could make their point better by just stating they disagree with treatment of illegals at detention centers and then point out which facts/policies need to be changed from their existing state to the preferred one but instead they just screech buzzwords and pour out emotions like children. They’re making it impossible to even have a serious discussion on the matter where I would say okay... “what level comfort and accommodation is necessary and appropriate to be provided to illegals at the boarder by US tax payers?” Let’s start there, line by line, comparing the existing state of affairs with historic methodology and laws, including budget to pay for any proposed changes. BUT NOPE they just skip to TRUMP NAZI GENOCIDE CONCENTRATION CAMP REEEEE. If you want to make an emotional argument, fine, fucking make one but make one based on ethics and economic and moral philosophy that includes a justification for why US boarders apparently don’t matter anymore, what having a country with open boarders means, including the economic impacts and morality of forcing a native population to pay costs related to people entering illegally. And finally why open boarders is more appropriate and morally justified than making Mexico a better place for Mexicans instead.