It's ilegal for American businesses to boycott Israel now! BASED AND MIGAPILLED

It's ilegal for American businesses to boycott Israel now! BASED AND MIGAPILLED

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I agree with being anti-Israel, but I also agree with being anti-her.

I don't think you know what that means

Zip it mate, she's /outlightbulb/

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Well played Omar.

If she hadn't played the retard, this bill would have caused a lot more consternation.

Thanks to her it was simply: Accept or be a Somali US-hating Nazi

The game is rigged.....

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That's not the same bill. Striking down a bill means that no new law was made.

Everything is going as planned, now we know that there are at least 398 traitors

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It's legal for a state to not do business with a company if that company boycotts israel
An absolutely pointless law, so of course it passed so easily
(Also it will probably be struck down as unconstitutional)

>Muslim woman
>is a senator
she isn't even a real muslim, how can anyone not see this? Real muslims would behead her. Jews put her there so the left and right would fight eachother over MUSLIMS instead of (((THEM)))

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Kys kike rat shill
That bill was anti American


I LOVE ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!

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"useful idiot"

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>this bill would have caused a lot more consternation.

No it would not have, it's was a foregone conclusion, 60% of the people in or Senate in the house are (((dual citizens)))

They are all traders every single one of them.

Omar making a lot of people including myself her their tricks, I don't like her, but right now she is useful.

There was never a bill that made "boycotting israel illegal". This is one of the most blatant misinformation narratives being pushed right now. Don't let them manipulate you. Read the actual bill. It about awarding government contracts.

yeah, but not 60% of all murricans.

Consternation in the public I meant. This way it was simple to picture the bill as Somalian retard faggotry.

The bulbhead squad is working for the kikes by satirizing anti-kikish attitude.

>Yasssssss, sent our sons to die for God's chosen people no questions asked!!!!!

This isn't an either or.
You can hate this dumb cunt and her obvious 5th column ideals while also opposing the Israeli lobby.
Why is everyone so easily sucked into false dichotomies.
Just look at it as winning either way they vote.

HELL YEAH!!! MIGA, Brother!!!!!

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Questions are antisemitic.

In for excellent MIGAcope.

whites are insufferable retards

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