Christopher Hitchens

What do you think of based Christopher Hitchens?

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Sell out, opportunist.

He’s not as smart as he seems to normies. Any of you chaps could go out and get higher education and know he’s a dumbshit who likes talking like all “journalists”. And honestly there are no “based” people who are mainstream anything. Everyone is infected with the running sores of liberalism and push one agenda or another one about 15% away from the other.

I've always hated the persistent message board myth that his brother outranks him. Untrue.

He was a faggot, his brother is OK though.

I prefer his brother. I also think that if Hitchens lived another 40 years, he would also change his tune about religion much like he changed his tune about communism.


Peter Hitchens is alright but not up to the same level.


i like him just because he caused a lot of butthurt when he said (and was right) that women are not funny

he was truly great until he permacucked to neoconnery.
God, Whom he always improvidently denied, then took his life.
user was a huge fan. user turned his back the day the Vanity Fair spread was published of a new and improved Hitch.
foppish grotesquerie
sad and tragic tale. never-ever employ God given gifts to the service of overt perfidy.
brilliant stylist, though.
i like him, even if he is an atheist faggot.

I think if Hitchens was alive today he would have been banned from travel to the UK

Burning in Hell unless he repented.

This desu

If he was an atheist then he was just another clueless moron.


Neocon shill faggot, glad he is dead. Peter is far superior.

He did have some redeeming qualities.

I'm glad that scum is dead

This. Peter is the real Hitchens.

Israeli-Canadian Shill.

Same with:

He didn't take no shit from nobody! Even when he was wrong, he was a man's man.

Like free speech, free press and free and fair elections? Are you from Russia?

>If he was an atheist
He was an anti-theist

>Peter is far superior.
Christopher is still better and he's dead.

He’s basically a more popular retarded brother.

Peter Hitchens is superior in every way. True conservative and went from being a trotskiist to seeing the light of reason and condemning the leftist ways.

Also knows that Brit empire was sold out. Some brits still have the illusion they are a world power lmao

love Hitch and miss him very much. even as a believer, i still loved listening to him. like anyone, he had his good and bad positions on things. regardless, an amazing intellect. we're a poorer society intellectually without him

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What a legend. Wish I had followed him when he was still alive

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Two words:
1. So
2. Gay

and yet he had a loving wife and a son who is a renown anti-terrorism expert. and you have no family no wife no college degree and you dont even own a home.


He explicitly defended David Irving. They would never let him write today.

>clueless moron

a lot of christcucks tried to prove that, and they all got swatted down like flies.

Saying so does not make it so. What does make Christopher better? That he was wrong about anything relevant and that his little Iraq project is a total sham and is overrun by radical shias formerly radical sunnis that he hated so much. Or maybe that his libshit godless society is a total and complete failure that has provided world nothing, but misery. Which is it?

that's because he was a passionate defender of free speech, but he also said anti-semitism was a mental illness, he was wrong about some things.

Jew pretending to be an atheist.

and its similar to what happens with the atheist that turned pagan, they realized that if theres no meaning and science is all there is to humans, life just becomes...stale. we are not machines and we have a spiritual side .

and yes spirituality is part of religion.

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Lmao he would be antifa tier today, most of these "free speech" people turn their true colors when pushed.

Literal neocon faggot. Every other man like him, theist or atheist was an opportunistic cunt.

>he would be antifa tier
>being this wrong

Christopher Hitchens would absolutely not be 'antifa tier' and would likely be disgusted at the deplatforming / censorship in today's world.
As I said before, he would probably have been banned from going back to the UK or at the very least had milkshakes or worse thrown at him by leftist protesters given what he said about Islam.

You need to start including the two videos where he defends David Irving.

this is absolutely true. even for a meme flaggot

Listen to his actual opinion. He said Irving was a necessary read to understand the second world war, and he insulted people who claimed the official version of the Holocaust can't be questioned, and said they should go back and try to make sure they're actually correct instead of just following dogma.

>He defended him on free speech
That's the cover. If you were a public figure would you say Irving was right or defend him while avoiding losing your career?

>he would still be saying those things in the current political climate
Hitchens was just like the other “free speech” cowards. He’s Bill Maher of the brits

>warned people about the encroachment of scumbag muslims years before it was even fashionable or possible to say in polite company
>free speech coward


He defended David Irving on free speech grounds.

Its a shtick that you brainlets fell for it, look how every cuckservative free speecher acts when some right winger actually expresses real right wing positions. They are as quick to demand censorship as the antifa. Not that I need speculation on what would happen if Christopher was alive today, he already had shittard ideas that I don't need to speculate on.

>dude muh muslims
so brave

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it was brave 20 years ago. today you'd get knifed in the street by these fucking sub human scum for saying the shit he said then

>Defends David Irving of all people
>user claims he'd pussy out about it when things get too much of a hot potato

I didn't say the dude was perfect or mostly correct. I agree with you. But he had some good things. Most public figures you see on the left are basically NPC's who just follow the narrative. Hitchens didn't, he flip flopped on many over the years, many times taking opinions the left couldn't stand.

Yes he died before things got hot as they are today and muh David Irving is hardly big deal.
Again this is speculation I can prove that he is worse than penis smegma on what he actually stood for, but it seems that you are more interested in speculation.
Saying that when it is safe is the opposite of bravery. Literal trannies shit on muslims on youtube if that amazes you then maybe you should head back to Jow Forumsthe_donald

neocon kike attention whore

>He was a faggot
He really was. I read Hitch, and he openly discusses his homosexual activity in boarding school and he even fell in love with another boy who he used to fuck. But, Hitchens was a Jew, and a neo-con who supported war in Iraq. Fuck him. But I found him entertaining in his debates with Christians.

David Irving is a big deal. He defended him on free speech grounds, it's an obvious example.
There was a big controversy around him back then too, I don't know what more of an example you could get than this.

Show me where he says that, I want to laugh at all these neocon fags who still shill for him on Jow Forums.