Here is the regular evening in Moscow

here is the regular evening in Moscow

Why do we keep pretending that r*ssians are any different from niggers?

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I'm not sure but that guy with the knife looks like a Chechen or mountain shitskin type from Caucasus, they're always the type to carry knives and pull them out in fights. Hard to tell modern-day Russians and their Caucasian friends apart though.

Can any Russian user chime in?

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they are same shit

Niggers are like cockroaches, incapable of accomplishing anything other than infesting and destroying the works of more civilized and capable creatures. On the other hand, Russians are like Skaven. They are fully capable of building great works and accomplishing amazing feats, but these things will be done in a way that will blow up in their faces and kill everyone involved 50% of the time. So Russians are better than niggers, but still pretty fucked.

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Go watch the video retard, the attackers look like complete shitskins, very likely not Russian in the first place.

the guy survived, apparently

hello, lying subhuman r*ssian leech in the UK

1st dude who started to throw punches was 100% r*ssian
2nd is 50/50, might be either russian/chechen

also, watch this typical nigger behavior

atleast they speak russian

based and brain pilled

>people just walk away as their friend is viciously stabbed in the neck

what the fuck is wrong with people, did the word "loyalty" completely dissapear from modern dictionaries?

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that “Russian” looked an awful lot like a sand nigger.

Why the fuck is he wearing a gorka?

nigga in Russian Federation there's like 500 ethnic groups. Russia is at the same European, Caucasian and Asian.

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If this happened in america he would have been shot to death.
Thank god they dont have that many guns in russia

Russians are the result of what happens when the Jews destroy a country. They are completely degenerate addicts, all their women are whores and their men are alcoholic gangsters who only care about money. After the Bolsheviks there and the death of the Czar and his family, there are no real Russians left, just the rotten afterbirth of Communism.

Soviet (Jewish) comissars executed all intelligent and wealthy Russians. Russia died in 1917, what we have today is just a zombie of Russia.

That Czechoslovakian got his revenge on the interior decorator.

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whoa, good morning

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why did he stab him? he looked like he was just drunk and already got beat up, didn't even do anything

>why do niggers attack people

AH ! Just saw the video on best gore nice timing friend

true, I guess I shouldn't assume slavs are anything but albino niggers

>capable of building great works and accomplishing amazing feats, but these things will be done in a way that will blow up in their faces and kill everyone involved 50% of the time.
Soooo Russians = Chinese .

Russians were always fucking imbeciles. Their whole history revolves around those idiots following political figures that burn their country to the ground.

When did you get so smart, Vorenus?

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Meant to reply to

He was Chechnyan, he felt his honor was disrespected and so the fat guy needed to die (he lived).

Dont mess with a guy holding a knife ,fucking drunk idiot

Russians had beautiful architecture, literature and music, art before the Bolsheviks murdered all the educated class. Tchaikovsky for example is on the same level a Beethoven or Mozart.

Why, he is merely parroting my insights in the matter.

first it's not Moscow
second it's not regular
third hello Ahmed the Shill, how are ya?

those caucasus and central asian savages here in Russia are like mexicans un US. they do shitty work and get busted by the police all the time. literally sub-civilised mudslime barbarians with sub 80 IQ. no one stick with them (Im not talking about 1-2% of our white trash) because it's like communicating with niggers. also we call them "black-ass" and consider as blacks.

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Quickly, that escalated.

It's sand niggers

this guys in gorka are veteran (I can see it by his tattoos) and luckly he did survive and almost not injured (his eye is still questionable)

he was standing up for the girl (you can hear her voice on the vid) those monkey were trying to harass.

based non-arab russian muslims in action ladies and gentlemen

hey fucker how is your single mom? get lost omega sub-male faggot.

The Nose put anyone with a brain in the gulags, they are left with the dregs, the skulkers, the naer-do-wells.
Born nation wreckers, those filthy kikes.

hello r*ssian subhuman

congratulations, your first phrase is a literal lie
It's happened here:

lol, we have entire board run by a r*ssian shill and tonns of threads created with the sole purpose to make your shithole look better

also, you are no better than mudslimes/niggers.

Send them to China for 'reeducation camp'.

His conversation with a policeman later in the clinic:
- They harassed a female. I made a remark to them
- "Hey listen, come over here" [with a heavy

>That kike with the Belgian flag is posting again


Christ, right in the face after the guy was already down..

Solntsevo is not Moscow you nigger
ok so let me guess, you're not Ahmed thats for sure, cuz I can smell diaspora immigrant looser.

still hurts, fagget lmao?

>Everything is a Russian op
Take meds

I see your point Tex but If the other guy has a knife and a friend and I don't have a knife and my friend's been stabbed I'm going to make the calculated decision to skedaddle and get help for my friend rather than get stabbed.

i wonder where that faggot is that said i was projecting after i said that chechens slaughter russian cucks like animals in the last russia hate thread? lmao what a cuckold piece of shit country

When I saw the vid first I thought he was stabbing him in his neck.

If the guy with knife was harassing the girl i would be fucking pissed.

it looked for sure like a chechen

Oh look, it's the nth Russia hate thread of the day. That's cool i guess

the niggers of europe. nothing more to say

Go knight, lose sight

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The one doing the stabbing is a shitskin, is anyone surprised?

It's literally genetic, anyone denying it at this point is a fucking imbecile.

Solntsevo District (Russian: paйóн Cóлнцeвo) is a district of Western Administrative Okrug of the federal city of MOSCOW, Russia.

lol, r*ssian subhuman has literally no shame - lying despite facts provided

yeah, i thought about going to petersburg this year and think i'll pass on the gratuitous and complementary stabbings that accompany just being alive in russia.

for fuck sake that man was already knocked out, typical devolved behavior not even suited for gopniks.

russian cuckld laws. cant own guns, cant kill in self defense unless you get attacked. forcing complete dependancy on police who dont do fucking shit except give drugs to innocents to jail them for them or arrest people for their social media posts that criticize putin and yet get bigger salary than most other professions. completely fucking dog shit country with no hope of reabilitation. i hope it burns to the ground

>their friend
They may not actually be friends or acquainted. The guy is probably some drunk staggering about where people gather. Such people exist in all cities, and usually are pretty harmless (if a little annoying). He certainly didn't deserve that.

I never pretended that slavs were human

lmao, i like how it's all finns that are whining about this boogeyman.

Have you actually been there? I have ( a few times). Most of them are just normal people, like anywhere else.

Jesus Christ! This is fucking grim.

>talking shit about muslims killing people
my dude, your non-country is literally a muzzi nest

There's some crazy Russian skin head videos out there where they are killing innocent homeless to death

Have the attackers been caught?

To be honest no. But I work with a lot of Russian ex-pats and most of them, especially to women, are shit people.

also let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to protect random whores who walk around during nighttime, asking to be raped by niggers

I really wish your grandfather had found his way under a Panzer.

>The one doing the stabbing is a shitskin, is anyone surprised?
>It's literally genetic, anyone denying it at this point is a fucking imbecile.

your a fucking coward if your watching your friend get stabbed and you don't do shit.

no he wasn't lol watch the video again. at this point, russian/chechens are niggers, so you're right at the end

Let this be a lesson as to why you should carry a gun.

I have this webm lol, but it's too big for Jow Forums

r*ssians are like niggers, reliable endless supply of gore videos

i wish i could ameribro, but russians are born to be cucks and the laws forbid guns or self defense in general, see

well you gotta upload it to a streamable filesharing site

That's just sad. I hope you will see one day a good governance without corruption and kleptocracy. I'll keep my fingers crossed, Slavbrother.

this thread is being slid hard

those two guys were white, the guy in the white shirt even looked like a skinhead with his outfit

it's russians killing russians, nothing out of the ordinary here

>Why do we keep pretending that r*ssians are any different from niggers?
Because we are not liberals who think all races are the same

>nothing out of the ordinary here
you forgot your VPN bro

I use to think russians where tough guys. But I have realized that they are just as cucked as western europeans, and they allow chechens and other minorities to walk all over them. Why are chechens even allowed to exist outside of chechnia?

he may be white to an inexperienced european who thinks muslims are all brown and shit, but it's fairly obvious to any russian that he's not actually russian. his monkey accent also gives it away

Its getting like that here too. Luckily there are 350 million guns between the people and forced disarmament.

What disgusting subhuman niggers. Russia is shit. THANKS COMMUNISM! THANKS KREMLIN! Fucking muddy niggers

Also killing is very baste. We need to become Aryan übermensch and kill subhumans.

>killing innocent homeless to death

As opposed to killing the homeless to life?

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Can't stop projecting can you? Just because you have cuckold fantasies doesn't mean everyone else does.

> falling for shills

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This. And its funny seeing the other subhuman defend this > b b b b but! Das not mawskow das not normal!! Lol russia is a 2nd world piece of shit that is crumbling before our eyes and i love it. Let them kill each other

i disbelive did they all get goulaged?

nice video CIA we know your fake actors when we see them

oh there he is!

he was slurring his words, he didn't have an accent

just from the video quality alone, you can make out that the guy has light brown hair and the same complexion as the dude, who's also clearly russian

go slide another fucking thread, putin youth

I bet your family hates you.

> aa h uuu b b but so based and white

Yea yea shills, right nigger??? Second world dump. Keep living those kremlin fairytales and finish off that menshevik cock

take your pills, boomer

He probably is one, Vlad. They arrive in groups with vpns when one of them makes a thread.

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Of course he did, there is no brain in there to stab.

> imagine getting on a proxy and claiming its a fake cia video

Hahahahahaha you are a failure like your nigger commie father and his father and his father etc. menshekike orthodog

lmao, thanks for the screencap commission, goy!

I can find plenty of videos of russians slaughtering chechens. Go outside, go have sex, get a girlfriend, go do sport.