i listen mostly to hardstyle. thoughts? hardstyle has a range of harder raw tracks and lighter euphoric tracks as well as lighthearted meme stuff and anthems. anthems are like the theme song for a music festival. try a variety of tracks if you would like. because of the complexity you need decent audio gear and it's an acquired taste like classical music.
mainly synthwave shit. used to be into fashwave but its pretty dead now
Noah Hill
whatever swans is
Christian Collins
serbian turbofolk is the only answer maybe arctic monkeys too
Connor Martin
There's only one right music genre if you consider yourself a true man of integrity and that is Hip-Hop.
Adam Jones
Hotline is the best. Check out carpenter brut
Aaron White
Hip hop is for girls. Real men listen to extreme metal and other extreme music genres. Fast music makes you active, it makes u feel like a real man. Lazy hiphop is only for passive retards.
Justin Bennett
WAYS OF DISCOVERING MUSIC FIRST, download soulseek.com
1-discogs.com/sell/list?audio=1 1.1-Discogs site list albums and artists, like a imdb for albums. They also allow you to sell used (or not) records, while selling an album you can include a sample of the audio. Go to this link, pick a genre (or not) and try the album samples listed there. Its a easy and quick method. Then download at soulseek or if you want buy it.
2-tastekid.com/ 2.1-Add some movie, game, tv show, book (but NOT music, I wont tell the reason why SPECIFICALLY YOU READING THIS TEXT shouldnt add music, would make the text too long) and click to get music recommendations based at that, try the artist at youtube or try to find his site and try his songs. If you like download it at soulseek.
3-rateyourmusic.com/misc/random 3.1-This site is another imdb for music. Create an account at the site (you dont need to use it) and open the link (need an account to do that) you will get an random musical release, if you dont know the release try it at youtube and if you like download soulseek. Do this as much as you want.
4-rateyourmusic.com/recs/auto/USERNAME 4.1-Create an account and download and rate alot of albums using step 3, after some amount of albums the link 4 will give you recommendations. Download the ones you can find at soulseek and rate them, after rating them open the link at 4 and do it again as much as wanted. If link 4 dont give you recommendation, open link 3 and rate stuff you receive, until link 4 give you recommendations you can find at soulseek. 4.1.1- Try to not RATE stuff you already know, wont give the entire detail it to not create a HUGE text, but try to not do it, if you DO it, counterbalance by rating alot of albums from link 3.
$b & death grips can fall under that description, but ghost actually raps about redpilled stuff. Also i was just finding examples of more metal type hip hop to prove that other user wrong.
Hva faen feiler deg danske fitte, si det til fjeset mitt lille tispe
Ethan Gutierrez
It's cute that you think the party lifestyle isn't the mind control.
Based/redpilled genres are MAYBE Neofolk (escape those that praise the ethinic globalist nazi regime) Martial Industrial Onkyokei (but thats will be too 2deep4some) Ebm Dark Folk Traditional Folk Electro industrial
Ryder James
Palästinalied Horst Wessel Serbian war propaganda
Juan Green
What the fuck are you saying amerifren , where did i mention party culture
Holy shit just fucking neck yourself. Classical is acquired because you have to understand music at the conceptual level for it to make sense. "Hardstyle" is only acquired in the sense that extreme fetish trap porn is an acquired taste. You just gravitate to it after you've gotten burned out on the more tame garbage. Classical is high art, electronic is vernacular shit.
The gulf between classical and hardstyle is exponentially wider than the gulf between hardstyle and nightcore, a genre where you just take a song and speed it up in audacity, and that's it.
Daniel Thompson
>muh art Yikes
James Ortiz
We are In thread about 'Based and red pilled music.' no? The culture that music creates is the mind control. >It goes like this, the fourth the fifth. This user gets music.
Hip-hop is very heavy on the lyrics. You have to actively listen to it, which requires lots of brainpower. Needless to say rap is modern poetry. Only a pleb would disagree.
Fair enough but i also think theres more ways to mind control hence why I didn’t get your reply, but its all good. I for one can’t stand “pop” and other mainstream shit. Never did and it might have saved my life
Carson Davis
Wagner. Check out Götterdämmerung, Siegfried's funeral music.
Here it is used in John Boorman's Excalibur, the moment King Arthur is killed by Mordred and had Percival take the sword of power back to the Lady of the Lake.
Because im proving him wrong? Not all “hiphop” is mellow thats all im saying. >Waah waah I cant see the word suicide wiithout crying to mommy
Joshua Foster
Checked. Naw, we cool. Unfortunately, language itself is the mind control. " The day you teach the child the name of the bird, the child will never see that bird again." Krishnamurti Music is just another 'Language'. Spoken through tools in the form of instruments. I believe it to be a combination of all things media.
Matthew Perry
>ghostmane >redpilled you best be fucking kidding nigger UH YEAH SODOMY UH YEAH FUCK A BITCH UH YEAH I DONT HAVE NO FRIENDS AND I DONT CARE UH YEAH