Germany prosecutes 96-YEAR-OLD man for Holocaust denial.
Yes, Germany!
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all will be settled
It's "Germany YES" and I can't even say that I disagree. What a fucking sham. Like this guy is still going to be a threat to anybody.
Imagine thinking you're a "good, moral, free nation" while throwing old people in prison for having an opinion on a historical event.
Meanwhile the eternal enemies of Europe keep murdering germans by proxy and no one bats an eye. Fucking burgers need to be lumped together with the muslims they import and the jews they do it for.
>1. jews kike christcuck burgers into doing their bidding
>2. burgers do said bidding, which is to keep Europe disarmed and under occupation
>3. jews and burgers import sandniggers and regular niggers to genocide and replace the natives
Europe can't rid itself of either semite menece without lumping burgers on European soil together with the other enemies. It's sad but it's the truth.
when you borna after the event know better what happened than actual witness of the times. that's the essence of what lies ahead of us
People think it's Germans who do this to themselves, but Germany does not have their own government by law until 2099. It's an anglo-burger occupation government. By UN law. Until 2099. Look it up, it's true.
if it's made a crime there is a state record of the numbers of people who lived through it and say it didn't happen
think about it
He should have been purged alongside his fellow buddies. The allies were too forgiving on the matter.
only pol would have a problem with people prosecuting ACTUAL NAZIS
you know, the people who killed 12 MILLION INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS? what the fuck is wrong with you racist incels
but karl was not prosecuted for war crimes but for speaking the truth :0
They’re won’t be any Germans left by then. I really wish this hellscape of a world could just be put down already.
I think these old people are starting to say fuck it and try to get people to realize this garbage
Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether or not "MUH HOLOCOSTS" happened. What matters is that it is the only historical event that is illegal to question. An unprecedented idea which, in a modern context, admits two things:
1) There is hostile intent by a body of people against anyone who dares to question the prevailing orthodoxy
2) They stand to benefit from this inability of you to scrutinize them
Protecting "the holocaust" from scrutiny under penalty of law is absolutely no different than medieval laws which prevented serfs from questioning whether aristocrats were ordained to their position by god. It was simply a control method to insulate the ruling class.
Who is the ruling class today?
stalin killed his own people through conscription and starvation you fucking asshole faggot
>Asked about the Holocaust, Munter disputed the figure of six million deaths, exclaiming, “But there weren’t that many Jews in our country!”
There are jews on record stating the exact same thing.
They didn’t kill nearly enough.
>medieval laws which prevented serfs from questioning whether aristocrats were ordained to their position by god
>Jews are gods chosen people
It all makes sense now.
Come on goy it's nice and diverse now for you
I'd prefer to prosecute you. For the high crimes of being a retard, your sentence is to be chained, naked, and raped until death.
>”This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper.”
This man was born to put undesirables in prison not the other way around, how dare they.
Why should we care about dead kikes anyway? They are not European anyway
this. I hope servicemen of Mongrel US Forces get blowed up by arabs and niggers in a coming decade
Jewish fucks. The UK and USA still occupy Germany with jews in charge.
what kind of jewish gutter press is this?
Holohoax is a scam
Germany bends to the will of the powerful zionist fundamentalists, the ones that support Israel's kikery and Kalergi's plan.
I DENY the holoHOAX, try prosecuting me Shlomo.
why should his age save him from a sentence?
Many zionists are traitors who need to GTFO to Israel.
In November 2015, at the age of 87, she was sentenced to ten months' imprisonment for Holocaust denial.[6] Several additional convictions in the fall of 2016 led to further such sentences. She has unsuccessfully appealed all sentences,[7][8] since 7 May 2018 she is serving her latest 2-year jail sentence after being picked up at her home by German police.[9]
Oy bey, andi-seminism :DDD
Benil :DD
>Live in America
>Get to say the holocaust never happened with no consequences
>Get to legally shoot and kill anyone who sets foot on my property if I deem them a trespasser or a threat
lmao, fuck jews
If that were true, why did those occupation forces grant us reunification?
Why is he even still alive? Admitted to perpetrating war crimes on 'innocent' people. It doesn't matter if a train was derailed if the people he willfully and unrepentantly (not a word i know) rounded up for slaughter had nothing to do with said derailment. And you know what? Even if they did. Fuck him and the horse he came in on because he was the invader. What did these assholes expect? A good time?
>make a claim
>someone calls bullshit on it
>put that person in jail
why do we put up with this shit? how can anyone look at laws like that and think "yeah that makes sense"
Oy vey
>replying to this bait
The holocaust never happened. But it will.
You have such a pleasant worldview.
Holy fuck. That’s so infuriating
>why do we put up with this shit?
because we allowed our money supply and governments to be owned by the people who helped foster both world wars and founded israhell.
it's their world until we stand up for ourselves and take it back
It just seems kind of petty to jail a man that old for views he's probably held all his life. All the more since he really just pointed out that the numbers have been exaggerated, which even those tacky memorial signs in the concentration camps now acknowledge.
I guess it all boils down to what choice you made in Skyrim. The Jews do it again!
Which of those two options do you see represented here? How? In whom?
Guilty man. Guilty dragon. Both committed atrocities in youth. Live in relative obscurity for a while. Many years later the fate of them are in the hands of others. Whether they should be punished for past crimes or not. I understand its not a perfectly flush comparison, but it is quite similar.
It works when you have the context, just came a bit out of left field is all. Past attempts to interfere with this manner of tribunal have rarely gotten anywhere. I wonder if anyone involved with them could be said to be born good.
No arguments here, but the man has already admitted to carrying out crimes against humanity. Then instead of retiring from the world and contemplating truth, he instead starts talking about it and trying to justify it. Breaking laws that he most certainly knows are on the books. Lets be honest. This guy is pushing his luck.
What a joke this world has become