I honestly feel sorry for him.
I honestly feel sorry for him
servians are the garbage of the world
Proxy jew
I don't. Fuck that guy for being the muh Russia figurehead. I hope he gets Arkancided.
This creep strung us along with his Russia bullshit and barely eeked out, "there was no collusion".
He's ruined the lives of countless innocent people and he's a fucking parasite. He's filth, and he needs to fuck off and die.
He could have said no when he was offered the job. Fuck him, his family and friends. And to think with was a United States Marine earlier in his life.
dont feel sorry for anyone, kill, arrest, detain all the criminal glowing shills, they are cancer
He literally drove an innocent man to suicide in order to cover for government corruption. The dude is as bad as it gets. I would have had him hung day 1 outside the white house as a warning
I don't, he got us into the Iraq War, let Epstein go with a slap on the wrist, involved in Uranium One.
I hope the mother fucker gets indicted in the future and his geriatric, bummbling ass lives out the rest of his shitty life in GITMO.
He's an asshole. He should have shut it down as soon as he had nothing.
But no, he dragged it out for two years, destroyed other people's lives by malacious prosecution: forcing people into choosing to plead guilty or bankrupting their families. This asshole made millions off of this.
NO. FUCK THAT GUY. He's did evil.
You'll fit right in on the West Coast and discord servers.
If he doesn't do a redemption arc and throw his handlers under the bus, he belongs in hell.
>I honestly feel sorry for him.
Robert Mueller knowingly lied to the American people and committed perjury when he claimed he had evidence for Iraqi WMDs that didn't exist.
There is no place in hell hot enough for this piece of shit war criminal traitor.
I don't. He's a fucking politician. He entered the octagon and is a conniving weak fighter.
Actually this.
As much as I hate Democrats, this was painful to see as I'm not into torture be it against animals or humans... and this was basically the latter.
Otoh I'm thrilled that this was a huge fucking failure for the Dems and once again they have proven how utterly deranged and crazy they all are! It is literally the best fucking thing that could have happened to Trump, and all this is happening after his tweet, that in and of itself probably won 2020 for him and now THIS!
At this point, 2020 will be like stealing candy from a crippled quadriplegic child.
>As much as I hate Democrats, this was painful to see as I'm not into torture be it against animals or humans
He deserved every second of it. Honestly this man shouldn't be given a minute of peace for the rest of his pathetic life.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the WMD, Whitey Bulger, and Epstien shit.
I don't honestly know everything about his previous shenanigans. I do heard he lied about some WMDs and shit, but this is so often misquoted regarding the Iraq war that I don't know what to think. Then again, I find it hardly relevant, as he is clearly Dem leaning which in and of itself is enough for me to dislike him.
And still, the most important thing is to let them! The harder they try the more damage they self-inflict all the better for any sane American and the World!
And This!
>Feeling sorry for some Deepstate hatchet man
Fuck him
Why , he mercilessly destroyed people’s lives
>Why , he mercilessly destroyed people’s lives
This. The man gives scum a bad name.
This, every fucking abuse of power done by the FBI after 9/11 was with him at the helm.
who suicided themselves?
Pardon my ignorance, but who are you referring to?
Rare flag
The anthrax hoax right after 9/11
he sounded so frail and confused
Robert Mueller is a psychopath. He is callous, mercilessly cruel, and a effortless liar. He is a piece of shit. Except shit can actually be used as fertilizer, so Bob Mueller is in reality lower than shit.
Uhuhuhhh uh uh uhhh uh uhuhh uhuhuhhh
feel sorry for 8 wasted years of obama
ROBERT ''I-i am not familiar um um with um'' MUELLER
ROBERT ''I-i am not familiar um um with um'' MUELLER
My favorite part was when he said he didn't know Fusion GPS.
You’re retarded.
>My favorite part was when he said he didn't know Fusion GPS.
Of course he fucking knew. This is a classic legal tactic people use when lying. Rather than continue that line of questioning, which could get him trapped in a lie, he just claims he can't remember anything.
I don't. He is just setting the stage for the next attack by the deranged Dems. They will claim that Mueller is suffering from Alzheimers, and his impairment made it impossible to conduct a proper investigation. They will use this as their excuse to appoint ANOTHER special prosecutor. These idiots don't stop. We really need to kill them.
The democrats drug mueller into the lions den and he got destroyed. As incompetent and corrupt mueller is It was made clear in the hearing that his staff of corrupt democrats was running the investigation.
career criminal and traitor
Bob Mueller is pulling off his last great lie, and a lot of you are falling for it. He plays the senile old man who can't remember anything, therefore he gets away with everything.
This piece of shit knows exactly what he fucking did. Now he's playing the "I don't recall" card with a stupid look on his face and everyone falls for it.
how would mueller know bad it is if he can't remember anything
He was quick as a whip anytime a dem threw him a softball
He's just like that old Mafia don who used to wander around in his bathrobe.
except that lie literally cannot work since its literally the base of the dossier
I mean that is as stupid as seeing a house but not the foundation it stand upon. He fucked up biiiig time, this is genuine perjury since its either that he pretend not to be aware to save his skin (aka perjury) or he pretend he isn't aware of the origin of the very document he cited himself as the credible source within the report he authored, which amount to perjury since he already stated it so by the act of publishing said report.
He didn't think that one thought, he dug his own tomb and he realizing he is already laying in it, and no one gonna give him a hand to pull himself out. He is absolutely fucked. GOP has all the legal justification to go after his ass like a Pitbull after an uppity coon who jumped the fence.
That’s what they want you to feel. The whole thing is to present Mueller as feeble so they can redo the investigation
That's never going to happen
>GOP has all the legal justification to go after his ass like a Pitbull
GOP won't go after him because they rely on the profits of the military industrial complex too. Russiagate is the greatest farce, and it's not even really about Trump and Hillary, although it start as such.
There are a lot of cybersecurity government contractors who are licking their lips right now because the mouthbreathing rank and file democrats are now willing to throw money at them to save them from putin.
Don’t much like that kike Drudge anymore, but he had a quality tweet about this earlier:
“Drug test everyone in Washington. Everyone!”
Mueller made a fool of himself by not stating the obvious conclusions, but it is now clear that Trump can be prosecuted after he leaves the office of the Presidency.
He was obviously acting... this was good kikery.
Oh you again, you've been posting that shit about cybersecurity all fucking day and no one gives a shit about it, comes back as a OP with ample proof and maybe then people will listen.
>but it is now clear that Trump can be prosecuted after he leaves the office of the Presidency.
So should we also prosecute Mueller for the multiple perjuries he has committed in his career?
>cybersecurity all fucking day
What are you fucking talking about you schizophrenic moose fucker?
I don't. He decided to play games instead of just make it quick and get it over with.
Had he finished and gone "No collusion, no clear evidence of obstruction that can be charged" (Which is the TL;DR of his whole report) he would have finished with dignity and probably be seen as someone that did a thorough job and kept it rather apolitical.
Instead he goes and makes statements like "There's no evidence for the crimes we investigated over, BUT THAT DOESN'T EXONERATE HIM OF EVERY POSSIBLE CRIME EVER" and causing an additional months long storm of nonsense.
How much money was spent?
Was any corruption founded on any politician?
Will anything happen?
Nothing ever happens except taxes spent for fuck all.
And you wonder why people hate you....
Mueller has more balls than your whole shitty family.
His voice was so shaky, but no wonder he's scared...He's caught between (((deep state))) who could murder him or Trump who could end him for treason.
>Mueller has more balls
If by balls you mean the willingness to take bribes from Raytheon. Then yes, Mueller has balls.
you're literally the only faggot talking about that company, while everyone is shitting himself over Mueller shitting the bed like the retard he is. Like, literally the only one, I saw NOBODY else but you post about it. You may pretend it isn't the case, but your post structure make it evident. Also peoples still won't give any more of a shit about what you say.
WtF not one scandal brought up committed by HER????? what a clown show.
I can't understand a word you're fucking saying. You're either drunk or stupid. Either way, I have no interest in talking to you.
I don't