Un-Subscribe from Amazon Prime until Allinity is banned for catch throwing on Twitch

Time to hit Twitch where it counts........the money. Amazon owns Twitch. Getting rid of Prime will hit Amazons bottom line and Twitch's. It's time to take a stand for mens rights.

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nah I like getting things in a day

>Being a cuck that cares about animals

Who fucking cares?
Cats always land on their feet.

its not just about animals its about treating men and women the same on twitch. twitch will ban men for something they wont ban women for. the rules arent applied equally

>being a cuck who cares about women

fuck twitch and fuck you too
this is Jow Forums not your mommy

are you talking about that guy that threw that dog when he was drunk? Throwing a cat is different and she didn't throw it very hard it seems.

twitch is porn for kids. they aren't banning a money maker and the people that give her money only care if she is hot.

what kind of retarded cunt does this

They don't fire their psyop whores. they dig in and double up on their bad behavior to push degeneracy in your face.

which also could backfire on amazon, so go for it. this thread reminded me to cancel prime (they charged me automatically. got that refund.)

What's her twitch I want to donate money to her I like her tits

>thought webm would show a cat getting thrown, but it just shows some chick picking a cat up

Disappointing, desu.

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>Un-Subscribe from Amazon Prime until Allinity is banned for catch throwing on Twitch
No faggot. I don't give a shit about this shit or what you are outraged by.
Kys you fucking loser

Punishing both sexes unfairly isn't the equality I want

>being a edgy fag incel who dont care about animals

>some chick on a gaming site threw a cat
Imagine this being the battle you have chosen

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no im talking about this


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Who the fuck cares about cats being tossed?

>what battle will I choose as my crusade?
>a woman on twitch tossing a cat across the room

Have sex

Sup Mohammed.

>catch throwing
et tu, la creatura?


Literally who?

>saving thousands a year in shipping costs
>next day delivery
Oh yes, let me cuck myself and cancel Prime.

>Expecting a bunch of incels to stop watching an e-whore.
lmfao, okay bud.

Have sex you fuckling incel

Jow Forums. Jow Forums takes cat very seriously.

Keem is getting weirdly obsessed with Alinity.

What she needs to be banned for is being a T.H.O.T

Whats up subhuman?

you know she fucks niggers right?

>abusing cats
The pharaoh will have her beheaded.

Kids do this all the time, and we all know thots have the mind of a child

So what

>be cat
>fucking around keyboard while mommy is playing game
>get tossed across the room
Cat deserved it.

Can someone fill me in here folks? What's wrong with hefting your cat off your lap? They land on their feet and will just climb back on later



then all the more reason?

>Time to hit Twitch where it counts
No, its time to keep ignoring stupid fucking e-thot shit. Betcha youre a faggot who donates mommys money to e-whores, aintcha?

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>he literally betrays his race (the human race) for the sake of a lesser animal

faggot. I just subscribed $50 a month to her patreon. Have sex incel.

Lmao, just unsubbed from prime yesterday because I didn't like paying $13 a month when I only buy 1 thing from them a month.

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lol twitch. if you're dumb enough to waste your money on that shit (even on dr. disrespect), you're a faggot that should be put down.

Does anyone have the version of this picture where it looks like you're going to punch in a command to restart a failed computer program

1945.exe excectue y/n

something like that. it might not be this picture but post anyway

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>meme flag

This. Everyone and their retarded kid sister plays vidya.
Paying people when already fulfilling their narcissism by hanging out,
The "honest" way for college grads to earn a living ripping off their future subordinates.

>There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany among the country's leadership. Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected. Many Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hermann Göring, were supporters of animal rights and conservation.
The eternal burger strikes again

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Those vermin jump from higher than thT

>Using twitch watching other people play video games online.

OP is a summer fag.

its more than vidya now, brah.

Don’t give a shit what happens to this whore but the outrage mob bullshit is as tiresome as ever. The cat was fine.


Cat didn't even die please delete your thread.

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the cat toss is an old Egyptian sport
how dare you

Yes I'm sure that the $8000 this effort will cost Amazon will spur them to action.
Why give a fuck?

I got you senpai

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fuck off faggot

This is how the glowing ones destroyed 4chans raid culture.

Dont forget to mention that you DEMAND THAT they remove all stored Data about your activities and especially cit ate the European data protection act!!!!!! This must be as const intensive as possible for amazon,

fuckin legend

but I like prime video


and destroying the life of E-Whore!!!!
Dont forget that!!!

Not your personal army faggot. Raids happened cause they were funny not because you made a shit thread about some gay moralfaggot tripe.


Shut up you waste of oxygen.

Never forget Jow Forums loves cats.

Nekos are our frens!

>Amazon Prime

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>being ((subscribed)) to any service except internet in the first place.

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And every other post is a glow dissuading raid culture, just look at the thread , this is not the same pre 2010 board its all glows and reddit provacateurs posing as actual old and new fags.

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yeah it's a nonissue. twitch gives women special treatment. okay, that's unfair, but there are much larger issues than twitch streamer drama

holy fuck you LSF fags are unbearable she didnt abuse her cat

Who fucks with cats IS A FUCKING NIGGER!

Get back to r.e.d.d.i.t.

It was kinda messed up and shows how careless and sociopathic she is, but I think this is getting a little blown out of proportion. It’s not egregious animal cruelty.

Look at how this one uses reason to validate his cuckoldry NYPA was started by glows because they saw a thousand script kiddies as a threat . Look pass thhe surface fellow anons they all convey an agenda.

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you deserve the rope nigger.

You could simply stop watching/streaming on twitch? Sounds kinda stupid to boycott Amazon prime though...

She threw a cat? That's based who is she?

Btw cats can fall from many stories and not get hurt. My cat used to fall off my parents deck all the time and that was like at least 20 feet and be completely fine.

I wonder who would sponsor this post.

Glow niggers all around and the worst thing is they are r.e.d.d.i.t.o.r.s!

Not your personal army newbie. You were just 8 years old in 2010 so fuck off loser

no just stop using Twitch
there are other streaming sites

You shouldn't be giving a dime to seditious jews in the first place
>inb4 Bezos isn't a jew!
Nobody gets that wealthy without the tribe's approval or assistance. Boycott all jewish industries

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>Tripfaggot schizoposter
Boycots aren't raids faggot.

you think the cats life matters? what are you a cuck?
probably why you were watching an e thots stream in the first place

> Un-Subscribe from Amazon Prime

I don't even buy there anymore.
Since years.

No, not because I'm super edgy.
It's because they massively sell returns as new.
Even if they are obviously used and damaged.
Fuck those kike bastards.
They all must die.

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cats need a minimum high to net get hurt at that is ca. 3 meters so they can turn around!
This is a deadly assault against a cute nekko FREN! And you want to rationalize the whores behavior!

Baiting me to release what info? . Glow harder

Tomatoes arent potatoes

This isn't 2008 faggot no one cares about cats.

neko lifes do matter they are useful unlike niggers.

Cats protect us form ((((Rats)))) and (mice) and all the illness they bring like subverting nations and nigger death.

But niggers and women are useless!

I don't give a shit about you faggot. I don't give a shit about twitch and i will be keeping my Amazon prime membership.
Cry harder faggot. Nobody is raiding anything.

I'm pretty sure that girl is fucking an executive or something. She should've been banned LONG before any cat throwing shit she did.

Fucking saved. She did lift it with both hands though. Cats jump around all the time, if some of you were cats you might understand this is a way for a cat to learn where not to trod. Wouldn't do it with a dog, but for a cat it's a physical lesson, and unless the bitch has high heels all over the floor behind her, it probably landed on something soft.

Some dumb bitch throws a cat and you want to boycott a multibillion dollar international company. What are you fucking huffing Bruce.

cats are gay and for fags
real men have dogs

>getting bootyboosted over a fucking cat
That cunt should be arrested for marriage fraud though.