You don't really hate us that much, do you, user?

You don't really hate us that much, do you, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

luv the queen
luv pints
‘ate leafs
simple as

I hate myself

they're just mad because we won the shitposting war and unlike australia we tell americans to fuck off

day of the rake ye fookin fuckleafs

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Who cares? Grow a set and man up. I could give 2 shits what anyone thinks of me.

Go fuck your dog faggot cuck leaf day of the rake when

I don't even think about you except when I see leafs posting on 4chinz.

I can't hate as I'm half Canadian. My mom is trying to get me to move there with her but I can't do it. 'Murica

ill hate us less when we form a republic with a bill of rights

Proud pedophiles should join with brothers of Islam for Community and training.


A "democracy" of 39% is jew bullshit. The multi party system that they call democracy is fucking bullshit.


One of the only countries with enough balls to tell Saudi Arabia to go fuck themselves

you forgot chang, trudeau, and groceries

thus concludes the extent of antileaf banter

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R-rake us, p-please... While there's still t-..... time...... *cough* Hurry........

No, we barely know you exist

This. Quite possibly the only thing I respect of the leaf government

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You do not know the types of infidels that live in your country.

I hate Canadians. You fucks are a bunch of hypocritical, libtarded cowards & Canada should be seized by the USA.

Why the fuck would you even care? Canada's other national sport, besides hockey, is hating Americans.

t. dual citizen who hates Canada.

>...and Toad looked upon the glory of his work

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Girls want to fuck Muslim guys because we have the least amount of stds.

only a geriatric american larper says infidel

you do not know the kind of homegrown Canadian counter-revolutionaries that exist in Urban areas

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if only.

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I hate what you've become

without universal healthcare, you guys would be weird as fuck.


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Is it the dog blowjobs?

Canada used to be better in the 2000s. If you didn't come then it would be pretty retarded of you to come when there are fuckloads of more brown people and yellows and everything is a notch or two more broken and in decline now. I'm kind of noticing it too in America though so we aren't in a vacuum.

Plenty of Meds in Canada... Italians build the churches and Greeks go to the churches

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I lived in in the midwest for a month for business and lived in an airbnb.
Living in America was barely any different than Canada, just a lot more blacks and better product/restaurant selection. my interactions with people were no different than had I been in Canada.

I hate you in much the same way I hate when a gnat hovers about my head on a hot summers day.

Annoying as hell, but at the end of the day, completely irrelevant and unimpactful in any meaningful way.

oh jesus crhist your white elites hated you since like the fucking 60's

even your masters hate you leafs

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Are you some pajeet or something I don't underatand this comment. Yeah the elites love you brown retards a ton quite the departure from the rest of the world who all worship white skin.

You should see what diversity based hiring practices does to an intelligence agency lol. Imagine it goes like this 10x worst than racist 2 black guys are perfect for the position but 1 Asian guy is there too but he's vastly less qualified, so they hire only 1 qualified black dude.

a fucking leaf


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i do
if i could id drown every leaf in a shallow puddle with my bare hands
i want america or russia to take us over
i will even betray my own people finding hideouts and telling the invaders
i will make sure that im the last leaf alive so i can drag all you motherfuckers to hell with me

Canada doesn't even have an intel agency as far as I know. CSIS is a meme we aren't important enough on the geopolitical scale to warrant high level spying and most of our org are just there to take tips from the US security agencies and arrest people.

You used to be cool. Now you got the ghey

Oof, I hope America doesn't troll you with some MK ultra sleeper cells. New low visible emittion edition.

But you don't believe in things like this.

I know they're following me and others too already fuck it.

You're both good guys lol. And you're buddies. No one ran Illegal human experiments on children.

America is sooo cool, we get it martshart.

>If literally who was a country

You're both low IQ and could get outplayed in the intelligence game by a bronze League Player. Just saying lol hiring practices. They favor inbred British fags.

Litteraly the only thing you guys didn't fuck up was the judges lol. That's how well your countries are ran.

This is the honest opinion of Americans about Canada. If you are living in America and thinking about Canada its only momentarily if ever.

Yah cuz you're all too busy to ever worried about making money and who's stalking you.

They don't have to, we hate ourselves enough

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Fuck off, pita nuts

Is Canada still lib cucks? Because more left wing the country the faster the race war begins.

Yes, and the conservative party is going further and further left. Same bullshit about climate change, diversity, etc.

then you won the contract to develop the recolonization video game
we need to motivate the public to recolonize places like
the Philippines
South Africa
these women need more white cock in their lives

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Senpai, I saw you at school today,
Took your picture then I snuck away,
I want you to notice me
But I'm just someone you don't.

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Let's find out

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