What color do you think the baby's gonna be pol?

Also white women age like shit she looks like she's 64.

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What color are retards?

all babies are human coloured


Well her dad was already a nigger so its anyones guess.

Go home bait, you’re drunk.


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Posted today. Literally lying to people that women can have kids past the age of 40 and that it's just as easy.

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How did this bint manage to stay childless till 44, there wasn't a single guy who wouldn't have "Torn" into her back in the day.

Oh right, I forgot about Americans

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Inb4 black.
Because they’re never around to be actual fathers.

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That kid will become a full on screeching turbo autist, summerfag in 16 years.

Who cares about color? The real question is from a scale of Autism to Down's, how fucking potato will the kid be.

Are we to presume that her hymen and butthole are un torn?

Even if the father was a white donor, at least 50% swarthy looking.

first my thought was "black", but since its an IVF, it will be most likely white and retarded, so it doesnt really matter, since it will turn out a nigger in both cases

I was born from IVF to my mother when she was 44. I'm alright and she's aged well so it's not so bad...

>women, 44y/o
>untorn hymen and butthole
dude ...

cucked.com is run by retards that don't understand any human biology and assume that all women can afford ivf and its 100% success rate.

>i am alright
>is browsing Jow Forums
user, i have bad news to tell

it will be potato colored

Oh fuck off kraut

It's all a ruse. I am the hung white bull who bred her. Great girl, really nice time. She just wanted to seem progressive and asked me to not talk about it openly, but on a westphalian shipwrights forum I can open about it since no one reads these threads anyway. Feels good to get that off my chest, thanks.

i’m torn but prob black

modern medicine makes it pretty easy. doctors told my mom she would never have kids and she had numerous miscarriages before having me at 32. 4 years later she gave birth to my sister and 6 years after that she gave birth to my brother at 42

>mark of the jew digits
I'm pretty sure we are the sane ones satan

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Ah 40+. The age where childless females start to panic because their clock is ticking too loudly and they are seeing the last remains of their beauty detoriating, trying anything to fill that black depressing hole in their life that is babymaking.

>i’m torn

Id still leave her naked on the floor

kid will turn out like my aunt's kids did from being born to a mother at such an advanced age: paper thin and Asperger's. id say it should be a crime to impregnate/birth after 30 but only whites would incur that restriction

guess she wasn't torn about the decision

She probably had stupid high standards when she was younger, she only resorted to IVF since her bio clock is 5 minutes til midnight and high quality men in her age bracket are already taken/ have better choices than her.

Hahahahahaha fucking bint. I love Brit slang.

Great. Unless you hate your siblings? Were it in vitro for all 3 of you guys?

That must have been hella expensive.

> id say it should be a crime to impregnate/birth after 30 but only whites would incur that restriction
Lawmakers need to accept certain biological truths and certain activist lobbies need to be broken before that can successfully be implemented.

When there's Depression 2.0 people won't want to have kids and the medical resources will be spent on trauma and disease rather than fertility.

Damn, did she age bad. 44 and looks like she's 50.
>What color do you think the baby's gonna be pol?
White, of course. Who could possibly be so stupid to choose making a nigger out of IVF?

>Who could possibly be so stupid to choose making a nigger out of IVF?

imagine your mom is 62 when you graduate high school.
wtf lol
anyway the more women who have live, nonretarded babies at a later age the more the species will be able to have late in life children. sad but at least were becoming elves.
also normal photos are not television magazines or instagram

Looking up IVF it seems all the ugly white women opt for having white children

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>Natalie Imbruglia
>preggo at 44

looks like that pussy gonna get TORN by a c-section in a few months

>What color do you think the baby's gonna be pol?
Shes got mad cash. She obviously chose a Chad donater with Blonde hair, Blue Eyes, and a chin that could chisel mountains. But she won't reveal that, because that would make her a racist for no fuckign reason.

>guess she wasn't torn about the decision
Mild kek was had. I'll throw you an upboat.

It's going to be white, obviously.

Why would would a woman request a Negro sperm donor? I've never heard of such a thing.

>Also white women age like shit she looks like she's 64.

she looks 50 at most

>the more women who have live, nonretarded babies at a later age the more the species will be able to have late in life children.

possible but actually women always had children late in life too. Before the pill was invented the had children from marriage (which was usually between 16 and early twenties) and menopause. I know an old man who was born during second world war. He had 13 siblings and his mother had his youngest sibling at 45.

white of course.
You don't virtue signal when your only chance at reproduction is on the line.

IVF: 25% success rate.

> pretty easy
> numerous miscarriages

What gets me is they still won't compromise on a man. Then say "fuck it. I'll choose a sperm sample from a book".